Happy New Year! Did you make any resolutions for this new year?
I usually set some goals for the year, and I do plan on making a few positive changes.
But, most of the changes are actually “more of the same” or continuations of old goals (that I did not accomplish yet). Oh, well!
Recently, I read an insightful article about resolutions. The part that stuck with me is that we depend on ourselves to make the changes and forget to rely on God’s power and direction.
Perhaps that’s one reason why so many people don’t stick with their resolutions… in addition to trying to do too much. We often add something new but don’t let go of the old habits, patterns, or schedules. Too much is too much!
These last two weeks of ‘winter break’ have been so restful. I have realized just how much I needed the break. So this year, I am going to keep it simple.
Thankfully, I don’t feel the need to prove anything. I just want to do my best each day and trust Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Everything I need is in Him.I want to honor Jesus in everything I do. Bringing glory to God is my highest goal and the only one that really matters. Walking with Him brings Victory and adventure!
This means staying close to Him and listen for His voice. This often requires me to slow down and do less—a challenge for a recovering overachiever and perfectionist!
But, I have learned a few big lessons in recent years:
If I am too busy to spend time with Jesus, then I am too busy.
If I am too busy to love others, I am too busy.
If I am too busy to maintain a good attitude, then I am likely too busy.
If I am too busy to eat well, move in healthy ways, and get adequate sleep on a regular basis, then I am probably too busy.
Instead of setting new goals or waffling on resolutions, this year, I am going to rest in Jesus. He blesses me, He is gracious to me, and He gives me peace.
Sure, I have a lot I would like to accomplish. But Jesus comes first.
He is my top priority!
Jesus is with me and for me. He is ever faithful; His love never fails. Everything else will fall into place as I seek Him. He is so good!
God, thanks for another chance to praise You! Help me simplify this year as I focus on You. Help me live for You each day and put You first. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What big goals do you hope to accomplish this year? How can you put Jesus first, trusting Him to help you?
Tasks: Make Jesus your top priority. He is worth it!
Yes……He IS ever faithful!
I read a verse the other day that reminds me of this post. It is a common verse, but I read it in The Message version this time so it hit me a little differently. It’s James 4:7-10. “So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees and before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.” This really motivated me to get moving on some goals that I have set for myself, but never seem to reach.
I love that! Thanks for sharing, Livi!