Spring means a lot of birds are arriving daily! I have noticed songbirds, geese, and ducks lately. Did you know there are over fifty types of ducks worldwide, including geese and swans? (This site reports 165, to be exact.)
Apparently, there are thirty-three different duck species in the United States. Some are friendly and some are territorial. As a side note, loons are not ducks. Now you know!
Not too long ago, I saw a picture of a duck with seventy-six ducklings following her! This article describes it as a ducky daycare of sorts. That makes me smile just thinking about it!
Just like God cares for the sparrows, he absolutely cares for the ducks, too!

When life gets busy, we may say, “I need to get my ducks in row.” This expression suggests that we need to get organized or ensure all the details line up just so. It can be difficult because no one can keep all their ducks in a row for long! The ducks (or tasks) are constantly changing, even if they all cooperate and things go smoothly.
I definitely feel that way sometimes, and I am sure you do, too. I try to bend several ways to accomplish much more than I probably should. Lord help me!
I am listening to John Mark Comer’s book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. He writes how hurry and busyness lead to distraction and burnout. We tend to run, run, run, and leave little room for margin.
As Christians, this puts us in a dangerous position because if we are so busy all the time, we don’t take time to check in with God. Doing something FOR God is different than doing it WITH God.
King Saul learned that the difficult way in 1 Samuel 13. His soldiers were afraid and leaving the battle, and Saul got tired of waiting for God’s prophet to come. He took matters into his own hands, and because of his impatience and disobedience, Saul eventually lost everything.

God’s pace is SLOW compared to the world’s pace. We can only survive spiritually if we roll back the busyness and walk with God at the pace He sets. Not several steps ahead without checking in to see if we are actually supposed to go in that direction.
The author mentioned that God is love, and perfect love takes time. So do joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. For example, we need to slow down to love people well, enjoy the present moment, and have peace of mind. Helping people or listening to them takes intention. When we are faced with temptation, we are at risk if we jump right in before weighing options.
Slowing down likely means having fewer ducks overall (tasks on my to-do list). I won’t shirk my responsibilities or give away my little duckies, but when it’s time for them to fledge (our time together is complete), I don’t have to get more ducks ‘just because.’ I trust God to help me know what I can handle and what that looks like.
After all, God cares for the ducks, and He cares for me, too. All the world’s ducks are His. And all circumstances and the tasks in my little world are under His guidance, too. Or, at least, they are if I ask for His help and go at His pace!
God, thanks for the gift of ducks! Thanks for the new life they represent and the joy they bring. Help me submit my daily schedule to you. Give me just the right amount of tasks and help me stay focused on You. I want to walk with You, In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: How many “ducks” are you in charge of right now? Is it too much or just enough? Are you trusting God?
Tasks: Let’s honor God by checking in with Him regarding our schedule. We can trust Him to give us just the right amount of ducks. Keep in mind chaos and overwhelm are NOT from Him… don’t beat yourself up if your ducks are running wild. Just bring them to Jesus and let Him help you!
Sharing is caring! Thank you!
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