We spend a fair amount of our time waiting. Waiting for the elevator, green light, and next cash register. Waiting for the mail, waiting for our kids to get dressed, and waiting on the phone for technical support.
Whether we’re waiting for answers, waiting for a promotion, or just waiting for Spring, it’s easy to feel discouraged when we don’t see our circumstances changing as quickly as we want.
While we wait for breakthrough, we can doubt ourselves. Day by day, we can grow discouraged. Am I on the right track? Why did I think I could do this? This is more difficult than I thought. I’ll never finish this…
We can also doubt God in times of waiting. Fear, in combination with doubt, can make us misunderstand our Heavenly Father’s intention toward us. We may feel pretty desperate when we can’t feel His love.
But when I look at life through God’s lens, I see that, quite often, God is waiting for us!! Waiting for us to do what He said (obey), waiting for us to stop trying to control outcomes, waiting for us to have a better attitude…
God only has good in store for us. Instead of giving up on us, He gently coaches us along. If we seek Him while we wait, the time seems to be better spent.
When I think about it that way, it prompts me to consider how closely I am following Jesus. I want to walk in step with Him because then I will be in His perfect timing.
I don’t want to miss anything He has for me!
Praise God, there are several things we never have to wait for. To start, we have immediate access to God’s presence, salvation, and forgiveness. Today is the day of salvation!
We don’t have to wait on God to listen to Him, trust Him, obey Him, gain godly wisdom, or have internal peace. We also don’t have to wait to be kind, gentle, or gracious to others!
God is faithful. He knows exactly what we need…when we need it.
He is not slow in keeping His promises… He is patient with us. His love never fails!
Heavenly Father, thanks for being so patient with me. Help me walk closely in-step with You, Lord. Help me listen and obey as You lead me. Thank you for directing my path! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: What are you waiting for currently? Are you doing everything God has asked you to do?
Task: Determine to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. It may be difficult, but He is eager to help you!
Your posts are always so good but this one really hit home today!! I am so guilty of missing out because I’m waiting for the right time. I miss out on opportunities to share.
Thank you for sharing so often. I look forward to them.
Thanks so much, Joan!
I would not consider myself a naturally patient person, but once I heard a comment on the Fruits of the Spirit that made me think about the words I use to describe myself. This is my loose paraphrase, but they basically said that all fruit begins as a seed and has to be nourished to grow. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, I have a little seed of patience in me b/c of the Holy Spirit and it will grow over time if I allow it to develop. This made me realize that I need to stop using negative words in my thoughts and reactions b/c that does not help me build up my patience muscles.