Bring Your Tough Questions to Jesus

Yesterday, I watched a Bible Project video about “emet,” that is, God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness. I love these videos! Interestingly, the next video in the series says that Exodus 34:6-7 is the most repeated and re-quoted text by Biblical authors. Wow!!

I also heard a teacher from Read through the Word say, “If you can’t quite see God’s faithfulness in your own life, look for His faithfulness in the lives of others… both in the Bible and people you know.”

So, naturally, God’s faithfulness is on my mind this week! That said, it can sometimes be difficult to see faithfulness when you are in the midst of trials or emotional upheaval. But keep looking… It’s there!

Also, earlier this week, I was texting with two different ladies at the same time. One is very close to me and the other I have never met (a friend of a friend). They are both going through the early stages of severe grief, though their losses are different. Neither felt up to talking on the phone, so texting was their preferred option.

I wish I could take away the pain these ladies are feeling, but I cannot. It will take a fair amount of time and effort to process their intense grief. I’m available to help and listen, but I cannot heal their hearts on my own. However, I can point them toward God’s faithfulness. If they draw close to Him, He will be there strength and everything they need.

After my late-husband, Dave, died in 2013, I certainly had a lot of questions with few answers. I chose not to be mad at God, but still I wondered what our relationship was supposed to look like. I was understandably confused and disappointed.

Back then, another friend simply encouraged me to keep bringing those questions to God Himself. She validated my feelings and challenged me to not give up. Her words resonated with me as she reminded me that God could handle all my emotions. All I had to do was keep coming to Him. It was a breath of fresh air!

My daughter, Lydia, is quite resilient, but even so, she does tend to go through periods of mourning for her dad. Her grief is different than mine, and I cannot always shield her from pain and loss. Though, I can to create a safe space to discuss what’s on her heart.

Recently, Lydia showed me a paper from church where the children were asked to write down questions they would ask God. I don’t know what the lesson was about, but on the top of her list was this question: How is my dad doing?

While I hate that she has to bear such loss, I am glad she feels good about asking God tough questions. (She also asked what God’s favorite color and food were, so I don’t think she was too upset on that day.)

Bottom line: Our doubts and fears can yield a deeper faith as long as we bring all of those questions to Jesus, instead of turning away and trying to cope on our own.

Whether we come to God in anger, confusion, sadness, disappointment—or even with joy and gratitude—we are changed in the presence of Jesus.

He can handle our deepest concerns because His grace knows no bounds. It may be slow progress, but eventually, we will be on level ground again.

Don’t give up when you don’t get the answers you want. Just keep asking and trusting. God will make everything right in due time.

I’m grateful He knows our hearts better than we do!


God, thanks that we can bring all our tough questions directly to You. Thanks for Your unmatched grace and faithfulness. Please speak words of comfort and healing; Lord, give us Your peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you find yourself weeping with those who weep? Or are you trying to bring surface (quick and superficial) solutions to deep and lasting grief?

Tasks: If you don’t know what to say to someone who is grieving, perhaps don’t say anything. Instead, show up for them. Be available even just to sit and listen, or help with difficult task. Finally, listen to this song, “God Help Me,” by Plumb.

Finding Grace #257

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was bittersweet. On Sunday, my cousin’s twelve-year-old son was killed in a tragic snowmobile accident. Death and grief are difficult under any circumstances, but the loss of a child are unimaginable. Thanks for keeping my family in prayer.

Work went well at the VA and I worked all five days, as opposed to my usual four days. I recently had additional hours permanently approved, so that started this week. I am grateful for God’s provision, and I am happy to go in on Fridays for a part-day now. 

I did not go to Concordia this week, due to some other college scheduling. But, I still worked on some upcoming lessons, graded assignments, and answered emails, etc. It was strange not to be on campus, though!

Today, Lydia and I relaxed somewhat amid all our Saturday chores. I roasted a variety of vegetables and made a mushroom stroganoff that was so delicious! I also made a simple onion bagel with veggie cream cheese, cucumbers, and seasoning. It was a good day to stay inside, and I love being creative in the kitchen!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

What You Make of It

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Henry Ford is given credit for this quote, and he was known for his ingenuity with cars and assembly lines. I’m sure he knew what he was talking about!

In my opinion, this quote isn’t just for accomplishing tasks or becoming successful. It also applies to our attitudes. Life is often what you make of it!

In America, the Land of Opportunity, this is especially true.

Whether you like it or not, today is Inauguration Day! Regardless of how you think or feel, it is a part of our American democracy and process. History is being made, and that is worth celebrating!

Over the next four years, we are in for something different. Good or bad, time will tell how it all shakes out. But, we can be sure God already knows. And, we know that He loves each person, whether they are leaving the White House or coming into it.

While the American political administration is changing hands today, God never changes. In fact, our American ideals (such as freedom, justice, and independence) originate with Jesus. His perfect plan still stands.

In the meantime, we have work to do. In fact, it will take all of us working together.

I’d love to say the next four years will be easy, but I’ve been around long enough to know that’s likely not true. We may not like all that happens or agree with choices made.

You may be thrilled or unenthused about the change in administrations. But, how you spend the next four years is up to you. You have a choice to make between GRRR or GRACE.

Your attitude will largely determine how you experience the next four years. Regardless of who you voted for, it’s your make or break moment. The outcome is up to you!

I am walking into this with hope and humility.

I am praying, and I am doing my part. I will respect the authority of our government, and I will trust that God will use all of this for good.

I will not expect things to change overnight, but I will be patient and keep praising God.

I will not stir up strife, but I will be a peacemaker and spread joy. I will show grace to those who think (or vote) differently than I do. Ultimately, I represent Christ.

In short, I will keep on keeping on! I will continue living well and making wise choices. I will continue looking out for those in need. I will do my best to bring change and have difficult conversations. I will remain open-minded and find the good!


Father in Heaven, we need Your help and guidance. Lord, have mercy on our nation and protect us. Draw us close to You and heal our hearts. May we follow after You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you plan to watch the US Inauguration? Do you know anyone in the National Guard who is there today?

Task: How you approach each day is so important. Regardless of whether you are happy or upset today, consider flipping the switch. Choose the joy that comes from trusting God!


How are you doing this week? There is a lot of heavy stuff going on.

With all the drama and anger and angst in recent days (amid real, practical concerns), I can’t help but think we might be missing the point. Are we playing into the Enemy’s hand, helping him reach his goal of distracting everyone from what’s really important?

May we be wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16).

We are called to stand for justice and freedom, among other things. But we need to do it the right way, with love, respect, kindness, mercy, grace, and “salt.” If we’re not careful, we will only be a resounding gong and drag the Name of Jesus through the mud.

Now, I am not telling you to be silent if God Himself is telling you to speak up. But we are still only messengers, instruments of grace. Our goal should be to bring people to Jesus and let Him sort it all out.

Also, I am not telling you to disengage or ignore what is going on. The Spirit of Antichrist is on the move. But this is nothing new. It has been foretold for thousands of years. Yes, current events play into it, but this is only the beginning of the end.

It will get worse, and I am simply asking you to be wise. Each of us was born into the modern era for such a time as this. Ask God what His purpose and plan is for YOU.

You don’t have to think like me or do what I do. I am just asking you to truly look at all sides of each issue and understand what is at stake. Be willing to have difficult conversations, without losing control of your emotions. Don’t be cocky or insincere.

Boldness looks different for each of us, but compassion is always in style. Instead of telling someone how they should react, ask, “What is God telling you…?”

Perhaps that will be the most productive conversation you have today!

Soooo… Are we living with a spirit of GRRR (yes, just like it sounds), or are we living by God’s GRACE?! As you can probably imagine, GRRR is based on our physical and emotional reactions, our preferences. GRACE as you may recall, is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

A spirit of GRRR is just that. Walking around grumbling and complaining, not really adding anything of value but detracting from the main issues. Getting stuck on petty arguments (having to be right) and getting upset when things turn for the worse. Feeling stress and anxiety for things that are outside your control.

A spirit of GRACE means relying on God to get you through. Trusting that He is with you and for you. Acknowledging His presence and provision. Praising Him, God even when things get tough. Keeping your focus on Jesus, not all the noise. Knowing you don’t have to have all the answers because He is all you really need.

Jesus is the source of all grace and truth. We were bought at a price. We are dead to our own desires and alive in Christ. His agenda is what matters, not ours. That is, loving people sacrificially and drawing them to Himself.

Before you click share on that hot-topic article, THINK through these questions:

Are we making the most of our time, becoming like Jesus?

Are we extending the benefit of the doubt toward those who disagree?

Are we accepting responsibility for being the change we want to see?

Our Sovereign Father cares for us. He has not abandoned His children or left us to fend for ourselves. He will enable us to endure. Let’s show His lovingkindness to a hurting world.

Life is short. Live it well.


God, thanks for Your love and grace. Lord, have mercy on our nation. We need You! May we live to bring glory to You. May we spread your joy and peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What about today’s post spoke to you? Are you living with GRRR or GRACE?

Tasks: Next time you read something that sets you off, ask yourself why. Notice your emotional response and what it does to you physically. Take 15 deep breaths and see if your heart rate goes down again. Pray before responding, if you respond at all.

A Path Forward

While last year, 2020, was a bust for many reasons, it was not all bad. For some people it was their worst year in recent memory, but that does not mean nothing good happened.

Each person deserves to feel and grieve however works best for them. The important thing is to actually deal with those emotions in healthy ways. If you’ve lost a loved one or a job or an important opportunity or event, it’s 100% normal to be sad or upset.

But, don’t toss aside what remains.

Whatever happens, God is holding you. Draw closer to Him, so He can help you get through it. Where there seems to be no way, He will make a path for you.

I did not make any resolutions for the new year. There are so many potential opportunities to make changes, but it seems most people try to do too much all at once and then quit. Instead, I have found making small, sustainable decisions can lead to long-term habits and success. Being consistent helps!

This year, I am reading through the Chronological NLT Bible again with friends. I really enjoy the materials from Aaron at, but this year, I am adding another resource, too. A journal and videos from Read thru the Word by Word Up Ministries.

Reading the Bible is a daily habit worth cultivating. In His wisdom, God’s Word has something new for us each time we read it. There’s always something to learn! The Bible was not meant for us to keep it on the shelf!

This week, I was reminded we don’t read the Bible just to learn nice lessons or learn about self-improvement. We read to learn Who God is and understand His character. This helps us understand His love and goodness.

When we know the heart of God, we can accept that His ways are higher than ours. We don’t have to get bent out of shape when our circumstances change, or are about to change. Trust in the Lord!

Each journey around the sun carries new opportunities. We only have so much time on this Earth, but each day is a new chance to cling to the Lord and all of His promises.

What are you bringing into this new day, or new year?

You could take fear, anxiety, and worry. You could also pack in some anger, bitterness, and resentment. Those are a little heavy, but somewhat understandable.

Or, you could bring faith, joy, peace, and gratitude with you! These are a much lighter load, and by God’s grace, they will give you the boost you need to keep moving forward.

The stakes are higher than ever, but we can trust God is in control. Let Him show you how to make lemonade on His terms. He’s got this.


God, thanks for bringing us through many trials and troubles. You are so faithful and good! Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do your goals, plans, and dreams fill you with faith, joy, peace, and gratitude? Or, are you stuck because of fear, anxiety, worry, anger, bitterness, or resentment? What are you going to do with this knowledge?

Tasks: As you are setting up goals for the year, remember to run your plans by God first! Trust Him to take care of you regardless of ever-changing circumstances.

Jesus AND Science

NOTE: I know many people are on the fence about the coronavirus vaccine. I decided to gather some of my thoughts here, as best I could, to document and explain why I chose to receive the vaccine. If it helps you decide one way or the other, great! No pressure here. Each of us must make our own decisions. Thanks for reading!

A couple of days ago, on Monday afternoon, I received the Moderna COVID vaccine at work. By the time I stood in line for it, I was excited and totally at peace. I didn’t receive the injection on a whim or without purpose. I did my due diligence!

Like many people, I was originally hesitant when I first heard about these vaccines. Why inject something if it isn’t necessary? I started by praying about what to do.

Then, I read many articles online and filtered through just as much misinformation. I realized without the vaccines, even more unnecessary deaths will happen. In the process, I found some really good resources.

For instance, I have found quite helpful. It takes scientific information and makes it accessible to the general public. It explains the disease process and other things, like what antibodies and antigens are, in simple terms.

I also appreciated learning more about Operation Warp Speed, a collaboration between the US Department of Health and Human Services and the US Department of Defense, among others. I am amazed at how everything came together for this all to be successful. To me, it’s God’s hand at work giving scientists the ability to create vaccines and work together. I don’t see vaccines as a threat, but rather a great blessing.

In particular, I loved learning what happened behind the scenes. The researchers were already working on a similar coronavirus vaccine and were able to transfer their energy and resources accordingly. Due to the magnitude of this illness and its crippling effect on society and the economy, those in charge were able to cut through bureaucratic barriers, too. Thankfully, increased funding helped focus their efforts on finding a solution sooner.

With an abundance of volunteers, the first COVID trial started in March! Normally, each trial would conclude with review and more research before the next one would start. But, this time, they did the review and extended research concurrently while planning for each of the next phases. Genius!

Instead of taking 70+ months, the vaccines took about fourteen months to complete and get approved (on an emergency basis). To the public it may seem rushed, but actually, it was not. No corners were cut in the vaccine trials. In fact, multiple vaccines (similar, yet distinct) and the huge number of people in the trials makes the numbers even more reliable.

I think of it like this: If I were to host a party, I would have to prepare by completing several different steps in order. I would think about the menu and who to invite. I would look for recipes and do a quick inventory of ingredients. Then, I would go to the store, purchase everything, go back home, unpack everything. Then, I would have to wash, chop, and cook, the ingredients, not to mention plate all the dishes, set the table, clean the house, and answer the door.

Now imagine if I already had several recipes in mind and already had the supplies on hand. Wouldn’t that speed up the planning process? And, if I asked for help, my guests could each bring a dish, leaving me to focus on other important details. So, perhaps I spent just as much effort on the overall party, but I found several ways to save time and got others to pitch in. No cutting corners, just using my resources wisely and efficiently!

It is heartwarming to see relief and tears of joy when those at highest risk get the vaccine. That said, the vaccine may not be for everyone. If people have severe allergies, they should weigh the pros and cons and discuss options with their healthcare provider. There may be other factors, as well. Each person should choose what works best for them.

For me, all of the information (and prayers) lead me to take a step of faith. I refuse to live in fear, so I let God lead me. I trust Him to protect me either way, but when He provided the opportunity through my job, I decided it was good timing.

A couple of months ago, my parents each contracted COVID despite taking all precautions. My dad had a moderate case, while my mom’s health turned more severe. It was quite scary when she could barely catch her breath on the phone!

During the recovery process, my mom told me, “Do whatever you can to avoid this.” I have not sought my mom’s opinions about the COVID vaccines, but her advice rang true.

All this time, I have been going to work and sending Lydia to daycare. I’m so grateful for that stability, but we do have increased risks of getting sick. As a mom, I was happy to take the vaccine and minimize my chances of bringing home COVID to Lydia.

Sure, if we were to get sick, we’d probably be fine. But, there are no guarantees.

At the end of the day, we each have a decision to make. It’s not just “vaccine or no vaccine,” but how shall we live and move forward?

Our decisions continue to affect others, so it makes sense to lovingly protect as many people as we can. Wash your hands, wear a mask, keep social distancing, etc. It has been a difficult year, and while there is still work to do, these vaccines feel like light at the end of the tunnel. My sore arm feels worth it!

As we step into this new year, I’m praising God for giving us humans the ability to reason, understand the world He made, and create timely solutions to complex problems!

Yes, we can celebrate both Jesus AND science!


God, thanks for providing for me and and keeping me safe. Help me to be wise and considerate toward others. Give me confidence to go against the grain when needed! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy reading about trending topics in science or do you avoid them altogether? Have you researched the pros and cons for your current health choices?

Tasks: Review some of the pink links in the post above. Discuss options with your healthcare provider. Don’t forget to pray about next steps ahead of time, so you are prepared to make the best decision for yourself and your family if/when the time comes. God bless you and keep you safe!

Don’t Just Settle for Snacks

Ahh, the holidays! A wonderful time of the year, full of snacks and treats! I have already received some delicious Christmas treats, both at my door and through the mail!

As a Registered Dietitian, I always recommend eating regular meals to my clients and patients. Yet, many people eat only one or two meals per day. Or, they eat in front of the television or while distracted. Then, they snack late into the night. Their whole day can be thrown off by poor habits and not eating well.

No judgment here… this happens to all of us from time to time. It is so common! As it is, many people need to rely snacks to reach their unique health goals.

Some people want to manage chronic diseases, like diabetes or kidney failure. Others want to lose weight or have more energy. Snacks can help some people achieve their goals. Even so, if they are not careful, too many snacks can hinder their progress!

If someone fills up on snacks all day, they may not be hungry for a meal. Or, if they do eat regular meals, too many snacks can still add up in calories.

Keeping a food journal could be helpful to track the trends, eating on real plates with real forks or spoons, or maybe just paying attention to natural hunger cues will help.

Some people mistake treats for snacks. I love treats, too, but the difference is snacks are ideally foods to fill in the nutritional gaps between meals. For instance, fresh vegetables and hummus, or yogurt with berries, or a few small pieces of cheese and crackers, or an apple with peanut butter.

Treats, on the other hand, are just that… treats. Not meant for every day, but rather a special occasion. Treats are “sometimes foods.” If one’s daily food intake allows for extra calories, perhaps they can squeeze in a couple of treats. Yum! But most of the time, we should be choosing snacks over treats.

If it’s your birthday, go for it! Celebrate your birthday. But, if your birthday happens five days a week, that’s becoming a habit. The things we do everyday have the most impact.

At the end of the day, it is important to have balance.

Spiritually, we can also load up on too many snacks instead of a meal. We can settle for little tidbits of Scripture or songs on the radio, without really chewing on God’s word. This is especially true when we are stressed or running around with too much activity.

Some days, I’m just as guilty as the next person. In our fast paced world, we need to be intentional with our time. Otherwise, we might miss Jesus altogether!

Let’s take time to ‘set the table,’ be still and focus on God. Then, and only then, will we have the strength to do all else that’s needed. But we can’t skip first things first. Jesus!

This season, take time to really feast on all of God’s goodness and grace. Read the Bible with a fresh perspective. Sit awhile with Jesus or take a walk with just Him.

Don’t settle for just snacks!


Lord, may we hunger and thirst for Righteousness. You are the Giver of all good things. Everything we need is in You! Fill our lives with more of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like snacks in addition to your meals? What’s your favorite snack and/or holiday treat?

Tasks: Set aside fifteen minutes (to start) to read God’s Word each day. Lay aside your electronics and sit in peace. For the Christmas story, read Luke Chapter 2.


NOTE: I started this post before the election, so I could watch the results roll in on election night… and, I wanted to minimize my own biases.

While this is not political blog, I do value the right to vote. I appreciate all the women who fought for me to choose our government leaders. I don’t take that lightly.

However, regardless of the outcome, the final results are only one part to consider. The results carry a whole lot of impact, but they are not the end-all-be-all.

That’s because our eyes are on Jesus. He is not swayed by American politics, or any others, for that matter. He is not impressed by catchy campaign slogans or snappy comebacks. He does not rely on our (sometimes misguided) choices to inform His will.

He is above it all, and He reigns SUPREME.

It seems every four years, or perhaps every two years (midterms), people get all worked up. They get mad, and many make fools of themselves. What happened to civil discourse and agreeing to disagree, while still being friends?

Then, we readjust and life goes on. Of course, that may change from one decade or generation to another… but for better or worse, true change takes time.

It still comes down to individuals doing what is right and good, not strict government mandates. This requires each of us to stand in the gap and look out for each other.

You know, be kind to each other and consider others before ourselves…

If you are overly anxious about the election results thus far, perhaps it’s time to take a break. Yes, we can pray and vote our conscience, but we only have one vote. 

Don’t carry a burden that’s not meant for you. Do what you can, but then, let God be God.

Like many people, I look forward to watching the results. It’s easy to be on edge as things progress, especially if there are surprises! But, no matter how you voted, it’s a new day.

If our country is going to experience healing and move forward, we have to put our differences behind us. Let go of any bitterness or animosity.

Each of our choices matter, but we don’t have to wait another four years to get involved. Be the change. Join a campaign. Volunteer at a local shelter or run a food drive. 

At the end of the day, we are all works in progress. So, let’s give God credit and know He has a plan for us and America. He is always faithful and will not forget about us.

In God we trust!

What happens in the next four years is not a surprise to God. And, we don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith. God is still on His throne, and He is always good!


God, we praise You! You are not surprised nor swayed by politics, yet You place leaders in charge. Then, You guide those who are willing. Lord, we need revival! Turn the heart of our nation to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you enjoy watching the election night results come in?

Tasks: Regardless of who wins the election, keep the bigger picture in mind. Be kind, pray, and get involved. Check out these Bible verses: Isaiah 9:6; Romans 13:1.

A Time for Healing

Sometimes God brings things full circle when we least expect it…

To start, the last gift I ever received from Dave was a gift certificate for Mother’s Day to a local massage place. I had been having a lot of neck and shoulder pain, and massage generally seemed to help. Plus, it was nice to be pampered!

Back in 2013, when I finally used the gift certificate, I burst into tears as soon as the massage therapist started. She stopped and asked me if I was okay. I explained that my husband had recently died and this massage was reminding me of him. She was very understanding and spoke comforting words to me.

Honestly, I have had noticeable back, shoulder, and neck pain for many years, noticable even in college around the time Dave and I met (in 2000). This is probably related to walking to campus every day with too many heavy books in my backpack! Perhaps, I did not focus on proper posture or prioritize self-care amid other daily life stresses… I just accepted the pain as normal for so many years.

While my pain may not be as bad as someone else’s pain, it has hindered my choice to be as active as I would like. I have gone “easy” when exercising, in order to not make the pain worse. The pain has been building over time, and I haven’t wanted to push myself.

Flash forward through many massages, yoga, chiropractic care, a new mattress, several new pillows, and various contraptions to “help” my pain in the 7.5 years since Dave died… I have spent a fair amount of money trying to find the missing link in becoming well again!

Well, I recently found ‘one more thing’ that promised to build shoulder strength. It seemed fairly simple and only takes a few minutes. By focusing on several muscles, it helps cover any other weak or torn areas. The tool is called ROTATOReliever (not an affiliate), and I figured the money-back guarantee was worth me trying it.

To my great relief, my pain has been nearly eliminated!

I can now sit up fully straight with no issues, other than if I sleep funny or start to slouch or am at my computer for a long time. I have been amazed to have long periods of no pain at all. I’m pinching myself, and wondering if it will last. I am also doing more exercises and challenging myself more.

I am still being careful, to some degree because I don’t want to blow my success! I will certainly keep up with these new habits to maintain being pain-free, but at this point, I am calling it a win. I have been praying for healing all these years!

Then, to bring it back around, this week, I was off from work on Monday. I decided to use up what remained of another massage gift certificate (from my birthday). My massage therapist is moving to a new location, so I wanted to use it up before she leaves.

I did not expect things to come full circle, but this time, she was the emotional one. She said she was nervous to open her own business, and I did my best to encourage her. I really appreciate this massage therapist’s approach to body work, and I will likely follow her to her new practice.

But, throughout the massage, I kept bracing myself for the usual pain. I kept waiting for the first twinge, but then I noticed something. I had no pain at all! This was a first for me, and it caught me by surprise and made me praise God! What a breakthrough to have little to no pain! Not only that, but I was also able to encourage someone who comforted me when I really needed it before.

Sometimes, God brings immediate, miraculous healing. But, most often, healing takes time. Changing our habits takes effort, as there are many layers to growth! Success is not just from one tool, but from many positive changes all adding up. And still at other times, He takes us to Heaven for a more complete healing. No matter how he does it, He is faithful.

Whatever season you find yourself in, remember to trust God. He is with you and for you; He will make all things right in His time. Nothing surprises God, and nothing is impossible for Him. Perhaps He wants to use you (and your joy or pain) to bless someone else. Either way, He’s got your covered with His grace!


God, thanks for Your healing touch! Thanks for not only restoring my heart and body, but also for letting me encourage others. Help me extend Your grace to others so they may experience Your goodness, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What life season do you find yourself in? Are you content or not? Do you have more joy or more pain? Are there any changes you can make? How can you turn the situation over to God?

Tasks: Read Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Time does not heal all wounds, but God can and does. Trust Him!

Finding Grace #240

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a great week! It was just as full, but for whatever reason, it was less stressful. Maybe it was because I went shopping one afternoon and even squeezed in a nap. At any rate, I was grateful for God’s grace and goodness.

On Wednesday, a friend took Lydia to church again. I went to pick her up a little later, but it was helpful to have some extra time at home preparing for the rest of the week.

Friday night was spent with the same friend (and others) at church praying for our nation. There are so many issues we are facing, personally and in our communities and beyond. Prayer is so important and I appreciated meeting together with these wise people as we sought the Lord’s help.

Today, Lydia and I enjoyed time outside at a local park and then went to a local farmer’s market. We bought some veggies and sampled a few treats. We also walked through part of a historical neighborhood enjoying the beautiful houses on this sunny day. Then, she played outside while I worked on a project and made veggie lasagna using the biggest zucchini I have ever seen!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!