Last Saturday, Lydia and I had a Yes day as we honored Dave’s ninth anniversary of being in Heaven (Sunday). She was so excited to call the shots! While we certainly miss him, we chose to celebrate instead of being sad.
To start, Lydia woke up at 6:50 a.m. which is pretty early for her on a Saturday! She asked if she could have a small cookie for breakfast. “Well… YES!!” I said. We never do that, so I wasn’t too worried about it.
While she ate her cookie, and I ate peanut butter toast, we finished a movie we started the night before. Then, we made a plan for the day. Lydia had a long list of things she wanted to accomplish!
Our first stop was PetSmart, just to look around. We saw some fish and some kittens for adoption. Next door, Lydia wanted to have a shopping spree at Michael’s. Thankfully, she had a gift card and was able to buy a couple of art organizers and some Washi tape.
Then, we went to Ulta because I had a gift card. (She cheerfully agreed to let me hijack her day.) As I looked around, Lydia found some blue fake stick-on nails. Not my fancy, but of course, I said yes!
After that, we ate lunch at Panera. We each had a You-Pick-Two salad and flat-bread pizza. I offered to share, but Lydia wanted her own. She laughed when I pointed out that we both took home leftovers!
The mall was next on her list. She wanted to go to a candy-and-toy store and Bath and Body Works. We also walked to one end to see the fountain and the other end to see some puppies. I asked if we could stop at the kitchen store for some chili-infused garlic oil and jalapeno lime vinegar. A patient told me about the combination, and I was not disappointed!
We made a few purchases at the mall before heading off for boba tea. I really didn’t want to try it, but I asked questions to help Lydia decide what to order. In the end, it sounded interesting after all! Lydia ordered a fruity tea with fruit bobas. I tried a tea with milk and ‘brown sugar boba’… a little hard to describe, but tasty! We each brought home our drinks to enjoy later.
We went home to regroup and put our leftovers away. We put on Lydia’s nails; the process was a little confusing at first but ended up being easy. We also attached some little charms to her Crocs. She was sooo happy and grateful!
We then headed out to a cookie dough and ice cream place. We decided to eat dinner at home first (leftovers) and saved our treats for later. Lydia ended up forgetting about hers in the freezer, which is fine by me. We ended the night by watching the new cartoon movie, “Bad Guys.” We liked it!
I loved spending time with my girl! The idea of a Yes day was based on a book and movie, where the parents say yes to every request (within certain parameters). I enjoyed seeing Lydia’s idea of fun and automatically agreeing to her plan. She already has ideas for whenever her next Yes day comes around!
As a parent, I spend a lot of time saying no, so it was different saying yes for a day. I was able to relax because I wasn’t automatically thinking of all the other things that needed to get done or why something wasn’t possible in the moment. “No, we have to get the laundry done first… No, you can’t do that right now… No, you don’t need another one of those…”
Bedtime ended up being where all of the day’s excitement hit the fan, so to speak. Lydia grew quiet and sad, missing Dave. This happens sometimes and I just roll with it as best I can, praying for wisdom along the way. We shared tears and her final request for a ten-minute massage seemed to help.
At some point in the day, I was reminded of the verse in 2 Corinthians 1:20, which says, “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”
No matter how tough Life gets, God never lets us down. While He doesn’t always say YES to all of our requests, He is always working out the ultimate yes in Christ. We can trust Him to do what is best for us!
God, You are so good. Thanks for always doing what is right for us. Even Your no is a yes in the end! Help us to trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: When was the last time you set aside your to-do list or other expectations to have a yes day or a free day?!
Task: Here is the trailer to the movie, “Yes Day,” in case you want to check it out!
Natalie, I loved this entry. It is certainly relatable for parents, but goes beyond that in reminding us that there is an ultimate “yes” even in God’s “no,s” if we are willing to trust him with our lives.
Thanks for all your beautiful words,
Love, Aunt Maggie
Thanks, Aunt Maggie! Love you!