Dearest, THINK

Like most people, I receive many emails everyday. Recently, I received an email that stood out. The email itself was of little importance, but what surprised me was that it started off with, “Dear Natalie.” I would expect that greeting in a thank you note, but even those are somewhat rare these days.

The email was professional in nature but it struck me as personal, friendly, and surprisingly refreshing. Just those two words, “Dear Natalie,” left me with a positive feeling about the situation.

It has been awhile since I have received an email that stayed with me like that. Perhaps that’s because much of what I (or we?) have seen and heard lately is bickering. We seem to have lost cordiality and common sense!

These days, what we say and do carries big impact. That’s always true, but now it seems there is even more at stake. Our interactions could affect someone else for eternity, either bringing them to Jesus or turning them off.

Yes, we all have opinions, and we have the ‘right’ to share them. However, we need to remember to hold these conversations in the proper time, place, and context so that others can receive them well. Otherwise, we are just a resounding gong or clanging cymbal!

There are opinions, and then there are facts. We tend to confuse the two and elevate the importance of opinions and preferences. Let’s take every thought captive and subject it to God’s Truth (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

We can all quote the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them to unto you.

Then there’s also the adage: If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Needless to say, we could all communicate better! Let’s see others as God sees them. Treat them with kindness, respect, and generosity. We are all in this together.

That may mean sending a kind note to someone who has been rude. Or, going out of your way to be generous to someone who took advantage of you. Or, just simply respecting the person enough not to argue back.

You may not agree on issues, and that is okay. But consider each person as if they were your own dearest family member. Your parent, your child, your sibling, your grandparent. Treat people well.

Lately, I have seen Christians belittling others in person and online for their choices regarding masks, school, social events, etc. That doesn’t bring God glory in any way!

Dear friends, let’s pray and think carefully think before we speak. Peacemakers.

Discussion is good, and action is even better. But, what we really need right now is God’s mercy and grace. He alone is the Solution we need. 

If we want to be angry, fine. But, let’s seek God’s righteous anger. We, as humans, clearly don’t exhibit anger very well! Let God’s love, care, and compassion lead the way.

If we seek justice, we need to seek Jesus. He is our Peace. If we make plans, let’s first discuss them with the Master Planner. He is our only Hope.

These are tough times in American culture and around the world. Prayer is our first step, not a last resort. After that, let’s listen to each other, walk wisely, and love like Jesus.


Dear God, thanks for loving us so dearly. Thanks for taking such good care of us. God, we need Your mercy to deal with all our challenges. We cannot do this without You. Please give us wisdom and grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If the Bible says we are to submit to the government and be obedient, don’t you think He will help us as we honor His word? What is at stake if we don’t? (That does NOT mean we follow blindly. We pray, vote, trust and obey God first. Fear God; honor the King.)

Tasks: Before you speak (or write) your thoughts, THINK. Is is True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?

Discussion, Not Division

Well, here we are about halfway through 2020. I don’t think any of us expected it to be like this! So many wildcards… though, I am grateful God can take everything bad and work it for good in His time and in His way. He is faithful!

Lately, I have seen a few posts about how we need to ‘get angry’ and if we don’t speak up, we are part of the problem. On the one hand, I agree. Much of what has happened this year is upsetting and should absolutely be discussed.

But, I don’t make great decisions when I am angry or emotional. “Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires” (James 1:20). Besides, we don’t just need words, we need action. We have to make changes that will last.

Sadly, I have seen a number of my Christian friends flat-out argue with each other online about what needs to happen. Some of those are heavy topics, sure, but I hate seeing such division. I’m sure it breaks God’s heart, too.

It’s alright if we disagree! None of us is perfect is or has it all figured out. But we need to take better care of each other… be kind, be patient, listen. A house divided will never stand.

In many ways, it seems we are playing right into our Enemy’s hand, stirring up strife and hatred. Yet, Jesus said the world will know us by our love, not by our arguing.

Ironically, I have also seen several people tell others exactly how they should think or feel, march or protest, vote or use their voice. They have strongly stated it is unChristian or unAmerican to do this or that. This assumes the person agrees and shares their perspective.

This happened to me recently. I was rebuked online for pointing out facts in a news article that was clearly biased. The person said they “just did a quick Google search” to learn about the topic but then posted the article anyway. The topic had nothing to do with this person or where they live, and there is much more to the story than the one article suggested. I gently suggested looking at all the sides before making conclusions, but I received an eyeroll emoji and a strong rebuke.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is one reason why people stay silent and don’t speak up in public. Yes, that needs to change to some degree. But, it seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t!

There are a variety of ways to tackle injustice or use your influence for good. Based on your personality and life experiences, perhaps you are comfortable leading the charge and voicing your opinions. You might have a quick ‘reaction time’ while others have a much slower fuse. That’s great! Just give others time to catch up.

Or, perhaps you prefer to have face-to-face conversations over coffee, volunteer locally, or write to Congress. If you like to work behind the scenes, thank you! We may never see the contribution you are making. I challenge you to speak up in your own way, and don’t let anyone tell you it’s not good enough!

Either way, there are many ways to serve, and each person can make a difference.

It’s okay if you don’t know how to think or feel on a topic. But do your own research.

Consider all angles before making decisions. It is wise to have as many details, pros/cons, and facts as possible. Don’t ask advice from random people on the internet, but do ask people who have experienced what you need to know.

The method may vary depending on the topic. Read your Bible and pray. Research key points through trusted resources, and/or study the science behind whatever you are thinking about. Have a good understanding of the issues at hand. Challenge your own opinions with facts!

Unfortunately, the public tendency to second-guess experts combined with the noise of social media doesn’t help. We can’t rely on easy answers for complex topics.

I have seen differences arise when one person is holding fast to principle while the other person is touting a different perspective. It is quite possible both people are right… Still, we can be compassionate as we seek to learn from each other. Discuss, but don’t divide!

For me, the bottom line is this: We represent Jesus to a world in desperate need of healing. Don’t stand in the way of anyone coming to Him!

Don’t let your behavior (online or in person) prevent anyone from meeting the One who died for them, the One who makes all things right. Find common ground. Use your gifts, talents, and platform wisely. Be an example, don’t turn people off!

Thankfully, in any situation, there is a right way that honors God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and Life (see John 14:6). Therefore, our goal as Christians is to always find the best path forward (the one that pleases God) knowing He will help us!

This includes a path of humility and open-mindedness. We may have to admit we were wrong, but growth means change is coming! Therefore, let’s embrace the discomfort knowing God is with us and for us.

The path forward ALWAYS promotes peace, justice, love, grace, and mercy.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Each of us has different goals and plans, but we can support one another and move forward together.


Heavenly Father, thanks for holding us all together. You are sovereign, and we praise You! Please help us use our words to build each other up and not tear each other down. May we stand firm in what You have called each of us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As you speak with other people, are you letting your emotions get ahead of you? After you leave, are you still telling yourself you are in the right? Or are you able to let it go and praise God?

Tasks: Meditate on these verses: James 1:20; Ephesians 4:29; and Romans 14:1. Consider what you post on social media. Is it to gently inform or encourage? Is it truthful and helpful? Have you fact-checked your sources?

You’re Gonna Get Wet

We’ve had some rainy weather this week, which is certainly not unusual for spring. Can you say, “green grass?!” Thankfully, the rest of the week is supposed to be mostly sunny. The sun did come out today, proving rainy days don’t last forever!

Nonetheless, yesterday, it was sprinkling all morning. I needed to mail a little package, but I also needed to drop off Lydia at daycare (nowhere near a post office).

I usually try to fit quick errands in either before work or after, depending on the timing. Often, I plan ahead, but yesterday, I only had a few minutes to spare.

I didn’t want to be late for work, so I looked at the forecast and my weather radar app. As I tried to decide if mailing my package could wait until later, a thought occurred to me. 

“Either way, you’re gonna get wet.”

The forecast was cloudy and rainy all day. So my choice was really between if I should go when it was sprinkling or wait, hoping it would not be downpouring later.

The odds were not in my favor.

In the end, I decided I was cutting it too close and waited until after work to run to the grocery store, which conveniently has a little post office, too. 

Thankfully, the weather was still only sprinkling! It worked out well, and I was able to pick up a few other groceries before getting Lydia at daycare.

In life, we face many storms (real and metaphorical). It is inevitable that at some point, we’re gonna get wet. Many storms pop up out of nowhere. 

Yet, sometimes storms are related to consequences for poor choices. Sometimes we can look ahead and see what’s coming. In those instances, we may be able to avoid the storm altogether. But not always.

Although it is nice to stay warm, dry, and well, comfortable, it is not possible to always avoid storms. However, we can still be prepared.

We can review the forecast and radar. We can keep an umbrella in our car. We can stock up on a few key supplies (like water and flashlights, not toilet paper!). We can use wisdom.

We can also pray ahead of time, asking God for help. He alone knows what is coming and will lead us in our preparations. But, we have to be willing to make adjustments accordingly. He will never lead us astray!

Often, our attitude will determine how we come through the storm. Yes, we can make up our minds ahead of time–set our attitude–for how we will handle getting wet.

It is unrealistic to think we will never have to deal with life’s storms. We are going to get wet, so we might as well make the best of it! Let’s splash in the puddles!

We can hopefully prevent some of the pain storms bring, but it is even wiser to check our attitude and trust God. Jesus said we would have troubles. But, He is faithful.

Jesus is both above the chaos and with us in it. He can bring peace and help in any storm.


Heavenly Father, thanks for bringing the rain and using it to provide new life. Help us make wise decisions and have a good attitude. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like thunderstorms? Do you have an emergency kit on hand?

Tasks: Read about when Jesus calmed a storm in Mark 4:35-41!


On Compromise

Hello! How are you holding up this week?!

So far, Lydia and I are doing well. We had a peaceful holiday weekend and then hit the ground running on Monday. Suddenly, I had about fourteen emails, calls, texts, and social media requests to attend to (after work, homework, an online meeting, a hangry meltdown, dinner, and an impromptu phone call).

Every day can be so different. A global pandemic doesn’t help! Whether you are staying home every day, or are able to still go to work, we each have complex circumstances.

Let’s extend each other an extra measure of grace.

In many ways, I have had to let go of what other people think and attend to what’s in front of me. Some things are more relaxed, but as always, I still have a lot to do. So do you! 🙂

Of course, anything worth having or doing takes intention. I look forward to warmer weather and hopefully, the ability to reconnect with people in person. Until then, I have been keeping in touch via texts, calls, and video chats. I’m grateful for technology!

And, I know it is important to pick my battles. Crisis or not.

One key to coping well is learning to adapt. For example, I’ve had to change my route to work about four times in the last six weeks. I have reframed my (now longer) morning drive, and I am choosing to view it as taking the scenic route.

Another key to successful coping is compromise. That may include setting aside certain projects or tasks in order to focus on your family’s needs. Compromise may mean preserving your sanity by taking a break from social media or even the news. It may include setting boundaries in relationships or taking time to regroup. Or, maybe it’s serving others and going all in. There is give and take, and that looks different for each of us.

One important note, however: We cannot compromise regarding what God is calling us to do. We cannot compromise our values or integrity. We cannot compromise faith or obedience. We cannot give up holy ground.

I am NOT talking about our rights as citizens or church-goers. We absolutely need to follow the law and health recommendations. This is not the time to push an agenda.

During this time, we all should lay down our own goals, plans, and desires for the good of all. Stay home. Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Keep social distance. Yes.

What I am talking about how it is easy to let important matters slide under stress. It is easy to give up or make excuses when times get rough. I have heard of many people making decisions lately, without thinking about the long-term consequences.

People have been cutting their bangs, taking money from retirement accounts, turning to bad habits, and accepting less than they deserve. The long-term impacts could be financial, relational, or yet unseen.

I don’t know all these people personally, or the various factors and circumstances they are facing. I am merely using these points as examples. But I do know that God understands each person’s situation. He cares deeply and is ready to help!

Sure, desperate times call for desperate measures. Maybe you are totally confident cutting your bangs. Or, maybe you have a specific plan for using your retirement money. Awesome!

But, let’s not forget Who is fighting for us. We do not HAVE to be afraid or make fear-based choices. Trust Jesus!

We are not left on our own to fend for ourselves. God is on our side. He is for us and promises to provide for us! When we bring him our weaknesses, He will give us His strength.

In times of distress or despair, pause and consider what is at stake. We cannot afford to just get by! Instead, we need to stand firm and seek God’s input.

We can’t see the future, yet He knows the end from the beginning. He’s already there!

We can trust God fully. Crisis or not, He never compromises. He does lead us with mercy and grace. And if we let Him, He will get us where we need to be. No doubt.


Father God, thanks for Your peace and provision. Thanks that we don’t have to live in fear. You are so good to us. Help us trust You with our decisions, our finances, our health, and our relationships. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you find it easy or challenging to trust God? Is there one area that is more difficult than another?

Tasks: Bring all your concerns to Jesus. Before making a big decision, check-in with Him first. He may give you the green light to go ahead, or He may surprise you with a different (better) answer. He loves to bless us!

Strong, Resilient, and Capable

Happy April Fools Day!! Can you believe it’s April already?

This day can be fun for many people, as they play hilarious pranks on their friends.

But maybe today feels like a cruel joke. Social distancing has a way of making us feel isolated and alone. I’m sure we’ve all had moments of doubt and questioning lately.

What is going to happen? What if someone I love gets sick? Will we be okay? 

Much of what we are collectively feeling is grief. Lydia and I talk about grief often, so we are fairly familiar with the concept of loss. It’s not a far stretch for us… But, that doesn’t mean it is easy or comfortable.

Perhaps you have feelings of loss or missing out. Not to mention sadness, uncertainty, and possible despair. Grief is not just about death. It’s about learning to make adjustments. 

This sense of grief is totally normal, but now is the perfect time to make lemonade.

Earlier this week, I read some words of encouragement from someone at work. These words stood out to me: IMPROVISE. ADAPT. OVERCOME.

We have a choice to make: We can try to make it on our own, or we can ask God to help.

The truth is, only Jesus can give us the fortitude to make the best of the situation. Only He can bring something good from overwhelming evil and pain. He alone is the source of all wisdom. His Name is Power!

Only He can teach us how to improvise, adapt, and overcome.

If you are alive today, you come from a long line of survivors. Our ancestors had their own share of problems. Most recently, they dealt with the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, and two World Wars. Sure, maybe they were afraid, but they pushed through, made sacrifices, and did what was needed. And so, here we are.

Strong. Resilient. Capable.

Overall, Lydia and I are adjusting well. I am still working and sending Lydia to daycare. We are saving some time each day by not running errands or driving to activities, but we are still involved remotely. Oddly enough, we really haven’t had much downtime!

Lydia starts online school today. There will be some challenges, but I know she will do well. I’m grateful for her teacher, our school district, and all those working behind the scenes!

I feel our personal grief experiences have served us well over the years. Here are a few takeaways I have learned that may help you.

First, lean on the Lord as if your life depends on it. Give yourself credit for what is going well. Celebrate wins, no matter what size. And, finally, this will not last forever.

Be strong. Be courageous. Remember God is with you and for you!

Grief looks different for everyone. Sure, there may be similarities or patterns, but each of us copes in unique ways. There is no right way to get through something painful.

Yet, as long as we don’t give up, we will get through it together! Let’s cheer each other on! God’s got this. With Him, nothing is impossible! 


Father God, thanks for being our refuge and hiding place. Thanks for giving us Your strength! Please protect us and help us trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How has social distancing affected you? Has it been difficult or are you glad for the ‘break’? How can you encourage your family, friends, neighbors, and community?

Task: Fear is a normal reaction, but we don’t have to let it run our lives. When you feel afraid, challenge those thoughts and feelings with God’s Word!


Finding Grace #211

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

What a wild week this has been! I definitely felt some anxiety this week but also felt God’s grace surround me. We are doing well, overall, and the stress mostly came from plans changing every five minutes with new coronavirus information. Lydia’s daycare sent out several emails with important updates, and it was difficult to keep up. They did their best, and I am thankful. The guidelines they also received kept changing, hence all the emails.

It is a little difficult to know if I should keep working right now, but while we still have daycare, I feel it is God’s provision. As a healthcare provider, I want to do my part, and trust God to take care of us. But if (when?) daycare is no longer available, I will take that as His guidance to stay home. I’m just rolling with it! Lydia and I do still follow all the CDC guidelines for washing hands, maintaining social distance as best we can, and not running unnecessary errands.

This pandemic has caused many disruptions to everyone’s plans, mine included. I had hoped to travel to Illinois to see family next weekend. However, after some discussion, we all decided it wasn’t worth the risk of getting each other sick. While it is certainly sad to miss out, canceling our plans became an act of love. Plus, I would have probably been in quarantine for two weeks when I returned so as not to bring the illness to work. It is wisest to stay put and help “flatten the curve.”

This week, on the days we stayed home, we watched “Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems.”It was quite moving to watch this author/illustrator take time to connect with his young audience. He shared old files and drawings, answered fan mail, and taught the kids how to draw some of his beloved characters. He also addressed certain emotions, such as being nervous, anxious, and stressed and how we can rely on each other. It was therapeutic for me, too, and he reminded me a little of Mr. Rogers.

On Friday, we picked up Lydia’s school supplies in case they don’t return. Our state is going to start online classwork in the near future. It made me a little sad that the kids will miss out on time together, but I also understand why this is important. I overheard Lydia telling herself she can’t wait to see her friends again. This has been an adjustment for everyone.

Still, Lydia has been such a trooper this week. Her daycare met in two different locations, with another one next week (to maximize resources). Also, being a strong reader, she unknowingly picked up a children’s book on grief. I was unaware until I came upstairs and found her crying. We talked about Dave, Heaven, Jesus, and why bad things happen.

Among many positive other things, I noticed that Lydia got her teeth cleaned, her braces off, and received her retainer before her orthodontist and dentist shut down for the next three weeks. I’m grateful that all the hard work was not “undone” during this time.

I LOVED connecting with friends and family via phone and various video chatting platforms today. I even did a few online meetings (not for work). I am grateful for technology this week! We will get through this together!

That said, this week, I “unplugged” from the news and social media at times. Nonetheless, I read heartwarming stories online, of how people are helping and encouraging each other. I pray that instead of panic, God’s overwhelming peace will reign in our hearts. He’s got this!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Roll With It!

Ah, the world has become a different place overnight! It’s been a little crazy lately!

I’ve seen some really compelling facts and arguments for staying home to protect others and ourselves from illness. And, I’ve seen some pretty funny memes about toilet paper and germs. When all this over, I’d love to see a ‘best of the best’ meme contest!

I’ve replenished my pantry with key staples (though I still haven’t found any TP). I’m not worried, however, because I still have some on hand. In terms of supplies, many of us could be just fine without stocking up for quarantine. We are that blessed.

Even if we do end up eating stuff from the back of the cupboard.

This year has already proven to be a wild card. In fact, this new decade is not what many expected it to be. But God is not surprised, and He is right here with us.

I am still working, and Lydia’s at her daycare program full-time because school is closed this week (likely longer). I’m trying to be as flexible as possible with our plans.

Most of us have had several plans canceled or postponed. Despite the disappointment and uncertainty around us, in terms of traveling, public events, school, and work, we can fully rely on the wisdom and peace God brings.

We may run low on toilet paper, but instead of freaking out, we can roll with it. 🙂 We may not know how to make ends meet, but we can trust God will take care of us. He is our Provider and our Sustainer.

God is still in control. He’s got this.

Even though we face some unknowns, we are better off in terms of resources than many of those who came before us. We will get through this together.

This is a huge challenge, but we are still quite well off. We have history to show us what has worked in all the other plagues and viruses. By using wisdom, caution, and social distancing, we can hopefully slow the trajectory and “flatten the curve.”

I’m so grateful for science and technology! Some online newspapers are providing free access so we can stay up-to-date. Many churches have moved weekly services online.

We have electricity, running water, and the internet. We can exercise, clean, work on projects, learn a new skill, and call loved ones. We have books, television, puzzles, games, and chocolate. In many ways, God has given us the gift of family time and a slower pace.

In all of the chaos and negative press, I have seen some good news, too! I saw an article saying air quality has improved worldwide because factories have trimmed hours (and perhaps jobs, sadly). The full impact remains to be seen.

Overall, I’ve seen a wonderful outpouring of generosity, community, and compassion.

Certain stores are catering to the elderly and others who are at the highest risk. Lydia’s daycare even made cards for local nursing home residents.

Online, many teachers have volunteered to help parents with educational questions so their students don’t fall behind. Other resources are being made available for free to promote learning. Various people are posting videos of them reading children’s books. I love that the zoos and museums are providing virtual tours.

Let’s use this time to reset, reprioritize what matters, and rest in God’s grace.

Moms have stepped up to support each other and take care of children without daycare. In fact, two local friends have offered to help with Lydia in a pinch. I haven’t needed the support (yet), but I am grateful for the options.

Yo-Yo Ma and several other musicians have posted beautiful songs to bring comfort. They are using their gifts, talents, and resources to serve others and set the tone for the rest of us. What an example!

A gym trainer in Spain led his community in an exercise program from the top of his roof, while everyone else was on their respective balconies. Similarly, some gyms are posting free workout videos for everyone (even for nonmembers).

Here are some other creative ways to roll with it: Share a roll of TP. Make cinnamon rolls or dinner rolls (get in the kitchen). Roll a camera (make memories). Roll on some paint (home improvements). Roll dice (boardgames, not gambling!). Roll a ball or roller skate (exercise). Shake, rattle, and roll (find joy and have fun). 🙂

This particular situation is hard on everyone. No one is free from risk. But we can all help someone else (even remotely from home via Zoom or Google Hangouts). We can be the church we are called to be.

Whether we feel ready or not, the situation is what it is. We can pray and be prepared, but we don’t have to panic or be afraid. We can use this time to draw closer to Jesus.

We can come up with new ways to solve problems. Necessity is the mother of invention, right? Maybe future generations will learn from us in their time of great need.

Let’s make the best of this situation. Our minor inconveniences of social distancing has potential can literally save lives. There is always something to be thankful for.

And, we know that God will use this all for our good.


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your protection and provision. Help us share Your light and love with others. Draw all of us closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How are you doing? What is good today? What are you learning through this time? Is there someone you can encourage today?

Tasks: Listen to Matt Maher’s new song, “Alive and Breathing.” Find the good. Praise God!

Finding Grace #210

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

At times, this week felt impossible! Several of my normal activities took extra time or effort. I didn’t feel like I was fully prepared; instead, it was like I was pinch-hitting all week. Thankfully, God was with me and covered each situation with His grace!

This week included many good things, such as Lydia’s school conference and a fun outing with my coworkers. A couple of friends in my ladies’ small group couldn’t make it on Thursday, so I ended up canceling it altogether. I needed a break and am glad I was able to rest and regroup. I think we are still adjusting to the spring time change!

On the other hand, this week was a little crazy for other reasons. Mainly, the coronavirus has lots of people concerned and is disrupting many of our routines. I haven’t personally had much impact (yet), in terms of church, school, or daycare, but we are screening staff and patients at the hospital where I work. We will see how things change in the coming days and weeks. It is wise to be prepared, but not give in to panic or fear.

And, online, life was rather chaotic, with news clips from around the world, arguments, and memes about toilet paper and food and water shortages. Some people are skipping events that have not already been canceled, and others are moving forward with caution. Please do what you feel best for you and your family. Take a break from social media, if needed, wash your hands, and stay home if you are sick!

Despite the overwhelming nature of this week, I have read many encouraging posts about people looking out for others. As Christians, we especially have nothing to fear. We can trust God and meet the needs of those around us. This article by C.S. Lewis was timely! It has also been interesting to read about previous epidemics and diseases that have now been irradicated through vaccines and modern medicine.

Sometimes life is rough. But, God is always good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Be Prepared, Not Afraid

I don’t know about you, but I could use some good news right now!

The media sure has its hands full with a world-wide epidemic during an election year!

I heard from friends in Italy (and a few other places close to home) discussing the impact of quarantine due to the Coronavirus. I also followed various media posts about people stocking up on bottled water, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper (among other necessities).

I have friends near Nashville, Tennessee, so the recent tornado that went through was quite scary. Everyone I know is safe, however, many others suffered devastating losses.

I heard a sad update yesterday that a local mom’s cancer journey is coming to an end… not the one we had hoped and prayed for. She has young children, making it all more heartbreaking.

I have had my own challenges this week, and I am sure you have, too!

Yes, bad news abounds, but we don’t have to be afraid of the unknowns.

It’s wise to be prepared for trials, but we don’t need to give in to fear.

It is wise to be informed, but we don’t need to panic.

Fear has no place in light of God’s mercy and grace.

He’s got this.

Despite life’s ups and downs, we can be grateful and cling to our Anchor.

When life gets tough and we feel overwhelmed, we can take refuge in Jesus.

We don’t have to worry and try to figure out all the details on our own.

He is the God of both BIG things and SMALL things. Nothing is impossible for Him.

There is no need for any confusion or despair! Just come to Jesus!

Trust Him and do what He says. He will prepare us and give us everything we need.

Yesterday, I listened to the radio in my car as I often do. The songs I heard helped me focus on God’s goodness and provision instead of my concerns and inabilities.

It seemed the songs were handpicked to what I was going through at that moment. The words were just what I needed to feel God’s peace and presence.

Seeing our problems from God’s perspective always changes ours!

Now that’s good news!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your peace, presence, and provision. You are so good and Your love never fails! Fill me with perseverance. I will not fear!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: In times of trouble, what is your reaction? Do you run around like Chicken Little telling everyone the sky is falling? Or, do you run to Jesus telling everyone how faithful He is?!

Tasks: Next time you feel overwhelmed by life or what you hear in the news, STOP immediately. Go straight to the Lord and get His perspective. Let His peace overwhelm you.



Expect the Impossible

It is amazing what God does when we let go of our own expectations and place them fully on Christ. What seemed impossible one minute is DONE the next!

Of course, sometimes it takes a little more time and a little more prayer.

But, Jesus always comes through for us!

Early last week, Lydia had her braces removed, and then I spent the rest of the week coaching her about her retainer. She hadn’t received it yet, but I was concerned she would accidentally break it, drop it, lose it, or toss it in the trash.

She is very reliable normally, but a replacement retainer is costly!

Then, yesterday, Lydia received the retainer before she went to school. And guess what? She doesn’t have to remove it for eating! I never had braces or a retainer, so this was a pleasant surprise for me. I realized perhaps I was worried about nothing.

In some ways, God did the impossible. Lydia got the type of retainer she can leave in at school, and I received peace of mind. Hopefully, this retainer lasts a long time, but the odds certainly went up in our favor!

Then, later in the day, as I was listening to the radio, I heard someone say, “Don’t borrow sorrows from tomorrow.” That was both catchy and somewhat ironic. 😉

“God doesn’t expect the impossible from us. He wants us to expect the impossible from Him!” –DL Moody

Then, last night, immediately after I saw the quote above, God did something that would have been impossible otherwise. I had a much-needed conversation with a close friend. I’m extremely grateful we were able to clear the air and move forward in friendship.

Honestly, I think we were both on the fence about our relationship. (We both had good reasons for how we felt, but it’s just like Satan to divide us and makes us upset at each other!)

I had been prayerfully trying to decide what to do, and God provided the opportunity in His timing. If I had spoken up earlier, it probably would have been a different outcome.

Again, each circumstance is unique, but we can trust God knows how to handle them in the best way possible. He loves each of us far more than we can ever understand and wants to help us beyond what we can imagine. He wants us to expect big things from Him!

Let’s turn our worries into prayers, knowing that nothing is impossible for Jesus!

He’s got this!


Heavenly Father, thanks for always coming through for us. You never fail! Help us rely on your timing and expect the impossible. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What impossible situation do you need to bring to the Lord?

Tasks: Whatever challenges you are facing, let go of your expectations and place them fully on Jesus. REFUSE to let your emotions get the best of you. Don’t move for any other reason other than a God-given opportunity. This takes discernment and prayer, but God will make it clear when the timing is right!