Finding Grace #296

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a really good week, busy but manageable. We had a fun time with friends during trick-or-treating. That seems like a whole month ago, though it has only been one week! Lydia dressed up like a phoenix, rising from the ashes.

I signed up Lydia for her COVID vaccine, which will be next week. Of course, it takes a while to get both shots, but she is a trooper and is on board. I’m grateful for the opportunity to add another layer of protection to our household… and her classroom.

One morning before school, Lydia had a little episode of sadness and crying; she was missing Dave. We just sat there together giving space to her emotions so they could pass. Later that day, she came home as ‘the leader of the pack,’ which is an honor given to certain students each month. They are chosen by the teachers as a reward for being good students (beyond just academics). This year, Lydia earned a sign in our front yard! She was happy and it helped make the day a little more sweet.

Today, we celebrated a special event for a friend and then Lydia went to another birthday party! It was for one of her classmates at Skate City. Thankfully, Lydia had fun and didn’t fall down too often! It was good to meet the girl’s parents, and I listened to the mom tell me about her breast cancer treatment. I will be keeping this family in prayer, and I am thankful they already know Jesus!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Notice the Joy

It’s funny how seasons come and seasons go. Sometimes it seems nothing changes; but sometimes, it seems everything has changed! Often, we just take things for granted and we don’t see anything new. We fail to notice the joy that comes with those new seasons. But, God is always at work, and I believe He is always doing something new in our lives.

Over the last few months and even over just a few short weeks, I have noticed some new things in my life. Most of them are subtle, as new habits are forming. It is good to let go of what is not serving us well anymore. One small change can lead to the next!

Architecture, Skyscraper, Urban, City, Construction

First, my hair has grown a few inches, mostly because I just hadn’t taken time to get it cut. I was busy with work and school and so many other things! But after it grew past the awkward stages, I realized I enjoyed it. I still like it short and have recently gotten a trim, but now I can put it up in a longer ponytail which can be very helpful at times!

Indeed, my morning routine is a little quicker now because I don’t have to help my hair to go under! It takes less work, and I have a few extra minutes in the morning to work on little tasks around the house. A win-win as I embrace the natural outward flip at this length!

Oddly enough, my hair makes me look different in the mirror, but I have seen even more changes internally. Growing out my hair has given me a new perspective on who I am and what I like. It has made me rethink other changes I could make. Being open-minded has helped me see potential in other areas, too!

I am all about creating solid, sustainable habits, but change can be difficult for many of us. Yet, what if we just ease into something new or just try it for a week without a major commitment? What if we challenge ourselves to think differently and trust God for something greater?

Nothing is impossible for God, but often it seems we are holding something back. It could be related to fear, laziness, or just lack of enthusiasm. But remember, the first step is the hardest, and tiny steps in the right direction are still considered movement. Use joy as a motivator because there are built-in rewards that keep us moving forward.

So, another recent change is this: I have changed my morning commute. I was taking the highway, which may be slightly faster but is also more stressful at that hour. First, the morning sun shines in my eyes for several minutes. Second, I find myself subconsciously trying to beat other cars on the road. 🙂

It doesn’t necessarily involve speeding… But, if someone pulls in front of me or is going slower than I like, it irks me. Then, I am trying to get ahold of my attitude before walking into work. It is a small thing, but still a stressor I don’t need or want. So now, I take a parallel journey through town and look forward to the drive.

It has more stoplights, but there is less traffic and we naturally have to go slower. If I leave early enough, I hit mostly green lights, which really boosts my mood! The sun is not in my face as much, but I can still enjoy the fall colors and beautiful sunrises. In fact, I have found more joy in this new route because I feel calmer and can focus.

Yesterday morning, the sunrise was bright orange and purple!

Additionally, I have been parking in the overflow area across the street from work. That way, I always have a spot and don’t have to waste time circling around the usual lot. I also save time getting on the road after work because there are only a few cars leaving at any one time (instead of 50+ cars inching along in the other parking lot). Ironically, the highway is the faster, less stressful route on the way home. And, I have been picking up Lydia five minutes earlier, which feels great!

It does help that I have also switched to a backpack instead of a purse and a lunch box for work. I can walk a little more freely and the weight is carried over by my back rather than my arms and shoulders. Keeping everything in the backpack has also helped to relieve the stress of forgetting something because I can keep things in one place!

After this change, I have incorporated other ideas such as drinking tea at night. I am usually a ‘plain jane’ with tea. I don’t like a lot of flavored options or sweeteners, so lately, just decaf green tea or decaf black tea is fine with me. The joy comes through the process of making and drinking the tea. It is more ritualistic than coffee, which is my daily habit. Another bonus has been that if I am enjoying the tea, I don’t feel the need to have a late-night snack! So, my gut feels better too.

Drinking more tea has led to other changes, too. I have several great pieces of equipment that get regular use, but from one week to the next, I don’t always rotate through them all. In the last few weeks, I have been incorporating different activities into my exercise routine. This has helped me recover faster and avoid burnout while making my goals more achievable.

There are other habit changes I have made, but it’s fun to think they all started with NOT getting a haircut… Perhaps you have made small changes due to COVID or some other circumstances. Don’t give up if you don’t see progress right away! See all that can happen in just a few short months, and let that joy bring creativity and renewed purpose!


Father God, thanks for helping me take small steps and celebrate small wins. Help me be obedient to all You are asking me to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is one small lifestyle change you can make this week? Does it scare you or do you feel confident?

Tasks: God gives us His power, as we change and become more like Jesus. If there is an area you are struggling in, ask Him to show you one small thing you can do differently. Then, watch it snowball and gain traction as you celebrate other wins! Check out this worship song: “New Thing” by Hillsong Young & Free

Be Bold, Be Brave

I have a friend who recently took a step back from what she was doing to go in a new direction. Society sometimes tells us what to do or not do, but I am proud of my friend for listening to her heart and following her dream.

God can do far more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

But still, it takes guts to go against the grain!

Lake, Mountains, Banff National Park, Islet, Bank

A blessing for her and for anyone who dares to trust God for greater things:

Be bold, be brave! Remember, God is with you and for you!

He is more than able to provide for you with the riches of His grace.

All good gifts come from God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Breakthrough is coming.

Following God’s plan is sometimes difficult… but it is always worth it.

Work as if it depends on You, and pray as if it depends on Him.

Then, receive what He has for you. He is faithful.

Breakthrough is coming.

Whatever happens, it has passed through God’s hands first.

No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

What is for you… is for you. He will give you everything you need. Trust in Him.

Breakthrough is coming.

Don’t be afraid. Do the difficult thing.

God will help you through it and redeem any pain along the way.

Have courage and be willing to try something new.

Breakthrough is coming.

Lay aside your expectations and stand in faith, knowing God’s plan is best.

It may turn out different than you thought, but He will never let you down.

Rest in Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. He’s got this.

Breakthrough is here.


God, You are King of our hearts and the God of breakthroughs. Nothing is impossible for You! Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you ever done something so big and life-changing that the only option was to trust God? Looking back, can you see His faithfulness?

Tasks: Print out this blessing and tape it to your mirror, or make your own!

Everybody In!

I was listening to the radio on my way to pick up Lydia from work yesterday. They were doing a fundraiser and someone offered to match the amount if others called in during the next song.

Astonishingly, NO ONE called in during the song. I don’t know if the person extended the offer or not, but I was thinking… what happens when no one responds in other areas?

The radio personalities explained that if we all think someone else will step up, then there’s a chance no one will. They gave several examples, such as when someone is stuck on the side of the road, or when there’s an emergency in a crowded area, or even how we all walk by the same mess without cleaning it up.

Somebody else will take care of it, right?

Interestingly, this situation is really common. It even has a name… the bystander effect.

It’s not necessarily because we are uncaring, but perhaps we don’t think we have time or don’t think we can adequately fix the problem. So, we just keep driving and/or ignore it.

Flatfoot, Senselessly Mature, Flat Tire, Breakdown

I don’t know ALL the ways to get around it, but I can relate. I am sure you have been there, too. One thing I have learned: Usually, doing something is better than doing nothing.

The radio personalities mentioned how, during a different song, someone gave $500 and someone else gave $5. But, it all counts. We all have something to give.

We can achieve more when we work together, each of us taking part in the solution. Teamwork makes the dream work! When everybody’s in, everybody wins!

I’m not saying you need to donate money to a cause. But maybe you can change a flat tire or call for a tow truck. Maybe you can watch someone’s kids in a pinch, or bring a meal for a hungry family, or help rake someone’s yard.

If you still don’t know what to do, then maybe a gift card or an encouraging word is good enough. Don’t overthink it. Each of us will serve in our own ways, but it all counts!


God, thanks for all the ways You love us. Help us to be willing to step up and offer whatever we have. After all, everything we have comes from You. You are the giver of all good things. Give us wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever offered to help a total stranger? How did it make you feel afterward? Was it worth it?

Tasks: Next time you see a chance to help someone, do! To see an example, read the story of the Good Samaritan. Pray for wisdom and courage… then follow through. Let God lead and see how He moves through you!

Finding Grace #291

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an interesting week, and I wasn’t sure what to make of some events. I am relying on God’s grace to bring us through, but also to take care of other people in need.

Sadly, a boy in our extended neighborhood was hit by a car on his bike, the day after his thirteenth birthday. He’s going to have many months of recovery, and the full extent of his injuries remains to be seen as he is being kept sedated. Praise God a few off-duty medical professionals provided lifesaving care before the EMTs and paramedics arrived. His aunt and uncle live next door to me, and I hope I was able to bring them some comfort. Lydia and I thought it was good to donate some money to his medical fund; Lydia’s school had a fundraiser, too, and she gave generously. Please keep Taren in your prayers.

This week, a young family in Illinois experienced a taste of what we felt when Dave was sick. That is, the dad started chemo for colon cancer. He has a genetic condition that predisposes him, but still, it is a little shocking to see him undergoing a plan that is nearly identical to Dave’s. I know God is covering them with His grace, just like He did for us. But, please keep Isaac, Cassie, and their four kids in prayer.

On Thursday, I let Lydia go into the gas station by herself to get a drink while I stayed outside to put gas in my car. Lately, I have been starting to let her take more small steps of independence. She was nervous and wasn’t sure the dollar I gave her would go far enough. Yet, she came out with money to spare and was proud of herself. Lydia got a fountain drink instead of the slushie she wanted because the machine was broken. I was happy she didn’t chicken out, and I was impressed she was able to make a solid decision all on her own!

Today, was beautiful! I did some laundry and raked the yard. Lydia helped a little but otherwise played with the neighbors. I had a little helper stop by, but I will write more about that for Wednesday’s blog post. I am somewhat sore tonight! 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

A Gentle Hello

Years ago, when Dave was sick in the hospital on any given Sunday, it bothered me to sit in the church service on my own. It was a reminder of all our pain.

After he died, I had to learn a whole new way of living. Sitting alone has gotten easier with practice, and now, I don’t mind.

These days, if certain friends are there, we will sit together. Still, we don’t always coordinate our schedules between the two services, so it may be hit or miss.

A couple of weeks ago at church, I sat in my usual area and waited for the service to begin. Sometimes, I catch up with emails or texts. But generally, I look for others who may need a friendly face to sit with. Not for my sake, but to encourage them.

That Sunday, I saw a young woman sitting alone in the pew in front of me. I leaned forward and introduced myself with a gentle hello.

To my surprise, I got a gruff ‘hey’ back. I asked a few more questions about herself, including her name. (Let’s call her Anna.) Mostly one-word answers. I could tell she didn’t want to talk with me. So, I silently prayed for her and left her alone.

The service ended, and by that time, one of my friends had come to sit with me. My friend and I started talking while I kept my eye on Anna. She quickly gathered her belongings and walked away. I noticed she lingered about fifteen feet away, but I couldn’t tell if she was needing prayer up in front or wanted to talk with me.

I decided to pray for her that following week, that God would soften her heart and meet her needs. I didn’t know what was going on, but I am glad He knows exactly what we need!

Then last week, I missed church because I was working. My mother-in-law was able to take Lydia to church for me, and thankfully, I can watch the service online! 

So, this week, I started off the service by sitting alone. I texted a couple of friends, but they had gone to the other service. Before I sat down, I greeted a couple of guests behind me and explained a few things about our church. They were very friendly.

Then, as the first song began, we stood up and started to worship God. That’s when I saw Anna make her way to the pew in front of me. Before she sat down, she saw me and quickly came over asking if I was the person that greeted her two weeks ago.

Of course, I said yes and invited her to sit with me. Anna apologized for her bad attitude from before and admitted she has been on the “wrong path” and that she is trying to make better life decisions now.

Apparently, she had been grumpy with me because she didn’t really want to be in church that day! She had been wrestling with God about her choices.

It was so cool to see the change in Anna’s attitude and on her face. We talked for a few minutes and I learned more about her background. After the service ended, we talked a little more.

I mentioned how difficult it is to do the Christian life on our own. Then, I introduced her to one of my friends as they have a few things in common. I’m hoping Anna will continue to come and get more involved.

As followers of Jesus, we often want to see Him do something BIG, or we wait around for a sign overlooking the small opportunities in front of us. Sometimes, God does give us a significant responsibility or task.

But how often does He just want us to say a gentle hello, or invite someone to sit with us? A kind word, smile, or prayer can go a long way in reaching people for the Kingdom of God. Don’t underestimate the power of being friendly!

Serving others may cost more than mere acknowledgment, however, so don’t stop at hello. It might mean picking someone up for an event or taking them to get groceries. In other words, God’s love is practical.

Let’s be open to all the possibilities and see what He does through us!


God, thanks for the ways You use us. You can move large mountains, or work through a still, small voice. Help me not overlook simple opportunities to reach people for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have a specific seat or pew at church, or do you like to move around? Do you enjoy greeting others or minding your own business?

Task: Wherever you are today, at church, work, school, or even the mall, take a few moments to get off your phone and look around for someone to encourage. Say hello or offer a compliment. Maybe it will be the start of a new friendship!


The last few weeks have been full of decisions and solving problems. Most are completely low-key, but just are adding up and taking my brain space. Others are more weighty and have bigger consequences (that may affect my patients, for instance).

Still, that’s not really anything new either… just lately there have been situations I don’t see as often so I have to figure out creative ways to still jump through all the right hoops. All under pressure and time constraints.

I always do my best, but I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed with all these decisions. There are so many things to remember and boxes to check, both at work and at home. I am generally very thorough, so I don’t like feeling like I’m forgetting something.

Can you say decision fatigue?!

Yesterday, I also had some errands to run after work. I was feeling a little anxious at work and even while I was leaving. Nothing was really wrong, and my day had gone well.  By God’s grace, I accomplished more than I thought I would!

Still, the fact that I almost pulled out in front of a car didn’t help my feeling of unease. The car was moving fast through the parking lot and came from an unexpected direction, but it worried me that I hadn’t noticed until the last minute. It could’ve been disastrous.

I was grateful for God’s protection and prayed He would keep me from making any dumb decisions. I couldn’t really describe what I was feeling, though. So, I turned on the radio, like I often do, and just soaked up God’s love.

I heard four songs in a row that seemed like special messages from the Lord. As I drove, I sang along to “You Say,” by Lauren Daigle. Then, Blanca’s “Even at My Worst” came on. After that, I heard “Good God Almighty,” by David Crowder, always a peppy song. And last, I heard “Symphony” by a band called Switch.

Each song had a specific message and it was as if God was speaking just to me. I hadn’t even realized I was feeling anxious, but the songs helped me bring it all to Jesus.

He knew just what I needed! Zephaniah 3:17

I am so glad God meets us where we are. He gently shows us what’s in our hearts and guides us back to the Truth. It is helpful to pause and listen.

That could mean taking a walk and letting my mind wander back to Jesus. I see His creation, listen to the birds, and sing a little melody of my own back to Him.

I love how God can use chaos and all kinds of circumstances to bring us to a point of peace. We can bring all our weaknesses to Him and take in His strength. Nothing is impossible or too much for God.

I don’t know what you are facing today, but I encourage you to listen to the SYMPHONY He is writing. You may not quite know how it all works out just yet, but it will be beautiful!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your peace and protection. You are so kind and gracious, Lord. Help me stay close to You. Keep me focused on You and redirect me when I need it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How are you holding up this week? Are you anxious, overwhelmed, tired, or afraid? Do you need to take a step back and regroup?

Tasks: If you are anxious or overwhelmed, listen to one or all of the songs linked above. Let the lyrics wash over and draw you close to Jesus. Don’t forget to breathe!

Bring the Light

Recently, one of the ‘can lights’ in my basement went out. No big deal, I just went to the store for a new one. Turns out, it was a little more involved than that!

This was one of four lights, the only four I hadn’t already switched over to LEDs. That’s because they were the only ones that hadn’t gone out in the eleven years I have lived here!

So, I soon realized a lot has changed! At first, I couldn’t find the right size, color, and wattage equivalent. I finally found someone to answer my questions. Still, they didn’t have exactly what I was looking for.

I wanted LEDs that were the 65-watt incandescent equivalent and could only find the 75-watt equivalent LED bulbs. I ended up buying four of them in case I decided to replace the other three, which still worked. Though, I didn’t want to toss three good lights unnecessarily.

As soon as I changed the first bulb, I was shocked. It was so bright! The rest of the room looked dim and hazy, almost like smoke. Had it always been that way and I just now realized it?

It took me a while to decide what to do. In the end, I couldn’t just leave the new light all alone, so I changed the rest, too. It’s been a few weeks, and I am finally getting used to the new lights. I think during the long winter nights, the lights will be extra appreciated!

Jesus is the Light of the World. He shines so bright and banishes all the darkness. When He is in our lives, He clears out all the hidden spaces in our hearts, too.

We have the opportunity to share the Light and Love of Jesus with people every day. What’s holding you back? Is it the fear of standing out? Is it the awkwardness of transition?

There is a common message which says, “Be the light.” We can’t really do that, however, because we are not Jesus. 🙂 But, we can bring the Light everywhere we go!

If we allow Jesus to do all He wants to do in our lives, there’s no way people can miss Him. As a friend once said to me, “We can see your light shining all the way in Illinois!”

This week, Lydia’s class discussed ways to help a friend in need. (No one specific, but just general brainstorming ideas.) Their answers ranged from making donations or other providing resources, volunteering to help with tasks, and respecting the friend. Other ideas could include smiling, praying, bringing a hot meal, writing an encouraging note, sitting with someone when they are down, or just listening without judgment.

This world can be dark at times, especially now. Let’s move past our own discomfort and share Jesus! It doesn’t take much!


Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus! May we be a conduit of His light, love, and grace. Not just with words, but with actions, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can I pray for you today? Do you

Tasks: Check out the resources at Struggle Care, which is run by KC Davis, a licensed professional therapist. A friend of mine mentioned the website helped her, and it has shed some light in my life, too. Namely, taking some of the pressure off of my to-do list. 

A Good Reset

Last Saturday, right after I posted my weekly Finding Grace post about my busy week, I did something I am still trying to wrap my mind around. On my personal social media page, I posted a recap after the issue was more or less resolved:

Me, seeing my cup of coffee on the counter, ready for some milk:
Q: If my coffee is here, what did I put in the microwave? (28 seconds ago)
A: My phone!!!
Next steps: Wait a few minutes to see if it catches on fire. Open the windows to air out the house. Put the phone in the freezer to see if it will cool down enough to turn on. Send a message to friends coming from out of state (using Messenger because the phone is dead). Tell Lydia to get in the car so I can get a new phone before the store closes! Make a quick, but thoughtful, decision on the upgrade. (At 3+ years old, it was starting to show its age, anyway).
So yeah, one way to decide about getting a new phone… Nuke it in the microwave instead of your coffee.

Yes, I totally microwaved my cell phone! I’m so glad it didn’t cause a fire, and I am grateful to have the resources to get an upgrade so quickly.

I am chalking up this mistake to my mind being so busy that I wasn’t paying attention. Life was moving ‘microwave fast’ and I quickly realized I needed a mental reset! Perhaps I need to create a no-phone-in-the-kitchen boundary as well!

It is crazy how we rely on our phones, isn’t it? On Saturday, I immediately thought of how I couldn’t connect with my family as easily. And, my college friends coming all the way from Indiana could only reach me through Facebook otherwise.

So, that’s why I needed a quick solution. While I am glad so many things were stored in the ‘cloud’ I still had to set things up. In fact, I still am working on password resets, downloading certain apps, and rearranging my new phone.

Thankfully, the visit with my longtime friends was a perfect reset! These particular friends are funny and calm and gracious. I always am refreshed when they are around. They speak life into me and provide wise input when needed. I try to do the same for them.

Even though it’s been eleven years since we’ve seen each other in person, they have been encouraging us from afar. They were unable to travel to Dave’s funeral years ago, but they were determined to come when they could.

Last year COVID19 prevented them from making the trip, but this past weekend was wonderful. My friends even brought some old pictures of Dave from college! Lydia really enjoyed seeing her dad when he was younger!

I was honored by their visit and we had fun showing them around Fargo! It was fun to introduce our kids and watch them interact. Really, we were able to pick up right where we left off. It was just the slower pace I needed.

I am grateful God always knows how to minister to us, whether we are busy or relaxed. He is King over chaos, and He is a loving Father sending love and hugs through friends. Thank You, Jesus!


God, thanks for the gift of friendship. Thanks for helping me rest and refocus. Renew me with Your love and grace. Strengthen me in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How has God ministered to you lately? Who can you reach out to encourage today?

Task: Listen to the song, My Jesus, by Anne Wilson.

Finding Grace #285

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week flew by! Much of the time my mind was going in several directions, and I had a little difficulty keeping everything straight! Basically, on top of a busy work week, I had a lot of meetings and people to connect with, and was getting Lydia ready for school which starts later next week. It all worked out, though!

On Monday night, I had some ladies over from church. Instead of leading a small group this year, I am coaching other small group leaders. So, in a way, I have a small group of small group leaders! We had a lot of fun, laughing and getting to know each other.

On Wednesday, I had a meeting with other small group coaches. We enjoyed tacos and dessert, along with good conversation and planning. I’m excited to see what God has in store for us this year!

This week, I finally decided to water my lawn. Actually, I had Lydia do it one night and then I joined her a couple evenings later. We each had a hose going! I am not aiming for green grass, but just trying to prevent the grass roots from dying. Ironically, we did get some rain after we watered, which I was very happy about!

Yesterday, I stayed late for work to get some paperwork done. Then, I ran a few quick errands. I made some returns and bought some new shoes. After that, I met a friend for coffee! We live in the same neighborhood, but life gets busy and we don’t run into each other often. We had a great conversation and are planning another coffee date soon!

Today, we have some college friends coming to visit for the weekend. They live several states away and we haven’t seen them since moving to Fargo eleven years ago. We are excited to host them and their kids. Lydia’s looking forward to meeting and playing with the girls! I am honored they would drive all the way to see us!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!