Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

I hope you had a great holiday weekend! I am thankful for the brave men and women who gave their lives so we could celebrate or have the freedom to spend our time as we wish, more or less. Their sacrifices and those of their families are not forgotten.

We had a fairly relaxing weekend and prepared for a few upcoming plans. It is good to be able to rest and take breaks by ourselves and with friends and family. Life is too short not to have fun sometimes!

Recently, I have been reading a good book called The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. It talks about how fast we go through life and all we risk missing. Essentially, we must stay in-step with Jesus’ perfect pace (which we often perceive as S-L-O-O-O-O-W).

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Each of us has unique limitations, and most of us want to push past them! According to Comer, our limitations include our physical bodies, minds/thoughts, giftings, personalities and emotional wiring, families of origin, socioeconomic factors, education and careers, seasons of life and responsibilities, and God’s call on our lives. Some of these are great strengths, actually, but they still carry weight in how we live and the choices we make.

Sometimes, it is okay to rush, like in an emergency. But most of the time, being frantic leaves us frazzled. At the minimum, our body’s stress response takes a while to return to baseline, and over time, this leads to chronic inflammation and illnesses.

Over the years, and even more lately, I have had to step back from busyness. I am working on accepting (and understanding) my limitations as a widow and single mom. I am so grateful for the ways Jesus has covered me since I cannot be several places at once. I am becoming more choosy about my yeses. God knows all my strengths and limitations; He is using them to shape me and make me more like Jesus.

Loving well takes time. Joy involves staying in the moment. Peace requires wisdom and intention. Patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self control… All of these require a slower pace. We cannot bear the fruits of the Spirit if we are rushing off to the next thing.

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I highly recommend Comer’s book, which is food for thought and actionable. He reminds us of the Sabbath and the importance of rest. He encourages us to embrace simplicity and enjoy silence and solitude regularly. Comer suggests using airplane mode on your cell phone and having boundaries for using it. He says to intentionally put ourselves in the long line at the grocery store to build patience and make ourselves uncomfortable. These are just a few ideas; even if you do half of what he says, it will be good.

These ideas do not promote checking out of society but freeing yourself up to follow Jesus more closely. By taking time with Him, listening, and obeying, we will be working in His strength and have a greater impact than when we are doing it with our own effort, running on fumes.

Isn’t that what we want? To stay close to Jesus and influence others for Him. Instead, we are racing to keep up with the world and shortchanging ourselves in the process. Yikes!


God, thanks for calling us to a slower pace with You. Help us eliminate any distractions so we can fulfill our true calling—to experience Your goodness and bring others to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you find yourself stressed and striving each day, or are you calm and clear on what you need to accomplish in God’s timing and strength?

Tasks: Read and meditate (mull over) Matthew 11:28-30. Think about any changes you might need to make so you can experience God’s rest.

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