Wiggle It Out

When I was a kid and had a loose tooth, I wiggled it like crazy until it came out. It was a fun challenge and felt like a rite of passage. For Lydia, not so much.

By now, she has lost a number of teeth and should be used to it. But, whenever she has a loose tooth, she gets upset about the impending loss. She feels lightheaded and is worried about the potential pain. Like her dad, she doesn’t like the sight of blood.

So, this last weekend, it all came to a head when Lydia had yet another loose tooth. I convinced her it would come out faster, and cause less pain overall, if she wiggled it.

Well, of course, Lydia grew a little woozy and wanted to stop. I offered to help and/or pull it out and she waffled. I didn’t want to pressure her, so I let it go.

Eventually, after more encouragement, Lydia let me have a turn. Thankfully, it was mostly ready and came out with a little effort. She ran to look at her mouth in the bathroom mirror. She bravely overlooked the small amount of blood.

Soon, Lydia came back to me with a huge smile on her face. She was relieved. With a sigh, Lydia said, “Wow. I feel like a load is off my shoulders!”

A little while later, she came over again and said, “Mom! My new tooth is already poking through. Gosh…. That was fast!”

The new adult tooth was just waiting on the baby tooth to leave!

That night, Lydia and I talked about how her sense relief was far better than her fear. She had been worried but realized she didn’t need to be…

Baby teeth have purpose for a time, before giving way to adult teeth. Losing them is totally normal and natural. Similarly, God’s plan for us also is perfect and purposeful. It doesn’t need to be scary or odd!

Interestingly, on Monday, Lydia was excited to watch me get my teeth cleaned at the dentist! Going to the dentist is kind of uncomfortable, but of course important.

As we drove to daycare and work after the dentist, we talked about teeth and also how fear plays out in other areas of life.

Often, we stop short of what God is calling us to do because we are afraid. We may fear missing out or what is required. We may want to play it safe and stay comfortable.

Still, we cannot have Victory when we give in to fear and doubts. Instead, when we have questions, we can take them to Jesus. In His presence, our worries fade and we grow stronger in faith.

When we let Jesus write our stories, He brings a better outcome than we could have imagined. It may look different than expected, but He always gives us something good.

Sometimes transitions are tough. They might make us wiggle and squirm! But change and growth are always worth it. We don’t have to be afraid.

God is trustworthy and faithful. He has a special purpose for each of us and will never let us down! Now that’s something to smile about!


Heavenly Father, thanks that Your burden is easy and Your yoke is light. Thanks for doing the most difficult work on our behalf. Help us trust You more and follow Your lead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is something that you need to let go? Do you need to change your mindset or adopt a better attitude? What about changing your schedule or trying something new?

Tasks: Don’t be afraid of change. Let go of anything that is holding you back. God’s grace is more than enough.