Raise your hand if you like to volunteer! It has been said many hands make light work.
Recently, Lydia and I had a couple of opportunities to serve our local communities. While it is always my goal to set a good example for Lydia, I also hope she can feel more connected to Dave this way. He loved to serve others and was always so good at it!
Last week, I helped a friend deliver Meals on Wheels. Several of my patients over the years have received meals through this program, and I wanted to see more of it behind the scenes.
On Friday, we drove to our friends’ house in a nearby community. Leading up to this, Lydia had been excited to help. That is, until she realized we were “just” delivering the meals to everyone’s door. She mistakenly thought we were going to make the meals, and she was eager to cook and put them all together.

Sensing a teachable moment, we started talking about serving others and volunteering. I mentioned how I didn’t really know what to expect, since I hadn’t done it before, but that we would just show up and do whatever was needed. When we are volunteering, we really don’t get to call the shots!
Lydia thought about this and we role-played how it would feel for someone to “volunteer,” yet tell everyone exactly how they were going to “help.” We talked about how that could make some people feel, to be told what to do when they didn’t ask for any input.
In the end, there was not much room for the food and Lydia and her little friend, so they stayed to play while the other mom and I went into town.
As a side note, later, I did explain how sometimes partnerships occur when one party offers services or something specific to the other party, and together, they agree on how to best use the resources. That kind of helping is a little different than straight-up volunteering, though!

Then, on Saturday, Lydia and I volunteered with a program at our church. The goal was to distribute huge boxes of fruits and vegetables FREE to anyone who stopped by. No strings attached.
Once again, Lydia was so excited to help! She wondered if we would be working hands-on with the food. Of course, I worked to managed her expectations for this event, too.
We ended up inside, helping check people in and out. Even though we had a small part, I explained that each job is important. If we didn’t do our part, it might prevent someone else from doing theirs. She was so proud to help!
We had a lot of fun and even met some new faces. We look forward to the next opportunity to serve at church in a couple weeks!
This week, Lydia and I have continued to talk about what it means to serve. For example, I asked her what would make a good volunteer.

We brainstormed ideas and came up with these: Show up on time and be ready to work. Be willing to do whatever is asked of you. It’s okay to be out of your comfort zone. Have a good attitude and don’t complain. Always give your best to God. Don’t be showy or expect a reward for helping, but be grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.
Honestly, I used to second-guess my ability to help others. My skills didn’t always match up with what I thought was needed. But, I have realized (usually) just doing something is better than doing nothing. There is room to grow, but no time to waste.
For me, this is Victory: To stretch myself on behalf of someone else. To let God use me in new ways. To keep showing up without getting credit or always seeing the final outcome. Perhaps, by serving others, I can even help someone else find freedom, too!
There are many ways to love and serve others, even if it looks different than you expected. Really, you can be kind and generous any day of the week, even if it is not at an official event. Smile. Carry groceries. Bake a pie. Show up. Speak out. Hold the door. Create space for others, too. Either way, it is important for us to “do,” not just talk about what to do!
God, thanks for giving us the heart and capacity to serve. Help us have right motives and glorify You in all we do. Help us be difference makers and draw people to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you volunteer regularly? Where do you like to serve? Are there any challenges around you that could be remedied with a little help?
Tasks: Next time an opportunity to help someone presents itself, jump on it! Don’t be afraid or overthink it. Just do something! Be wise with your resources and pray how to best use them. Don’t be foolish or selfish; let God work through you to love others!
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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