I’ve been in Fargo for just about eleven years now. It’s always fun to see who God brings in our path. Case in point: This week, we had a blast from the past!
A friend, Julie and I met in Normal, Illinois, where we both worked as dietitians, but she is originally from South Dakota. When we first moved here, a dietitian named Julie gave me a bag of ‘Dakota Style’ potato chips. It was such a thoughtful gesture. She was the only person I knew who understood the brutal winters in the Dakotas!
Julie and her family still go back to her home state a few times each year to see her parents and sister. And on Sunday, she brought her husband and three kids a couple of hours to Fargo to see us! They got a kick out of a sign that said “Fargo… North of Normal.” Ironic!
We were honored they reached out, especially since it has been a number of years since Julie and I have seen each other… I had never met the rest of her family. I’m glad we have kept up through social media, and it was fun to see the kids in real life!
We had a great time! We met downtown Fargo, on Broadway, and walked around town looking for several murals. We took some great photos and made some fun memories!
Then, we walked to Island Park enjoying the perfect weather. The kids had fun on their scooters, which conserved their energy and preserved their positive attitudes.
Lydia loved leading the way for everyone, since she was familiar with the area! Thanks to COVID-19, she had gone there nearly every day last summer since it is next to a local Y. Future tour guide perhaps?
We soon made it to the Red River, where I shared with them some trivia about Fargo and the river. I enjoyed seeing our town through the eyes of our guests. We walked across a footbridge to Minnesota, too!
After that, we walked back downtown and had some ice cream at Silver Linings Creamery. Delish! Then, we piled in our cars and drove to the Red River Zoo. There was so much more we could have done… Scheels, Spitfire, Thunder Road to name a few… but it was a good overview!
It was such a fun day, and it was a blessing to see someone from my pre-Fargo days. We hope to see these friends if we head to Illinois this summer.
It’s been interesting that God has been bringing so many people from the past back into my life lately! I am excited to see what else He has in store.
He always knows just what I need, but it does require a mindset of expectation and a certain level of availability. I have to be careful not to cram my schedule, so I have some flexibility.
Just like when we reached out to our friends in Grand Forks, it was nice to be thought of when these other friends came to Fargo. It’s cool to see the flip side! How refreshing!
God, thanks for the blessing of friends, old and new. Help me be an encouragement to others, as they have been to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Where are the fun places in your town you take guests? Have you been on any road trips lately to see friends or family?
Task: Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t seen lately. Good news from far away is a huge blessing! Even the sound of your voice can be an encouragement!