Singing in the Rain

Usually, by this time in July, my grass is crispy and brown. But this summer, we’ve had more consistent rain. We’ve had some big thunderstorms lately, and the grass is still green!

One day last week, I woke up to a gentle rain pounding on the roof. It was still early enough that I could have slept more, but I kept listening to the rain instead.

As I thanked God for the new day, I heard a little bird singing in the rain!

What a cool surprise! Between the rain and my excitement about the little bird, I couldn’t sleep anymore. The bird caught my attention because it chose to sing instead of retreat.

The steadfast song really made my day. I don’t know if the bird expected the storm or if it caught him by surprise. But, I’m sure it thrilled God’s heart to hear him sing his heart out!

We have a similar choice to make.

When storms come, we can retreat into our comfort zone. Or, we can look beyond our difficulties and sing about God’s faithfulness and goodness.

Singing in the rain and stepping into uncertainty is not for the faint of heart. It takes a fair amount of grit to persevere. In fact, many of the beloved old hymns were written out of excruciating heartache. Despite all odds, these famous songs are filled with the truth of God’s loyal love.

For example, the author of “It Is Well with My Soul” suffered great loss including the death of five of his children. The song was his response to the painful tragedy. Powerful.

The author of “Amazing Grace” also recorded his thoughts and feelings of gratitude after God saved him from a life of sin and disgrace.

There is freedom when we see storms of life as opportunities to sing and shine for God. We release ourselves to God’s care and shift the burden back to Him, where it belongs. Then, He gets the glory for what happens next.

Peace comes when we realize we don’t have to figure out all the details. God already knows what to do. He is more than capable, and His mercies are new every morning.

God is worthy of our praise no matter what circumstances we’re facing. He is faithful and true. So come as you are… He longs to be with us, help us, and show us His loyal love.

Rest assured… it’s okay if you can barely carry a tune! All of us can still make a joyful noise. Let’s use whatever gifts we have and praise the Lord. 🙂


Heavenly Father, thanks for your mercy and grace! We have so much to be thankful for, despite life’s challenges. Open our eyes so we can see all of Your goodness. We’ll give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you a bird watcher? What can you praise God for today?

Tasks: Make a list of all you are grateful for, and start singing your praises! If you don’t know where to start, try Psalm 117.


In Defense

“Maybe we should stop disliking people for what we have heard and be grateful God does not dislike us for what He knows.” –TobyMac

That quote reminds me of the impact of our words. Recently, someone was talking negatively about a friend of mine and put me in an awkward position. Yes, my friend certainly has faults, but I still enjoy their company.

I couldn’t discern if the person talking to me was jealous of my friend or actually had valid information. Either way, I heard an earful of unwanted gossip and was caught off guard.

While I tried to defend my friend, I don’t think I did an adequate job. Now that I’ve collected my thoughts, I’ll be sure to speak up next time. In the meanwhile, here’s what I should have said to the other person, but didn’t.

I don’t know about all that, but I really appreciate my friend! They have been good to me. They have selflessly helped me in countless ways over the years, often putting their own tasks on hold. I have learned so much from them, just as they have learned from me.

We have prayed for each other, and we have seen each other grow in Christ. Yes, perhaps they still have things to work on, but I’m grateful for how far they’ve come.

Furthermore, I want to see the good in people and hope they do the same for me. God knows I have faults too. But, because of Jesus, we have received mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We should extend the same toward others.

Similarly, let’s offer the benefit of the doubt. We weren’t there, so we don’t know the full story. Even if we were there, we wouldn’t necessarily know why things happened.

That doesn’t mean we ignore bad behavior, make excuses, or skip accountability. Yes, restitution is important, but there are many complex factors involved. It’s not always an easy, black-and-white answer.

Instead, when I sense an issue needs to be addressed, I ask my friend for their input and perspective. We don’t always agree, but we trust each other. We don’t make assumptions; we try to understand each other’s heart and intentions.

Remember, each person has God-given potential and a unique purpose. If we define someone by all their faults and failures, it’s likely they’ll never rise above them and fulfill God’s plan for their life.

They won’t come higher unless we raise our expectations of them. Let’s challenge them and encourage them along the way. Let’s agree with God and call out the good we see.

Let’s focus on everyone’s strengths, and cover their weaknesses with love. Let’s pray for people and mentor them, when possible. Not everyone is our responsibility to reach, but we can still set a godly example and point people to Jesus.

We need to be very careful not to ruin someone’s reputation with hearsay. So, let’s walk in a worthy manner and be wise in our interactions with everyone. We never know what they may glean from us… positive or negative influences that shape who they become.

We cannot change anyone, but we can extend grace toward everyone so they see Jesus and come to Him. Watching our words is difficult at times. But with Jesus, nothing is impossible.


God, thanks for Your great mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Please help us continue to grow and get along with each other. Give us the unity of heart and purpose. Strengthen our relationships with each other so we can bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you deal with gossip? What else should I have said?

Tasks: Before you talk about someone, check your own heart. Memorize Ephesians 4:29, which says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (NIV)


This week and next, Lydia is taking swimming lessons. I have enjoyed having time to catch up with a couple of mom friends while our kids are swimming.

We’ve been getting done with the lessons around 5:15 pm. We take the highway from the Minnesota side back to North Dakota. Traffic can be heavy at that time.

On the way home Monday, I saw an ambulance. I prayed right away for safety and healing for whoever needed the ambulance—and wisdom for all the medical professionals.

Then, the thought occurred to me that my friend, who was driving ahead of me, probably prayed too. Perhaps many people were praying for that one ambulance as it sped by.

Then, last night, as we drove home, it started storming. We made it to the car just before the rain hit. As we listened to the radio, a tornado warning was announced for a community about an hour away.

I prayed again, for God’s mercy, that the storm would subside. I’m sure others did too.

We made it home just before it started pouringcats, dogs, buckets, you name it! A few minutes later, part of my yard and bike path were flooded.

Thankfully, the water quickly receded into the drain at the corner of my lot. And, my sump pump probably helped too. All of this makes me think how rich in mercy God is. He pours out a deluge, really!

Put simply, mercy is when we don’t get what we deserve.

As it rained on and off, I was reminded how we receive God’s mercy because Jesus took the punishment for sin (death) for us. He diverted the penalty away from us. Thank You, Lord!

A little while later, Lydia and I saw a faint rainbow after the storm had passed. What grace!

Put simply, grace is when we get what we don’t deserve.

Water can be life-giving and fun… or dangerous and unpredictable. Sometimes we can splash in the puddles and sometimes we need to take cover.

This life brings both calm and chaos, and we will certainly have some wild days. But God is constant. Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times, He calms us instead.

He God floods us with His tender, loving care. His showers us with mercy and grace.

He is quick to help and quick to come to our defense. He protects us even when we are unaware of the danger. He is mighty to save!

Last night, as the blue sky finally peeked through the clouds, I was reminded no matter what storms may come, God is always with us. His love knows no bounds.

Father God, thanks for Your mercy and grace. How wonderful You are! May we always be reminded just how much You love us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you pray when you see an ambulance? Do you like thunderstorms or not?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Alive,” by Big Daddy Weave.

Sweet Celebrations

Here we are in July! This summer, I feel more relaxed yet more proactive than I have in the past. I am content to go with the flow, but I am also making plans and stretching myself more than normal. It feels good.

This feels like a season of celebrating for me. Each year that goes by, grief seems less strong. I don’t define my life by losses or challenges, but I am now grateful for them.

Right now, I am celebrating that Lydia is able to do more on her own. She can read to herself and is growing in independence. It’s a challenge at times to see her make mistakes, but she is growing and learning through it all. I’m so proud of her!

This summer, reading with Lydia is a joy. It has been so fun to see her interest in the stories. She can identify with the characters and is shocked when they go through their own trials. It is interesting how she is learning life lessons through fictional friends.

I’m really grateful for where we are right now. I know life constantly is changing, but God has us in a good spot. We are reaching out to those around us and have a lot going on, but we aren’t chaotically busy.

With the slightly slower pace, Lydia and I are enjoying good food, friends, being outside and being together. I’m loving fresh fruits and vegetables! She’s enjoying ice cream treats…

This summer, I’m learning a new level of trusting God. I always feel like I have a lot of personal responsibility as a single parent, and it is sometimes overwhelming. I’m being more intentional with my time, and there is freedom in not having to figure it all out.

I’m also celebrating sweet answers to prayer. Lately, I’ve been pleasantly surprised to see God come through for me in ways that I could have never predicted. Praise the Lord!

God always is working in our lives, but when we cooperate with Him, it goes much better! 😉 We do our part, and He does His. He is faithful.

This week, as we celebrate our freedom(s), take time to celebrate what God is doing around you. Praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness. Rest in His love, grace, and peace. He is so good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the freedom and protection we have in Christ Jesus. Thanks for all you are doing in our lives right now. Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any 4th of July plans? How are you celebrating God’s grace in your life?

Tasks: ‘Let go and let God’ take care of all that concerns you. Imagine how freeing it will be when you see Him move on your behalf. Trust Him!

On Being Content

This week I am doing another YouVersion Bible plan with friends. It is called, “The Power of Christian Contentment,” by Andrew Davis. It is so good. 

For this post, I wanted to capture a few of my thoughts in one spot. Contentment is a lifelong pursuit, so this simple post is by no means exhaustive.

The author talks about how rare contentment really is. I never thought about it that way. But I know many people (even Christians) who are mad at God for how life has turned out. They blame Him for what did or did not happen.

They choose to grumble and complain, but they refuse to take responsibility for their role in it. Not everything is someone’s fault, of course, but we have to do our part.

Sometimes, evil things happen and it seems like God has failed us. But God’s love never fails. He is always good, even when life doesn’t make sense. He is trustworthy!

To me, contentment means having peace and joy while going at God’s pace. It’s trusting Him, by not rushing ahead or setting lofty expectations, nor getting overly discouraged when disappointments come. We can’t avoid ups and downs entirely, but we can control our reactions.

The author mentioned that it takes supernatural effort to be content. Without Jesus, it seems we are always lacking something. In Jesus, we have everything we need. That doesn’t mean life is perfect, but He is with us and helps us through each of life’s challenges.

We weren’t meant to live with anger, anxiety, or fear!

God never sends bad or evil things upon His children. But, He will use everything (good or evil) for our benefit. Only He can orchestrate each of our paths and help us navigate life’s ups and downs while still bringing good out of it ALL! Wow!

The author mentioned the Apostle Paul and all he went through in spreading the gospel. To start, Paul was imprisoned, beaten, and shipwrecked. Eventually, he was executed.

Contentment is a lifestyle, an attitude, and a choice. Whether Paul had a lot or a little, was hungry or fed… in every circumstance, he persevered and learned to be content (Philippians 4:11-13).

In the ancient town of Philippi, Paul shared the gospel with a crowd. A woman named Lydia chose to believe the message and receive Christ. On Sunday, MY Lydia jokingly said, “No, they have it all wrong. She wasn’t from there, she was from North Dakota!”

It was funny, but it made me think. How often do we try to change or interpret God’s word to fit our goals and plans? We need to align ourselves with the Truth, that is Jesus!

Contentment comes when we know God’s heart for us and accept His path. It is not dependent on how much physical wealth we have or how little. It is not dependent upon whether or not all your personal dreams come true.

We can be content when our day takes a drastic turn. We can hold our tongue when people gossip about us. We can accept God’s will when we are not promoted or plans fail, knowing He has something better. We can maintain our joy, even when we have to make toast in the bathroom.

We can follow God wholeheartedly, even in the midst of pain. In fact, choosing to praise Him while suffering often brings an even better opportunity to show His goodness!

God loves working on our behalf despite the odds against us! That’s when His power shines bright and He gets all the glory! Woohoo!

We learn about God’s love by spending time with Him in two-way prayer, reading His Word and applying it, and learning to trust and obey the Holy Spirit.

Jesus showed us how to be content. He chose to follow His Father’s will, even to the cross. It would have been much more pleasant (for Him), had He done His own thing.

Jesus knew what was at stake, and He was strong to the end. Can you imagine how the story would have changed if all He did in Scripture is whine and complain?! Yikes!

Our Heavenly Father always does what is best for us. It’s our job to agree with Him and not run the show. Life is an adventure… but don’t be afraid. Be encouraged.

Jesus always leads us to Victory! May we be content and live in grace!


God, thanks for You grace and love. Give us courage to let go and trust You. Help us grow in contentment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Was this post on contentment comforting, challenging, or convicting? How can you cultivate contentment today?

Tasks: Check out the YouVersion Bible app for great reading plans that speak to everyday life. Invite some friends to join you!


Awesome Accountability

What do you do when you have a lot of goals, but keep losing motivation?

You get an accountability partner—or several!!

There are many benefits to having personal accountability. Often, it can mean the difference between success and failure.

We see the lack of public accountability in politics, but I’m not focused there today. In my own life, I appreciate having accountability because I am more likely to meet my goals!

Not meeting our goals can lead to a domino effect. We can slip up or grow stagnant in our life and faith walk. So it is imperative to have others around us who speak into our lives and provide wise counsel.

Thankfully, an accountability partner can check on progress, challenge you, and partner with you in prayer. As we draw closer to God and each other, we are encouraged, strengthened, and grow in character and fellowship.

When someone asks how it is going, it can feel like a pep talk or a call out. It can feel awkward at times, but if we are teachable, we will learn and grow!

Recently, some friends kept me accountable to reach some goals. I was sleeping in a little too often but wanted to maximize my time by getting up early. The hurdle was difficult to get through on my own.

Getting a head start on my day meant I could spend more time with God. I also decided to exercise early before distractions crept into my day. And, I wanted to work toward a personal deadline, where I have previously been procrastinating.

Bring on my accountability partners! I explained my goals to the ladies in my weekly small group. Amazingly, even just the idea of someone checking on me did the trick. I woke up early and did the work!

Friends and family are vital for our own accountability. It is so encouraging to have people rooting for me and cheering me on. Life just goes better together!

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is an ideal accountability partner. He leads and guide us perfectly, though it’s up to us to listen and obey. Jesus personally intercedes for us as well. We can’t go wrong with that!


God, thanks for putting wonderful people in my life to keep me accountable. Help me seek Your input and guidance every day. Help me make wise decisions as I live for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Who helps keep you accountable? What are some goals you are working toward?

Tasks: Seek one or two people to keep you accountable as you take steps to reach your goals.

Twenty-four Seven

I am still working on scribing the Gospel of John. I’ve only got a handful of chapters left, and it should be fairly straight forward. I had planned to do it every day but realized I wanted to take more time and really soak up those truths.

Recently, I spent a lot of time in John 15 and 16. One of my favorite passages of scripture is John 15:5, in which Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

It is important to regularly evaluate the status of our relationship with Jesus. If we are walking in step with him, we will bear fruit. The Holy Spirit cultivates an abundance of high quality, life-giving fruit in our lives (if we cooperate with Him).

Spiritual fruit can be seen in many ways.

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. How each of us portrays those character qualities, however, can be as different as our personalities, stage of life, and zipcodes.

Spiritual fruit is not the ‘Midas touch’ of everything turning to gold or going our way. Fruit takes a lot of perseverance. Often, it takes conscious effort to not give up or get ahead of God.

Jesus is the vine, and we are merely the branches. We have to yield to His control and grow on His terms. Thankfully, Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to help.

In John 16:13-14, Jesus says, “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you.”

The Holy Spirit is such a wonderful gift. To start, He is our advocate, helper, and comforter. He empowers us with wisdom, courage, and grace through the pruning process.

The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus and how to implement the Bible into our lives. He convicts us when we do wrong, and leads us back to Jesus when we stray. As we yield to His authority in our lives, He even makes our relationships run in harmony and peace.

Any time we need help, all we have to do is ask. God is right there with us to guide us through it. If you are feeling blah or hopeless today or feeling confused or stagnant, don’t worry. The Holy Spirit is available to every believer 24/7. He will encourage you and lead to the truth. Draw close to Him!


Holy Spirit, thanks for Your continual presence. Thanks for the work You do in our lives and all around us. Tune our ears to Your voice. Help us walk in truth and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you recognize the Holy Spirit at work within you? Do you check in with him frequently?

Tasks: Invite the Holy Spirit into whatever activities you are doing. Also, read The Holy Spirit: An Introduction by John Bevere.

Finding Grace #170

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was really exciting! It was refreshing to see God at work around me!

On Sunday, Lydia and I went to a high school graduation party for a friend. We didn’t know tons of people, so we sat down at a table with our food and introduced ourselves. Turns out, the lady across from us was a Christian. She attended our church for many years and we know many of the same people. We had a great time talking about what God is doing in our lives. It’s a small world!

On Monday Lydia and I ran errands and worked on home projects. We attended the Little Red Reading Bus, and Lydia got two new books for the week. Then, we went to Menard’s and Lowe’s for supplies. I installed two new toilet seats and eleven bags of mulch! We also bought a little pool for Lydia. We put it on our deck, which is up high and has a gate. It has been a hot week, so it is a fun way to cool down!

On Thursday, some friends offered to watch Lydia while I worked on a project. Their daughter and Lydia are good friends. They had so much fun Lydia ended up spending the night. I ended up cleaning the office and taking an early morning bike ride (pic)!

Today, two friends came over to help me move my old treadmill to the curb for garbage pickup on Monday (before the new one is delivered). It was easier than I expected, so I’m glad I asked them to come! They also changed a hard-to-reach lightbulb for me. Then, as we were talking, they noticed a couple of areas on the walls that needed paint touch-ups. One is a painter and had supplies in his car! I found the original cans of paint in my storage area, which was still good after almost nine years (with some stirring). We went all over the house spackling and fixing little spots. This was such a joy and relief! I had been prayerfully considering all these small areas that needed work. Now, I don’t have to worry about the blemishes anymore, and it feels like my house got a facelift!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Holy Hustle

Sometimes I just have to laugh when we struggle and then we see how silly we are. We are fooling ourselves if we think we can handle life on our own without God.

As a mom, when it comes to self-care, I have to be creative. For example, when I exercise with Lydia, I have to slow down to her pace. As a single mom, I have other inherent issues. So often, working out indoors is my best option. Getting outside is a bonus!

Recently, I prayerfully started looking for a new treadmill. My old one is over 11-years-old and has a few glitches. The dashboard only works when it wants to. Sometimes I can’t control the speed or incline, and the belt catches at higher speeds. Twice now, it has suddenly stopped right in the middle of a run. It’s becoming a safety issue.

Dave and I bought the treadmill two weeks after getting married. It was our first ‘big’ purchase together, so it does have some sentimental value. However, I’ve accepted the reality: I am afraid to use it for higher speeds because it is unreliable. I don’t want to get hurt!

For the last 3 years, and even more in the last 6 months, I’ve been telling myself that the slower, safer pace is just as effective. Slow walks are better than nothing, but at some point, I need to step it up for a better cardio workout. I do have other equipment, and it’s not necessarily a rush. But I need to stop making excuses.

So, I have been looking online for new and used treadmills. I have been reading reviews. My friend who was visiting this weekend is an avid runner so she helped me too. I even went to scout out some options in the local stores.

For now, I haven’t found anything that stands out aesthetically and is also a good price. I don’t need all the latest features, but I do want something that will last since this is not a frequent purchase.

On the one hand, home exercise equipment can be worthwhile if used regularly. For me, it’s an investment in my health. I want to take care of myself so I can take care of Lydia and all God has given me. It’s a fine balance.

Then again, I’m trying to be a good steward and use my money wisely. I can rearrange my budget to some degree, but I have been working towards other financial goals and can use my money elsewhere. It is good to be content and weigh my options!

Besides, when it comes to buying a new (or new-to-me) treadmill, there could be several hidden costs. Some places charge shipping or delivery fees. And, I would likely need help removing the old treadmill and assembling the new one.

There are many different factors to consider… Yesterday, after praying again for wisdom, it occurred to me that maybe I could fix my current treadmill.

Perhaps that’s not the best idea because replacing the individual parts could really add up. But I decided to at least clean it well and see what happens. It was worth a shot!

I watched some YouTube videos on what to do. I learned how to check the belt and internal components. I learned how to tighten screws and grease joints so it is less squeaky. It seemed fairly simple!

Then, in the afternoon, I started to deep clean the machine. I vacuumed up dust and checked the belt. It seemed fine because I’ve done regular maintenance on that. Next, I took off the motor cover and **GASP!!** it was sooo gross!

It was clear to see that it had not been cleaned inside for over 11 years. I was both embarrassed and slightly amazed it has lasted so long while being so dirty! Frankly, I praised God that it never caught on fire with all the dust and debris I found!

I did what I could but time will tell if it was enough! The dashboard still has electrical issues, but I’m hoping I can work around those. It’s still squeaky, but the above picture shows the improvement after cleaning.

My treadmill is a good object lesson for me. We often try to fix our own problems. We look for solutions but go nowhere fast. There are times to hustle, yes, but we still need to trust God to provide. We can’t neglect our relationship with the One who has the Master plan for our lives.

We often make excuses for our behavior. Unfortunately, living in our own strength often brings fear, frustration, and even failure. But when we seek God’s input through prayer, we can be grateful while we wait for Him to handle it and provide for us.

He generally doesn’t make all our problems go away overnight, but He does give us wisdom and grace to handle them. And, sometimes He shows us how to “clean up” our lives and messes so we can live freely, unhindered by all that tries to weigh us down.

I hope my treadmill is able to last a little longer with maintenance. Perhaps I can run outside this summer, though I’ll have to make some adjustments for Lydia. I’ll also keep looking for a good deal, knowing God will help me find an upgrade in His timing.

He is so good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for reminding me of Your grace in tangible ways. Help me trust you, work hard, and wait for Your timing. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What is your favorite exercise? Do you prefer cardio or strength exercises?

Tasks: Check out the “Trust, Hustle, Rest” devotional in the YouVersion Bible App. Also, consider this your friendly reminder to deep clean your exercise equipment! 😉

Known and Loved

Yesterday morning, I was serenaded by a little songbird called a tree swallow. Blue is my favorite color and the male’s blue coloring was particularly pretty. The female is more of a greyish brown. She joined him on my deck after he had been singing for a few minutes.

I thought it was sweet to watch as I was eating my breakfast. Soon, however, I started to discern something else might be going on. I’m no bird expert, but it seemed like I was watching a turf war!

A third bird kept landing on my deck, which prompted all the birds to ‘hiss’ at each other and scatter. I don’t know if the males were fighting over the female or if there was a nest nearby.

I would have loved to stay and watch this scene on repeat through my binoculars… but I had to go to work. Still, it reminded me that we are also in a daily battle that often is difficult to discern.

There is a battle for our souls. Our enemy will use any means necessary to distract us, get us off course, and make us doubt God’s love. We have to be aware of these methods or we will start to lose ground.

Case in point: Yesterday afternoon, I was fighting a bad attitude because I perceived something unfair. I was a little upset about things I can’t control. Left unchecked, I then let even minor inconveniences affect me and become major annoyances!

For example, when I walked to the bus to pick up Lydia, the wind kept blowing my hair into my face. Grrr… Yes, I could have driven around the block, but didn’t. I could have grabbed a hat, but then I would have had hat hair… oh, the injustice! 😉

Thankfully, I soon confessed what was bothering me to the Lord. I also apologized for being annoyed about the wind. It wasn’t a quick turnaround, but slowly, I switched gears. Walking against the wind on our way home from the bus also helped!

Lydia happened to be in a really funny mood, which also helped mine. After listening to her chat about her day, I turned on the radio to help me get out of my funk. Lydia had plenty to say about the songs, and the lyrics spoke precisely to my heart.

I was glad to draw near to God and worship. Each song felt like it was hand-picked by Him—I felt He understood just what I needed. More of Him.

As Lydia and I made dinner together, I prayerfully poured out my heart to the Lord. Later, I explained the basics of how I was feeling to Lydia and thanked her for helping me cheer up. She hadn’t even noticed!

I didn’t tell her all the details, of course, but she was supportive and gave me lots of hugs. We talked about our various emotions and how we can bring them all to God—good or bad. We don’t have to live in fear, doubt, or defeat.

I could have stayed in my bad mood, but I’m glad I asked the Lord for help. God knows each of our needs even before we come and ask. We can trust Him to take good care of us because He loves us so much. His love never fails!

God provides for all the birds and knows each one. But we are far more valuable to Him. He knows us fully and sees all our selfishness, yet He loves us anyway. Wow.

With Jesus, we have all that we need….and He already won the war. We don’t have to fight it out on our own. We just have to stand firm and not give up any territory. Victory!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your forgiveness and grace. You take such good care of me and provide for all of my needs. Help me trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you are in a foul mood, how to do you get out of it? What do you do to renew your mind with God’s love and truth?

Tasks: Let your emotions lead you to Jesus. Listen to the song, “Known,” by Tauren Wells.