A Secret Weapon

The last couple of weeks have been a bit…maddening. I’ve lost my temper once or twice and been a little grouchy. Some of it could be subconsciously being aware that the eleventh anniversary of Dave’s death is next week. But really, things have just built up.

At home, unexpected issues have popped up, including trouble replacing my screens after getting egged and picking up a ton of dog poop from my yard (though I don’t have a dog). Then, the fence at the edge of my property fell again (after a two-year fight to get it put back up). It’s just been a lot lately.

I’ve been tempted to have a little pity party, thinking things would be easier if Dave were still here. While that may be true, I know life is full of problems, so even then, something else would likely happen unexpectedly! I can be grateful my problems are not worse, and I know many people are facing greater trials.

Work has been busy as usual, too. Good, just not much downtime to think straight. LOL Thus, my patience has been a little short, but I have been trying to bring all these things to Jesus. I talked with my mom yesterday, and she reminded me that His joy is my strength!

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” — 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, NIV

I recently heard Jesus was the most joyful person who has ever lived. In His presence is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11)! But He also had a very difficult life. He was born to suffer and die at my expense (and yours!). If Jesus can have abundant joy despite His circumstances, so can I.

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, which means He wants to grow that in me. The seed has been planted, I just need to cultivate it. This goes for love, peace, patience, etc.

Fruit is meant to be shared with others, to refresh and encourage them, similar to grace. As my mom pointed out, God wants people to see Him in us, so how we display the fruits of the Spirit matters. This is a good reminder to keep looking for ways to serve others and take the focus off myself.

Here are some questions to consider: Do I show joy or grouchiness on my face? Do I bring love and peace to a situation or chaos? Am I loving, kind, and patient even when I don’t get my way? Do I call out the good in others? Do I speak gentle words or bring wrath? Am I faithful even when it costs me? Do I show self-control when life flings out of control?

While I don’t expect my house issues to suddenly disappear, I know they will all work out in time. And I can choose to enjoy life in the meantime. I can find fun and creative things to do, or at least look for ways to bring joy into small moments of my day. Joy is my secret weapon as I stay close to Jesus, for therein lies my strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

When things feel out of control, I will take them to the One who controls the Universe and cares for me infinitely (1 Peter 5:7).


God, thanks for the fruits of Your Holy Spirit. Specifically, help me cultivate more peace, joy, and patience as I work through these challenges. Thanks for all You do for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Out of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, which ones do you need to cultivate the most right now?  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Task: Next time you feel bent out of shape, consider why. Do whatever it takes to protect your peace and joy. Remember, people are looking for Jesus in you!

Finding Grace #423

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Mallard Duck photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an emotional week. It went well overall, but we had a death in the family. One of my dear aunts in Illinois died unexpectedly, so we have been sad. It was also somewhat stressful trying to prepare to travel and accomplish everything else beforehand. My blog post about getting my ducks in a row was personal!

The weather was pretty good, though I did not see the solar eclipse on Monday. It was overcast that day in Fargo, and I had patients during that time anyway! We did see it in 2017, though, so I am thankful for that experience! 

At work, my manager was very understanding and approved my time off request. However, I still had a lot of work to do, so I stayed late a couple of evenings to wrap up my charting.

God’s timing is always perfect, and it is interesting that last Friday, we went to a funeral. I also wrote about how I had not driven to Illinois in a few years. So, perhaps He was preparing us for traveling over the next few days. 

We are making a couple of stops along the way to see other family and possibly a couple of friends. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #422

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week. Most of the week was fairly normal with work and school. Friday probably had the most excitement, as you can read further below.

On Sunday, we celebrated Easter. Lydia and I went to one church service and volunteered at another. The kids were very excited, and we had some funny experiences together.

The weather was perfect this week. Although the mornings were cooler, by afternoon, temperatures reached the 50s and 60s.

One cool thing that happened on Thursday was that I finally hit 100,000 miles on my Subaru! I will have had it for eleven years in August. At first, I put a lot of miles on it, driving back and forth to see family in Illinois. But I haven’t done that for a few years, so this milestone took a little longer than I expected. Thankfully, my car is in good condition. I am going to try driving it another 100k!

Lydia’s orthodontist’s wife apparently works at a spa next door to his office. So, on Friday, I received one of three free hour-long facials as a courtesy. Orthodontics are expensive, so this perk is appreciated! Lydia said my face is now glowing…. I’ll take it!

Yesterday was also my parents’ 49th wedding anniversary! They are a blessing to so many, and I am so proud to call them Mom and Dad. I appreciate how they have invested in my life, and I continue to learn from them!

Also yesterday, Lydia and I went to a the funeral visitation for a coworker’s dad. I wanted to go support her, and I also wanted to make sure Lydia had the experience. She has been to funerals before, but it is always good to know how to act in those often sad and uncomfortable experiences. 

Today, I was on-call for work, though I didn’t get called in. I woke up early to prepare and then did a lot of cleaning while waiting for my phone to potentially ring. I descaled my coffee machine, did three loads of laundry, helped Lydia organize her bedroom closet, made some Amazon returns to UPS, and caught up with some reading and bills. It felt great to be productive!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #421

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Robin Red-Breasted photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This Holy Week was good. I did a daily Bible devotion on YouVersion about Jesus’ las week, and it was good to keep that at the forefront of my mind.

On Sunday, I met with a dear church friend for coffee. She has been growing in her faith but is working through some tough issues. I am so proud that she mentioned her questions to me, and we were able to discuss them. She was dealing with fear, and I encouraged her and challenged her to not give up. As long as we keep moving forward toward Him, we will have Victory!

Work was surprisingly slow! I had a lot of patients, but a few canceled or no-showed, and some rescheduled or just didn’t want to talk long. I was able to stay on top of my charting and am fully caught up! I was able to do a few projects and even cleaned my desk!

Otherwise, it was a quiet week. I have enjoyed the calm, and often, during these peaceful moments, I can hear from God best. Of course, He has given me a few new things to think about and pray through. 🙂

Today, I saw my first robin of spring! I had just woken up, and the bird was singing on my deck. I was delighted and am sure there will be many more in the coming days!

Finally, three people mentioned my book to me. One asked how to get a copy for a friend, and two gave positive feedback. I love that my works are encouraging others! It’s been awhile since I shared the link, but here is how you can get one (or three!).


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #420

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly normal week. It was good and routine, perfect for the start of Spring!

Work went well with everyone back in the office! I am returning to my half-day on Fridays, which is good for me! We transitioned to our usual duties, though we will probably still include some of the streamlined methods we picked up over the last few months of making do. It’s a win-win!

I put together a nutrition bulletin board (above) for the hallway outside my office. Two other dietitians helped bring my idea to fruition. It is as if we are looking down at a table from the top. And then, underneath, you can lift the “placemats” and read some nutrition facts. I am pleased with how it came together!

On Thursday, Lydia started another round of orthodontia. She decided against braces and opted for the clear trays instead. It is nice that she can take them out to eat and brush her teeth. She’s also glad it makes her mouth look normal, especially since she must wear them for several months (a new tray every week).

Today, we mostly relaxed since Lydia felt weak, thanks to POTS. This is somewhat typical for Saturdays, unfortunately, but her teeth were also a little sore. Nonetheless, I took some time to watch a webinar, exercise, cook some food, and make some phone calls. Lydia and I are going to watch a movie next. It was a good day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

A “Walk-By Fruiting”

Recently, I had a really funny patient who wanted to make some nutrition changes. He loves cooking and preparing meals for his family, which is good because he said his wife only knows how to order pizza for her turn in the kitchen!

This Veteran made me laugh and certainly had unique ways of saying things. For instance, he said that butter means love in his family. So, when someone makes potatoes or toast (or whatever!), they “add a little love.” He had been “adding a lot of love” based on his lab work! Yet, he had already made a break with butter by the time we met. He was still using some but had reduced it.

He also “had a feeling” for Baby Ruth candy bars since he associates them with comfort and good memories of his youth. Regarding my recommendations, the Veteran was willing to get rid of something else, if needed, and leave those alone. I was 100% okay with that since he is not eating too many.

Finally, he used the phrase “walk-by fruiting” to describe the little basket of fresh fruit in their walkway between the kitchen and living room. If he is hungry, he can grab a piece of fruit as he walks by! It makes total sense, right?!

March is National Nutrition Month, and of course, fruit is food! But, fruit is also used to describe evidence of growing closer to God and becoming like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Words matter, and I have been thinking of walk-by fruitings ever since!

Whenever I read my Bible or hear a verse from Scripture, I will think… walk-by fruiting! It’s catchy and encouraging! Whenever I reconnect with God during my day to find new strength… yes, that’s a walk-by fruiting!

I am also reminded that one of my friends had a funny word for extra food after a meal. Many of us call them leftovers, but he called them “remainders” like he learned when doing long division in math class. Spot on, really!

That is not too much of a stretch here. Jesus calls us to remain in Him; in doing so, we will bear much fruit. Just by staying connected, we can’t help but grow. Conversely, if we cut ourselves off, our faith will wither and die. It’s not really about doing more but resting in God’s love. Jesus has already done the most difficult work on the Cross.

Remaining in Jesus is a matter of the heart as we let Him position us where He wants us. So, let’s remain close to Jesus because we have Life and Victory in Him!


Father, thanks for showing us new things daily through the people we meet. Open our eyes and hearts so we can learn and grow. Help us stay close to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Does your family have any cute sayings that have carried through the years?

Task: As you connect with God throughout your day, think about the growth that will occur over time. It takes diligence and intention, but I hope you are encouraged and keep coming back for walk-by fruitings!

Finding Grace #419

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fun and a little unusual!

I took Monday off work to spend time with Lydia for her spring break. We ran a few errands together, and then I walked to Starbucks to meet a friend for coffee. We had a good chat, and she mentioned how grateful she was for my help as she’s been going through a difficult time. Then, I walked back. It was less than a mile round trip, but it felt good to be out enjoying the beautiful weather. It reached the 60s that day!

I worked my full tour on Tuesday but didn’t arrive at the office until 1 o’clock. That’s because I went to see three Veterans first. I went to a nursing home and two private residences in Fargo and Moorhead. The nursing home is very close to my house, so it made sense to start there. I noticed a goose on the roof, which made me smile to think it was guarding the facility! The rest of the day was spent charting, but I felt rather productive!

Wednesday was another short day since I had my taxes done before work. It was also RD Day, and we had lunch and a game for staff. This included trying to match fun facts with each coworker. We laughed a lot, and the two ladies on maternity leave brought in their babies so we could see and hold them.

Thursday was another lovely day, perfect for walking to the middle school for Lydia’s teacher conference. She is doing well and has received all good reports. It is great to see how she has grown this year! As a side note, someone confirmed Lydia is officially taller than me!

Friday was the last day of working extra hours. The last four months have been very good. But, I have been nonstop busy with patient care. I was grateful for the money and time to complete my work. But it will be nice to get back to my normal routine on MONDAY when the two dietitians return! We also had a new worker start, and we are all grateful to be fully staffed again!

Today, we were invited to a coworker’s house to visit. We took Sandy’s donuts and hung out with my friend, also named Natalie, her husband, and two little boys. It was fun to chat about all sorts of fun topics and see Natalie out of our normal environment! 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Happy Registered Dietitian Day!

Woohoo! March is National Nutrition Month, and today is Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist Day! When I think of my career, I always enjoy looking back on God’s faithfulness. In college, I saw how practical nutrition and dietetics can be at home and as a service to others. Everybody needs food – it can be both fuel and fun!

This year, RDN Day seems to have come a little faster. Perhaps that’s because my team at work has been extra busy with coverage needs. Time has flown by, but we made it! In fact, our two coworkers are coming back next week!

Returning to our former routine will be good, but I also look forward to seeing my friends again! They have been missed! Can you tell I am really grateful for my team? We are always eager to help one another, but we also laugh a lot and care about each other.

I am also so thankful for God’s grace and provision. When I was asked to cover the home-based role last fall, I was a little nervous about driving in the winter weather. But God worked it all out. Only one day out of the last four months had snow. That day, I saw two Veterans and got permission to go home early. Win-win!

Naturally, there are days when I am tired or not feeling excited about going to work. When I get stressed, I feel like I am short on time. I don’t like missing deadlines or feeling like I let someone down! Reflecting on this, I have noticed a couple of patterns.

If I don’t take time to take care of myself (exercise, solid meals, sleep), I feel run down, which can affect my stress and mood. On the other hand, I have noticed that if I do make time for self-care, I can have the same chaotic schedule and feel good – energetic even! Regardless, I often walk into work and see someone I know, and instantly, I am glad I came!

Free ai generated salad vegetables illustration

As with anything, I can commit my day to the Lord and honor Him with quality work. I can show compassion to the many Veterans with pain. I can be cheerful when patients are running late. After we finish our appointment, I can take time to direct them to their next appointment. I can be patient when someone gets frustrated with the changes they feel they should make. I can call to check if someone is feeling better or applying what we discussed. When appropriate, I can joke with my patients as a way to build rapport.

I like to dispel nutrition myths, though it would be nice not to have to! I also enjoy using analogies to show how the body works. Basic principles don’t change, but my job is to tailor the information to what the person needs individually. I love teaching people how food helps them operate and feel good! In doing so, I hope they have peace with food and grow to trust their choices. I love seeing them give themselves grace and make progress with their health goals.

Although it is tough work sometimes, I am grateful to work as a nutrition professional. I can see and feel God moving in my life, and that overflows into everything else! Occasionally, I meet someone open about their faith in God. In those moments, we can talk about spiritual food – a whole new level of health!


God, thanks for shaping my career over the years. Thanks for letting me serve people in practical ways. Help me nourish them and point them to you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you ever met with a Registered Dietitian? (That’s different than someone who took a ten-hour class over the Internet!) How can you see God at work in your life?

Task: Whatever you do today, consider how you can glorify God with your heart, soul, mind, and strength. In terms of nutrition, keep it simple. Remember these principles: balance of each food group, variety within each food group, consistency in daily habits, and moderation.

Finding Grace #418

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Geese Pond photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week, and it flew by! I found myself praising God for many things, including less stress, beautiful weather, Lydia, His provision, and more!

Work went well and was very full—no surprise there! I needed to squeeze in an unexpected home visit and was grateful two coworkers volunteered to take a few of my scheduled patients. I love my team—they are all great ladies and helpers!

Beyond work, I did not feel overly stressed or rushed. I had plenty to do, but I could go slower and relax a bit. As a result, I had the energy to tackle a few small projects without hurrying. So, I feel really good about that!

The weather was great this week. We had a few flurries but no real snow accumulation. It was in the 30s and 40s, with a mix of clouds and sun. I am starting to see and hear a lot more birds, too. Spring is on its way!

Today, I was supposed to meet a friend for coffee, but she had to reschedule. So, while I was out, I ran some errands to pick up a few groceries and home maintenance supplies. I also did a little reading, walking, and played a game with Lydia.

Don’t forget Daylight Savings Time starts again tomorrow! Be sure to turn your clocks one hour forward tonight!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Taking Good Care To Not Lose Hope

It has been an interesting week already! I went on a home visit to see a Veteran who is over a hundred years old! He seemed like a nice man, though he had some quirks, and his house was in poor condition. I won’t discuss all the details here, but I will share two things.

First, most of his family is now dead, but his grandson looks after him. They don’t live together, but they see each other at least a few times a week. The grandson grocery shops and takes his grandfather to appointments, when he is agreeable to go. They seem to have a special connection. The grandson is a decade older than me, and I was reminded of the importance of family amid life’s uncertainties.

Second, the man refuses to have a water heater installed. He also declines to learn how to use his microwave and claims his oven is broken (it’s not). He has heat and electricity but still uses his wood stove sometimes.

Oddly, he uses an electric stove for cooking, but not like you or I would. No, instead, he adds a grate on top and uses it like a hobo stove. He cooks eggs and bacon in foil and even heats pot pies that way.

Free Tea Cup photo and picture

As I talked to the Veteran’s grandson, he said they had tried multiple times to modernize the house. The man had said it wasn’t necessary. Perhaps he had just grown used to using his tea kettle for hot water. He washes his laundry by hand, and I suppose he uses it for bathing, too!

We discussed this a little further, and the relative said the Veteran had thought he would have died ten years ago (in his 90s). More recently, he was “sure” he was dying… and maybe he just felt like it wasn’t worth the effort. He spent most of his life without hot water, so why bother now?

It makes sense if you think about it, and why not let him do things his own way? That said, it struck me that perhaps he had spent all these years waiting for his death, yet he has lived at least a decade longer than he expected! Apparently, he was still able to mow his lawn last year, so until now, he has been in decent health.

I don’t know if his choices represent a lack of hope or merely his preferences – the world was vastly different a century ago! I don’t know all the details of how he grew up, but I do know his service in World War II meant he often had to go without ‘creature comforts.’

Either way, I don’t need to figure it all out – it’s not my business! It could be stubbornness or heartiness, both of which have their place. Nonetheless, I am filing this away and documenting my thoughts here in case I need a pep talk someday!

The verse above is such a comfort from God’s Word. In some ways, it’s also a rally to draw close to Him and never give up. We will be disappointed if we put our hope in anything other than Jesus, our Cornerstone.

I don’t want to let things junk up my life or make me miss what God is doing. I don’t know when my last day will be, but I can live my life to its fullest. I can keep growing and learn something new every day. I can trust God’s plan for me while looking forward to the future.

I will walk with Jesus all the days of my life. I will maintain a cheerful attitude and keep the faith. I will take good care of myself and my loved ones.  I will keep moving forward despite obstacles. I will keep hope alive.


God, thanks for Your work in my life and those around me. Help me accomplish all You have in mind for me. Help me take good care of all You’ve entrusted to me and not resist change. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where are you placing your hope lately? Are you refusing to let God move in your life, or are you going with His flow?

Tasks: Think about how your typical daily routine and see if something is holding you back from God’s best. Then, bring that to Him and let Him change it!