Kids often have a way of shining light on what is important, through their unique grasp on life. Earlier this week, Lydia and I were driving home late one night after a meeting. We were listening to the radio as we often do.
“Mom, why are they singing about God’s heart being broken…because He loves us?” Lydia sighed, “That doesn’t make sense!”
I hadn’t been paying much attention to the lyrics. Instead, I was thinking about getting Lydia to bed two hours past her normal bedtime. I wish I knew what song she was referring to, but I don’t. I’ll have her tell me next time she hears it.
I wasn’t sure exactly what Lydia meant. Usually, she is so practical…so it was intriguing to think about when love doesn’t make sense. I thought it was quite profound!
“You are right, Lydia. God loved us so much that it broke His heart when sin separated us from Him. That’s why Jesus came!”
I explained that Jesus came to save us and restore our relationship with God. “And for our sins!” Lydia chimed in. I explained that nobody is perfect; we all need Jesus.
You know, sometimes love doesn’t make sense. Sometimes, love hurts. I suppose each person might interpret ‘acts of love’ based on their own needs, love languages, etc.
But God’s love is different. His love is strong and good!
Indeed, we can only love others to the extent that we have experienced His perfect love. When we experience His love and forgiveness, we are changed forever! What grace!
These verses are always a good gut-check for me.
Do I love people with God’s love? Is it for His glory or my own benefit? Do I always believe the best of the person, giving them the benefit of the doubt?
Am I patient and kind? Or am I thinking of myself first, through envy, boasting, and prideful arrogance?
Do I honor others, including their preferences? Do I value their input or do I just want my own way?
Do I celebrate the truth, even when I need to do some soul-searching or make changes?
Am I protecting the reputation of others? Am I full of trust, goodwill, and perseverance? Or am I in it just for what I can get out of the person or situation?
Am I committed long-term or only as long as it puts me in a good position? Am I willing to stick with someone or something without recognition?
Yes, sometimes LOVE does not make human sense! It can be challenging at times. Sure, it would be a lot easier to love people who are kind and patient with me. It would be a lot easier to only love people who treat me like I think I deserve. (Ahem.) It would be a lot easier to love people when it is convenient.
But, praise God that’s not how Christ Jesus loves! His love for us cost Him everything.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV).
Loving others is not about me. I want to share the love of Jesus, so that lives are changed. It doesn’t make “sense” why He would give His life for mine, but I am so thankful He did!
Jesus, thanks for loving me more than Life itself. Thanks for Your merciful sacrifice. Your grace know no bounds. Help me love others the way You do. In Your Name, Amen.
Question: Did anything stand out as you read this post? Have you accepted Jesus’ love into your life?
Task: Using 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (above), put God in place of Love. Example: “God is patient, God is kind…” consider how much He loves you!
Always love to hear what God has laid on your heart. ? Thank you for spending your lunch/day with me. Always puts a smile on my face and a new song in my heart!
Thank you, Joan! I had a good day with you!
Thinking of the chorus:
“He paid a debt He did not owe,
I owed a debt I could not pay.
I needed Someone to wash my sins away.
And now I sing a brand new song,
“Amazing Grace” all day long.
Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay.”
Love that! Thanks for sharing, Donna!
I really liked the gut check questions you posted in the middle of this week’s message. It can be really easy to gloss over verses sometimes and not really think about practical applications, but those questions really help personalize it and put God’s love into a better perspective.
Thanks, Livi!