Last Friday night, Lydia and I volunteered with Feed My Starving Children, an organization which works to alleviate hunger and poverty around the world. FMSC operates entirely on donations and volunteers to purchase and pack the foods.
Then, they partner with a network of other organizations to distribute food to those in need. They don’t “just give handouts” but focus on sustainability too.
It’s been a while since I’ve worn a hair net… but that night was worth it! It was good for Lydia to realize how privileged she is… and a great reminder for me as well.

Lydia and I rotated through several positions. We opened, filled, weighed, and sealed packets of food. One packet, when rehydrated, will serve up to 6 people for one meal. One box has 36 meal packets (vitamin blend, dehydrated vegetables, texturized soy protein, and rice).
During our two-hour shift, 1,272 volunteers filled 1,367 boxes. (49,212 packets or 295,272 meals) That will feed 809 kids for a year!
As a dietitian, nutrition and hunger issues are near to my heart. Yet on any given day, thanks in part to social media, I am reminded of so many other areas of great concern. Abortion, racism, national security, rising healthcare costs, the economy, and environmental issues are some that come to mind.
Generally speaking, all of these issues are outside the scope of this blog. I don’t like the arguing that political drama often produces. But that does not mean I am doing nothing.

Prayer is the greatest thing we can do because that invites God’s presence and power into the situation. So we definitely need to start there. Seek God first!
But often, Christians are tempted to stop with prayer. We say, “I’ll pray for you!” and then we go on our merry way. But, Jesus didn’t just pray, He reached out. He healed, helped, comforted, challenged, defended, and forgave. He was practical.
In terms of prayer, we have access to Jesus at any time… but the world doesn’t. They are still separated from God’s love and mercy. So it seems, they need to see “proof” that Jesus cares for them before they trust Him.
As Christians, we are God’s ambassadors. People who don’t know Jesus are watching those of us who do. So, right or wrong, everything we do is subject to scrutiny.
Often, we want to be ‘nice’ to everyone… but niceness is not enough.
One day, each of us will have to give an account for how we used the gifts God has given us. I want to hear, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” Let’s offer our best!
At other times, we feel everyone needs to be put in their place. There are times when we do need to address truth and morality, yes. But we can handle it graciously. Jesus was filled with grace and truth (John 1:17).
Instead of complaining about issues or judging people, we should be willing to help. Loving others may look different for each of us, and that’s okay. Let’s be the Jesus the world needs to see.

Here are some practical ways we can reach out to others (in no particular order).
- Donate money to a cause or organization you believe in. Do research it and make sure it is legitimate. You can also fundraise by running a race, selling homemade items, etc. Check out Save the Storks and Redemption Road Ministries.
- Donate supplies and deliver them locally where needed. This could include clothes, school supplies, toiletries, or furniture. Call ahead and see what is needed most. Consider homeless shelters, recovery centers, or crisis pregnancy centers. Used items may be acceptable, but also consider purchasing new.
- Your time is also a wonderful gift. Churches, animal shelters, nursing homes and hospitals all need help (in addition to the places in #2). If you have a special skill, be creative in how you use it! Another option is Habitat for Humanity.
- Mentor someone. You don’t have to have it all figured out already. Just step up and lend a hand or encouraging word. Share your experiences… and be consistent.
- Sponsor someone. It could be a child in an international program like Compassion International or World Vision. Locally, you may look into Big Brother/Sister program. Or, help out a public school teacher or a college student far from home.
- Call or send a card to someone. An encouraging word is always welcome! Tell someone they are doing a good job. Even if it is a frazzled parent in the grocery aisle.
- Offer practical hands-on support. This may include babysitting, raking leaves, mowing, painting, or house cleaning. Pick up garbage or recycling. Wash a car.
- Consider opening your home to someone in need. I had a (trusted) friend stay with me for 6 months while she got her life back in order. Maybe God is calling you to foster or adopt a child? (No pressure… be wise and pray!)

- Have a conversation with people who are different than you (race, beliefs, food habits, goals, etc). Better yet, share a meal with them. Really get to know them.
- Write a letter to advocate for a cause. Instead of protesting, use your words to persuade. Raise awareness. Also, don’t forget to contact those in Congress… and vote!!
- Learn more about the issues at hand. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and see it from their perspective. Chances are, you will have a more rounded view.
- Talk to your kids about important issues. As a parent, you are their first teacher. Have honest conversations about pros/cons. Role play and model the behavior you want them to learn. Get them involved serving with you!
- Make generosity a daily habit. Be kind to the cashiers at the grocery store. Help your neighbors clear snow. Make or buy treats for your coworkers.
- Help a single mom (or any mom!). She may need a ride, dinner, or a break. Offer to watch her kids during an appointment or help with home maintenance. Take her family out for a movie…or ice cream! Check out Jeremiah Program and consider making a donation to help a single mom get ahead.
- Celebrate a friend’s successes. Doing this over coffee or lunch is a bonus! Listen to their ups and downs without offering advice (unless they ask for it).
- Smile while you serve. A smile is understood in every language. It doesn’t cost anything but can mean so much. It can cross all kinds of barriers! Let Jesus’ love shine on your face with joy!

There are so many ways to be a servant. That will look different for each of us. I used to get stuck in my perfectionism, but I was recently reminded that no gift is too small or silly. Something is better than nothing in this case.
We don’t need to compare what we give or do for others… in fact most of us don’t want any recognition at all! It may be easy to give…or it may require sacrifice. It doesn’t have to be extreme, but if we serve with a good attitude, we honor Jesus.
As we pray AND serve others, God’s grace overflows in us and through us!
Jesus, You are the Servant King, full of grace and truth. Thanks for loving us and giving everything for us. Help us lay down our lives for Your glory. Open our eyes and hearts to the needs around us. Let us share Your love with those around us. In Your Name, Amen
Question: What are your favorite ways to serve? (I’d love to add to my list!!)
Tasks: Pray for wisdom and look for people and places to serve. Make a list and choose to do at least one act of kindness every day.
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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