Sometimes, Life lessons are set into motion long before we need them…
Last year, my mom bought Lydia a pretty new winter coat. The pattern has navy blue and peach hearts with a pair of peach-colored snow pants. Lydia liked it last year, but it was too big.
She continued to wear her old winter coat until this week when we realized she had grown out of it and made the swap. Lydia’s new coat is still slightly big, but it will work well for her. I’m grateful my mom found a deal!
The old blue coat has a huge hole in one pocket and a couple holes elsewhere. The sleeves are also too short and have seen better days. Instead of giving the old coat away, I decided to toss it.
Then, to my surprise, Lydia was absurdly thrilled about getting rid of the coat! She started talking about how bad the old coat had become, how she didn’t even like it anymore, and how she was happy to be “done” with it.
This struck me because I knew how much she loved the coat originally. It was a huge blessing when she received it. So naturally, I turned it into a teaching moment.
I said, “Lydia, don’t forget that old coat served you well. I bought it for you and it kept you warm for two winters! It was a gift you really needed. Don’t you ever hold an old blessing in contempt because you got a new one…”
I didn’t want Lydia to take it for granted or to miss the point. So, I grabbed the coat out of the garbage and decided Lydia could use it for her outdoor play coat. Thankfully, she agreed with me because she plays outside regularly and this will also preserve the new coat. Win-win!
Winter coats are just one example, but I wonder how many times I do the same thing.
It’s certainly good to look forward to upcoming opportunities. In Life, growth is vital, and we will inevitably grow out of some things and into others. At the same time, it seems careless to ditch the old so we can grab the new. We need to find balance.
The difference is gratitude.
When God blesses me with something new, wonderful! Chances are good I will be expecting it based on how He has already prepared me. What a gift!
But, if I am discontent and just searching for what is new, bright or shiny, I risk leaving behind all the lessons I learned… On my own, I will miss the point.
Let’s not despise what God has already done for us. His blessings—both old and new—are just as abundant as His grace. Let’s be grateful for how God has lead us thus far and trust Him as we move forward! Another win-win!
Heavenly Father, thanks for all the blessings You give us! Thank You for Jesus, the best gift ever. Help us find balance as we grow. Keep us focused on what is most important: You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: When anticipating something new, do you find yourself patient or impatient?
Task: In this holiday season of giving and getting, make sure to put Jesus first… the rest will work out as we trust in Him!
I am usually impatient. Even for things that I am not looking forward to. I’d rather just get them over with so I can move on to the better parts. I don’t think this is always the most mature attitude though, and like you mentioned, I don’t want to miss the lessons God has for me even in the harder times.