Full of Surprises

A few weeks ago, Lydia’s daycare informed us about a special surprise scheduled for yesterday. We learned she was to bring her swimsuit and towel, so naturally, Lydia packed her bag right away. Yes, she was lugging these items back and forth every day in anticipation!!

Then, yesterday morning we woke up earlier than usual to get ready. Lydia didn’t want to miss any of the fun. She wanted to arrive with enough time to “prepare.” 🙂

As we ate breakfast, I looked outside and noticed it was overcast. I didn’t say anything to Lydia, but I quietly checked the forecast. Thankfully, it was just cloudy, with no rain.

Personally, I was relieved knowing the clouds would hide some of the sun’s heat. It was supposed to be near 100 degrees originally, so I was happy with the mid-80s!

I mentioned to Lydia that her plans would probably be just fine weather-wise. At the same time, I thought about how many times we worry about our plans not working out.

Often, we see clouds and assume all is lost! Woe is us, it might rain!

So what if we occasionally get wet?

Sometimes, clouds are an answer to prayer. God’s protection and provision.

On the way to daycare, I prepped Lydia so she could manage her expectations. She was hoping to go swimming. But, I didn’t want her to be disappointed if they didn’t go to the pool. She decided to embrace the surprise no matter what it was.

I dropped Lydia off thirty-five minutes earlier than normal and about fifteen minutes before her surprise was to start. As such, I was able to enjoy a thirty minute walk along the river before work! I hadn’t planned that, so it was nice surprise!

As I walked, I saw plenty of people walking, running, biking, and roller skiing! I saw a few dogs and  covered ground I hadn’t seen before. After about fifteen minutes, I had to turn around and walk back to my car. I kept wanting to see what was around the next bend! However, I decided to return another day so I could explore more. 

By this time, the sun was peeking out. It was already humid and I worked up a good sweat. I should have brought an extra shirt! Nonetheless, it felt great to get some outside exercise before work. I eventually cooled down once I arrived at my office. 🙂

When I picked her up in the afternoon, Lydia told me about her day. The surprise included various stations with exciting water activities. There were water balloons, a dunk tank, and a foam bubble machine. An ice cream truck even stopped by with treats for all the kids! Lydia had so much fun and was glad she kept an open mind!

You know, God is always full of surprises! He fills our lives with good things. When uncertainty comes, we don’t have to “figure it out” or second-guess His love. Instead, peace and joy come when we let God take care of us. Nothing is impossible!


Heavenly Father, thanks for filling our lives with goodness. Help us walk in Your love as we live by faith. Help us spread your peace and joy everywhere we go! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Has God surprised you lately? Is there something you can do to surprise or bless someone else?

Tasks: Keep your eyes open for all the ways God showers His love on you today. Live with expectation of His goodness. You might just be surprised!