Grace Galore

I hope you are having a wonderful day! Generally, I want my blog to be an encouraging part of your week. Perhaps, it also challenges you, too! I appreciate that it reflects where Lydia and I are in life. It’s been fun to track our successes and work through some of the tough issues we face. 

That’s all good, but as we near the ten-year anniversary of Dave’s death, I have been wondering what all I/we have accomplished in the last decade. It’s a good question to ask sometimes!

Now, before you worry about me, I am okay. I realize a lot is going well for us. I worked very hard to write and publish my book. I have a great job with awesome coworkers, and  Lydia is looking forward to middle school this fall. There’s so much to be thankful for.

It’s just been a stressful few months in many ways, and sometimes I second-guess myself. On those chaotic days, I have wondered how I may have grown or changed when I still see some of the same problems. Have you ever felt that way?

Recently, I had time to talk with some friends and explain how I felt. That helped, especially since they were stressed about the same things! We all have slightly different issues and factors, but stress is stress. 🙂

As a result, I was able to rethink how I perceive some of the stress, and I was able to see God’s grace and provision clearly. He has been so, so good to me.

Free Mountain Path photo and picture

With Easter around the corner, I am again reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. He died so we could live. He rose in Victory; now we also walk in Victory.

Nothing is impossible for God. We bring Him our weaknesses in exchange for His strength. Praise God, we have His Holy Power in us! 

No matter how hectic life gets, I am grateful that Life has so much more to offer. THIS (whatever your THIS is) isn’t ALL there is. The best is yet to come!

Growth isn’t easy; change may require much effort before seeing results. But, we can take steps toward greatness every day. We can choose a good attitude and rely on the Lord. Knowing God’s grace will cover us, we can work hard and do our best.

Perfection is not the goal. We don’t have to get it all right. That’s God’s responsibility. Jesus gives us His righteousness and we can rest in His grace galore!

Of course, the expectation of an “easy” life is unrealistic. Jesus never promised us that. Suffering is not for nothing, however. Challenges will always come, but blessings are built in if we look for them.

Don’t let a bad day, week, or month keep you from living a full life.

Lord, give us Resurrection eyes of faith!


God, thanks for your grace galore. Thanks that we won’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Help us walk in the Victory Jesus died to give us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What is God resurrecting in your life today? How is He making it new, and where can you see His grace at work?

Task: There is stress, and then there is “perceived stress.” Check out this Perceived Stress Scale. To me, it is almost a measure of how much I am worrying (and where I need to trust God or seek help). I hope it is helpful for you – that you can see the silver lining and know where you need to shift your focus.

Last-Minute Blessing

Recently, I met with a new widow for coffee at church. She is an older woman, and I just happened to reach out to see how she was coping. As expected, she confirmed the first several weeks are like a train wreck. 

I only met her husband briefly, but they were married for over twenty years. He was a Veteran and will be buried with full honors at the Fargo National Cemetary. I hope to attend with Lydia if we are available that day.

We talked for about two hours as Lydia sat nearby and read a book. I asked questions and answered them. I looked up a phone number for her and really just listened. I hope she was as encouraged as I was!

I brought my friend a little artificial orchid, knowing it would be a blessing – and perhaps a bright spot when she is feeling down. I didn’t want her to have to remember to water it – like I did with my tomato plant all those years ago!

She mentioned two things that impacted me. She said God spoke to her heart at church that day in a powerful way; she said if I hadn’t invited her, she would still be at home. Whoa. I am so glad I listened!

Indeed, it was good to see my friend’s face light up with joy at the cute plant. I noticed her touching it from time to time during our conversation. She thanked me and said she knew the perfect spot for it at home!

I’m not sharing this to show you how amazing I am. Honestly, I almost left the orchid at home and brought a different plant. That’s because I wanted to keep the orchid for myself! 

It’s a little humbling to admit my selfishness, but I needed the reminder to be generous. I am so glad I listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. On my way out the door, I ran back inside to grab the orchid and put it in my purse. I decided I didn’t want to look at the orchid with regret, wishing I had given it away. It was a last-minute blessing, and I didn’t want to miss the opportunity!

In some ways, I wanted to be an example for Lydia to do the right thing. On our drive to church, we discussed how a fake little plant almost prevented me from showing Jesus’ love to someone who really needed it. Yes, I could probably find it again and buy it online, but it was a good lesson for us both!

We talked about how we are God’s ambassadors and represent Him. His love for others flows through us as we serve and give. God can take my little sacrifice and do something big with it. So, we shouldn’t hold back a blessing meant for someone else.

Sometimes, people ask God, “Why aren’t you using me?” But, I wonder how often we limit His work in our lives simply because we ignore His still, small voice. How can we expect Him to do something big or exciting if we aren’t obedient in the little things?

We don’t need to wrestle with being kind. We don’t need to question if God wants us to give. It is not a question of IF, but how or how much. We can certainly pray for wisdom but don’t doubt or procrastinate. We can afford to be generous and give what we have.

Indeed, God never gives us His second best or second rate. Jesus was the only option, and He was all in. Jesus gave His life for us, so we could live for Him.


God, thanks for being so generous! Thanks for the opportunity to join You at work. Please help me be kind, generous, and gracious toward others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you trust that God can take your offering and multiply it?

Task: Don’t allow yourself to settle for second best. Always give your best to God!

Building Boundaries

This past Sunday, Lydia got a big surprise when I bought her first cell phone! We have been discussing it for a while, and I was content to wait a little longer. Nonetheless, we decided to go to Verizon and scout out some options. I felt peace when we were there, and it seemed right!

Of course, Lydia is very excited, but she will need to learn some new boundaries. I set some parental restrictions and won’t let her sign up for social media accounts. She has time limits set up, as well, and I can review her activity. It will be a learning curve for both of us, but I am glad we are doing this a few months before she starts middle school.

Naturally, the last few nights at bedtime, we have been reviewing the importance of setting healthy boundaries. It doesn’t happen without diligence!

Lydia was having trouble understanding my point, so I showed her using an old wooden tray for one of her toys. It probably held some magnets or blocks, but the toys are long gone by now. (pic below)

I grabbed the tray, which to me looked like a corral. First, I turned it over to the flat side. I explained that we don’t know where our limits are when we don’t have boundaries. We may get really close to the “edge” and risk getting hurt.

Then, I flipped it back over and showed Lydia how the outer part looked like a fence. If a person – or horse?!- were in there, they would have a lot of freedom to roam. There is comfort and safety in strong boundaries.

Boundaries also protect us from outside influences. Some people prefer to live on the edge; they like taking risks and pushing limits! Sometimes, that’s okay, but we need to make sure we are in step with Jesus and honoring Him.

Lydia and I brainstormed several examples of boundaries. Saying yes and no are a start. Marriages and friendships are two examples, a regular bedtime is another. Yards have fences or sometimes hedgerows as property lines. A budget is yet one more example of a boundary!

Boundaries are not just guidelines; they help us measure where we are and how far we’ve come! I’m sure Lydia and I will continue to develop more boundaries as she grows. For now, she is learning boundaries come with responsibility!


God, thanks for the loving boundaries You place in our lives. Help us to honor You as we stay within Your limits. May we be wise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are some other examples of good boundaries? Do you naturally like boundaries, or are you a little rebellious? 😉

Tasks: Take a moment to assess your boundaries, personally and/or professionally. Reel yourself in before you fall off the edge and get hurt! 🙂 Check out this book!

Finding Grace #367

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Rapids River photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy week, but it all worked out in God’s timing! I covered the first part of the week in my Wednesday blog.

All my early prep work on Tuesday afternoon paid off because my Wednesday morning tax appointment was the fastest one yet. I had everything laid out, and we were done in about twenty-five minutes! Years ago, when life was simpler, I did my own taxes. But now, there are just too many factors, and I appreciate the professionals making sure I don’t miss something important. Hiring help is a gift to myself!

Wednesday night, I stayed up late organizing for a couple hours. I bought some shelving for the laundry room and containers to help me corral items in my kitchen cupboards. It felt good to put things in place, which also gave me peace of mind!

On Thursday morning, Lydia had an appointment, and then we went to get a Caribou drink. We don’t do that often, but it was close and we had the time! Woohoo! I love not having to rush. Then, we ran some extra cardboard to the recycling center and went home to do a little cleaning.

Thursday afternoon, my electrician neighbor came over again. This time, he installed two new lights in our upstairs bathroom. I bought them online to replace the old bathroom lights, which were thirteen years and rusty from all the humidity. He worked for an hour and saved me several hours of trying to figure it out! He did not charge me; he said he was just being neighborly, and they are easy for him. Maybe I can do something nice for his family later!

On Friday, I had a morning meeting and an afternoon car maintenance appointment. My car has 90,000+ miles and is still going strong! It’s hard to believe I’ve had it for ten years now. Lydia hung out with a friend and ended up having a sleepover at her house.

With all the busyness and excitement of this week, we just rested today. I had a good workout, then caught up with an audiobook and a movie. Later, Lydia and I both did a little reading. This week was the most relaxed I have been in months! Thank You, Jesus!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Rest Among Busyness

Well, it’s another full week and I can already see God’s grace at play. It happens to be Spring Break (Wed-Fri). That said, I took the time off to spend with Lydia, but also scheduled five, maybe six, routine appointments for the week!

I could have spread out the appointments over the next several weeks, but I thought it was best to take advantage of the timing. For example, I am getting my taxes done and getting my oil changed (plus some car maintenance). Also, Lydia has a quick appointment where I won’t have to take her out of school. I will try to work on some organizing projects around the house, too.

I worked Monday and Tuesday, though I left early yesterday because Lydia wasn’t feeling well at school. We did meet the very helpful school nurse, so that was a bonus! Lydia is fine overall, but her POTS got the best of her. It was good for her to rest.

Free Time Work photo and picture

I left her at home for a few minutes while I went to her parent-teacher conference alone. It hit me as I walked through the book fair: it was our last conference and book fair in that school. Next fall will be completely different!

As I waited for my turn, I talked with my neighbor boys in the hallway (waiting for their parents). It was so good to catch up with them, as I heard all they are interested in. I offered condolences on the recent death of their cat, and one of them offered to help clear my snow sometime. It was refreshing as I have known them for all these years, and they are still as friendly as ever!

Lydia’s conference went well, as I expected. I can’t help but get a little emotional, though, and yesterday was no different. I tend to become rather reflective.

It’s good to hear how well Lydia is doing, but I also see how much she has grown and learned. Time is going so fast! I am grateful God has entrusted me with her, and I think of how Dave would be so proud. I also think about how much he is missing, though I am confident God will make it up to all of us in Heaven.

Lydia has been missing Dave a lot lately, even wearing some of his clothes around the house. She is so much like him, and we talk about him often. In fact, two months from today, we will be celebrating his life and us making it ten years without him.

That’s hard to believe, but God has carried us all this time. I appreciate the friends who have reached out to offer support, most often unaware of how we have been feeling. Isn’t God good like that?!

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In addition to the appointments coming up this week, I told a friend how I had four specific things to accomplish last night after the school conference, including my tax prep work and blog. The most time-consuming was probably the tax prep because I wanted to review an entire year’s worth of data (which I had to find and download first!).

While I wasn’t happy Lydia was sick, God graciously gave me a few extra hours to work on my taxes yesterday before the appointment this morning. I didn’t want to show up completely unprepared, but I hadn’t been able to get to it until then. Whew!

And, that made it so I had a little more flexibility with the other items on my to-do list. Lydia and I even enjoyed watching the movie, “Annie,” which was the perfect way to start off our break together! It was fun hearing a lot of the famous songs and one-liners. The song, “Tomorrow,” is always encouraging on its own!

While all of this may just seem like a lot of busyness (even with important appointments), I have spaced them out, so we are not rushing. Instead, I will stay focused on God and let Him redeem our time. He helps me prioritize.

May we all stay close to the Lord and rest in Him, even when life gets a little hectic.


Gracious Father, thanks for all Your love and care. You are so good to us! Thanks for taking such good care of us and guiding our steps. Help us to rest in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How do you see God at work in your life this week?

Task: Despite your busyness, stay close to God. He’s our Shepherd and Guide! He will make sure you get the most important things done in due time.

Finding Grace #366

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Sunlight Tree photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun week all around!

Monday and Tuesday were slower at work, so I was able to stay on top of my charting. Then, on Wednesday, we celebrated RDN day with soup, salad, and breadsticks from Olive Garden. We also had fruit pizzas for dessert and played a fun game. We tried to guess which facts matched each coworker. We were laughing so much and learned quite a bit about each other. It was so refreshing and made me love my job even more.

On Thursday, we had a TPN training, which reminded me of when Dave needed this source of feeding through the veins. I wasn’t sad, just reflective. We also had a teambuilding game with Oreos and sampled various flavors. Just for fun. Afterall, you don’t want to end up with a bag you don’t like! I think I will stick with either plain or just Mint Oreos, on occasion. 😉

That evening, one of my neighbors came over to help with a GFCI outlet in the kitchen. It was affecting four other outlets. We first noticed two Sundays ago, but it had taken me awhile to decide what to do. I can fix small things around the house, but this one made me nervous. Turns out there were five wires to connect! I hadn’t met this neighbor, but I do see his wife and kids at the bus stop several days a week. It’s funny because he is very friendly and I had no clue he was an electrician until lately! And, he is going to come back again soon and help me update/replace two bathroom lights that are getting rusty. God provided someone right when I needed it!

On Friday, I had a busy morning at work and needed to stay a couple of extra hours to get things done. But, that meant I got to stay for a birthday celebration (cake and ice cream). This was definitely an unusual week – we don’t have treats that often, let alone three days in a row! We were joking that it was a really good week to be at work!

Yesterday after work, I ran some errands knowing today was going to be another blizzardy day. I picked up a lot of fresh veggies (gotta balance out the treats!). Lydia asked if she could help me cut them up. We had fun chopping, cooking, and listening to Oldies music. By my estimate, she saved me a couple hours in the kitchen which was much appreciated! I’m grateful for my helpful girl!

Today, we stayed home and mostly relaxed since Lydia saved me so much time last night. I did a little housework but mostly we just enjoyed the snowy day!

Don’t forget to turn back your clocks for Daylight Savings Time tonight!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Foodie Facts

March is National Nutrition Month, and TODAY is Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist Day!! I have a fairly full day at work, but I look forward to having lunch catered in. 🙂 My manager asked us each to send a random fact about ourselves in preparation for a special event. Here is what I sent her:

“When I was really little (like ages 4-5), I would eat slowly and try to figure out what my food was made of. I would look at each bite and question what molecules they contained (before I even knew what that meant).”

She affirmed that, yes, I put the RD in NERD!  🤓

May be an image of food and indoor

I don’t know how or why I thought about all of that when I was so young. Even so, I recognized corn, green beans, carrots, strawberries, grapes, bread, nuts, meat, and cheese are all very different!! I knew God made everything, and I guess I wondered just how He made such variety!

These days, I do catch myself studying my food on occasion, though maybe it’s to see how all the textures and flavors fit on my fork. I never thought about it before now, but I suppose it’s a way to be mindful. Then, there are days, I have to rush and don’t pay as much attention. Perhaps I should take this throwback to my childhood as a cue!

Nonetheless, I believe God planted that little seed in my life to watch it grow and see what I would do with it. It seems He made me, in part, to serve Him and others as a dietitian.

A couple of years ago, someone asked, “Why did you become an RD?” Here was my response:

“I was born a foodie, fascinated by food and how it all “worked” with the human body from a young age. I thought I wanted to be a physician, but in high school, a dear friend died in an accident. I went to see him on life support. Bedside, I decided that I didn’t want the burden and responsibility of potentially telling someone their loved one was going to die. In my teenage grief, I threw myself into “busyness,” which led me to food and agricultural classes (yay, FFA!). Along the way, I realized food is both Ag and medicine. I also love science, education, cooking, and counseling, so dietetics is a natural blend of so many of my passions.”

May be an image of coffee cup and text that says 'BE KIND WORK HARD EAT OGIUR'

After my husband, Dave, died, I struggled with motivation in several areas. That grief made me question everything. What’s the point of eating well, exercising, and staying healthy when we all end up dying?

Of course, as grief subsided over time, I came back full circle. We can’t prevent everything, but we can try our best to stay healthy and enjoy our lives to the fullest. Taking care of ourselves is so important. No one does it perfectly, but it’s the things we do every day that make the biggest difference. Balance, variety, consistency, and moderation are key.

I am still in awe of how much variety God made when it comes to food. There are hundreds of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white fruits and vegetables. Each of them contains different types of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants. And that’s just fruits and veggies!

Well, I am confident that God still has good things in store for me. And I know He has a good plan for you, too. We can bring glory to God by living for Him in all we do. It might look different from one season to the next, but we can look for patterns over time and ask God for His input. Don’t give up!


Heavenly Father, thanks for making me… me! Thanks for filling me with passion and purpose. Help me bring You glory every day! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is a fun fact about you? Can you see God at work throughout your life? How might you live out your purpose today?

Tasks: Check out this fun website about eating fruits and veggies! Be kind. Work hard. Eat your veggies!

Finding Grace #365

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Raquette Hiver photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an unexpected week, but I am so grateful for God’s grace! Everything started off normally… Zoom on Sunday, work on Monday, Tuesday, etc. The rest of the week was a wild card!

Tuesday night into Wednesday brought another blizzard. Go figure! Lydia had remote learning for school again. I was getting ready to go to work, a little nervous because the snow was coming down so fast. I thought it would be a little challenging, especially since I couldn’t see the road behind my house. I could see my neighbor got stuck in front of my house, yet I was hopeful in that my snow service already came once a few hours before. Nope! I opened my garage door to over two feet of snow, which had drifted in again! I wasn’t going anywhere fast! Indeed, it was great to have an unexpected day off. Eventually, I cleared a little snow, the plows went through, and my snow service came again.

On Thursday, I was all ready to go to work again, but I saw that Lydia wasn’t feeling well. She had been a little sick on our snow day, most likely skimping on her water and salt which finally caught up with her. In the past, I would have pushed her to go-go-go, but I decided I didn’t want to send that message. Instead, we stayed home and rested. She napped and caught up on her water and salt. We had a long discussion about the importance of self-care and what that involves for each of us. A little daily work can go a long way to make sure we are feeling our best!

I finally made it to work again on Friday and stayed the whole day, instead of my usual half-day. I was glad to be back and had a lot to get done. Thankfully, it all went well!

Today, Lydia is hanging out with a friend. I have catching up on some podcasts while trying out some new recipes. Cooking is a creative outlet for me! Tonight, I am going to watch my friend’s baby and relax. It’s been a great week overall!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

In Search of Good News

It may be March 1st, but we have another snowstorm in Fargo! It’s not the end of the world, and I know Spring is right around the corner. At least on the calendar – practically speaking, it’s still a couple of months away at this latitude. It takes a while to warm up and for all the snow to melt!

I was thinking about what to write for today’s blog post and was stuck between two half-processed ideas. I just wasn’t feeling them. They still need time to marinate, I guess!

So, I went online to catch up with some articles. I usually have a lot of tabs open but never seem to find time to finish reading! In the process, I clicked open my browser, which shows the latest news. So, I had to check that out first!

Honestly, most of the ‘news’ these days isn’t all that enticing. Some of it is just click-bait, gimmicky stuff. Soooo much unnecessary drama… I also didn’t feel like reading something heavy, such as war or politics (although they are important). And, I wasn’t really interested in shopping for deals. Been there, done that.

No, I was in search of flat-out good news. Life is pretty busy right now, and March usually picks up even more. So, my mind is on overload. I needed something lighthearted to make me smile. Not necessarily an escape, just motivation to keep moving forward.

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Success! I found a video of the Princess of Wales accepting some flowers from a toddler. Her genuine response and accent brightened my mood. I also read about a family welcoming home a soldier. I read through some healthy plant-based recipes (which helped me feel creative!). And, then I took a cue from Lydia and watched… cute puppy videos. 🙂

During the short time I spent writing this, I remembered a friend’s mom needed prayer. And, I reached out to some loved ones who live near an accident to make sure they are okay (sad news I read online). My heart was filled with concern.

Then, I thought about Jesus and the Good News He brings. Indeed, God is the Source of all good things, and He is the very definition of Good. Our perspective changes when we focus on Jesus!

God covers us with His grace even when we are completely unaware. Like, we literally cannot fathom all the good things He does for us and the crazy things He shields us from.

Grace upon grace. Mercy and forgiveness. Good news upon good news. His free gift.

If you could use a little encouragement in your life today, here is the best news possible: God loves you and is with you right now. He has a special plan for your life. You matter. God has not forgotten about you. He is for you and has good things in store for You. You can trust Him completely. He’s got you covered!

There are no gimmicks with God. Life is good because God is good. There will be some challenging days, sure, but we can get through them with His help!


God, thanks for showing us Your perfect Grace and Truth. Thanks for being the standard we live by, not the world’s drama or our emotions. Help us share Your light with those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite topics to read about or watch? What brings you joy online? Does it uplift you and turn your heart toward Jesus?

Tasks: Check out this website, full of good news! Thank God for all the ways He loves you!

Finding Grace #364

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Winter Snow photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week and God’s grace was evident!

Lydia and I were both off on Monday due to Presidents Day. We mostly relaxed and did a little cooking and cleaning. We read some books, played some games, and each got our hair trimmed, too!

Later in the week, I upgraded several small kitchen tools thanks to some coupons! I bought a new nonstick skillet, a small, basic hand mixer, and a Magic Bullet. The ones I tossed were over ten years old, and some parts were either rusting or breaking. I know I will get good use out of the new versions since I used the others most every week!

On Thursday, we had another blizzard and Lydia had online learning again. I had mixed emotions – I had several things on my mind besides the weather. While driving to work though, I heard four songs reminding me God understands my situation. The basic message was ‘don’t lose heart.’ By the time I arrived, I was calm. It probably helped that I took a different path through town. Turns out, I also missed a 6-car pileup on my normal route! I was so grateful God protected me and showed me His goodness!

Work was fairly full all week, and I thought Thursday would also be quite busy. Some coworkers called off, so we switched around our patients to cover for those who couldn’t make it in. Even then, several patients canceled. So, the workload was much more manageable than I expected, and I was able to get caught up with my charting. Thanks, Lord!

Finally, after all the craziness of the day, I came home to lots of drifting snow. I read my email and it said we only had received 0.7 inches, not enough for my snow removal company to come. However, they surprised us and came anyway, as a courtesy when it was ~20 below! It was the best feeling – a huge relief – God saw me and took care of it for me.

Today, we are getting things done at home. Tonight, our friend and her baby are coming over to hang out. We might watch a show and order Chinese!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!