Sometimes I just have to laugh when we struggle and then we see how silly we are. We are fooling ourselves if we think we can handle life on our own without God.
As a mom, when it comes to self-care, I have to be creative. For example, when I exercise with Lydia, I have to slow down to her pace. As a single mom, I have other inherent issues. So often, working out indoors is my best option. Getting outside is a bonus!
Recently, I prayerfully started looking for a new treadmill. My old one is over 11-years-old and has a few glitches. The dashboard only works when it wants to. Sometimes I can’t control the speed or incline, and the belt catches at higher speeds. Twice now, it has suddenly stopped right in the middle of a run. It’s becoming a safety issue.
Dave and I bought the treadmill two weeks after getting married. It was our first ‘big’ purchase together, so it does have some sentimental value. However, I’ve accepted the reality: I am afraid to use it for higher speeds because it is unreliable. I don’t want to get hurt!
For the last 3 years, and even more in the last 6 months, I’ve been telling myself that the slower, safer pace is just as effective. Slow walks are better than nothing, but at some point, I need to step it up for a better cardio workout. I do have other equipment, and it’s not necessarily a rush. But I need to stop making excuses.
So, I have been looking online for new and used treadmills. I have been reading reviews. My friend who was visiting this weekend is an avid runner so she helped me too. I even went to scout out some options in the local stores.
For now, I haven’t found anything that stands out aesthetically and is also a good price. I don’t need all the latest features, but I do want something that will last since this is not a frequent purchase.
On the one hand, home exercise equipment can be worthwhile if used regularly. For me, it’s an investment in my health. I want to take care of myself so I can take care of Lydia and all God has given me. It’s a fine balance.
Then again, I’m trying to be a good steward and use my money wisely. I can rearrange my budget to some degree, but I have been working towards other financial goals and can use my money elsewhere. It is good to be content and weigh my options!
Besides, when it comes to buying a new (or new-to-me) treadmill, there could be several hidden costs. Some places charge shipping or delivery fees. And, I would likely need help removing the old treadmill and assembling the new one.
There are many different factors to consider… Yesterday, after praying again for wisdom, it occurred to me that maybe I could fix my current treadmill.
Perhaps that’s not the best idea because replacing the individual parts could really add up. But I decided to at least clean it well and see what happens. It was worth a shot!
I watched some YouTube videos on what to do. I learned how to check the belt and internal components. I learned how to tighten screws and grease joints so it is less squeaky. It seemed fairly simple!
Then, in the afternoon, I started to deep clean the machine. I vacuumed up dust and checked the belt. It seemed fine because I’ve done regular maintenance on that. Next, I took off the motor cover and **GASP!!** it was sooo gross!
It was clear to see that it had not been cleaned inside for over 11 years. I was both embarrassed and slightly amazed it has lasted so long while being so dirty! Frankly, I praised God that it never caught on fire with all the dust and debris I found!
I did what I could but time will tell if it was enough! The dashboard still has electrical issues, but I’m hoping I can work around those. It’s still squeaky, but the above picture shows the improvement after cleaning.
My treadmill is a good object lesson for me. We often try to fix our own problems. We look for solutions but go nowhere fast. There are times to hustle, yes, but we still need to trust God to provide. We can’t neglect our relationship with the One who has the Master plan for our lives.
We often make excuses for our behavior. Unfortunately, living in our own strength often brings fear, frustration, and even failure. But when we seek God’s input through prayer, we can be grateful while we wait for Him to handle it and provide for us.
He generally doesn’t make all our problems go away overnight, but He does give us wisdom and grace to handle them. And, sometimes He shows us how to “clean up” our lives and messes so we can live freely, unhindered by all that tries to weigh us down.
I hope my treadmill is able to last a little longer with maintenance. Perhaps I can run outside this summer, though I’ll have to make some adjustments for Lydia. I’ll also keep looking for a good deal, knowing God will help me find an upgrade in His timing.
He is so good!
Heavenly Father, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for reminding me of Your grace in tangible ways. Help me trust you, work hard, and wait for Your timing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Questions: What is your favorite exercise? Do you prefer cardio or strength exercises?
Tasks: Check out the “Trust, Hustle, Rest” devotional in the YouVersion Bible App. Also, consider this your friendly reminder to deep clean your exercise equipment!