Keeping An Eternal Perspective

Lydia and I recently were talking about habits that are helpful versus habits that are not. We discussed seemingly benign ideas like playing games on her tablet, watching our favorite shows, and more.

Around this time, she also came up to me and exclaimed, “Mom, do you know how long eternity is? Forever!! I can’t even think how long that is!” Her mind was blown!

Sensing an opportunity to tie these things together, I steered our discussion toward the types of things we should be doing to prepare for eternity. Some examples would include reading our Bibles and learning Who Jesus is. We imagined what it would feel like showing up in Heaven not knowing anything about it, other than Jesus’ death and resurrection.

We agreed that want to make sure we know as much as we can now!

Free photos of Mountains

Soon, Lydia’s eyes lit up in understanding. Our lives are so brief in light of eternity. I told Lydia our current problems will someday seem very small and distant. Though it doesn’t feel that way in the stress of the moment!

That very night, she started rereading her Action Bible, which is a graphic novel version of the Bible highlighting key stories. I did remind her that it doesn’t have every story in it, so we need to make sure to read the real Bible, too.

I appreciate that the Action Bible brings the stories to life in a fun way. Lydia jumped straight to Revelation, as she has been fascinated by the Rapture and the great beast who brings horrible evil. This led us to briefly chat about how crazy this world is becoming. It’s good to know the signs of the times!

We also talked about faith versus works, and what that means for believers and unbelievers on Judgement Day. We all will have to give an account of our actions!

Then, in her actual Bible, Lydia somehow found the story of Elisha and the widow in 2 Kings 4. “Mom, I didn’t even know this story was in here!” We talked about how the widow followed through on Elisha’s command to collect jars from her neighbors to hold the oil. She was able to sell the oil and provide for her family. Our actions demonstrate our faith in what God can/will do!

It’s no surprise that Life can be complicated at times. We plan and prepare, yet still, our days get crazy and chaotic! It’s easy to get stuck on whatever problem is in front of us that day. How quickly we forget the bigger picture!

Sometimes we try to do it all on our own, forgetting that God is right there. If you find yourself spinning your wheels or hitting a wall, check back in with God. He is our peace.

Besides, Jesus told us not to worry because each day has its own troubles! So, it’s good to ask ourselves, “In light of eternity, does this matter?” As someone once told me, “It’s all gonna burn someday!” Let’s keep an eternal perspective as we go about our day.

Let the Holy Spirit instill you with His grace and strength. He is not only our Advocate and Comforter, but He is also our Teacher. He is preparing us for greater things, which absolutely includes Eternity!


God, thank you for setting Eternity in our hearts. Help us live each day fully, walking in Your grace, truth, love, and peace. Help us keep the main thing the main thing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you prepared for Eternity? How can you stay close to Jesus today?

Task: Remember, the best way to succeed in Life is to stay close to God. Know Jesus, accept His sacrifice, death, and resurrection. Then, live for Him! (As always, reach out if you have questions or need some guidance on what this means for you!)




This week, I was showing Lydia a cute dog video online when a commercial popped up with a popular fitness brand (Company A) showcasing their gear. Of course, a trim model was using the fitness equipment and was dressed in a clingy outfit.

I was ready to move on to the next cute dog, but Lydia told me what she thought about Company A’s advertising. “Mom, they are using this skinny model to get people to buy their products.”

Her statement piqued my interest because I hadn’t expected her to be so aware. Naturally, I quizzed her a little. “What else do you think they are trying to say, Lydia?”

“If you buy this, you will be like her. If want to look like this, you have to buy this outfit and gear. There’s only one kind of acceptable person…. but of course, that’s not true.”

Free photos of Young woman

Then, Lydia mentioned another comparable brand with a slightly different focus. She said, “Company B uses people who are all shapes, sizes, and colors. Tall, short, black, white, and so on.”

I asked her if she picked up any other messages in their advertising. “You can be who you’re meant to be. You are unique and don’t have to look like everyone else. Healthy goes beyond how you look.”

“Lydia, I am impressed that you understand their marketing and can see what they really mean! Where did you learn all of this?”

She replied, “I learned that from you!” 🙂

We went on to discuss moving our bodies in healthy ways and feeding our bodies well so they will do what we need them to do. Thankfully, ‘healthy’ can mean something different for each of us!

I asked Lydia if she had a verse she wanted me to use since most of this blog post uses her words. I suggested Psalm 139 which says we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

She requested, “He’s the potter and we are the clay.” This comes from Isaiah 64:8 (above). I asked why she chose that verse, and Lydia explained, “God made you special so don’t envy others. He has a purpose and plan for you! Don’t compare yourself to others because you will be disappointed. It makes it worse.”

A ten-year-old doesn’t think about original context, but even so, she had a good application! My takeaway is this: Each of us is one-of-a-kind because God Himself is incomparable.

Only in Him do we find our purpose and meaning. He alone brings fulfillment and helps us live for Him. He is our joy and peace, so we can enjoy life without worry!


God, thanks for making us each unique. You are so kind, generous, and wise! May we remember You have created us for purpose and meaning that can only be found in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is something that makes you unique? How can you bless someone with that trait?

Tasks: Instead of comparing yourself to others, consider why God made you different and how you can use those skills and characteristics to His glory.

Finding Grace #323

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Flowers

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week!

Mother’s Day on Sunday was nice and relaxing. We enjoyed church and some rainy weather. Later in the afternoon some friends came to visit, and then we saw family over Zoom.

On Wednesday, we finished up our ladies group with a meal. The host brought most of the food, and I was blessed by her generosity. I hope to join up with the same ladies for another book study sometime!

Friday was quite busy after work. I bought some new shoes, returned some clothes for Lydia that didn’t fit, and bought some stain for my deck. I also did some grocery shopping and dropped off a small gift for a friend whose mom died that day. Then, I dropped Lydia off at another birthday party and ran some more errands!

Today, Lydia and I had a YES day as we honor Dave’s ninth anniversary of being in Heaven (tomorrow). She was so excited to call the shots! While we certainly miss him, we are choosing to celebrate instead of be sad. Thanks for your support!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Encouraging Ourselves

Recently, Lydia and I have been watching a cute show on Netflix called, “Old Enough.” It’s about young Japanese children (ages two to around six or seven) going on “first errands” to help their families in some way.

The kids are not truly alone, as the camera crew is following them from a distance. But in most cases, the crew is not supposed to interact with the children. It is quite impressive to watch these adorable kids, but I cannot imagine us doing that in America!

On the show, we’ve watched a little boy take fish to the fishmonger; kids going to buy a few grocery items; prepare hot tea and a snack for the family; bring lunch to dad at work on the boat; or take flowers to grandma. Some have special handmade flags to help people see them cross the road and others just raise their hands high. Sometimes they walk and sometimes they run the whole way. They usually look both ways several times!

Boy, Picnic, Ruck Sack, Child, Walk, Japanese, Asian

Of course, there are often challenges with making decisions or trying something on their own. While errands and places are familiar, the little kids (toddlers, even!) don’t always know what to do. They aren’t sure which bus to ride (solo!!) or which brand to buy. Some of the kids ask for help reaching items or choosing between options, and some use old-fashioned ingenuity. Only a couple of little ones have wandered home sadly before going out to try again. Impressive!

As you can imagine, the child may not feel up to the task. After a little coaxing or a pep talk, they are on their way determined to make their family proud. Occasionally, the episode has two little friends working together. They keep each other on task and in line. Some are shy and some are extraverted, but they all figure it out in the end. They are heartwarming and adorable to watch!

What stands out to me is that all the kids encourage themselves along the way. On their way, they tell themselves all sorts of things such as, “I can do it. I am confident and determined. I’m brave. Let’s go! I am capable. This is fun. I’m smart! I did it! I’m tired, but I can rest at home. Mom will be happy with me!” One little girl even held her hand up to her ear like a phone and pretended to tell her mom how well she was doing!

If you haven’t already seen the show, “Old Enough,” I recommend it! Lydia has a fascination with Japan anyway, so the culture, religion, housing, and eating habits have been good talking points!

  I love how the kids on the show encourage themselves when they are afraid, lonely, or unsure. That’s because even as adults, we don’t always get it right! When we are hungry, afraid, lonely, tired, unsure, or under pressure, we tend to get off track. Our thoughts and emotions can lead us astray, so we assume the worst about ourselves or our situation!

Thankfully, we have a good example in the Bible because King David took a different approach. When he faced hardship, loss, and near-mutiny, he encouraged himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). He strengthened himself, not with his own laurels, but with God’s Word and promises to him.

Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with encouraging and motivating yourself. (We can’t always rely on others to do that for us!) But in the end, we can’t forget to trust God and seek His truth in our circumstances. Let’s encourage ourselves based on who God says we are!


God, thanks for the people of Japan and the joy of children as they do big things. Bless them and show them who You are. Also, help us to encourage ourselves with Your grace and Truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you seen any positive, funny, or heartwarming shows lately?

Tasks: Review this throwback blog post and this one, too for some good resources on the same topic!

Finding Grace #320

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Flowers, Spring, Botany, Bloom, Blossom, Nature, Macro

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a really sweet week! I had some really well-timed conversations and connections with family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. I also noticed the grass greening up and my tulips starting to sprout!

On Easter Sunday, we celebrated at church and helped with an egg hunt there. Then, we spent the afternoon with friends, enjoying a delicious lunch, quality conversation, and fun games. Thank You, Jesus!

Monday evening, I took Lydia and some friends to an activity. It was fun to listen to them talk to each other in the car. You can read more about what I learned here!

Work went well. I had some really nice patients, and I received a great performance review! There are always ways to grow, but I am glad I am on track. Our department also had fun on Look Alike Day (4/20), and one of my friends and I each wore black pants and jean jackets. It was awesome to see my other coworker’s creativity… we had some ‘twins’ and ‘triplets’!

Wednesday night was church. Once again, the conversation was spot-on. This week, we discussed how Mary, the mother of Jesus, must’ve felt. I’m sure it was not as easy as we assume. We got off on our usual tangents, but I really am enjoying hanging out with those ladies!

On Thursday night, Lydia and I caught up on a couple tasks at home. Then, she rode her bike around our house. I just watched her because it was chilly and rainy, but she had a lot of fun!

Friday after work, I took Lydia’s old bike and scooter to a friend’s house. We then chatted for a couple of hours before I ran some errands! We discussed concepts like sickness and grief, salvation and God’s grace. She shared some prayer requests, and it seemed like God’s perfect timing that I reached out. I think we were both encouraged!!

Today, we did a mixture of our usual chores and relaxing! I prepared my snowblower for storage, cleaned some windows, and worked on some continuing education. Lydia cleaned her room and rode her bike in between rain showers. Thankfully, it turned out to be a bright, sunny day in the end!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Easter Thoughts

Happy Holy Week! As I reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for me, I am struck by Romans 5:8, which says, “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

It is humbling to think of how much Jesus loves me. Thousands of years before I was born, He saw me and died for me so I could know Him and live for Him. What mercy and grace!

Cross, Christ, Redeemer, Faith, God, Jesus, Clouds

Here are some Easter thoughts that are challenging me lately, in a good way:

You don’t have to like someone in order treat them well.

You don’t have to agree with someone in order to protect them.

You don’t have to understand other people’s choices in order to be kind.

You don’t have to see eye to eye with someone in order to want what’s best for them.

You don’t have to trust someone in order to be friendly (although that certainly helps!).

Jesus, Christ, God, Holy, Spirit, Bible, Gospel, Church

We don’t have to make it complicated; we are simply called to love others and let Jesus take care of the rest. It is tough at times, but it doesn’t need to be. Just remember, you have never looked into the eyes of someone Jesus doesn’t love.

Each person you see is someone Jesus died for. He offers them new life–the same as He offers you and me. Jesus looks upon them with such love and compassion. So must we.

We don’t have to try to figure out all the details or make them think as we do, but we do need to be open-minded. Extending someone grace doesn’t necessarily mean you approve of their choices. It also doesn’t mean they deserve it because grace is unmerited favor. But, you are choosing to see the best in them anyway.

I am so glad Jesus saw us with eyes of compassion and stepped in to save us. He did for us what we could never do on our own. He used His body to bridge the gap between us and God. He died for us well before we even knew His name.

What’s more, Jesus invites us to lay aside all our differences and join Him in a greater plan and story. He offers us gifts, such as peace, joy, and new life! Pursuing Jesus is a much better use of our energy than always keeping tabs on other people!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the gift of Jesus! How magnanimous! You are so good. May we show others the mercy, grace, and love You have shown us. Give us Your eyes to see them the way You do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: How can you extend Jesus’ mercy, grace, and love to other people?

Tasks: Write out or print the statements in the second section above. Tape them onto your bathroom mirror and memorize them. See how they change your heart toward those who are difficult to love! The change in your attitude may be the very thing God uses to draw them near!

Finding Grace #318

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Bird, Western Meadowlark, Ornithology, Species, Fauna

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was another great week!

The weather was chilly and windy, but ended on a good, sunny note! Lydia made me laugh when she questioned if we should stay home because of the wind! We did receive a little snow, but nothing major… and now, most of it’s gone again!

I had a really great chat with one of my closest friends a couple of nights ago. She lives in a different time zone, so great to catch up over the phone! I am always amazed by God’s timing. We were dealing with similar issues, and we were able to encourage each other!

Today, I was on-call for work, though I did not get called in. It’s always good to be prepared either way! We had also some family visit this weekend, and they took Lydia to do some fun art activities while I waited for my on-call time to end.

Later, we went out to eat, watched a movie, and went shopping for a new bike for Lydia! Now, she has a 26-inch bike with a small-medium frame. She’s so excited and will be able to keep growing into it for a while. I was surprised we bypassed the 24-inch size, which was clearly too small for her. Thankfully, this one should last her a few years of potential growth!

Otherwise, it was a normal, busy week! It was good to find God’s grace along the way, and I am grateful for all the little ways He showed up. Bible study discussion with friends, chocolate ice cream at work, and creating a bulletin board at work highlighting peoples’ pets (a fun team building activity). 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

If You Could Not Fail

A question popped into my mind this week while I walked down a hill to my car after work: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

While the weather was good and the street was dry, I was thinking about how that particular path gets icy and I usually walk like a penguin in an attempt not to fall. I’m happy to report I haven’t wiped out yet!

By the time I reached the bottom of the hill, which leads into the parking lot, I had to laugh. If I knew I would not fail, or, fall, maybe I would skateboard or roller skate down the hill. Or, ski or sled depending on the weather and season!

Skater, Graffiti, Lifestyle, Athletic, Man, Skateboard

I tend to be rather cautious by nature, which usually serves me well, but occasionally this causes me to make more safe choices rather than bold ones.

I’m not surprised Lydia is like me in that. I have just learned to take it in stride and deal with fear more effectively. Thank God!

She missed out on another opportunity this week because of fear. It was basically a repeat at the gas station, as before. She wanted a treat, and I agreed if she would go in and get it herself. I gave her a few dollars and a deadline. I was pumping gas, so she had a brief few moments to decide. Well, she didn’t budge…

But, after watching the TrueGirl Miriam Bible study about courage, I gave her another chance. This time, she did it with flying colors… and realized it was way easier than she thought.

Then, we thought of the situation from God’s perspective. I had provided the money and resources for Lydia to get what she wanted. I even positioned her for success and drove her up the door! But, she had to make up her mind and get out of the car.

For me, this all was just a good heart check. God provides for us and positions us for His plan. With His presence and power, we cannot truly fail long-term, though we may fall down occasionally. But, we still have to make up our minds and obey.

Ultimately, we have to step out in faith (or skateboard or ski), making it a regular habit. If we don’t, fear will become the default.

Thankfully, God never gives up on us. He is the God of second chances!


God, thanks for second chances and for setting us up for success. Thanks that we don’t have to give in to fear. Help us step out by faith, even when we may fail, knowing You will catch us and redirect us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Are you running on faith or fear?

Task: Stay close to the Lord so you can refill your faith and navigate fearful moments.

Extending Grace and Peace

Wow, I am grateful for God’s timing and provision this week! I met with some church friends Monday night to catch up and encourage each other.

We usually share what’s on our hearts and what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes, there are themes and patterns, or connections, and sometimes there are not.

Monday was one of the times when we could all relate to each other’s concerns. I am the host of the monthly conversation, but this week, they really encouraged me and made me laugh! I’m grateful for godly friends!

Sisters, Heart, Sunset, Sunrise, Silhouette, Gesture

One theme this week dealt with conflict and extending grace toward people in our lives. One friend reminded us that often there are other issues we don’t know about and people are reacting from a point of pain. It is not our area to judge or take offense, but rather forgive and offer peace.

Sometimes, that’s all we can do. We can apologize, but we don’t have to keep track of wrongs. Similarly, we are not responsible for fixing another person or changing their attitudes toward us or life in general. But, we do need to be obedient to the Lord and pray for that person. 

We don’t have to figure it all out, rather, we can let go and let God handle it in His way. Yes, we can set good boundaries and not get sucked into drama. Though, each of us probably has a different level of tolerance for conflict!

Life is so short. We can believe the best about others, instead of assuming the worst. Make every moment count and keep moving forward!

Ultimately, we have to decide how we interact with each other. How I see an issue may be the complete opposite of your viewpoint. And that’s okay. We can extend each other grace and peace either way… because God does the same for us!

Photomontage, Faces, Photo Album, World, Population

Another topic was dealing with perseverance or stick-with-it-ness. As seasons change, we may need to re-evaluate tasks and priorities. On the one hand, it is important to stay on task and not get distracted. But, it’s also good to be flexible.

Flexibility doesn’t mean wishy-washy. In this case, it means sticking to godly principles and obedience, but listening to God’s voice so you can change directions as needed. I’m grateful we have that freedom to prioritize God’s plan!

Life goes a lot smoother when God is in control of our decisions and behaviors. Let’s save space for Him to move in our lives. He always knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for godly friends! Thank you that we can encourage each other and discuss more than just the weather. Thanks for taking us deeper with You, too, as we extend grace and peace to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you someone who extends grace and peace to others easily? Or is it more difficult to decide if they “deserve” it? Have you thought about your response in light of God’s grace toward you?

Tasks: Be grateful for both peace and conflict because they can both lead us back to Jesus. He is our grace and peace with God and others!

Tension and Relief

It’s a little funny how pain and discomfort sometimes inspire someone to move when otherwise they would remain complacent.

Case in point: I recently established care with a local chiropractor. It’s not that I haven’t been to see someone before. I just haven’t gone regularly with a plan to improve some of my aches and pains. I tend to go once a year or so when I can’t stand the tension in my back any longer!

In part, I haven’t wanted to take time off work during the day. Plus, some practitioners require their patients to come more often than I wanted. (To make healthy habits stick, I’m all about convenience!)

Health is not something I take for granted, but often I defer self-care because of so many other things calling for my attention. I’m trying to be better about that!

Back, Pain, Shoulder, Injury, Sun, Burn, Posture

So, a few weeks ago, I received a flyer in the mail about a husband-and-wife team opening their practice a few minutes away. I had never seen a woman chiropractor before, and I was also intrigued because they are basically one street over from where we live (check). Still, I didn’t think I was in that. much. pain. 

Really, I have grown used to my neck hurting for about twenty years! In college, I carried so many heavy books back and forth to campus. Even back then, when Dave and I were dating, I couldn’t turn my head past a certain point to look at him when we were traveling in his truck. I was often stressed and felt too busy to get checked out.

And, if you have read my book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, you will know that we were involved in a fender-bender (hit from behind) when Dave was sick. As a caregiver for him and Lydia, I didn’t take any time to get checked out after my skull had slammed my headrest. It took about two weeks to feel like me again (still tense, but less pain).

Thankfully, I have been working to regain my health and sense of wellbeing for the last few years. Yoga, stretching, massages, and stress management have helped over time, in addition to getting new bedding and pillows, and several other random gadgets all promising relief. But, those don’t help mechanical issues if your back is out of alignment!

Yoga, Beach, Health, Edgewoman, Pose, Landscape

So, I finally called to schedule an appointment. And, happily, they offered evening appointments on certain nights (check). I was eager to go and see what could be done.

Last Monday, I went to my appointment, and I was surprised at how understanding ‘my’ chiropractor is. She has young children, so she knows the stresses moms face. She listened to my story, concerns, and burdens as a single mom and homeowner. She knew what I meant when I mentioned pain from shoveling snow and carrying out household duties, for example.

She was easy to talk with (check) and explained her philosophy of not over-treating (check). She adjusted my hips, lower back, mid/upper back, and neck. All four areas were out of whack. Then, she gave me exercises to stay in alignment (very cool… check).

Immediately, I noticed improved mobility in my hips and less pain in my neck and shoulders. I was able to move in ways I had completely forgotten about, such as doing push-ups without feeling awkward! I also had only a minor headache for a few hours one day, instead of a string of them. I had no idea that was possible. Thank You, Jesus!

Yoga, Asana, Sports, Meditation, Exercise, Relaxation

I went back a week later, and two of the four places still needed help, but my hips and neck were more stable. There has been a little pain, but it is manageable. I think my body has been out of whack for so long, it is getting used to a new normal (the original intent!).

I have one more planned appointment, and then we will see how it goes. I am hopeful I can maintain this level and only go when I really need it. Though, I understand now that regular care is better than once-a-year care! Either way, I am glad to now have someone on board to call when I have a flare-up. 

Of course, chiropractic care cannot fix every source of pain. It takes time to see progress for chronic problems. But, I am grateful for one more tool to use. This whole experience has improved my quality of life! I am even sitting straighter and walking with more fluid motion!

Interestingly, God tends to teach us through physical pain and painful circumstances. I am (still) learning it’s okay to ask for help, and it’s okay to admit weakness. In those moments, God draws us close and gives us His strength. He is my healer, and I’m grateful I don’t have to fight my way through life. Instead, I can relax knowing He’s got my back and will help me through the tension!


God, thanks for the gift of health! You are my healer, Lord, and I appreciate the tools you provide. Help me take good care of myself so I can do all the things You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you pursue health and wellness? Food and nutrition, yoga, meditation, chiropractic care, or something else?

Tasks: Pray about the next steps on your health journey. Health and wellness do not have to be gimmicky but should be practical and sustainable. Keep an open mind, but be sure to look for conflicts of interest, too.