Ah, the world has become a different place overnight! It’s been a little crazy lately!
I’ve seen some really compelling facts and arguments for staying home to protect others and ourselves from illness. And, I’ve seen some pretty funny memes about toilet paper and germs. When all this over, I’d love to see a ‘best of the best’ meme contest!
I’ve replenished my pantry with key staples (though I still haven’t found any TP). I’m not worried, however, because I still have some on hand. In terms of supplies, many of us could be just fine without stocking up for quarantine. We are that blessed.
Even if we do end up eating stuff from the back of the cupboard.
This year has already proven to be a wild card. In fact, this new decade is not what many expected it to be. But God is not surprised, and He is right here with us.
I am still working, and Lydia’s at her daycare program full-time because school is closed this week (likely longer). I’m trying to be as flexible as possible with our plans.
Most of us have had several plans canceled or postponed. Despite the disappointment and uncertainty around us, in terms of traveling, public events, school, and work, we can fully rely on the wisdom and peace God brings.
We may run low on toilet paper, but instead of freaking out, we can roll with it. We may not know how to make ends meet, but we can trust God will take care of us. He is our Provider and our Sustainer.
God is still in control. He’s got this.
Even though we face some unknowns, we are better off in terms of resources than many of those who came before us. We will get through this together.
This is a huge challenge, but we are still quite well off. We have history to show us what has worked in all the other plagues and viruses. By using wisdom, caution, and social distancing, we can hopefully slow the trajectory and “flatten the curve.”
I’m so grateful for science and technology! Some online newspapers are providing free access so we can stay up-to-date. Many churches have moved weekly services online.
We have electricity, running water, and the internet. We can exercise, clean, work on projects, learn a new skill, and call loved ones. We have books, television, puzzles, games, and chocolate. In many ways, God has given us the gift of family time and a slower pace.
In all of the chaos and negative press, I have seen some good news, too! I saw an article saying air quality has improved worldwide because factories have trimmed hours (and perhaps jobs, sadly). The full impact remains to be seen.
Overall, I’ve seen a wonderful outpouring of generosity, community, and compassion.
Certain stores are catering to the elderly and others who are at the highest risk. Lydia’s daycare even made cards for local nursing home residents.
Online, many teachers have volunteered to help parents with educational questions so their students don’t fall behind. Other resources are being made available for free to promote learning. Various people are posting videos of them reading children’s books. I love that the zoos and museums are providing virtual tours.
Let’s use this time to reset, reprioritize what matters, and rest in God’s grace.
Moms have stepped up to support each other and take care of children without daycare. In fact, two local friends have offered to help with Lydia in a pinch. I haven’t needed the support (yet), but I am grateful for the options.
Yo-Yo Ma and several other musicians have posted beautiful songs to bring comfort. They are using their gifts, talents, and resources to serve others and set the tone for the rest of us. What an example!
A gym trainer in Spain led his community in an exercise program from the top of his roof, while everyone else was on their respective balconies. Similarly, some gyms are posting free workout videos for everyone (even for nonmembers).
Here are some other creative ways to roll with it: Share a roll of TP. Make cinnamon rolls or dinner rolls (get in the kitchen). Roll a camera (make memories). Roll on some paint (home improvements). Roll dice (boardgames, not gambling!). Roll a ball or roller skate (exercise). Shake, rattle, and roll (find joy and have fun).
This particular situation is hard on everyone. No one is free from risk. But we can all help someone else (even remotely from home via Zoom or Google Hangouts). We can be the church we are called to be.
Whether we feel ready or not, the situation is what it is. We can pray and be prepared, but we don’t have to panic or be afraid. We can use this time to draw closer to Jesus.
We can come up with new ways to solve problems. Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Maybe future generations will learn from us in their time of great need.
Let’s make the best of this situation. Our minor inconveniences of social distancing has potential can literally save lives. There is always something to be thankful for.
And, we know that God will use this all for our good.
Heavenly Father, thanks for Your protection and provision. Help us share Your light and love with others. Draw all of us closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: How are you doing? What is good today? What are you learning through this time? Is there someone you can encourage today?
Tasks: Listen to Matt Maher’s new song, “Alive and Breathing.” Find the good. Praise God!