Praise Him Anywhere

On my way to work yesterday, I heard the song Praise You Anywhere by Brandon Lake. It’s a good song, but I hadn’t paid much attention to it until yesterday. I sat in my car for a few minutes, thinking about various places I could praise God.

I like to sing in the shower, in the car, and while cooking. I’m sure there are other places I worship God, but I haven’t thought much about it lately. Sometimes, I like to just be quiet and feel His presence.

That said, I don’t have to sing in order to praise God! I often thank God for various things, either out loud or in my heart. I might praise Him for the weather, or a kindness I perceived. I may thank Him for light traffic or meeting someone else’s needs. I pray blessings of over people I love dearly and complete strangers I see as I go about my day.

I love that praise can be a part of prayer, which is just talking to God. I like to check in and pray at meal times, when I wake up and go to bed.

Currently, I am thanking God for sending us less snow than usual. I’m sure we will get plenty of it soon, but it has been helpful for my current role at work. The cold weather is important and beneficial at the same time. There is beauty to be found in every season!

With the winter we’ve had lately, my sister sent a picture of a sun dog. We see them a lot in North Dakota, but she hadn’t seen one for a while in Illinois, where she still lives. It was a praiseworthy thing to photograph!

I love what Psalm 113 says about praise. Here is part of verses 1-3:

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, you his servants; praise the name of the Lord.

Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.

Praising God doesn’t have to be awkward. Really, it is the most natural thing we can do. If you don’t know what to say or do, start with what you see. Tell Jesus how thankful you are for objects in your environment. Next, move through the other physical senses (hearing, touch, smell, taste, and proprioception). Make it a full-body experience!

Then, tell Him how you feel emotionally. Praise Him for His help, provision, healing, and anything else that comes to mind. If you are struggling, that’s okay. He understands. Praise Him anyway!

We were created for a relationship with our Heavenly Father. Whether you sing or talk, you don’t need fancy words! Just bring your heart!


God, we praise You! You alone are worthy. Help us praise and worship You with our whole hearts and all of our gratitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Where do you like to sing or praise God? Do you find it easy or a bit awkward?

Tasks: As you go about your day, look for ways to praise God. Consider tracking your praises and see how long your list gets! For another great Brandon Lake song, check out Gratitude.” Praise Him anywhere!


Fifteen Years

On Sunday, I celebrated fifteen years since I married Dave! It was my tenth anniversary without him here, but this anniversary felt fairly lightweight. Marrying Dave was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I am grateful for the time we had together.

Lydia reminds me of Dave daily; she’s a treasure like her dad. This weekend, we made a bit of forward progress… another project requiring more tools.

Fifteen years ago, Dave and I bought a closet organizer that had several pieces. We used it in our old house in Illinois but separated it into different rooms when we moved to North Dakota.

Over the last year or so, Lydia’s been requesting we remove the drawers and shelves that ended up in her room. The drawers have needed repairs on and off for ten years. I suppose fifteen years is a long time for particle board! Nonetheless, I kept putting it off.

Because of its size, it seemed like a lot of effort, mentally and physically. I knew I would have to do it all myself! But it was also emotionally tough because whenever I saw it, I could envision Dave installing it with great love and attention to detail. Oh, how he loved Lydia and wanted the best for her!

Well, thanks to our recent break from work and school, I finally felt relaxed and ready to tackle it. Lydia cleaned it out and cleared space. Then, I unscrewed it from the wall. We removed the drawers and shelves before I slowly pulled the unit down to the floor.

I’m pretty sure that the unit was just waiting to come down! Almost with a sigh of relief, it fell into two sections before hitting the floor! I could see what was happening, so I was prepared. Ironically, it saved me the effort of prying it loose! Then, the hinges on the door gave way, and the rest just came apart.

Finally, I carried it to the curb for garbage pickup on Monday. Lydia promptly moved her desk into that new space. It fits perfectly. In fact, the desk looks much better there than sticking out from the window, its previous location.

In hindsight, it was almost as if the wardrobe was just holding together until I could finally release it. It felt like an object lesson, a statement: It’s okay to hold onto the past for a little while, but it’s also good to let it go. That’s part of healing and moving forward.

I don’t know if you need to let something go… but maybe it’s time. It’s not that it means less now, but consider how you have grown past the point of needing it. Or, perhaps it is keeping you from growth.

Then again, maybe there’s nothing holding you back… But are you holding something else back? No rush. No pressure. Just something to consider. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” God wants us to live a full life. But life is short, and we don’t have time to waste. 

Ultimately, we want to listen to Jesus and follow His timing in our lives. We don’t have to be afraid; He is trustworthy. He will make it clear when we need to keep moving forward!


God, thanks for blessing me, protecting me, and providing for me. Thanks for the reminder to let go of things that aren’t good for me anymore so I can follow You more closely. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What is God asking you to do as a result of this blog post? Is there something holding you back from following Him?

Tasks: Take a little inventory of your environment, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be brave and let go of what is not serving you well. Trust Jesus and keep moving forward!

Keeping It Simple

Happy New Year! Lydia and I had fun hanging out at home on New Year’s Eve. She really wanted to stay up until Midnight, so we played some games, ate some yummy food, and even did a little painting. Mine was rather abstract, but I did add some glitter, ha!

While we waited for the new year to roll in, we talked about things we are looking forward to this year. She had a great list, including going to camp, joining a volleyball team, and doing some traveling.

On a personal note, I want to build more rest into my daily routine to help me manage stress. By that, I mean adopting a slower pace (which is not always possible), purposeful movement, and simple nourishing meals. I also want to stay on top of my clutter. A tall order, but, I will do my best.

Spiritually, I want to stay present with Jesus and invite Him into every part of my day. That’s one reason I want to have a slower pace – to hear Him more easily and move with Him without delay. The noise of daily life makes it difficult to pay attention to Him!

Thus, Lydia and I decided to read the Bible together chronologically and discuss it.  The Bible shows God’s goodness and love but also how brutal humans can be. That said, some of the content may be beyond Lydia’s maturity level, so I might let her skip those parts. We will see how it goes!

Otherwise, I’m not really into making resolutions but rather setting SMART goals and building solid habits. It’s good to give ourselves a lot of time (maybe, all year!) since it takes a while to build new routines.

A few months ago, I came across the idea of setting goals we are 90% sure we can achieve (rather than a so-so 50%). That way, it is still a stretch, but we are confident. Thus, we are more likely to have success over something we were not fully committed to. It has more to do with building ourselves up rather than just the to-do list.

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That said, keeping it simple is usually the best idea. My cousin is a librarian for kids. She asked them what kinds of resolutions they had. Here are some of their ideas: Be kind. Have fun. Be nice. See the hippos at the zoo. Explore! Paint!

We can learn a lot here and interpret the children’s nuggets of wisdom. Basically, this means to treat people well, pause to enjoy life, and try new things. I am fairly confident we can all be successful with these! 🙂

Whatever you decide to do this year, follow where the Lord leads. Be sure to check in with Him throughout each day. Staying close to Jesus is the best thing you can do!


God, thanks for Your new mercies every morning. Help us keep You front and center this year. Help us slow down, stay present, and listen to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any resolutions or goals for the coming weeks? Do you have a specific strategy you like to follow?

Task: Be sure to check in with Jesus as you plan your days, weeks, months, and years!

Looking Back: Lessons Learned

Today is the last Wednesday post of 2023! I have the whole week off, the first time in at least five years. Having time to relax and reflect on the year has been wonderful. I have been catching up on a few things, reading, and planning for January.

Here are some changes we’ve made and lessons learned over the last year. 

In March, I worked with a personal trainer for a short time to regain strength after a few minor health issues made me feel weak (all is well, or at least manageable, now). With a clean bill of health, I decided to make some changes! The trainer reminded me of my goals and the importance of compound movements and progressive overload (lifting heavier weights over time). I also brushed up on some basic muscle anatomy. Our bodies and muscles adapt and need to be challenged in order to grow!

The increased strength and confidence paid off when we went to the beach in June. We spent a week with Dave’s family in Florida, and I went surfing for the first time! It felt good to try something new. I was told most people give up after the first few falls, but I stayed out in the water for several hours.

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Feeling better physically was good for my mental health, too. This year, I learned to cope with stress and perceived stress better. I worked on praying, breathing, stretching, and taking breaks (not quitting). I’m sure my stressors are still similar, but I am just handling them better. Because of this, I had enough mental space and emotional energy to tackle some organization projects around the house. I had put them off for too long, but finally made progress!

Lydia had a big year of growth. She made the decision to be baptized and followed through in May. It was a special blessing that it happened on Pentecost Sunday! Later, when she went to Bible camp in July, she felt a closer connection to God. Since then, she has been spending more time with Him praying and reading her Bible. It has blessed us both, and I am so proud of her!

Lydia finished elementary school in May and entered middle school in August. The difference is like moving from checkers to Monopoly! She enjoys playing the viola and is learning to navigate friendship drama, but also trying to fit in and be her own person. This has led to many conversations about values. Otherwise, Lydia is building her study routine and has realized she can’t rely on the laurels of her past successes. It has been fun to watch her grow; it is worth the occasional struggle.

We have continued to meet over Zoom most weeks with my family. It is something we look forward to on Sundays! We share jokes, updates, and prayer requests. It makes our in-person visits easier since we don’t have to spend as much time catching up. A family that builds each other up is such a gift.

In that vein, another highlight was when my parents came to visit in October! We had such a fun time hanging out. Lydia and I were grateful to have them all to ourselves! My mom built into Lydia with some words of wisdom. My dad fixed several things around the house, some of which I hadn’t even realized were issues. I will try to do a better job of staying on top of things now that I have more energy.

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Work has been steadily busy but also good. I took on some extra responsibilities to cover for others. I was a little nervous, but God has been blessing my efforts. In some ways, I have been mentoring my younger coworkers, too. It’s not an official role, but it is nice that they trust my experience and knowledge. That said, I continue to learn from them as well!

One notable win this year was when the fence belonging to the rental property adjacent to mine was replaced. This is a large corporation with several locations, and I spent several months trying to communicate with them when their fence fell into my yard. They did not respond appropriately, so I spent all summer and fall pushing the city to intervene. They were quick to respond, but it took a while for the legal protocol to play out. I didn’t back down, and finally, the fence was replaced!

Looking back, it seems the common factors are perseverance and growth. We cannot have one without the other. Difficulties are not always bad, and God can use any challenge for our good. With this, I am challenged to keep close to Jesus. He is the only thing that really matters, and everything I need is in Him!

As this new year comes, I am sure there will be more lessons to learn. But I don’t have to be afraid; God never said it would be easy but that He would be with us. He is faithful. We can persevere and grow as we keep moving forward!


God, thanks for faithfully bringing us through another year. May we reflect Your goodness and grace in every circumstance. May we shine your light on all we meet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your top highlight of the year? How did God help you through your challenges?

Tasks: Take a few minutes to reflect on the highlights, challenges, and wins of your year. Praise God and commit to trusting Him in the new year. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”

Jaw Dropping Truth

For this Advent season, Lydia and I have been preparing our hearts in a few ways. In the morning, we are reading from Max Lucado’s book, In the Manger. It contains excerpts from his other books and many deep points spelled out simply.

In the evening, we read a Chapter of Luke’s gospel and then discuss anything that comes to mind. We also have a couple of Advent calendars. One is Peanuts-themed, and one has chocolate.

One morning, we started reading the Max Lucado book during breakfast. I paused to make sure Lydia understood. I asked her if she knew that Mary was a young teenager, and to my surprise, Lydia’s jaw dropped! She was flabbergasted! So much so that I had to ask her to shut her mouth so the oatmeal wouldn’t fall out.

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Lydia mentioned that Mary could have been a student at her school (age-wise). “I’ve babysat for little kids, but I can’t imagine if it was my baby!” I think she has a newfound respect for the story of Baby Jesus!

Then, this became a funny conversation about puberty and how Mary might have felt. We agreed she must have been open-minded, trustworthy, and kindhearted to sacrifice her body and desires without knowing all the details.

Soon, the discussion moved to how Mary’s life differed from ours. She would not have had access to television, the internet, or social media. She couldn’t let toddler Jesus watch PBS Kids when she needed a break. She didn’t have a cell phone, Facetime, or texting. So, perhaps that helped shield her from some comments, but in a small town, people talk.

Mary was likely shunned with little support at first. Maybe that’s one reason she visited her Cousin Elizabeth. Thankfully, God protected her when He prompted Joseph to stand by Mary. They must have been a special pair!

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God must’ve known what He was doing when He created Mary and Joseph. Whatever their personalities and strengths, He entrusted them with Jesus. It was up to them to accept it, but God knew what He was doing!

You, know God has each of our lives planned out, too. Our personalities, strengths, passions, and even weaknesses are no surprise to Him. They are part of our special purpose. God has envisioned each of our days before even one of them comes to pass. He even knows all the words I will write well before I even have a blog topic in mind! #mindblown

So, we can trust God will prepare our path and make sure we are on it. What joy it must bring Him when we walk where He leads! May we keep an open mind and heart when God shows up in exciting ways and sets an opportunity before us.

Even today, we can invite Jesus into our day. Ask Him to reign in your heart and see what He does! But, maybe close your mouth before your food falls out. 🙂


God, You are so wise and patient with us! You always have good plans in store. May we trust You enough to say YES to the life You have designed for us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God asking you to do for Him? It could be big and exciting, or small and mundane. Each situation can be a gift to Him when we have a good attitude.

Task: If you feel unqualified for something God calls you to do, take a deep breath before getting started. Chances are, that’s a sign you are on the right track! If you knew all the answers, you wouldn’t need to trust God! He designed us to depend on Him!

Finding Grace #404

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

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Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a pretty good week!

Work was hopping, that is… good but busy! I had some interesting patients and some fun conversations. I heard that one of my patients died, which is always sad. I also tackled several patient issues that popped up while covering for other people. It was one of those weeks where I felt I was making a difference!

The weather has been amazing this week. We had a tiny bit of snow on Monday but it melted the next day or so. It was in the 40s and felt like spring! Winter is on the way, but this reprieve has been so welcome!

On Thursday, I saw the sunrise on my way to work and the sun set on my drive home! We also attempted to see the predicted aurora borealis by waking up in the middle of the night to check a live stream in Grand Forks, but it wasn’t as exciting as we had hoped, so instead of driving out of town a few miles, we went back to bed.

Lydia is dealing with a POTS flare-up today with several of her usual symptoms. She had hoped to spend time with a friend or two, but instead, we are just taking it easy so she can rest. I am catching up on quiet activities, like paying bills, comparing new health/dental/vision plans, and planning ahead for the new year, which is less than a month away!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Not So Average

Recently, I had the chance to learn a little about one of my Veterans. I have met with him before, but we had a little more time to chat this time. He was seriously the most average-looking man. That’s not a diss; there was just nothing remarkable about his appearance to distinguish him from anyone else. I would never have imagined he had a fantastic story about his experience in the service!

He was an engineering student who ended up in the Navy. He spent time on submarines fixing some of the electrical panels and went all over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans! He was on the USS Yorktown (CV-10). This ship was named after the one that sank in Pearl Harbor.

This man was in charge of temperature-controlled areas on the ship, including the refrigeration deck and the part where they held nuclear weapons with several layers of security and codes. He said he was sometimes afraid, but he learned to stay calm!

Yes, he had nuclear clearance (!!) during the height of the Cold War, and he finds it a little perplexing (or irritating) when people treat him like an old man…

“Excuse me, Sir, do you know where you’re going? or “Sir, can I see your driver’s license?”

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In 1968, this Veteran met the astronauts from Apollo 8 and was the one who lifted the space capsule out of the ocean with a crane and put it on the ship. He said they practiced for weeks to get it just right. Then, he showed me a picture of him in his uniform with the Apollo 8 command module, and so I had to research it!

After leaving the Navy, he returned home and finished his degree. He had a long career and is grateful to have raised a family. He took advantage of the opportunities that came his way and trusted God. In short, he was far from average!

The conversation I had with this Veteran was eye-opening. He really did look so average, yet he had so many adventures! I’m sure many of my Veterans are similar. And, I wonder how many times we do that to others. We assume we know all we need and overlook their gifts or what makes them special.

I was encouraged because sometimes it is easy to swirl in a cycle of being too busy, not busy enough, or feeling anonymous. I was challenged to keep moving forward and keep trusting God’s plan! He knows who we are and where we are. He has not forgotten us!

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On the surface, Jesus would have looked relatively average. He was born in a filthy stable to a poor family. His humble beginning certainly would not have set him apart in any way. He would have appeared basic at best. 

Sure, Jesus had some important highlights, but he was often misunderstood. His family, followers, and even his enemies did not fully grasp what He was all about.  For instance, he was both praised and chided for healing people and doing other miracles.

He was betrayed by two of his followers (Judas and Peter) and abandoned by the rest. He died a criminal’s death, which would have made him an outcast. Yet, He offered love and forgiveness until His very last breath.

I am so grateful Jesus had grace and grit. He dug deep and obeyed His Father. He did not give up when circumstances got tough. He did not back down or give in to the pressure. He was crushed with the weight of our sin, but He rose three days later in Victory!

So, don’t overlook the mundane if you feel blah, meh, or average today. With God, you are anything but! As we see in Hebrews 11, He can use the most random event or the most unlikely person to accomplish His purposes! So, trust God and step out in faith!


God, thanks for not doing anything halfway or average. You are subtle sometimes, but You are never dull or status-quo! Help me be diligent in the daily grind, but also expect You to show up and do something amazing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you ever discount yourself or others? How might you turn that around, to see yourself or others from God’s perspective?

Tasks: Think back on some of your greatest adventures. Praise God for the work He continues to do in your life! You never know what’s around the corner. Be on the lookout for God-given opportunities and be quick to obey so you don’t miss out on something great!

Purpose in Provision

This week, I received a glowing performance appraisal at work, per usual. It was just what I expected because I do my best and the requirements are clear.  While I love what I do, and do it well, I sometimes compare my success or reward with others (even though I don’t have all the details to judge accurately!).

Instead of going into a downward spiral, I started thinking about all the ways God has provided for me, all the ways He recognizes or acknowledges me when others don’t. Sometimes, we feel we have everything we need, and sometimes, we feel lack. That doesn’t mean God is doing a poor job; perhaps we just lose our perspective occasionally. 

We may feel overlooked, forgotten, or unappreciated. It’s easy to focus on what someone else has or is doing and wish we had that, too. We want that friendship or relationship. We want the same chance or deal. We covet the opportunity, promotion, or the level of responsibility.

Often, there are hidden downsides to success. Just because someone looks successful doesn’t mean they appreciate it or have no other problems.

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I wonder how much time, effort, and skill it must’ve taken to get where that person is. In most cases, there are no overnight successes but just years of grueling labor.

Am I willing to do whatever it took for them to get there? These days, I’d say the chance is low, lol. I like my time and freedom! But if I do want to challenge myself, then I should start taking steps and learning now.

Flipping it around, I am reminded of what it took to get me here. It was quite the journey, and yet I am so grateful for all the ways God has shown up just for me…. with personalized provision for whatever I am going through each time. He is faithful!

In the off-chance that someone cheated or something truly was not fair, they will get what they have coming to them. It may take a little time, but God is just!

But, when life doesn’t seem fair, I remember that I am no longer of this world. I am a citizen of Heaven, and my Father knows exactly what I need. If there is any lack, King Jesus will soon make it right, so I don’t need to worry. His purpose for me is unique, so His provision is unique to my circumstances and environment. 

God’s purpose and provision are linked! I don’t need to compare ourselves or feel less than. If I stay close to Jesus, I will be right on track and have everything I need.

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I have a beautiful house, great neighbors, and an awesome family. I also have a job I feel was crafted just for me. I have favor with God, my manager, and my coworkers. Each of us has different qualifications and responsibilities that match. Each of us brings positive energy and a host of skills to our strong team. I just happen to work part-time with a nearly full-time schedule. I mentor others at work, and I am still available when Lydia needs me.

If my particular skills aren’t always recognized or rewarded, maybe that’s a good reminder that they are not the most important thing. I am called to serve, not gain attention. If there is something I need, God will make sure I get it in due time. (Psalm 84:11).

In fact, read John 21, paying attention to verse 22. Jesus wants us to focus on our own relationship with Him because our mission flows out of that. The best thing we can do is stay close to Him.

There are several things each of us can do while we wait. We can show up with a smile, do our best, and be honest. We can practice self-care (making sure we are eating well, moving a little, and sleeping enough). We can honor those around us and love them like Jesus. We can cultivate peace, joy, and contentment, along with gratitude and patience. Character counts!

Fear, self-centeredness, and lack seem to run together, don’t they? Instead, Jesus showed us how to live with an outward-focused, faith-filled, abundant life. Whatever purpose He has for us, we can be confident it includes His peace, preparation, and provision. He always comes through for us and knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for Your peace and provision! You take such good care of Your children. Help us remember You prepare us and provide for us according to Your unique purposes for us. Help us use all our strengths for Your glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you doing to invest in your future? Are you complaining or planting seeds?

Tasks: Next time you feel slighted or overlooked, remember all the ways God takes care of you. Make a list if you have to! Remain close to Jesus. He is so good!

Finding Grace #397

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Sunrise Mountains photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a full week, but good all around! Sometimes, this season can feel overwhelming, but by God’s grace, I am enjoying all the busyness this year. I think it’s because we are connecting with new and old friends and have a lot of fun things to look forward to! I am relishing it all and focusing on keeping a quiet heart.

On Monday, I was invited to coffee by a friend and fellow VA employee. Our girls are friends, and the two of us talked for about two hours! It was fun catching up and a refreshing way to spend our day off (Columbus Day).

There were school conferences on Tuesday. We took the opportunity to practice opening Lydia’s locker and also attended the book fair! We also ran into several neighbors and friends, which was a great surprise!

Work was busy, but I stayed on top of charting. I had three patients who had good breakthroughs after many months of struggling. It’s so gratifying to see them succeed! I also had some meetings for the two upcoming maternity leaves. I think it will be challenging but also a good chance to grow professionally. I know God will be with me!

This morning, I received a special delivery. I had looked around for an older fridge/freezer to put in the garage, but I had not found anything that seemed reliable. Then, I found a new one on sale and made the purchase. I have been thinking about it for several months, but it will be good to separate some of our items so we can actually see what we have. It will also be helpful when we have excess leftovers, company, or need to plan ahead for holidays.

Today, two of Lydia’s friends have birthdays! Last night, she went to an escape room with some of her girlfriends to celebrate. And tonight, we are going to a birthday/ housewarming party for our African friends (remember them?!). They are doing well, and I am really happy for them!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Keeping A Quiet Heart

There are a lot of heartbreaking news flashes lately showing videos or commentary on war, genocide, diseases, and more. Israel, in particular, is important for Biblical reasons. Conflict in Israel indicates Jesus is coming again soon and that we need to keep praying. No one knows the day or the hour He will return, so don’t delay your decision to accept His sacrifice and atonement for our sins. Today is the day of salvation!

While I can “change the channel,” those directly affected cannot. I don’t take any of that lightly, but focusing on the news can prime me to expect more negative things to happen. But all is not lost. God still reigns, so I can keep a quiet heart and remain at peace.

Keeping a quiet heart is not about self-preservation. Instead, it helps me pray and listen to the Lord, so I know how He wants me to help.

On a personal level, my prayer list grows longer every week. For instance, I recently met a couple battling colon cancer, and I can understand how overwhelmed they are with surgeries and setbacks. I know how it feels and have been reaching out to encourage them in practical ways. 

It is a privilege to be relatively safe in America, and it’s an honor to pray and help those around me. We are right to be concerned. But I find myself sometimes waiting for the other shoe to drop. The perceived stress of expecting something to go wrong can sidetrack us if we don’t stop ourselves from worrying.

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When things go well for me personally, it feels boastful to enjoy them amid so much pain in the world. I should celebrate meaningful work, worthwhile conversations, and even good hair days, but sometimes, I neglect to appreciate the peaceful moments.

I was a little convicted of this yesterday on my drive home. Life can change in an instant, as many of us have experienced. There are already so many ways things can go bad; we really should honor the moments when things go well because they don’t last.

Yesterday afternoon was beautiful with a bright blue sky, little wind, crisp air, and bright yellows mixed in with green and brown hues. I had a good lunch, awesome patients, and arrived home before traffic got too bad. Lydia and I had a fun evening together. A wonderful day with minimal stress.

Soon, I realized God wants me to enjoy the life He’s given me and all of its goodness. It’s not that I shouldn’t pray for conflict resolution or lend a hand. Peacemaking is so important, and God values it! But peace in the world looks different than peace in my heart.

I can’t afford to focus on the negative because that will drag me back toward fear. Instead, I can turn my eyes in faith toward Jesus and the abundant life He died to give me. That is what attracts people and points them to God’s lovingkindness. 

Free Ocean Sea photo and picture

In fact, there are many ways we can live a godly life. Sometimes, we need to speak up and advocate for change. We may need to donate time, money, or effort. But, we can also smile, praise God, and be kind. We can relish all He has done for us with gratitude. A good attitude shows God’s faithfulness and grace to a world in need.

Conversely, a negative spirit or sharp tongue can hinder God’s work. I know a number of Christians who often complain and are bitter toward others. They are stingy and always look for things going wrong (which is why I want to catch myself and look for the good!). Surely, that’s not what God intended for His people!

Anyway, God has done many good things for me/in me/through me, and I know He can do so much more in the lives of those around me. In fact, that’s why Jesus came! He rescued me from deeply rooted fear, so imagine what He can do for you.

I’m not saying to avoid involvement in politics or the causes that matter to you. I am simply saying don’t overlook the impact living a full and joyful life can have. God can use both fiery resolve and a peaceful, quiet heart to accomplish His purposes (see 1 Peter 3:3-4). Both have great value amid the world’s pain, darkness, and destruction. Nothing is impossible for Him!


God, thanks for all You have done for me. Thanks for helping me see the beauty of a life well-lived. Help me to celebrate and enjoy all of the goodness around me. May I advocate for those in need and glorify You in all I do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you jump right into conflict, or do you watch and pray? Do you find yourself living life with joy or with hesitation?

Tasks: Celebrate when things are easy and fun, but also praise God when challenges come. There is joy and growth in both situations! Finally, put your trust in Jesus today. He is the soon returning King!