Confession: Over the last few days, I have noticed myself reacting to various issues in not-so-helpful ways. Some issues are mere annoyances…and most are out of my control. I could tell you how I have lost my temper, felt sorry for myself, or have said words I regret. Maybe that can wait for another day… in the meantime, I will focus on adjusting my attitude.
We all have bad days or moments from time to time, and we all need the Lord’s forgiveness and refining. Nonetheless, instead of seeing all that is ‘wrong,’ I want to look for what is going well.
So today, I am challenging myself to find ten things for which I am thankful. It doesn’t solve all my problems but gratitude does put them into perspective. We all have so much goodness in our lives…
In no particular order, I am thankful for…
Sleep. If I am over-tired, I am more likely to lose my cool. Sometimes a nap is a perfect way to reset. I’m also grateful for a new FitBit that has better sleep information than my old one. I have been tracking my sleep habits and trying to be more consistent overall.
Nature. Sometimes, I just need to get away and decompress. I have taken some awesome nature walks lately which has been refreshing. (I probably should do that more often!)When I see the beautiful blue sky, cool animals, green leaves, and flowers in a rainbow of colors, I am reminded of how much God cares about all the details of my life too.
Good listeners. I have some wonderful people in my life who let me talk openly and get things off my chest when needed. I don’t do this all the time, thankfully, but I do appreciate the feedback provided. Sometimes I need someone to agree with me and sometimes I need a kick in the pants. I’m glad to have family and friends who can offer kindness and/or provide some tough love! I’m also thankful when they pray for me!
My lawnmower. Mowing the lawn is not my favorite thing to do, but I am always proud of myself after it is done. It reminds me that I can indeed do difficult things with God’s help.
Stability. I have a lovely house and a good job, and God provides so well for me. I have no lack. All of my basic needs are met, which reminds me that ‘godliness with contentment is great gain.’ Thank You, Jesus!
Walkie-talkies. This might sound odd, but Lydia and I use walkie-talkies when she is playing at a neighbor’s house so I don’t have to yell like a madwoman to get her attention. This provides a little independence for Lydia and some reassurance for me. It also makes it possible to get a few quick chores done inside when all she wants to do is play outside.
Access to healthy food, healthcare, etc. In America, we have so many resources that we often take them for granted. Just in terms of food, there are probably ten-thousand options at one grocery store… and I have perhaps ten grocery stores within ten minutes of where I live. (No more complaining here!)
Hugs from Lydia. She is quick to sense when I need a hug, which always ‘fills my cup.’ I’m so thankful for her and my life is much more rich with her in it.
Music. Music has a special way expressing our feelings without words. I like several kinds of music, but lately, I have appreciated birds singing on my deck and worship music. Both help me pause and reconnect with the Lord.
Opportunities to serve. This is especially important to get our eyes off ourselves. When I can use my gifts to help someone, that changes everything.
Wow, I feel better already! I’m thankful God loves us ‘too much’ to let us stay focused on ourselves. His love is overwhelming and reckless! (So that makes eleven things! Bonus!)
God, thanks for loving me so much. Please forgive me when I have a bad attitude. Give me new eyes to see the needs around me and help me be thankful. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: Can you name ten things for which you are thankful?
Tasks: Start each day with gratitude. Write some thank you notes! Also, listen to the song, ‘Reckless Love’ by Cory Asbury.
Thank you for the attitude adjustment plan. We need to be reminded of God’s goodness every day. I have a plaque in my kitchen that reads “Count your many blessings”. Every time I look at it, I whisper thanks to God. I listened to Cory Asbury’s song that you posted 2 times. God does have a reckless love for us.
After a very difficult situation earlier this year, I started keeping a journal next to my bed and I try to write down three things from my day that I am thankful for before bedtime each night. Sometimes they are little things that only God and I know about and sometimes they are on a bigger scale. Either way, I enjoy wrapping up my day on a positive note with the Lord.