On Religion vs. Relationship

Recently, Lydia and I have been reading a book series I loved when I was growing up. We just finished reading the fourth book (out of eight) in the Addie McCormick series.

Lydia enjoys the fun adventures, and I enjoy seeing her engage with book characters. She has really gotten into the books! She can relate to some of the same concerns the characters are having, and then we discuss them together.

As a parent, I appreciate how the characters reflect godly principles. In addition to solving mysteries and making friends, they also go to church, pray, and talk about God.

On Monday night, we were reading at bedtime. The main character, Addie, was thinking about the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is a Christian.

Of course, Lydia also wondered about this, so we were able to discuss it in simple terms. I told Lydia, “Yes, we can go to church, pray, give and serve… and still miss Jesus.”

“What?! How is that possible?” Lydia was surprised.

“Well,” I replied, “If we only focus on doing all those things, even though they are good, it’s like me saying, ‘Here’s your dinner, here’s your laundry, here’s your shoes.’ I would be doing all the right mom things, but I wouldn’t necessarily connect with you.”

“Oh, I see,” Lydia said.

I continued, “The difference is when I say, ‘Hey, for dinner, do you want pasta or potatoes? Did you have fun at school today? Do you need help folding your clothes?’ Instead of just serving you, I actually want to talk with you and enjoy being with you.”

Lydia easily understood my point, but it was a timely reminder for me, too.

Whether in life or in faith, it is easy to get caught up in the to-do lists full of never-ending tasks. With our misguided expectations, sometimes, we make life unnecessarily difficult.

Being overwhelmed by all I have to do is my first clue that I should take a step back and reevaluate what I am doing, my priorities.

Has my to-do list become my idol? Has my ‘religion’ become just that? What is really important, and am I doing it? Why or why not?

As we gain perspective, the gift is that we have the ability to make adjustments. However, switching gears requires courage and discernment. It doesn’t just happen!

Thankfully, as soon as we realize we are off track, we can ask God for help and forgiveness. He can redirect our paths and maximize our efforts.

The great part is if we seek His input first, that is relationship instead of religion, we can get where we need to more quickly. And when I bring it all to Jesus, He gives me grace and freedom. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

Interestingly, no other major religion besides Christianity offers a personal relationship with God. Instead, people are left always trying to earn their salvation. I’m so grateful Jesus, God’s own Son, did all the work for us by dying on the Cross. Thank You, Lord!


God, thanks for setting us in right relationship with You. Help us focus on loving You and being with You, instead of just doing more things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is it easier for you to DO or just BE? Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?

Task: Haha, just kidding… there is no task for you to DO today. 😉 Lay aside your list, even if only for a few minutes. Then, just spend time with Jesus and soak up His great love for you!

Finding Grace #184

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

So many awesome things happened this week!

We had several days of rain, which I didn’t mind. I was happy for the sunshine when it came, but I really loved running to my car after work and getting soaked from head-to-toe!

On Sunday, I contemplated mowing but knew the rain would make the grass grow even more. I decided to wait until today (Saturday) when the weather improved so I could focus on other things! However, on Tuesday, a friend volunteered to mow for me (again!). Then, he asked if he could trim the two trees in my front yard. This was a blessing and answer to prayer. I had just told a neighbor I needed to figure that out. The trees and my yard look so good!

On Wednesday, I caught up with a dear friend over the phone. We shared our recent updates and successes, along with some prayer requests. It was just what I needed, and I’m grateful for godly friends. Iron sharpens iron!

Then, on Wednesday evening, we started AWANA at church. It is our first year being involved, and Lydia and I both had fun. I have six little kids in my group. I’m praying these kids learn God’s word and learn about His love for them!

After we returned home on Wednesday night, a new friend contacted me for help. We don’t know each other super well, but she needed a safe place to stay overnight while some personal issues were resolved. This friend does not have family nearby, so I was honored she asked. I’m grateful God has given me a house with a spare bedroom to use as a blessing to help others. My friend’s issue resolved and she went home the next morning. She is brave!

This week, my ladies Bible study had a breakthrough of sorts. These friends have grown quite close, but God took our relationship to another level. One lady shared a part of her testimony (how God saved her and forgave all her mistakes). As a result, another friend was finally empowered to share her similar story, too. She has carried her past burdens for many years, and I have been praying she would find relief and forgive herself. It was a true transformation. Our stories of God’s saving grace are such a precious gift! If we are willing, He can use our failures, weaknesses, and mistakes to bring life to others! Thank You, Jesus!

Work went well, and I am still learning new things. Each week, I take on a little more responsibility. I learned about the MOVE! program, covered the nutrition clinic (scheduled appointments), and covered the walk-in clinic while someone was off. I am proud of myself!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #183

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really good week!

My parents were safe and dry as Hurricane Dorian passed by the Florida coast. It had major impact elsewhere, however. Thanks for your prayers and support!

Work went well, and I felt like I accomplished a lot. I still have a lot to learn, but it has already been very fulfilling. I can see why God placed me in my role. One morning, I walked in during the ‘honor guard’ for a veteran who just died. It was a touching moment as “Taps” was played in the hallway and everyone stood at attention.

Lydia seems to be adjusting to school and the daycare program! Thanks so much for your prayers. We are both being stretched this year, but I am excited for what God has in store. Lydia doesn’t quite understand how this is good for her just yet. I pray she grows and learns important lessons this year. It may be challenging, but I know it is for the best!

This week, I had lots of important conversations and received several well-timed compliments. At different times, I caught up with five different ladies, building them up and cheering them on. I also heard I was doing a good job at work, was doing well as a mother, and also heard quite a few good things about Lydia at school. We can’t live for praise, but the kind words were just what I needed. They were confirmations that we are on the right path. God has us right where He wants us, and I am so grateful!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Pray and Prepare

It’s hurricane season and my parents live in Florida! 😮 Hurricane Dorian has come close to breaking records and has already had a major impact.

Recently, as my mom and I were talking, she mentioned the need to have about ten days of food and water on hand, just in case the storm shuts down her city and local resources.

My parents have spent the last week watching the weather forecasts, all while planning for several possible outcomes. Mom said, “We don’t quite know what to expect, so we pray and prepare.” Smart move.

Regarding Dorian’s trajectory, last week, meteorologists mentioned that all they had were educated guesses based on radar and data from previous hurricanes. “We won’t know where it will go or what will happen until it actually hits.”

We now know Dorian hit the Bahamas as a deadly Category 5 hurricane, and then started to weaken. Yet, the wind and rain could still do a lot of damage and bring flooding to several states along the Eastern coast.

We all face uncertainties and storms in life. A hurricane shows up on radar several days before it hits, but tornadoes can happen within a matter of minutes.

Sometimes, we have a long time to adjust to the inevitable, but often we are blindsided by grief and despair. Examples may include long-term terminal illness versus a sudden, accidental death. Both are tragedies.

In planning, it is best to pray AND prepare. Prayer is a priority because we invite God into our situation. He is our Creator and can do the impossible. He is the difference-maker.

God can weaken any storm or turn it away. We trust Him to protect us and provide for us.

At the same time, we would be foolish to ONLY pray. God has given us many resources to use, such as creative thinking, strong bodies, hands to work hard, and other people who offer practical support.

Often, by preparing and helping each other, the impact of life’s storms is minimized. We can build a stronger community when we all come together and help.

Even before disasters strike or hardships come, we can pray, asking for the Lord to intervene. Then, we can use our God-given resources to spread love and encouragement to those in need.

God’s grace shows up in the ‘sweet spot’ of prayer and preparation.

On Monday, I was struck by a hurricane headline that stated ‘Millions united in fear.’ What a misguided scare tactic! We have God Almighty on our side… Regardless of what happens, our Victory is in Jesus!

We do not need to fear when bad times come… Instead, we can live prayerfully and give generously knowing the Lord will provide for us and use us to bless others.


Heavenly Father, thanks for your provision and protection. Help us to seek You and see the needs of those around us. Help us be a blessing to all we meet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have a disaster plan for your home and family? Does everyone understand the plan? Do you regularly practice what to do in an emergency?

Tasks: If you don’t already have a disaster plan, create one! Do this out of wisdom, not fear. Think about all sorts of what-ifs, like fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Keep a small store of water, canned foods, blankets, flashlights, and cash on hand.


No Problem!

For a planner like me, interruptions to my schedule used to throw me off. If I had several tasks on my to-do list, but then someone needed something, it would stress me out. It’s not that I didn’t want to help or hang out, but my perfectionistic personality was easily overwhelmed as I (most likely) tried to figure everything out on my own.

If I spent time with people, I sacrificed getting anything else done. But if I focused on tasks, I felt like I was neglecting friendships. It was frustrating and I rarely felt like I was doing a good job at anything. I was stumped. 😉

Of course, people take priority. And, life is full of interruptions and distractions (some good and some not so good). Thankfully, God took my gnarled mess and helped me adjust.

To start, parenthood, cancer, and grief, all provided dramatic circumstances for God to transform me. With His refining, the hidden blessing is I now have balance.

When people request my time, I see it as God’s gentle reminder to take a break and have fun… or serve others with my whole heart. When I do have more time to myself, I feel free to work on projects and tasks without guilt. I have learned both work and rest are good.

Now, I can usually just roll with it, knowing God will help me accomplish everything I’m supposed to do. After all, He knows exactly where and how I need to spend my life.

Lately, I have been thinking about how God orchestrates our lives in perfect timing. Similarly, our struggles can be perfect opportunities for God to show up. From ancient times, we see He has a certain dramatic flair and enjoys displaying His power and might!

Creation started with His words, “Let there be light,” as if He was setting the stage. Then, He created a vast universe, which we still have not fully discovered. Wow!

In the Bible, we see lots of other dramatic interventions where God steps in to save the day. He rolled back the Red Sea to save the Israelites out of Egypt. He helped David defeat Goliath with five smooth stones. He protected Daniel in the lions’ den. He walked with the three men in a fiery furnace; they came out unsinged and didn’t even smell like smoke!

God even forewarned King Nebuchadnezzar and then made a fool of him by making him act like a mad cow, eating grass on his hands and knees for seven years until he repented of his prideful ways. Can you imagine?!

Jesus was born of a virgin, made wine from water, calmed a storm, walked on water, and paid His taxes with a coin from the mouth of a fish. He healed many people, raised the dead, and performed other miracles. He also died on the Cross to pay for our sins (with a dramatic earthquake and tearing of the holy veil from top to bottom). Boom.

Then, God’s power raised Jesus from the dead precisely when He said it would happen (cue another earthquake rolling away the tomb!). Later, the Holy Spirit enabled uneducated outcasts to perform miracles and turn the world upside down as they spread the gospel message. Whoa!

I guess you could say God loves a good story!

Seriously, God can do far more than we can ask or imagine! And, if you let Him fight for you, it’s likely He will come through for you in creative ways you would have never guessed possible. Just wait on Him!

Whatever challenges you are facing, bring them to Jesus. Sickness, debt, sadness, anger, frustration, fear, confusion, disappointment, bitterness, resentment… big or small it all matters to God. He knows how to handle it.

Example: Recently, one friend had her (rather large) bill from surgery forgiven, while another friend received back pay from an old job she had forgotten about, and still another friend got a new job with more pay. It was cool to see how God creatively provided for each of them according to their unique needs!

Nothing is too big or impossible for Him! It’s no problem!


Ah, Lord God! Nothing is too difficult for You! Your plans for us are good! Help us trust You as we wait for You act. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What challenges are you facing right now? How can you trust God more? Are you willing to let Him move on your behalf?

Task: Make a list of all your previous challenges and then mark down how God was faithful. Watch for His creativity and look for hidden blessings.

Singing in the Rain

Usually, by this time in July, my grass is crispy and brown. But this summer, we’ve had more consistent rain. We’ve had some big thunderstorms lately, and the grass is still green!

One day last week, I woke up to a gentle rain pounding on the roof. It was still early enough that I could have slept more, but I kept listening to the rain instead.

As I thanked God for the new day, I heard a little bird singing in the rain!

What a cool surprise! Between the rain and my excitement about the little bird, I couldn’t sleep anymore. The bird caught my attention because it chose to sing instead of retreat.

The steadfast song really made my day. I don’t know if the bird expected the storm or if it caught him by surprise. But, I’m sure it thrilled God’s heart to hear him sing his heart out!

We have a similar choice to make.

When storms come, we can retreat into our comfort zone. Or, we can look beyond our difficulties and sing about God’s faithfulness and goodness.

Singing in the rain and stepping into uncertainty is not for the faint of heart. It takes a fair amount of grit to persevere. In fact, many of the beloved old hymns were written out of excruciating heartache. Despite all odds, these famous songs are filled with the truth of God’s loyal love.

For example, the author of “It Is Well with My Soul” suffered great loss including the death of five of his children. The song was his response to the painful tragedy. Powerful.

The author of “Amazing Grace” also recorded his thoughts and feelings of gratitude after God saved him from a life of sin and disgrace.

There is freedom when we see storms of life as opportunities to sing and shine for God. We release ourselves to God’s care and shift the burden back to Him, where it belongs. Then, He gets the glory for what happens next.

Peace comes when we realize we don’t have to figure out all the details. God already knows what to do. He is more than capable, and His mercies are new every morning.

God is worthy of our praise no matter what circumstances we’re facing. He is faithful and true. So come as you are… He longs to be with us, help us, and show us His loyal love.

Rest assured… it’s okay if you can barely carry a tune! All of us can still make a joyful noise. Let’s use whatever gifts we have and praise the Lord. 🙂


Heavenly Father, thanks for your mercy and grace! We have so much to be thankful for, despite life’s challenges. Open our eyes so we can see all of Your goodness. We’ll give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you a bird watcher? What can you praise God for today?

Tasks: Make a list of all you are grateful for, and start singing your praises! If you don’t know where to start, try Psalm 117.


In Defense

“Maybe we should stop disliking people for what we have heard and be grateful God does not dislike us for what He knows.” –TobyMac

That quote reminds me of the impact of our words. Recently, someone was talking negatively about a friend of mine and put me in an awkward position. Yes, my friend certainly has faults, but I still enjoy their company.

I couldn’t discern if the person talking to me was jealous of my friend or actually had valid information. Either way, I heard an earful of unwanted gossip and was caught off guard.

While I tried to defend my friend, I don’t think I did an adequate job. Now that I’ve collected my thoughts, I’ll be sure to speak up next time. In the meanwhile, here’s what I should have said to the other person, but didn’t.

I don’t know about all that, but I really appreciate my friend! They have been good to me. They have selflessly helped me in countless ways over the years, often putting their own tasks on hold. I have learned so much from them, just as they have learned from me.

We have prayed for each other, and we have seen each other grow in Christ. Yes, perhaps they still have things to work on, but I’m grateful for how far they’ve come.

Furthermore, I want to see the good in people and hope they do the same for me. God knows I have faults too. But, because of Jesus, we have received mercy, grace, and forgiveness. We should extend the same toward others.

Similarly, let’s offer the benefit of the doubt. We weren’t there, so we don’t know the full story. Even if we were there, we wouldn’t necessarily know why things happened.

That doesn’t mean we ignore bad behavior, make excuses, or skip accountability. Yes, restitution is important, but there are many complex factors involved. It’s not always an easy, black-and-white answer.

Instead, when I sense an issue needs to be addressed, I ask my friend for their input and perspective. We don’t always agree, but we trust each other. We don’t make assumptions; we try to understand each other’s heart and intentions.

Remember, each person has God-given potential and a unique purpose. If we define someone by all their faults and failures, it’s likely they’ll never rise above them and fulfill God’s plan for their life.

They won’t come higher unless we raise our expectations of them. Let’s challenge them and encourage them along the way. Let’s agree with God and call out the good we see.

Let’s focus on everyone’s strengths, and cover their weaknesses with love. Let’s pray for people and mentor them, when possible. Not everyone is our responsibility to reach, but we can still set a godly example and point people to Jesus.

We need to be very careful not to ruin someone’s reputation with hearsay. So, let’s walk in a worthy manner and be wise in our interactions with everyone. We never know what they may glean from us… positive or negative influences that shape who they become.

We cannot change anyone, but we can extend grace toward everyone so they see Jesus and come to Him. Watching our words is difficult at times. But with Jesus, nothing is impossible.


God, thanks for Your great mercy, forgiveness, and grace. Please help us continue to grow and get along with each other. Give us the unity of heart and purpose. Strengthen our relationships with each other so we can bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you deal with gossip? What else should I have said?

Tasks: Before you talk about someone, check your own heart. Memorize Ephesians 4:29, which says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (NIV)


This week and next, Lydia is taking swimming lessons. I have enjoyed having time to catch up with a couple of mom friends while our kids are swimming.

We’ve been getting done with the lessons around 5:15 pm. We take the highway from the Minnesota side back to North Dakota. Traffic can be heavy at that time.

On the way home Monday, I saw an ambulance. I prayed right away for safety and healing for whoever needed the ambulance—and wisdom for all the medical professionals.

Then, the thought occurred to me that my friend, who was driving ahead of me, probably prayed too. Perhaps many people were praying for that one ambulance as it sped by.

Then, last night, as we drove home, it started storming. We made it to the car just before the rain hit. As we listened to the radio, a tornado warning was announced for a community about an hour away.

I prayed again, for God’s mercy, that the storm would subside. I’m sure others did too.

We made it home just before it started pouringcats, dogs, buckets, you name it! A few minutes later, part of my yard and bike path were flooded.

Thankfully, the water quickly receded into the drain at the corner of my lot. And, my sump pump probably helped too. All of this makes me think how rich in mercy God is. He pours out a deluge, really!

Put simply, mercy is when we don’t get what we deserve.

As it rained on and off, I was reminded how we receive God’s mercy because Jesus took the punishment for sin (death) for us. He diverted the penalty away from us. Thank You, Lord!

A little while later, Lydia and I saw a faint rainbow after the storm had passed. What grace!

Put simply, grace is when we get what we don’t deserve.

Water can be life-giving and fun… or dangerous and unpredictable. Sometimes we can splash in the puddles and sometimes we need to take cover.

This life brings both calm and chaos, and we will certainly have some wild days. But God is constant. Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times, He calms us instead.

He God floods us with His tender, loving care. His showers us with mercy and grace.

He is quick to help and quick to come to our defense. He protects us even when we are unaware of the danger. He is mighty to save!

Last night, as the blue sky finally peeked through the clouds, I was reminded no matter what storms may come, God is always with us. His love knows no bounds.

Father God, thanks for Your mercy and grace. How wonderful You are! May we always be reminded just how much You love us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you pray when you see an ambulance? Do you like thunderstorms or not?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Alive,” by Big Daddy Weave.

Sweet Celebrations

Here we are in July! This summer, I feel more relaxed yet more proactive than I have in the past. I am content to go with the flow, but I am also making plans and stretching myself more than normal. It feels good.

This feels like a season of celebrating for me. Each year that goes by, grief seems less strong. I don’t define my life by losses or challenges, but I am now grateful for them.

Right now, I am celebrating that Lydia is able to do more on her own. She can read to herself and is growing in independence. It’s a challenge at times to see her make mistakes, but she is growing and learning through it all. I’m so proud of her!

This summer, reading with Lydia is a joy. It has been so fun to see her interest in the stories. She can identify with the characters and is shocked when they go through their own trials. It is interesting how she is learning life lessons through fictional friends.

I’m really grateful for where we are right now. I know life constantly is changing, but God has us in a good spot. We are reaching out to those around us and have a lot going on, but we aren’t chaotically busy.

With the slightly slower pace, Lydia and I are enjoying good food, friends, being outside and being together. I’m loving fresh fruits and vegetables! She’s enjoying ice cream treats…

This summer, I’m learning a new level of trusting God. I always feel like I have a lot of personal responsibility as a single parent, and it is sometimes overwhelming. I’m being more intentional with my time, and there is freedom in not having to figure it all out.

I’m also celebrating sweet answers to prayer. Lately, I’ve been pleasantly surprised to see God come through for me in ways that I could have never predicted. Praise the Lord!

God always is working in our lives, but when we cooperate with Him, it goes much better! 😉 We do our part, and He does His. He is faithful.

This week, as we celebrate our freedom(s), take time to celebrate what God is doing around you. Praise Him for His goodness and faithfulness. Rest in His love, grace, and peace. He is so good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for the freedom and protection we have in Christ Jesus. Thanks for all you are doing in our lives right now. Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any 4th of July plans? How are you celebrating God’s grace in your life?

Tasks: ‘Let go and let God’ take care of all that concerns you. Imagine how freeing it will be when you see Him move on your behalf. Trust Him!

On Being Content

This week I am doing another YouVersion Bible plan with friends. It is called, “The Power of Christian Contentment,” by Andrew Davis. It is so good. 

For this post, I wanted to capture a few of my thoughts in one spot. Contentment is a lifelong pursuit, so this simple post is by no means exhaustive.

The author talks about how rare contentment really is. I never thought about it that way. But I know many people (even Christians) who are mad at God for how life has turned out. They blame Him for what did or did not happen.

They choose to grumble and complain, but they refuse to take responsibility for their role in it. Not everything is someone’s fault, of course, but we have to do our part.

Sometimes, evil things happen and it seems like God has failed us. But God’s love never fails. He is always good, even when life doesn’t make sense. He is trustworthy!

To me, contentment means having peace and joy while going at God’s pace. It’s trusting Him, by not rushing ahead or setting lofty expectations, nor getting overly discouraged when disappointments come. We can’t avoid ups and downs entirely, but we can control our reactions.

The author mentioned that it takes supernatural effort to be content. Without Jesus, it seems we are always lacking something. In Jesus, we have everything we need. That doesn’t mean life is perfect, but He is with us and helps us through each of life’s challenges.

We weren’t meant to live with anger, anxiety, or fear!

God never sends bad or evil things upon His children. But, He will use everything (good or evil) for our benefit. Only He can orchestrate each of our paths and help us navigate life’s ups and downs while still bringing good out of it ALL! Wow!

The author mentioned the Apostle Paul and all he went through in spreading the gospel. To start, Paul was imprisoned, beaten, and shipwrecked. Eventually, he was executed.

Contentment is a lifestyle, an attitude, and a choice. Whether Paul had a lot or a little, was hungry or fed… in every circumstance, he persevered and learned to be content (Philippians 4:11-13).

In the ancient town of Philippi, Paul shared the gospel with a crowd. A woman named Lydia chose to believe the message and receive Christ. On Sunday, MY Lydia jokingly said, “No, they have it all wrong. She wasn’t from there, she was from North Dakota!”

It was funny, but it made me think. How often do we try to change or interpret God’s word to fit our goals and plans? We need to align ourselves with the Truth, that is Jesus!

Contentment comes when we know God’s heart for us and accept His path. It is not dependent on how much physical wealth we have or how little. It is not dependent upon whether or not all your personal dreams come true.

We can be content when our day takes a drastic turn. We can hold our tongue when people gossip about us. We can accept God’s will when we are not promoted or plans fail, knowing He has something better. We can maintain our joy, even when we have to make toast in the bathroom.

We can follow God wholeheartedly, even in the midst of pain. In fact, choosing to praise Him while suffering often brings an even better opportunity to show His goodness!

God loves working on our behalf despite the odds against us! That’s when His power shines bright and He gets all the glory! Woohoo!

We learn about God’s love by spending time with Him in two-way prayer, reading His Word and applying it, and learning to trust and obey the Holy Spirit.

Jesus showed us how to be content. He chose to follow His Father’s will, even to the cross. It would have been much more pleasant (for Him), had He done His own thing.

Jesus knew what was at stake, and He was strong to the end. Can you imagine how the story would have changed if all He did in Scripture is whine and complain?! Yikes!

Our Heavenly Father always does what is best for us. It’s our job to agree with Him and not run the show. Life is an adventure… but don’t be afraid. Be encouraged.

Jesus always leads us to Victory! May we be content and live in grace!


God, thanks for You grace and love. Give us courage to let go and trust You. Help us grow in contentment. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Was this post on contentment comforting, challenging, or convicting? How can you cultivate contentment today?

Tasks: Check out the YouVersion Bible app for great reading plans that speak to everyday life. Invite some friends to join you!