Steady Me Now

Whenever I see a word repeatedly popping up in everyday life, I take notice.

Lately, that word is anchor.

Maybe it started when I watched a random movie that took place on a cruise ship. 🙂

Or, maybe it was because I was reviewing some old blog posts!

Here’s one. Here’s another. And another.

At any rate, I have been listening to the song, “Anchor,” by Skillet, on repeat.

I keep singing part of the chorus over and over: “You are my anchor, So steady me, steady me now.”  I have even caught myself humming it in public!

You know, it’s a little more inconspicuous that way… 😉

In Christ Jesus, we have “hope as an anchor for the soul, strong and secure” (from Hebrews. 6:19, NIV). He provides safety, security, and grounding in any storm.

Jesus also prevents us from moving off course. We are wise to cling to Him like the anchor He is. There are many types of storms and vessels and missions, but Jesus is more than enough to meet every need! Trust Him!

That begs the question: To what or whom are you anchored?

Are you anchored to Jesus, or are you stuck on other people’s expectations and opinions? What holds your attention? Do you look to the Prince of Peace or to your problems?

We all face external challenges and internal troubles. Outside forces are often beyond our control, but sometimes we try to control them. Internally, the mind can be quite subtle. Both have unique risks and dangers, and both can be difficult to navigate.

It seems there are two ways we can anchor or attach ourselves to something. Although they may appear similar at first glance, only one is stable. One means we do all the work ourselves, while the other brings rest, peace, power, and protection. 

We can clasp onto an idea or person or object with stubbornness and pride. This means I am doing life solo and in my own strength. I have all the answers, so I don’t need any outside help or input. Unfortunately, when I fasten myself, the chain quickly becomes binding and I am trapped. I am no match for life’s challenges on my own.

Or, we can cling to Jesus with steadfastness and humility. This means He holds me tight as I wait for Him to lead me. I seek His input first and refuse to move until I hear from Him. Relying on the Lord takes patience… because I can’t chart my own course successfully.

It is important to evaluate your position while life is still calm. A storm leaves no time to figure out how to use an anchor! Don’t leave yourself at risk. Come to Jesus right now!


Dear Jesus, thanks for being my Anchor! You are strong and secure. Thanks for Your protection. Help me rest and wait for You. In Your Name, Amen

Questions: How firm is your anchor, or whatever you are depending upon? Will it hold fast in the next storm? How can you be sure?

Tasks: If you’re clinging to anything other than Jesus Christ, now is your opportunity to let go and grab onto Him like your life depends on it. (It does!) And, listen to this song!



The Gift of Time

Yesterday, I ran into a coworker on the way out of my building. Someone in her family died last year, and she is still grieving the loss. I don’t see her often, but I try to smile and encourage her whenever I can.

I briefly asked her how she was doing, and she thanked me for asking. We talked about it for a few minutes, and I hugged her before I left to go home.

While God can come through for us in an instant, it seems He often makes us walk through our difficulties. Why is that? Why doesn’t He just swoop in and save the day?

When we don’t see answers to prayer, it can feel like God isn’t listening or He doesn’t care. Or in certain cases, when we don’t see God at work to solve our problems, maybe it seems He has abandoned us. Honestly, I felt all of these things when my husband was sick. 

Thankfully, our feelings do not dictate reality. God never leaves us nor forsakes us! And, if you are feeling lost or alone or helpless, you are perfectly positioned to receive His grace.

With our limited human perspective, there’s no way we can understand God’s purposes or plan. Often, we don’t know all that’s going on behind the scenes, how God is orchestrating it for our good and His glory. But that doesn’t mean He isn’t working.

That’s why we need to come to Him, to gain understanding from His viewpoint.

God’s love never fails. As we work through our emotions and other challenges, God holds us and helps us. He is right there with us each step of the way. If you don’t feel Him, just reach out. Worship God! Call upon the Lord!

Also, remember that all of this takes time. Processing grief takes time. Growth takes time. Even forgiveness takes time. Discerning how to moving forward can take time, too.

Sometimes, it seems like time stretches on forever, with no relief in sight. I understand. There were times when I questioned if I would ever feel like myself again!

But there is purpose in waiting, too. If we wait on the Lord expectantly and bring all our concerns to Him, He will redeem our pain and make something beautiful in His time.

I have learned that time itself is a gift. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, so let’s make the most of the time we do have. Slow progress is still progress!

And by walking slowly with Jesus, He will point out what we need to know along the way.  For example, if we rush through and skip the grieving process (if that’s even possible), think about all we might miss.

Personally, I would have missed out on seeing God’s sweet and refreshing grace.

So yes, take time to grieve well. Take time for who and what you love. Spend time with Jesus.

As we learn to cope in healthy ways, we can pass on what we’ve learned to help other people. Hope. Healing. Love. Joy. Peace. Grace.

As we share our stories and resources, we all grow and become stronger together. And, by extending grace to others, we notice more of it in our lives as well.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of time. Thanks for walking with us each step of the way. When so much time passes and we don’t see resolution or restoration, help us trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: If you had immeasurable time, what would you do? Would you try to “fix” your problems or try something new or help someone?

Tasks: Since none of us has immeasurable time, we must use what we have wisely. Go ahead and take the leap! Trust God and see what happens!

The Beauty of Fractals

Recently, I requested and received feedback for a project I’ve been working on. My project was reviewed, and in due time, I was told it is “middling.”

Mediocre, so-so, and average are synonyms for this word. Perhaps the feedback was meant as constructive criticism, but at the time, it really hurt.

It’s not that I disagreed. I intentionally try to keep things simple! I purposely try to ‘make plain’ difficult concepts and help people understand so they can take effective action.

So, to help me deal with my initial reaction, I prayed about it. Thankfully, I realized one person doesn’t have the final say on my project. There are several other factors to consider. 

I shouldn’t disregard the feedback entirely, and I do need to make some changes. But regardless of what happens, I shouldn’t stress about other people’s expectations.

I will do my best, but I don’t need to impress people by ‘glamorizing’ my project. It’s just not who I am. In fact, I often get lost in the details and suspect many others do, too.

I have decided if my project brings me joy, that is a good indicator I am on the right track. I believe God is pleased with my project, and my joy is just as important as my effort.

Around the same time, I learned more about another topic, called “fractal geometry.” This is the real-world application of mathematic principles.

For instance, there are formulas to calculate how much space comprises a cone or pyramid. Traditional geometry works great in theory, but a mountain is not a true cone or pyramid. It has crags and is otherwise ‘misshapen.’ 

Thus, fractal geometry allows us to adjust and use the information to meet our needs. There is much beauty in the asymmetry and imperfection of fractals.

Every coastline has nonlinear jags and is constantly changing thanks to erosion. Also, tree bark is not an exact sphere, and neither branches nor leaves are spaced evenly. In fact, each tree species has its own special pattern that defies theoretical calculations.

Snowflakes, rivers, and blood vessels have fractal qualities, too. So do we!

God has designed us each uniquely. Thus, we really can’t compare one of us to another.

Each of us was designed by God to live for Him and bring Him praise. But each of us does that differently. Even if we sing the same song, our voices are different. And, the gratitude with which we sing is also unique to the challenges we have faced.

Together, my small group ladies read the YouVersion devotional called, “Double Blessing.” It is based on the new book by Mark Batterson. The author mentioned the complexity of fractals and something called a Mandelbrot set.

Mr. Batterson also explained how in Lamentations 3:22-23, it says God’s mercies are new every morning, but that word “new” also implies “different” mercies. There are no repeats. God always matches His mercies to our individual circumstances and obstacles.

Even if we do similar things every day, the pattern is always slightly different. God meets us there and provides His mercy and grace in just the right amount. No two days or experiences are exactly alike. Isn’t that amazing?!

I don’t know what your circumstances are today. I hope everything is going well for you, but even if it’s not, I pray you will trust in God’s mercies.

Perhaps, like me, you have been told you aren’t good at something. But that doesn’t mean you are good at nothing. If God has called you to do something for Him, He will provide the ideas, skills, resources, and perfect timing. Trust Him!

That doesn’t mean everything will come easy to you. If it’s worth doing, it will likely take hard work, diligence, and perseverance. But, God will help you and give you the ability!

God has a good, specially-designed purpose for you! Of course, Life is full of random expectations and hoops to jump through, but you don’t have to live for other people’s feedback. Sift through what is necessary and adjust your own expectations. Then, walk in your God-given strengths and trust Him to cover Your weaknesses. He is faithful!

As long as you are doing your best, don’t worry about proving yourself. Just follow Jesus, and He will take care of the rest. He will empower you to walk in His plan.

Remember, God’s mercies are both new and different every day. There is always enough time and grace to live for Him. His love never fails!


Heavenly Father, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made! Please help me live for your approval only. Help me wisely discern the feedback I receive. Help me walk the unique path You have designed for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can you praise God in a way no one else can? Does the concept of fractals change anything for you?

Tasks: Start looking for ‘fractals’ in everyday life! They are all around us! Praise God for all the ways He works in your life. Write down how He has been faithful to you!

Encountering Resistance

Recently, Lydia and I were in the bathroom combing through her hair before school. I gently worked through a few tangles so I wouldn’t hurt my sweet girl. We were trying to be patient with one another.

I asked Lydia to hold her head still and essentially counter my tug on her hair. It was a little painful to get through the tangles, so we talked about the concept of resistance.

If Lydia were to give in and let her head follow the direction I pulled, the overall effect would meaningless. Her tangles would not be resolved.

But with a little resistance, we made progress and made it out the door on time.

On the other hand, there are times when we need to work together in a different way. If I am making a side ponytail, I have Lydia turn her head and hold still. She needs to lean into my request and not pull away, not be resistant.

This week, Lydia and I brainstormed practical examples of resistance that were positive and negative. She pointed out good forms of resistance in terms of standing up for what is right or avoiding peer pressure at school.

We discussed other times when interruptions come and we need to go with the flow in order to help others. For instance, if a friend is hurt or someone is in pain, we need to be willing to stop what we are doing and lend a hand.

I love how practical some of these ‘lessons with Lydia’ can be. God doesn’t want us to overthink how we live for Him. We don’t have to fight our way through life. Instead, we can embrace God’s plan for us.

It’s pretty basic, after all: Be sensitive to the needs around us, learning when to stand up for something or when to sit back and let it be.

Resistance comes in many forms. We all face many roadblocks and setbacks daily. They can stem from internal or external issues. They hit us and attempt to hinder us mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually.

Resistance can keep us from reaching goals, living our best life, and serving God. It can stir up fear and sidetrack us from what really matters.

But sometimes, resistance can be a good thing. Not all roadblocks are meant to stop us. Some are meant to protect us. Resistance can build resilience, redirect us, and help us consider other perspectives.

It is tempting to run away from obstacles and resist making changes. But, working through resistance can bring big breakthroughs and blessings we would have missed otherwise!

Thus, it is important to know the difference between when we should stand firm and when we should go with the flow.

We can only get through some challenges by facing them head-on. Sometimes resistance requires us to confront our fears or have a difficult conversation. Then again, sometimes we need to lay aside our plans and expectations. Procrastination never helps.

For me, all this takes time with God and quiet dependence on Him. I need His input to know what to do in these situations. But, if I have too much ‘noise’ in the background or if I am too ‘busy,’ then I have difficulty discerning His voice.

Ironically, this week I have already been faced with two different encounters with resistance. On the surface, these setbacks feel like major blows. However, they will be small issues in the long run and are prompting me to consider other options for meeting my goals. While I didn’t want these setbacks, I knew they could happen and was emotionally prepared (more or less, haha).

I know God’s got this, and I am not going to worry. I am trusting Him and expecting good things from this redirection. He has a good plan for me and I will persevere!

We learn how to handle resistance by leaning into it and drawing close to Jesus. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He is our shield and defender, and He knows exactly what we need! Trust Him!


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us through all of life’s challenges. Thanks for empowering us and giving us courage. Please build resiliency within us, Lord. Help us be brave. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What forms of resistance are you facing right now? Are you handling the challenges head-on or avoiding the issues at hand?

Task: Ask God to help you break through your resistance. He has the power to help you with whatever is holding you back!

Coffee with Jesus

Like many people, I enjoy a quality cup of coffee. A morning cup holds the potential of the day. I love reading a good book while savoring a quiet cuppa joe. Somehow, coffee grounds me in the present moment yet sets the stage for what is to come.

I am not a coffee connoisseur, but I do know what I like. I’ll drink coffee black or with a little bit of milk. I generally prefer dark roasts and slightly nutty flavors, but really, I’m open to trying new things!

I like the taste of coffee and enjoy camaraderie with other coffee drinkers. Most of all, I like the sense of calm and warmth I feel when holding one of my favorite mugs and taking a sip.

I also enjoy having ‘coffee dates’ with friends. I always look forward to spending time together, either at a coffee shop or at home. I’m excited that I have a few coffee dates penciled on my calendar in the coming weeks!

Recently, I started thinking about my time with the Lord in the same way I do coffee dates. I noticed some key similarities and differences…

First, I would never meet a friend for coffee and immediately present a long list of needs and wants. I would never expect someone to drop everything to do what I asked. I would also eliminate as many distractions as possible (including my phone).

But do I come to the Lord in that way?

I would start my time with friends by catching up with them. I’d ask questions about what they have been up to, what has happened since the last time we talked. I’d ask for and give updates on life, what God is doing around me. We need a two-way conversation.

Is my conversation with Jesus similar? Does it go both ways? Do I ask for His input?

I’d also see if I could help my friend or pray for them. I’d try to encourage them and see what really matters to them. And they would do the same for me. It always draws us closer.

Do I listen to God’s heart in the same way? Do I read His Word (the Bible) with intention? Is there a special task He is asking me to do?

Finally, I would never treat my time with friends like something to be rushed through or something to check off my to-do list. Similarly… do I rush my time with the Lord, or do I take time to go ‘deep’ with Him?

Coffee dates are some of my favorite things to do. It is a fun time to catch up and encourage others. It is a time to slow down, ‘reset’ and reflect on God’s goodness.

Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or water with lemon… it doesn’t matter what you drink. Nor does it matter what time of day it is or what you wear.

Quality time with Jesus sets the stage for the rest of the day. So prioritize this time with Him, and just come as you are. Come expectantly and stay present. He loves being with you!


Dear God, thanks for loving me so much. Help me value my time with You, even more than I do time with others. Help me listen with intent and seek Your heart. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you enjoy coffee with Jesus? How did this blog post impact you today?

Tasks: Consider how you approach meeting with God. Make any necessary changes!

Rest in His Love

Recently, I have been reading and scribing in John 17 as part of my time with God. In this chapter, among other things, Jesus prays for His disciples.

Then, He prays for us who came after.

As I read and re-read His prayer, I’ve been so touched by His words. I can see the strong relationship Jesus has with His Father.

And, I can see we were on Jesus’ heart just before He is arrested and condemned to the Cross. Of all things, He tells His Father about us.

Wow! Jesus poured out His heart on our behalf.

In John 17:11, Jesus prayed, “I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.”

What love!

Jesus is concerned for us and doesn’t want us to be alone, so He prays for our protection (and later, sends the Holy Spirit). This shows me how good, gracious, and forgiving He is.

He knew all about our sins even before we were born. Yet, He chose to die for us because He loved us so much. Being separated from us for eternity was unthinkable to Him!

When life gets crazy, we can trust that Jesus cares about what is happening. He is seated at the right hand of God, still advocating and praying for us! He already died on our behalf; there are no limits on what He can do for us. Indeed, we can’t earn His favor… we already have it!

So bring all your anxieties, doubts, failures, fears, problems, and questions. He cares for you and has a good plan for your life! Trust Him.

Also, bring all your joys, successes, and victories! He wants to celebrate with you!

Because of Jesus, we have peace with God and can rest in His love!


Father God, thanks so much for Jesus! Help us bring everything…good and bad… to You. Help us rest in Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you read John 17, can you sense Jesus’ heart and love for us? Have you accepted His love and forgiveness yet?

Tasks: Regardless of how you are feeling or what you are doing today, bring it all to Jesus. Rest in His love!

On Religion vs. Relationship

Recently, Lydia and I have been reading a book series I loved when I was growing up. We just finished reading the fourth book (out of eight) in the Addie McCormick series.

Lydia enjoys the fun adventures, and I enjoy seeing her engage with book characters. She has really gotten into the books! She can relate to some of the same concerns the characters are having, and then we discuss them together.

As a parent, I appreciate how the characters reflect godly principles. In addition to solving mysteries and making friends, they also go to church, pray, and talk about God.

On Monday night, we were reading at bedtime. The main character, Addie, was thinking about the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is a Christian.

Of course, Lydia also wondered about this, so we were able to discuss it in simple terms. I told Lydia, “Yes, we can go to church, pray, give and serve… and still miss Jesus.”

“What?! How is that possible?” Lydia was surprised.

“Well,” I replied, “If we only focus on doing all those things, even though they are good, it’s like me saying, ‘Here’s your dinner, here’s your laundry, here’s your shoes.’ I would be doing all the right mom things, but I wouldn’t necessarily connect with you.”

“Oh, I see,” Lydia said.

I continued, “The difference is when I say, ‘Hey, for dinner, do you want pasta or potatoes? Did you have fun at school today? Do you need help folding your clothes?’ Instead of just serving you, I actually want to talk with you and enjoy being with you.”

Lydia easily understood my point, but it was a timely reminder for me, too.

Whether in life or in faith, it is easy to get caught up in the to-do lists full of never-ending tasks. With our misguided expectations, sometimes, we make life unnecessarily difficult.

Being overwhelmed by all I have to do is my first clue that I should take a step back and reevaluate what I am doing, my priorities.

Has my to-do list become my idol? Has my ‘religion’ become just that? What is really important, and am I doing it? Why or why not?

As we gain perspective, the gift is that we have the ability to make adjustments. However, switching gears requires courage and discernment. It doesn’t just happen!

Thankfully, as soon as we realize we are off track, we can ask God for help and forgiveness. He can redirect our paths and maximize our efforts.

The great part is if we seek His input first, that is relationship instead of religion, we can get where we need to more quickly. And when I bring it all to Jesus, He gives me grace and freedom. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

Interestingly, no other major religion besides Christianity offers a personal relationship with God. Instead, people are left always trying to earn their salvation. I’m so grateful Jesus, God’s own Son, did all the work for us by dying on the Cross. Thank You, Lord!


God, thanks for setting us in right relationship with You. Help us focus on loving You and being with You, instead of just doing more things for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is it easier for you to DO or just BE? Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ?

Task: Haha, just kidding… there is no task for you to DO today. 😉 Lay aside your list, even if only for a few minutes. Then, just spend time with Jesus and soak up His great love for you!

All Good Things

The last few weeks have been exciting and intense, fun and challenging. It’s been quite a ride, and I am loving it! But with so many changes, I need to focus on the little things.

I have only been able to accomplish a few things each evening after work. Sometimes we have evening activities or other obligations, so I’m keeping it simple at home.

We’ve had a lot of leftovers, which really isn’t too far from our normal! 😉

Ironically, even though we are busier than usual, I am not super stressed.

I have been giving myself a lot of grace, which often means only doing what really needs to be done for the next day. That includes meal prep, reviewing Lydia’s school day, etc.

I have cut back on frivolous timewasters (ex. social media). I’ve changed my blog writing days and have saved certain chores for the weekend. Even so, I am confident God has a purpose in this season. I know I am covered by His grace!

Ephesians 2:10 says, ” For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

As soon as I heard about my new job, I sensed it was God’s plan for me. Similarly, Lydia’s teacher and the YMCA after-school program were specifically laid out for her this year.

God made plans for me, just as I made plans for Lydia. Yes, we’ve both had to adjust and ‘make room’ for these gifts of God’s grace, but they are worth it!

I have heard all good things about my new place of work, Lydia’s teacher, and the YMCA program. I am not naive to think everything will be perfect, and there certainly are some challenges and learning curves. But I know God has all good things in store for us. 

We just have to ‘walk out’ the plans He has made. So when my dishes sit in the sink or I wait another day (or two or three) to mow… I can still keep my joy because I am covered by God’s grace. That brings me a special peace because I am right where God wants me!

He has made a special planned provision for us during this time, so I am not going to worry about all I can’t or won’t accomplish. Which is a lot! 😉

That doesn’t mean life is easy or trials won’t come. But, I know God will be with me in those times, too. He loves me so much and will help and empower me then, as well.

I know, with God’s help, eventually, the important things will still get done. He will work it all out at the end (Romans 8:28). I am going to praise Him for all good things!


Heavenly Father, thanks for giving us all good things! You are the Master Planner and have such good plans for us. Give us wisdom and discernment as we walk this path. Draw us close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What does this season bring for you? Are you keeping the status quo or looking forward to new things?

Tasks: Praise God for all good things!



New Beginnings and Blessings

This is another red-letter week for me!

First, Monday was my birthday! I received some great calls, texts, emails, cards, FB messages, and really cool gifts. I feel blessed to have so many people cheering me on from around the world. Thank you!

To celebrate, I had lunch with a friend and a fun day with Lydia. The last week has also included a massage, a movie (The Lion King… so good!), pizza with my neighbors, and another friend mowing for me. Life is good!

A couple of weeks ago, it was really touching when Lydia set up a ‘private meeting’ with my mom to discuss my birthday options. She is so thoughtful, and I love the bracelets I received from her (with Mom’s help). We will celebrate with my parents later this week!

I always enjoy looking back on the previous year and seeing all the Lord has done for me and through me. This last year was amazing. I left some big things in God’s hands, and it has been inspiring to see all that has happened as a result of trusting Him more.

Today, I am finishing up my job at a local clinic. This job was a blessing to me after the company bought out my previous job. For me, I felt God ‘grandfathered’ me into the system when many people would have been otherwise cut.

I have appreciated my time there, and I am grateful for my coworkers. God always provides for me, protects me, and prepares me for what is ahead. And, I’m happy to report that next week, I start a new job at the Fargo VA Health System!

This, too, is no coincidence. Years ago, when Dave was very sick in the ICU, my dietitian friend, Laura, gave me a much-needed, well-timed hug and walked into his room with me. Dave was on a ventilator and Laura was able to explain all of his details to me.

Then, this past February, I contacted Laura to explain how much that hug meant to me. It felt like Jesus Himself was embracing me. It was a turning point for me and just what I needed in the midst of such uncertainty.

Similarly, Laura said the experience impacted her and changed how she views patients. It reminded her that those critical patients are someone’s husband, son, friend, not just a calculation, or tube feeding, or problem to be solved.

A few weeks after we talked, I learned that Laura’s two-year-old twin daughter is fighting leukemia. I have been praying for the family, along with several other people I know who are sick.

Then, in early July, Laura contacted me for this opportunity. It just seemed like a good fit, and I trust God is in this. The timing, connection, and even the different job requirements all add up to be a big blessing. The job seems to cater to my strengths, but also will provide a place to challenge myself and grow.

It will be a transition, though, and I appreciate all your prayers! I will be working more hours and days (still part-time), and that means Lydia will need to be in the after-school YMCA program. Thankfully, it is at her school and close to home.

It seems each year, God stretches us a little more than the previous year. Thankfully, it is a slow process. He is so gracious.

Still, I’m so excited to see how we both grow and change. Lydia is a little nervous, but I reminded her that God’s plans for us are good. The best is yet to come!


God, there is no one like You! You are so good! Thank You for leading me on this new path. Thanks for blessing me with peace, provision, and protection. I commit it all of this to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As you survey your life, can you see God’s provision and protection? How is He preparing You for greater things? How can you trust Him more?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “God of this City,” by Chris Tomlin.

Finding Grace #179

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an exciting yet fairly unpredictable week.

After church on Sunday, my friend, Naa, came to visit. We ended up making zucchini noodles, zucchini fritters, and shortbread cookies. It was a fun day!

On Monday, I went to a local float spa to use up a gift certificate. It was very interesting to float in such a high concentration of saltwater. Apparently, it is good for all kinds of ailments, though I haven’t seen any research on this. Overall, I enjoyed it, but I don’t think I would try it again. I was thankful for the experience though!

On Monday evening, I attended a basic life support class. Several years ago, I was CPR certified but let it expire. Now I need it again before I start my new job. It was even better this time around, and I appreciated the hands-on experience with the dummies. My friend, Sara, volunteered to watch Lydia for me, which was so kind of her!

On Tuesday evening, we had a really cool surprise. An old friend came to visit! John and Dave both started at Caterpillar in Decatur, IL, at the same time. John doesn’t work for Caterpillar anymore but was in Fargo for other engineering work. I was so honored he stopped by, even without Dave, and I got teary-eyed as we caught up since it has been a few years. It was also fun to video-chat with his wife, Jess, and their toddler, Anna! I was so touched that Dave’s legacy lives on. A true highlight of my week!

This week we went to a meeting Wednesday evening and had my ladies’ small group come over Thursday evening. But between those two events, we had a whole lot of other things pop up! 🙂 Lydia had a dentist appointment, we went shopping for shoes and groceries, and ate pizza for lunch. Then, we ran home because a friend said he could mow for me. I was grateful because I had too much going on. Then, I headed out again to a picnic to briefly say hello to someone else. Lydia ate a hot dog at the picnic before we picked up another friend and ran home for small group. Whew!

Yesterday morning, I got a pre-birthday massage. All this week, I asked God to direct my steps. I felt overwhelmed at times, trying to keep up with meetings and appointments. The rest of the month is go-go-go, so I wanted to take advantage of the moment and relax.

Yesterday afternoon, when another meeting was canceled, I was grateful. On a whim, I took Lydia to see “The Lion King” matinee. It was a spontaneous adventure and my friend, Naa, was able to join us last minute. It was a great way to celebrate such an interesting week!

Today, I am trying to get ahead for the rest of the month. I am doing laundry, getting work and school stuff ready, and packing for another quick trip. Lydia is excited to go to a sleepover tonight, and I am grateful for friends who are gracious to help with her!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!