Tag: Victory
Quit Spinning Your Wheels!
Have you ever felt like you are just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast? Perhaps you are not making progress on your goals due to always being on-the-go, running from one activity to the next. Or, maybe you don’t know which path to take next. Life is full of tough decisions, and sometimes we have to quit what we are doing to regroup.
This week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about such decisions. Nothing unusual… just choices that carry weight and impact.
These include decisions regarding finances, education, volunteering, and relationships. Unfortunately, she’s been so ‘busy’ she can’t think straight, and people keep asking her to be involved in activities that are draining her of time, energy, and peace.
Of course, since I am older, I have faced similar circumstances in the past. Each time, I learned invaluable lessons which prompted a new level of growth and maturity.
Examples: Boundaries and the word ‘No’ are powerful!
My friend will have to make her own decisions, of course. I simply mentioned how important solitude had been for me, especially in college when I was trying to make so many of the same decisions.
Being alone is scary for a lot of people, but solitude is different than being lonely.
For me, solitude is taking time away, so I can quit spinning my wheels. Then, I can figure out how I really think and feel. Solitude brings clarity when I am confused because it eliminates the extra noise and distractions. Then, I can weigh the pros and cons.
It took me awhile to be okay with solitude, but it has served me well over the years. Spending time alone has helped me know who I am and who I am not. I have gained insight on my priorities and what I enjoy doing (versus what I happen to do when others are around). Pausing every now and then has helped set the trajectory for my life.
In some ways, solitude primed me for dealing with grief when Dave died because I understood how to pay attention to my feelings and not run away from them. In part, solitude taught me that uncomfortable moments do not last forever. Sometimes, we wish they would hurry on by, but we can grow to appreciate those awkward times, too!
In my case, I am never truly alone because solitude also involves connecting with God through prayer. It may include making lists or taking walks in nature, too. Or, perhaps it is an act of solitude to leave work an hour early to sit in the daycare parking lot and journal while listening to music. Yes, solitude is a part of self-care.
Solitude does not mean isolation…. or being alone forever, avoiding other people or their input. It just means hitting the brakes and checking the map to see if you are heading where you intended, or if you need to redirect.
There is no badge for busyness or skimping on sleep. Don’t let other people dictate what you do in life… you are responsible for your own happiness.
Jesus Himself was known for taking time away to spend with His Father. He relied on that quiet time to listen and gather His thoughts. I wonder what happened in those intimate moments between Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit!
Perhaps getting away helped Jesus to refocus on His mission and renew His strength. Either way, He relied on God’s help to accomplish all He did!
These days, I don’t have many opportunities to “get away,” but I am reminded just how vital solitude can be. These skills take time and space and effort, but thankfully, God is always with us! He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He can bring solace in solitude, if only we quit spinning our wheels long enough to listen!
God, thanks for being our Friend and Guide! May we pause in solitude and gratitude, inviting You to show us what to do next. May we receive Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you enjoy being alone, or do you merely tolerate it when needed? How can you apply the idea of solitude for making decisions?
Tasks: If you have some big decisions ahead of you, take some time to clear your head and pray. Tune your heart to what the Holy Spirit may be telling you. For further reading, check out this article.
Word Up!
Life gets so busy and it seems my brain is always on the go. I’m sure you understand! Sometimes, I take a break and let my mind wander in silence, listening and waiting on the Lord. This week, while I was sitting still, I was reminded of my ThinkUp app, which is a running list of personal affirmations.
I have written about it before, though it’s been awhile since I have used it. Still, listening to my own voice and recordings was moving. Over the course of a few minutes, I was struck by statements of faith and hard won victories. Rather than just a bunch of feel-good messages, each affirmation was really a declaration of God’s faithfulness. I could see how much I have grown and how far the Lord has brought me.
It was like years of random sticky notes and ideas were in one place, and I was able to review the memories attached to them. I teared up as I heard myself speak of trust, hope, and perseverance. Instead of affirming how strong I am or want to be, I was declaring God’s power and plan over my life. He has awesome things in store for me!
Later that same day, Lydia told me about a song she had heard from one of her friends. She thought it was a lighthearted and fun summer song, and she wanted to share it with me.
Based on the title, I was guessing what the first few lyrics confirmed. It was a modern tune by a popular artist, but it was a much different song than Lydia anticipated. Nonetheless, I turned this into a learning experience!
Lydia was horrified when I interpreted the song in mostly kid-friendly terms. She was horrified, and thanked me for catching it before she embarrassed herself. (Side note: I love that she can receive gentle correction with gratitude!)
I simply explained the World has different standards than we do. This is one reason we often listen to Christian radio, but I cannot control what happens when we’re not together.
We talked for a long time about popular culture compared to God’s loving expectations for us. Or, as Lydia put it, “Following God is like having GPS in your heart. If we ask Him for help and direction, He will never lead us astray.”
I confirmed my job as a parent is to protect her, teach her, and help her navigate these situations. We reviewed critical thinking skills and the importance of searching for God’s wisdom in daily life.
We discussed guarding our heart and minds, so only good things come in and go out. We role played how to speak up or walk away from ungodly influences. I also planted a seed so the future Lydia remembers she can come to me with all her questions and concerns. It’s never too early!
Our words matter, and we cannot take them back once spoken. We also can’t forget mean or vulgar things that we hear. So, we need to be wise!
We can bring life through speaking with Truth, grace, and encouragement. Conversely, we can also tear down and discourage others. We can plant seeds of hope or seeds of doubt.
God’s words are still having impact today. What He set in motion at Creation is still happening! His Word will endure forever, so it make sense to put more value on, or magnify, what He says than what the World tells us. Yes, we better… Word up!
God, thanks for the power of Your Word. Help me be responsible with the words I say. Keep me accountable with what I put into my mind so that what pours out of my mouth is honoring to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: If you don’t know all the lyrics to a particular song, do you make up your own words?
Tasks: Tune your heart to God’s Word. Memorize Scripture and meditate on it. Be wise with your words (in person and online) today!
MacGyver Mishmash
As a single parent and homeowner, I have had to be resourceful over the years. Sure, I can call someone to help me with random issues, and sometimes I do. But often, it is a matter of timing. I don’t want to inconvenience someone, or I don’t want to wait for them to show up.
Occasionally, a friend will volunteer to help me, but I don’t always run into these handy types of friends! I have a few bigger projects that I might pay someone to do, but even then, I’ll have to organize the logistics of calling and being available.
I know I am not the only one with these issues or house projects, but sometimes, I just decide to do it myself! Sometimes, I research it online and other times, I have ‘jerry-rigged’ a solution. So far I have figured out how to “unstick” my garbage disposal with a crowbar, fix my coffee machine with a dremel, change toilet seats, fix a dent in my car, and more. I have used safety pins, glue, and tape to attach buttons and shore up pant hems, too!
These are in addition to other routine tasks, like changing a plethora of light bulbs and adding air to my car tires.
On Monday evening, I (once again) attempted to fix one of Lydia’s drawers. The drawer has a track for wheels that periodically comes loose. I have had to tighten the screws from time to time. But, on Monday, I couldn’t find all four screws!
I found a couple of the screws, which had fallen down into the drawer beneath. I did what I could to replace them, but the two screws were different sizes, and I needed two more.
I searched the garage for more matching screws, but alas, I didn’t find what I was looking for. No worries! I thought of a solution. Just call me MacGyver!
Lydia learned a new word that day: INGENUITY. I told her what it meant and then showed her a practical example. Yes, I used one screw on each side of the drawer railing, but then I also superglued the remaining edges!
It worked so well (or at least until next time) that I also superglued part of my gutter outside! It has been coming loose, and I will still have to go to the hardware store at some point. But, it should hold until the next storm, at least!
I’m really thankful God gives us bursts of creativity and helps us when we need it. The slightly sticky, gluey fingers are worth the feelings of accomplishment. But, I am also glad He doesn’t rely on superglue, duct tape, paper clips, safety pins, or zip ties to hold us together or fix our problems!
Colossians 1:16-17 (NLT) says, “for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”
God holds the whole world together through Jesus. And that includes us. Whatever problems you are facing today, bring them to the Lord. If you find yourself in a sticky situation (sorry, I had to!), remember nothing is too difficult for Him.
He cares for you and knows exactly what you need!
God, thanks for giving us creative solutions to our problems. There is nothing You can’t do, and You extend that grace to us! Help us come to You first, and not as a last resort. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you enjoy DIY projects? Do you consider yourself pretty hand-on (as in building, repairing, gardening), or would you rather hire someone to do the dirty work?
Tasks: Meditate on Colossians 1:16-17 today. Here you can compare several versions. Consider what it means for Jesus to hold all things together and what that means for your life. Trust Him!
In a Dry and Barren Land
Have you noticed that much of the western United States seems to be in a moderate to severe drought? We’ve had temperature over 100 degrees in Fargo, which is unusual to say the least! My grass is rather crispy in spots, and I have only mowed one time!
From full-on deserts to out-of-control fires, droughts are serious.
While we can’t do much about the weather, besides addressing climate change perhaps, we can make the best of it. We can thank God for His provision in every season. And, we can pray for rain!
Spiritually, there are some parallels to drought conditions. Our spirits can feel hot and dry at times, isolated. We can grow impatient with what we want to see and feel, but don’t.
Unfortunately, in a spiritual drought we can miss the joy of God’s presence. He is still at work even when we can’t understand what He is doing. But if we’re not careful, we can miss out on all of His goodness, too.
We can miss the heat and sunshine. We can miss the breeze sent to cool us down. We can miss beautiful flowers, as well as birds chirping. We can miss morning walks and ice cream in the evening. We can even miss opportunities to praise God!
If you are feeling dry and without spiritual hope, cry out to Jesus. He’s right there with you. Like a fountain, He will refresh you and set you back on the right path.
Late Monday night, there was an unexpected thunderstorm. The thunder and lightening woke up Lydia, and she had difficulty falling back to sleep. It’s not fun feeling vulnerable and afraid!
I was thankful for the rain, but I also needed to be a parent and comfort my child. I ended up letting her sleep with me, and of course she slept soundly after that!
I was thankful to be her safe place, pointing her back to God Himself.
Then, last night, I introduced Lydia to the Sound of Music. It’s nearly a three-hour movie, so we’ll have to finish it later. But, we gave it our best shot!
She recognized many of the songs and had fun singing along!
I could have easily just focused on my long to-do list last night; there is always something to do! But, instead, I enjoyed some refreshing time with Lydia.
If we know where to look, we can find peace, hope, and restoration in the desert setting. God made beautiful sunsets, flowers, cacti, and camels, right?
Similarly, spiritual deserts can also have beauty. While they may or may not be preventable, our attitude (weeding) and willingness to trust God (watering) certainly make them more enjoyable.
God, thanks for refreshing us with Your grace and love. Help us turn to You in the dry times of life. May we not wither away, but please restore and renew us. Have mercy on us and heal our land. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: What have you been doing to stay cool in this heat? Do you prefer the hot, hot, hot weather?! Or, do you prefer more moderate temperatures?
Tasks: Read the lyrics to this song, “We Will Stand (In This Dry and Barren Land)“. Bonus points if you can sing it or play it on the guitar! Pray for rain and God’s renewal.
Tour de Fargo
I’ve been in Fargo for just about eleven years now. It’s always fun to see who God brings in our path. Case in point: This week, we had a blast from the past!
A friend, Julie and I met in Normal, Illinois, where we both worked as dietitians, but she is originally from South Dakota. When we first moved here, a dietitian named Julie gave me a bag of ‘Dakota Style’ potato chips. It was such a thoughtful gesture. She was the only person I knew who understood the brutal winters in the Dakotas!
Julie and her family still go back to her home state a few times each year to see her parents and sister. And on Sunday, she brought her husband and three kids a couple of hours to Fargo to see us! They got a kick out of a sign that said “Fargo… North of Normal.” Ironic! 😉
We were honored they reached out, especially since it has been a number of years since Julie and I have seen each other… I had never met the rest of her family. I’m glad we have kept up through social media, and it was fun to see the kids in real life!
We had a great time! We met downtown Fargo, on Broadway, and walked around town looking for several murals. We took some great photos and made some fun memories!
Then, we walked to Island Park enjoying the perfect weather. The kids had fun on their scooters, which conserved their energy and preserved their positive attitudes. 😉
Lydia loved leading the way for everyone, since she was familiar with the area! Thanks to COVID-19, she had gone there nearly every day last summer since it is next to a local Y. Future tour guide perhaps?
We soon made it to the Red River, where I shared with them some trivia about Fargo and the river. I enjoyed seeing our town through the eyes of our guests. We walked across a footbridge to Minnesota, too!
After that, we walked back downtown and had some ice cream at Silver Linings Creamery. Delish! Then, we piled in our cars and drove to the Red River Zoo. There was so much more we could have done… Scheels, Spitfire, Thunder Road to name a few… but it was a good overview!
It was such a fun day, and it was a blessing to see someone from my pre-Fargo days. We hope to see these friends if we head to Illinois this summer.
It’s been interesting that God has been bringing so many people from the past back into my life lately! I am excited to see what else He has in store.
He always knows just what I need, but it does require a mindset of expectation and a certain level of availability. I have to be careful not to cram my schedule, so I have some flexibility.
Just like when we reached out to our friends in Grand Forks, it was nice to be thought of when these other friends came to Fargo. It’s cool to see the flip side! How refreshing!
God, thanks for the blessing of friends, old and new. Help me be an encouragement to others, as they have been to me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Where are the fun places in your town you take guests? Have you been on any road trips lately to see friends or family?
Task: Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t seen lately. Good news from far away is a huge blessing! Even the sound of your voice can be an encouragement!
Book Review: The Hiding Place
Yesterday, I finished an audiobook reading of The Hiding Place, recounting the horrific story Corrie ten Boom and her family endured during World War II. She and her father were watchmakers and used their home and resources to hide or relocate Jews and lead the Dutch Resistance. In all, they saved around 800 people.
After a few years of success, a fellow Dutchmen turned them in. Betrayal was bad enough, but Corrie’s entire family was arrested. The hidden Jews were not found, thankfully, but Corrie and her sister, Betsie, ended up in prison, and later Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany.
Corrie and Betsie smuggled a Bible in with them, and by God’s grace and plan, never were caught with it. They preached Jesus’ love and goodness to the masses. The message of Christ spread from one bunk bed to the next during nightly prayer meetings, and their words were soon translated from Dutch into German, English, Russian, Croatian, etc. Many times, the atmosphere changed to one of hopefulness around them. Wow!
Corrie, in particular, struggled with her emotions and purpose during captivity. She found it difficult to forgive at times, but Betsie saw Jesus all around her. She even thanked God for the fleas in their living and working quarters because it kept their cruel captors away. Basically, they lived Romans 8:31-39, with emphasis on verse 35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” And, they persevered as more than conquerors!
Even in their suffering, the ten Boom sisters learned to give thanks in all circumstances… from moldy bread and lice covered sheets, to grueling marches and daily roll calls that lasted hours. They were on the threshold of Heaven and Hell, Life and Death, but they wisely grew past self-pity and used their time and talents to serve others. They shared what minimal resources they had with those who were in worse need.
I loved how close the sisters were, and each of them had their strengths. Betsie helped Corrie remember to let Jesus carry their pain, and Corrie lent Betsie her physical strength. While Betsie died shortly before Corrie was miraculously released, Corrie carried her vision of having a special place of respite and recovery for those who were imprisoned or otherwise affected by the war.
God provided the resources for the recovery home, and Corrie began speaking of His love and forgiveness. She said, “Joy runs deeper than depair.” Corrie eventually worked with people on both sides of the war. She forgave the man who betrayed her family, and Corrie even met one of her captors who attended one of her talks on forgiveness.
Understandably, Corrie found it hard to forgive him, until she prayed for Jesus’ forgiveness to flow through her instead. Then, relying on Jesus’ strength, she was able to converse with this man who had jeered at the women’s nakedness in Ravensbruck.
I had read parts of this story before, but listening to it on my morning and afternoon commute was quite compelling. I was reminded of Corrie’s many famous stories and quotes. She kept a short list with God and others, moment by moment coming to the Lord in prayer. I enjoyed how close she was to her parents, aunts, siblings, and nieces and nephews. Doing God’s work was a family affair.
The ten Boom family story helped me put our present times in perspective. Yes, we have our issues domestically and in the world. But, we also have the opportunity to live our lives with forgiveness and generosity. We can learn from the past and let go of grudges.
Life is so short. We can (and should) keep our government accountable, but we can also choose to see past the differing opinions of those around us. We can (and should) seek Truth and Peace and Purpose, yes, but we can also choose joy in the daily grind and respond in kindness.
With Jesus as our Hiding Place, we can stand firm with joy and not give in to the pit of despair.
Heavenly Father, thanks for being our hiding place. Thank you for being our refuge and strength. Help us run to You regardless of whether our days are tough or easy. Help us show Your love to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Have you read, The Hiding Place, or seen the movie? What have you learned from the ten Boom family or other Heroes of the Faith?
Tasks: Don’t wait for circumstances to get better. Practice forgiveness and generosity today. Don’t wait for circumstances to worsen. Ask Jesus for His grace, joy, and help today. Take this virtual tour of ‘the Beje’, the ten Boom residence and watch shop turned museum!
Grand Forks Getaway
As I previously mentioned, Lydia and I had a special getaway last weekend.
We had a great weekend about an hour north in Grand Forks, North Dakota! I had made a short list of potential activities and places to visit. But, as always, God took my loose plans and put His own spin on them!
On Friday evening, we visited dear friends at a park and were visited by the ice cream truck! My friends have three kids, ages 2 to almost 6, and they are all so cute. The little boy, the middle child, wanted to hold Lydia’s hand, sit right next to her, and have her carry him. It was fun seeing Lydia respond favorably to him and his sisters. As an only child, she’s not used to siblings!
Then, Lydia and I drove across the border to Cabela’s in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. She loved it and even came out with a new stuffed animal! Soon, we crossed the bridge back to the North Dakota side. We walked around downtown before heading back to Minnesota for our car. Later, Lydia lived it up at the hotel arcade. She even won first place in the racing game! Reminds me of her dad!
On Saturday morning we had breakfast with the same friends, this time the kids were left at home. The man was one of Dave’s Caterpillar coworkers and a pallbearer at his funeral. After Dave died, I gave him Dave’s Bible. It felt like the right thing to do to bless this ‘CAT guy.’ God has blessed that small act of faith, and it has been fun to see him lead his family toward Jesus.
This man was mourning the lost of his best friend, who had just died from COVID-19 complications earlier in the week. So on Saturday, we talked about faith, Dave, family, our Caterpillar connection, and more. He acknowledged that our visit seemed like God-ordained meeting. I am so grateful I could encourage this couple because they have been such an encouragement to me!
Then, Lydia and I drove around town, visiting Widman’s confectionery and the University of North Dakota/Ralph Engelstad Arena (known for intense ice hockey games!). Later, we went to the Blue Moose Restaurant and ate tapas, walked around the mall, and visited a local indie bookstore. Lydia also drew a crowd with her marksmanship skills at Scheels!
Saturday night, we spent a couple hours at the water park in our hotel. It was huge, and we had a blast on the water slides and practicing Lydia’s swimming skills. We even ran into another friend! Then, we relaxed and watched a movie while eating some snacks.
On Sunday, we drove about 20 miles west to Turtle River State Park. We had fun hiking around and were glad we went early to beat the heat. It was gorgeous! Then, we came back home and listened to an audiobook on the way. Lydia played with a friend while I did some yard work before family Zoom.
When making our plans, it took me awhile to decide what to do and where to stay. I was trying to decide about the water park and what other attractions to see. I was also uncertain if I should contact my friends since it had been a few years since we saw them. I didn’t want them to have to adjust their plans. Turns out, I contacted them on the same day they found out about the loss of their friend. Wow!
Our whole trip was covered by God’s grace. I’d like to take Lydia to Medora, ND sometime, too, but this was the best weekend we’ve had in awhile!
God, You are so good and faithful! Thanks for leading us and for guiding our steps. Thanks for helping us encourage others as we honor Dave’s life and legacy. Help us continue to be a blessing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Have you been to Grand Forks or Medora? What do you like to do on vacation? Do you like to relax or go sight-seeing? Do you make big plans or just meander?
Tasks: Next time you are considering a trip or step out of your normal routine, prayerfully go for it! Invite God to direct your path and see how He moves on your behalf! You never know just how He may use you to bless someone else.
Finding Grace #271
You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?
This week was busy but fun!
Work went well, and there were many interesting things that happened. Besides patient care, we had various meetings and trainings that show just how capable my team is. I really appreciate the perspective each person brings to our field. We have a lot of fun, too!
Lydia had fun at swimming lessons and learned some new techniques. It’s fun watching her bop along with the other kids. I enjoy watching her learn and grow!
Thursday, I took Lydia for a quick health check-up before school. She had symptoms of a cold and I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t COVID. Thankfully test was negative. The provider thought it was just allergies and gave her some Claritin. Overall, that seems to have helped. As a side note, I am grateful that was our first go-around with any sort of symptoms during the pandemic. Praise God!
The weather was great this week, with a lot of sunny days. It finally felt warm enough to leave my jacket at home! Spring is later here than my home state of Illinois. But, I also noticed my tulips are starting to bloom!
Today, we met with old friends, ate out, and spent time at a local water park marking eight years of Dave in Heaven. It was fun to do something different as we celebrated his life and legacy. I’m thankful for how far God has brought us, and I know Dave would be so proud!
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!
Good God Almighty
Singer/songwriter David Crowder has a new song, called ‘Good God Almighty.’ Every time I hear it, it makes me happy and I turn it up! For me, it is a celebratory song about Who God is and for all He has done. But, it’s also a prompt to keep moving forward.
Good God Almighty
I hope You’ll find me
Praising Your name no matter what comes
‘Cause I know where I’d be
Without Your mercy
So I keep praising Your name at the top of my lungs
Tell me is He good? (He’s good)
Tell me is He God? (He’s God)
He is, Good God Almighty
This weekend, as we ‘celebrate’ eight years of Dave being in Heaven, we will continue to honor his memory. How we do that has changed over time, but in years past, we would eat some of his favorite foods and/or I would give Lydia a special gift. Despite the sadness, we have tried to enjoy the day.
As Lydia continues to grow and learn, she has more questions and emotions. That’s normal, but these things have been coming up more in conversation these last few months. So, it seems appropriate to do something bigger this time, like visit a local indoor water park! We might even meet up with some friends who knew Dave. Lydia is so excited which is fun to see!
We will have fun and might even be a little sad. That’s okay because we can still move forward in the midst of mixed emotions! And, I know Dave would be so proud of us.
Besides, if I really believe God is God, then I need to trust Him and make sure I am representing Him well. I can set a good example of perseverance for Lydia (and others).
I can praise Him when things are going well and when they are not. He knows exactly what I need, and He can help me get through it with His grace.
He is Good God Almighty despite my feelings and circumstances!
God, thanks for bringing us through the last eight years. You are so good and faithful, Lord. Help us keep praising You no matter what Life throws at us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you find it difficult to keep moving forward when Life gets rough? (I understand how difficult it can be… don’t give up!) Will you let God help?
Tasks: Listen to the song, ‘Good God Almighty.’ Then, praise God for Who He is and for all He has done!