Recently at church, we were singing “Joy to the World,” the classic Christmas carol. As we sang, these lyrics stood out to me:
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.
With the pandemic these last two years, it’s easy to focus on all that is wrong in the world. But what if we focused on the wonders of God’s love? What does that even mean?
For me, “the wonders of His love” are all about grace and favor. God doing for us what we could never do. Quite basically, whether you know God or not, He gave us Nature and He gave us each other. God is also our Provider, Jehovah Jireh, and so much more.
He gave us Jesus, who brought us His Truth and reconciliation. God makes Himself available to us and adopts us into His family! He gives us grace, love, peace, and hope. (The list never ends!)
And then, this week Lydia and I were listening to a newer version of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” She misheard the lyrics, and said, “Mom, they’re not singing that right.”
I asked her to explain, and Lydia sang, “O tidings of confident joy, confident joy. O tidings confident joy…” Not quite “comfort and joy,” but now I can’t un-hear it!
That made me think. We can indeed have confident joy (every day) because of Jesus!
Thank God, He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. In some ways, Christmas was a new thing God was doing, but really, God doesn’t leave anything to chance. Jesus’ birth was long-awaited and planned for. Same goes for His death and resurrection.
The message of Christ eventually upended the whole Roman empire, and it still has the power to rock us, today. Will we let the Holy Spirit change us? Jesus didn’t just come to save us or bring eternal life. He wants us to live in the here and now… make it count!
Yes, when our confidence is placed in Christ, we can take heart and have the courage to do whatever He has called us to do (Ephesians 2:10). He is the Master Planner and has good things in store for us; we just need to walk them out.
We have reason to celebrate every day because “It is finished!” We can have comfort, and yes, confident joy, knowing that God with us (Emmanuel) is for us and will help us.
Because of Jesus, we have peace with God, and through Him, we have peace with each other (might take some work, grace, and forgiveness though!).
I’m so thankful we are free to follow Jesus, hold onto God’s promises, and let our faith rise up. We don’t have to worry or be anxious. We do not have to be afraid.
Place your confidence in Jesus today… and be joyful!
God, thanks for the peace, comfort, confidence, and joy You bring! Thank You for Jesus!! Help us trust You, Lord. Give us the strength we need today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What are your favorite Christmas carols? Do you get the lyrics right, or do you make up your own version?
Task: Even before the Bible was produced en masse for the public, there were Christmas carols full of Gospel Truth. Listen for God’s heart the next time you sing along.