After a couple of rough weeks (on and off), this week held a few grace-filled surprises! Last week, I was overwhelmed with decisions, partially because I had very little information. This week, I got a few more details.
Soon, I will have to make decisions for and with Lydia, who will attend middle school in August. There will be general registration, course schedules, and filtering through electives.
This week, we learned more about the music option. Previously, they have offered choir, band, orchestra, and general music, but I had heard they discontinued general music for the next school year.
I was hoping for an easy out (such as general music) because I don’t know how it all works. I was never in band or orchestra for a few reasons, including that I generally have no rhythm! So, on top of everything else, it wasn’t a decision I wanted to make.
Well, Monday was the day to try some instruments after school. On my way to pick up Lydia, I said a simple prayer. I asked God to direct our path and make our way clear. I decided to have an open mind, ask good questions, and support Lydia. I went in faith and with expectation!
When we walked into the middle school, we were surprised by how big it was! Lydia was both a little excited and nervous. Thankfully, we ran into a friend, and she pointed us in the right direction. First hurdle down!
Next, we navigated down a long hallway. The first sign we saw was for general music, followed by orchestra, and further down the hall, band. We walked into the first open door: Orchestra. Many people were sampling instruments, and at first, we didn’t know where to go. Then, an eighth grader ran over, introduced herself, and invited us to try her violin. She did a great job explaining all the nuances of her instrument.
Then, a little joking occurred between her and some friends. The friends said Lydia “had” to try the viola because it’s “better” than the violin. “The violin is popular and likes all the attention, but the viola is a team player. It works well with all the instruments!” These girls were very attentive, and one talked for about twenty minutes nonstop, answering all my questions. It was so helpful, and her passion was notable! I was blown away!
I had Lydia try the cello, but she wasn’t that interested in the bass. When I asked her what her favorite was, she said she liked the viola! We went to the band room, and immediately, Lydia said it was too loud for her. I made her walk around and check out the instruments anyway. At my prodding, she tried blowing into the mouthpiece of a flute. But, eventually, we went back to trial the violin and viola again. I wanted her to be sure.
We had the violinist play a short song, and I remembered how the beautiful soprano instrument can evoke both happiness and sadness for me. I felt a lump form in my throat and told myself not to cry. Then, the three violists offered to play together. Their alto sound was surprisingly rich and soothing! It was a noticeable difference in my emotions, and Lydia said it was better for her tinnitus. Wow.
We thanked everyone and met the music teacher. She confirmed there is no general music option next year; thus Lydia has to choose an instrument or be in the choir. She also explained the basic rental process and gave me a heads-up about a few upcoming dates, so I know what to expect. She said they don’t grade based on how well a child plays, but rather on other in-class assignments. I was very pleased with the whole experience, which gave me peace of mind. Thank you, Lord!
At home, we found a video further explaining the differences between the violin and the viola. The more we learned, the more we thought the viola sounded like a good fit for Lydia. She doesn’t like the spotlight but is warm and supportive. She works well with others and is happy in the background, though she can lead as needed. The next day, I saw her watching more videos about the instrument!
Regardless of the instrument she chooses, Lydia must commit to practicing regularly, at least for sixth grade. Although we still have a little more time before deciding, I am glad God answered my prayers and gave me peace. I love seeing Lydia’s excitement for the next big step, and I know she will rise to the occasion.
God, thanks for helping us this week. You are so gracious and kind. May our decisions bring you glory as we move forward with grace and joy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Did you play an instrument in school? Did you keep playing it over the years, or do you wish you did?
Task: If you have any good advice when choosing an instrument, please let me know!
That was a sweet slice of life, Natalie. Lydia is growing up so fast. She is lucky to have a loving, caring and guiding Mom. The story also help me to remember once again that I need to involve God in all my decisions. Love and thanks, Maggie Garner