Don’t Just Settle for Snacks

Ahh, the holidays! A wonderful time of the year, full of snacks and treats! I have already received some delicious Christmas treats, both at my door and through the mail!

As a Registered Dietitian, I always recommend eating regular meals to my clients and patients. Yet, many people eat only one or two meals per day. Or, they eat in front of the television or while distracted. Then, they snack late into the night. Their whole day can be thrown off by poor habits and not eating well.

No judgment here… this happens to all of us from time to time. It is so common! As it is, many people need to rely snacks to reach their unique health goals.

Some people want to manage chronic diseases, like diabetes or kidney failure. Others want to lose weight or have more energy. Snacks can help some people achieve their goals. Even so, if they are not careful, too many snacks can hinder their progress!

If someone fills up on snacks all day, they may not be hungry for a meal. Or, if they do eat regular meals, too many snacks can still add up in calories.

Keeping a food journal could be helpful to track the trends, eating on real plates with real forks or spoons, or maybe just paying attention to natural hunger cues will help.

Some people mistake treats for snacks. I love treats, too, but the difference is snacks are ideally foods to fill in the nutritional gaps between meals. For instance, fresh vegetables and hummus, or yogurt with berries, or a few small pieces of cheese and crackers, or an apple with peanut butter.

Treats, on the other hand, are just that… treats. Not meant for every day, but rather a special occasion. Treats are “sometimes foods.” If one’s daily food intake allows for extra calories, perhaps they can squeeze in a couple of treats. Yum! But most of the time, we should be choosing snacks over treats.

If it’s your birthday, go for it! Celebrate your birthday. But, if your birthday happens five days a week, that’s becoming a habit. The things we do everyday have the most impact.

At the end of the day, it is important to have balance.

Spiritually, we can also load up on too many snacks instead of a meal. We can settle for little tidbits of Scripture or songs on the radio, without really chewing on God’s word. This is especially true when we are stressed or running around with too much activity.

Some days, I’m just as guilty as the next person. In our fast paced world, we need to be intentional with our time. Otherwise, we might miss Jesus altogether!

Let’s take time to ‘set the table,’ be still and focus on God. Then, and only then, will we have the strength to do all else that’s needed. But we can’t skip first things first. Jesus!

This season, take time to really feast on all of God’s goodness and grace. Read the Bible with a fresh perspective. Sit awhile with Jesus or take a walk with just Him.

Don’t settle for just snacks!


Lord, may we hunger and thirst for Righteousness. You are the Giver of all good things. Everything we need is in You! Fill our lives with more of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like snacks in addition to your meals? What’s your favorite snack and/or holiday treat?

Tasks: Set aside fifteen minutes (to start) to read God’s Word each day. Lay aside your electronics and sit in peace. For the Christmas story, read Luke Chapter 2.

God’s Kindness, A Calling Card

Recently, I was talking with a lady who was widowed about a year ago. Understandably, she has been missing her late husband quite a bit, especially as we head into the holiday season. As a result, she has been reading books and articles about the afterlife.

It may be comforting to read about what our loved ones are experiencing in Heaven (if they go there), but she mentioned some ideas that made me a little wary. Humans who die do not become guardian angels, for instance!

I did my best to answer her questions about my own grief journey. Then, I guided her to the Truth…that is, I pointed her back to Jesus!!

Later, my friend said, “God’s judgment doesn’t seem as bad as one would expect,” based on her reading of other people’s near death experiences. I didn’t ask what she was referencing, but still, I felt the need to gently clarify a few things for her.

First, God’s judgment and wrath is very serious. He doesn’t play favorites, punishing some sinners but not others. We see this over and over in the Bible. 

In the Old Testament, God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. Then, we read about the Flood, and later, King David losing a child as a result of adultery. We also see Judah being exiled to Assyria and Israel being exiled to Babylon after generations of debauchery. And, these were God’s chosen people!

In the New Testament, new Christians (Ananias and Sapphira) were struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit. There are other cases of pending judgment in the book of Revelation.

Second, God’s judgment is not unjust or without warning. He sent His Word through many prophets over many years, and later, Jesus Christ Himself! He warns us about the consequences of our choices. He asks us to confess our sins and turn from evil, choosing Life over Death. Then, He repeatedly gives us opportunities to repent and make things right. 

Apparently, we are slow learners, but I’m thankful He is so patient with us!

Nonetheless, there are consequences for our actions. For better or worse, we reap what we sow. Indeed, the Bible says we will be held accountable for our words and our actions.

Third, God’s mercy, grace, and forgiveness are bountiful. If we know Jesus and have accepted His FREE GIFT of salvation, we don’t have to be afraid of death or judgment. I am guessing this is what my friend meant to say.

Romans 2 is all about God’s law and judgment, but Romans 2:4 says that God’s kindness leads us to repentance. I love that! We see His generosity all around us, and His kindness is like a calling card. Oh, how God wants us to know Him and be with Him! 

It’s like when someone goes out of their way to bless you, help you, or meet a huge need. You are so thankful, you can’t help but live differently. You may ‘pay it forward’ or return the favor, or just become really close to the person because you appreciate what they did for you.

So it is with God’s kindness. He overwhelms us with His goodness, and we can’t help but bask in His love! We can never repay Him, but we can live differently as a result.

Only God’s love (through Jesus) can bring the true change we need. When we know how much He loves us, our lives will start to change. In gratitude, we can acknowledge the good things in our lives and give Him full credit! Let’s come to Jesus and receive His peace and joy today!


God, You are so gracious and good to me. Thanks for all You do! Help me not take Your kindness for granted. I want to make choices that honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you accepted God’s free gift of salvation? How has God been kind to you? How has His kindness changed how you think and act (i.e. repent)?

Tasks: If you are curious to learn more, check out the book, Heaven, by Randy Alcorn. (There are still some things we just won’t know until we get there, but the author gives a comprehensive explanation and breaks down key points based on Scripture.)

**If you don’t know if you will end up in Heaven after you die, make that decision today!**

Freedom Isn’t Free

A little over a year ago, I started working with Veterans. Since then, I have learned several facts and statistics about them. For example, Veterans have higher risks of suicide, diabetes, obesity, and homelessness.

Veterans come from many backgrounds and cultures. In America, we can’t always tell if someone has served in the US military by the way they dress or act. They may walk with their head held high, or they may walk with a limp. Unless, they wear a hat or t-shirt, or have a bumper sticker, or proudly tell you, that is.

However, I have started to notice certain signs. If a man is of a certain age, chances are he served in World War II, for instance. Things were different back then, but even women volunteered!

Similarly, I sometimes wonder if that homeless man on the curb with the sign is a Veteran. I also wonder if a person with an artificial arm or leg lost it in combat. Or, if the issues they face know are worse because of their time serving our country.

Perhaps not, but it does make me thankful for what I have… and for the sacrifices our brave Veterans have made.

When I think of those sacrifices, I am reminded that freedom isn’t free. In May, we remember those who have lost their lives in service to our country, but in November, we remember all who served.

Some Veterans (and current soldiers) gave life or limb, but all have given up time with family and friend, education and careers, free time, and even the ability to just relax.

Each week, I educate, listen, and counsel men and women who put their lives on hold to fulfill a greater purpose. Some were drafted/mandated, but many volunteered.

I feel privileged to be able to give back to them.

As you go about your day, think of all the activities you enjoy doing without even thinking twice about them. Besides, free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to vote, there are many other rights and privileges we use everyday.

Do you sleep in when you get the chance? Do you enjoy your coffee while watching the sunrise? Do you take your time while reading the news or taking a shower?

Do you exercise when you feel like it, and watch movies when you don’t? Do you have time to enjoy your food and pick what you like?

Do you go to the store for groceries or a special treat just because? Do you mostly give, spend, and save on your own terms?

If so, thank a Veteran! Attend a ceremony today or write a thank you card. Our rights and privileges came at a cost… Because freedom isn’t free.


God, thank You for giving us ultimate freedom and peace through Jesus. Today, we honor all those those who have stood for and protected our freedom in times of war and in times of peace. Lord, we appreciate You and them. Help us walk worthy of the sacrifices made on our behalf. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you a Veteran? Do you have anyone in your family who is a Veteran?

Tasks: Takes some time to ask a Veteran where they served and how. If they are willing to share more, listen and ask thoughtful questions. Consider how your responses to current events may seem to someone who has protected your rights to feel, think, and act how you wish. Don’t take freedom for granted!


NOTE: I started this post before the election, so I could watch the results roll in on election night… and, I wanted to minimize my own biases.

While this is not political blog, I do value the right to vote. I appreciate all the women who fought for me to choose our government leaders. I don’t take that lightly.

However, regardless of the outcome, the final results are only one part to consider. The results carry a whole lot of impact, but they are not the end-all-be-all.

That’s because our eyes are on Jesus. He is not swayed by American politics, or any others, for that matter. He is not impressed by catchy campaign slogans or snappy comebacks. He does not rely on our (sometimes misguided) choices to inform His will.

He is above it all, and He reigns SUPREME.

It seems every four years, or perhaps every two years (midterms), people get all worked up. They get mad, and many make fools of themselves. What happened to civil discourse and agreeing to disagree, while still being friends?

Then, we readjust and life goes on. Of course, that may change from one decade or generation to another… but for better or worse, true change takes time.

It still comes down to individuals doing what is right and good, not strict government mandates. This requires each of us to stand in the gap and look out for each other.

You know, be kind to each other and consider others before ourselves…

If you are overly anxious about the election results thus far, perhaps it’s time to take a break. Yes, we can pray and vote our conscience, but we only have one vote. 

Don’t carry a burden that’s not meant for you. Do what you can, but then, let God be God.

Like many people, I look forward to watching the results. It’s easy to be on edge as things progress, especially if there are surprises! But, no matter how you voted, it’s a new day.

If our country is going to experience healing and move forward, we have to put our differences behind us. Let go of any bitterness or animosity.

Each of our choices matter, but we don’t have to wait another four years to get involved. Be the change. Join a campaign. Volunteer at a local shelter or run a food drive. 

At the end of the day, we are all works in progress. So, let’s give God credit and know He has a plan for us and America. He is always faithful and will not forget about us.

In God we trust!

What happens in the next four years is not a surprise to God. And, we don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith. God is still on His throne, and He is always good!


God, we praise You! You are not surprised nor swayed by politics, yet You place leaders in charge. Then, You guide those who are willing. Lord, we need revival! Turn the heart of our nation to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you enjoy watching the election night results come in?

Tasks: Regardless of who wins the election, keep the bigger picture in mind. Be kind, pray, and get involved. Check out these Bible verses: Isaiah 9:6; Romans 13:1.

A Simple Hello

One thing I appreciate about my job is that people say hello to each other in the hallways. Not everyone does this, but most people I see do reciprocate.

It makes me feel welcome and like I am part of the team. It helps promote a culture of respect, but it’s also good for employee morale and customer service.

Yesterday, I had an interesting thing happen. Someone I have been greeting over the last year finally greeted me back for the first time! It helps that I wasn’t focused on my phone.

I said ‘good morning’ to a lady and was so pleased when she said good morning to me! Now, that may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was.

You see, I always notice people from other cultures and backgrounds. It may be the style of dress or accent, but I love learning about other cultures.

I always put myself in their shoes (as much as I can) and consider ways to include them so they don’t feel like an outsider. 

I do not know why this lady never responded before now… Perhaps it is simply her personality. Perhaps she is shy or quiet by nature, but I felt it was a breakthrough.

To me, it seemed she is more comfortable and willing to open up a bit. She may not want to be close friends, and that’s certainly okay. I just hope she feels like she belongs.

Of course, someone doesn’t have to be from another culture in order to honor them. Truthfully, there are plenty of people who feel like outsiders.

We don’t have to automatically agree with others, or buy into whatever makes them different, but we should prioritize being kind and friendly.

Often, we don’t know what someone else is going through. In this current season, there are so many variables! Especially when we are wearing masks, it could be enough just to see them and listen. Encourage them to be who they are.

Or, maybe you can spend more time together and by doing so, point them to Jesus. Either way, be open and willing to learn.

Yesterday, when the lady greeted me back, I was so pleased because it showed something so simple can brighten someone’s day. It also showed me the power of being kind.

Additionally, I was reminded that we should keep doing good even we do not see results. Persistence pays off and Jesus is glorified!


God, thanks so much for creating us uniquely. Help us look for the good in others and find common ground. Help us be a blessing to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How does the environment where you work affect your performance and job satisfaction? What can you do differently to change your work culture in a positive way?

Task: Try greeting everyone you see today! Look for ways to show God’s grace and goodness to them. It could be a simple smile or hello, or it could be going deeper and getting to know others. Whatever it is, pray for wisdom, put down your phone, and be brave!

Finding Grace #242

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was really good! Even though it is still autumn, it felt a little like winter! Lydia and I watched the Nutcracker (Four Realms) movie and are feeling festive!

We got a little snow this week, though there are many trees still with leaves! I ended up buying two new shovels, and I was proud of how well Lydia did! I also appreciated her good attitude!

My work week went well, and Lydia enjoyed a planned week off of school! She went to daycare, but had fun doing special art projects. She also had fun playing in the snow with her new boots and wool shirts and socks. I bought her some new clothing items for the season!

This week, I made some progress on a project and even organized some areas in my house. I always feel short on time, so I’m happy to have gotten some things done.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Even More Special

When I was little, we would often get seasonal candy, such as Hershey’s kisses or chocolates with decorative wrappers. Like many families, we enjoyed pastel colors for Easter, orange/brown/red for fall or Halloween, green/red for Christmas, pink/red/silver for Valentine’s day, etc.

My favorite was either Reese’s peanut butter cups or Special Dark Hershey’s miniatures. They still are at the top of my list, along with various types of Hershey kisses!

The miniatures typically came in a bag with other items, like Krackel and Mr. Goodbar. My mom would always save the Special Dark pieces for me since I was the only one who enjoyed them. She still does!

Recently, I bought my own giant bar of Special Dark chocolate. It’s hard to pass up a good sale! 🙂 As I was reviewing the nutrition information on the back of the wrapper, I noticed something I have never seen before.

There was a little note that mentioned the Milton Hershey School (MHS), which was founded in 1909. Apparently, the school has helped educate over 10,000 children in need.

I have never heard of this school before, so I looked it up online. It’s amazing!

It gives lower income children an opportunity to get ahead at no-cost to the families. In essence, it is like a boarding school that provides K-12 education, meals, clothing, non-denominational religious training, sports, healthcare, counseling, and other cares.

Some students are from the local area, and others come from several states away. Each of them receives high quality education and care, as well as structure and tools to succeed in life. Wow!

But, what’s more interesting is that the costs are paid primarily through a trust set up by Milton and Catherine Hershey. I don’t know all the details, but what struck me the most was the vision for the school and the means to keep it running for over one hundred years.

I couldn’t find any sort of evidence of  fundraising or donations, but that may also occur. Plus, it appears buying more chocolate is another way to support the school! 😉

Perhaps MHS is well-known locally in Pennsylvania, and at times, publicity can be a good thing. But, I appreciate that this organization has been quietly doing good and making a difference for all these years without drawing attention to itself.

The Milton Hershey School is a wonderful example of how we can use our gifts, tools, and resources to bless others. With the current cultural and political shifts we are facing, it is refreshing to find an organization who continues to do the right thing, for the right reasons.

I’m grateful for how much God has blessed me, and it doesn’t take much to bless others. Just a little planning ahead can make a big difference for someone in the future.

The holidays are just around the corner. This season, I will be thinking of ways to bless those in need. I hope you will too. It may be as simple as buying some chocolate to share, or perhaps it means setting up something with more longevity.

Let God lead you, and then, whatever you do will be even more special!


God, thanks for all the ways You bless us. Thanks for letting us partner with You to serve others. Open our eyes so we can see more ways to bless others with Your abundant grace and goodness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What holiday treat is your favorite? Have you started to buy holiday candy yet?How can you use your gifts to bless someone else today?

Tasks: As a registered dietitian, I’d remind you to be wise… but also enjoy God’s goodness through celebrating. In other words, buy some chocolate and enjoy it!



Not So Different

On Sunday, one of my African friends came over to hang out. We had a great time sharing a meal, talking about food, clothes, shopping, church, work, and family. Then, we played games with Lydia. Our usual.

My friend complimented me on a new houseplant. I laughed and told her it was fake. These days, I don’t have much time to devote to real houseplants, though I do enjoy them!

She then told me that some of her houseplants found homes with other friends because she always kills them. Apparently, her other friends were quick to tell her she doesn’t have a green thumb. How ironic other cultures have similar nuances!

My friend often gives me updates about her other international friends. For example, one of her Middle Eastern friends had twin boys earlier this year. I have not met the babies since the family moved out of state recently.

So, on Sunday, we watched a video of the mother talking to her seven-month-old boys. They were so cute, and I could really see their personalities coming through.

It was fun listening to the mother’s language, and it made me happy the boys will grow up knowing her language first and English second. It is good they will learn about her culture and their heritage, as well.

To my surprise, I could understand the gist of what the mother was saying. Well more or less! I could not understand her exact words, of course, but I could understand her tone of voice. Every mother I know says the same things to her precious baby!

It seems she was saying how big and how strong and cute they were. One of the twins was moving his arms and legs like a choo-choo train and she mimicked those sounds.

It happens all over the world. You probably know exactly what I am talking about!

Years ago, when I was pregnant with Lydia, some people visiting from Singapore were trying to guess my baby’s gender. They had a whole set of old wives tales they were relying on to make their decision! The same ideas exist in other cultures, too!

Even further back, I once traveled to Sweden to visit some friends and still remember with exact enunciation the phrases, “Kan du klappa? Kan du vinka?” which means “Can you clap? Can you wave?” There was a baby boy and his family kept excitedly asking him to show me.

As I sat and talked with my friend on Sunday, I was reminded that our similarities outweigh our differences. We have very different hair, skin, cultures, backgrounds, and preferences, but we both love Jesus. And, God brought both of us to North Dakota!

Over the years, we have both helped each other problem solve. We have learned a ton from each other and are better off for it. In the end, we are really not so different.

There is so much going on in our world right now. I hope each of us can remember to set aside our preferences and enjoy each person for who they are. We can celebrate our differences and rejoice in our similarities. It really doesn’t matter, just treat each other well.

Each person you see is loved by God. Each person represents a part of His character and creativity. Think about that for a minute. All of that diversity within each of us shows you just how vast God is. We cannot put Him in a box or contain Him!

We need each person’s contribution; none of us is better than the other. If you sit down and share food and conversation, perhaps you’ll learn just how much you have in common! Everyone feels the need to belong. For those of us who know Jesus, we are family.


God, thank You for creating so many different kinds of people. It shows us how wonderful You are, to think up so many special characteristics. Help us love each other well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Which do you typically notice first, someone’s differences or similarities to you?

Tasks: As you go about your week, see if you can notice any similarities across cultures. We all laugh, enjoy selfies, like to celebrate, tell jokes, eat fruit, kiss our babies, value hard work, have bad days, become sad, etc. In the end, we are not so different!

Everyday Encouragers

Last week, I imagined how it would be in Heaven if we one day have to apologize to every person we maligned with our words or actions, even if they were unaware of it at the time. Awkward!

I often think about things like that. I enjoy using my ‘mind’s eye’ to grow and reflect, which helps me appreciate my current experiences and consider other perspectives.

That said, what if the opposite also occurs? What if we get to track down and thank every single person in Heaven for anything kind or helpful they did that benefitted us, even in the tiniest of ways? This could include an unexpected gift, or opening a door, or praying for someone, not to mention all the many ways we bless those we know.

Can you imagine how long that would take us? Good thing we will be there for Eternity!

Or, to take it a step further, think about how it would feel if we one day have to go up to everyone and say, “Sorry I didn’t say this sooner, but I really appreciated it when you…” or “Well, I meant to send you a card, but I didn’t because I was busy…” Ouch.

Again, I don’t have any indication that will actually happen, but it might be worth thinking about. If it makes you squirm a little, now is your chance to do things differently.

I know it brings God great joy when we are grateful and treat each other well.

Either way, we don’t have to wait to apologize or say thank you! Even today, our lives, words, and actions can ooze grace toward others and win them to Jesus Christ.

Our words can bring life to a dying world. What a privilege!

We don’t need a special occasion or reason to be a blessing. As we go about our day, we can encourage others. We can apologize when needed and say thanks, too.

We can compliment each other and shout out any good we see.

Also, don’t wait to tell someone you love them. You may not get another chance.

Finally, don’t wait until life slows down… that may never happen! Just make it a habit to be generous and kind as you go throughout your day!


Father, thanks for all You do for us. Help us grow in grace and gratitude, so we can share Your love with others. Help us be mindful of the impact of our words. May we use them to bring life and glorify You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Does this blog post comfort, convict, or challenge you? What changes will you make as a result?

Tasks: Look for ways to use your words and bless others today. Send a thank you note, praise someone for their efforts, compliment clothing or kindness toward others. Be generous when spreading grace and joy today!

Taming the Tongue

When my siblings and I were little, whenever we were mean to each other, our parents would make us apologize, ask for forgiveness, and then give each other a hug.

Did your parents do the same with you?

I practice something similar with Lydia, but since she is my only child, we often do this together. Yes, I have to model it if I want her to understand what to do!

Lydia also keeps me accountable in other ways, such as when I am driving.

“Grrr! Nice turn signal, Buddy!” Or, I may say some other variation of that. 😉

Then, Lydia will tell me, “Mom, you know they can’t hear you.”

“Thanks, Lydia. I’m just frustrated. They are driving really slow and not using their signals.” Or, maybe they pulled out in front of me, cutting me off. You get the idea.

Sometimes, I honk at the other car, too, though that doesn’t happen as often!

Recently, someone cut across traffic into my lane without any signals, and then moved slowly ahead. But, then I heard Lydia’s gentle reminder and calmed down. We were safe and… maybe they were lost. I took the cue to enjoy the slower pace and pray.

Soon this thought entered my mind: What if someday in Heaven, we each have to track down every person we hurt or offended… then apologize and ask them to forgive us?!

That includes every word, thought, or action. Even if they were unaware of what happened. That would cover yelling at other drivers, gossiping about other people, our written words, or even turning the odds in our favor instead of benefitting someone else.

Imagine walking up to someone and saying, “Um, you don’t know me, but I owe you an apology. I’m sorry I said those things about you…”

I’m sure several people would be “eating crow!”

Our words are so important. They have creative or destructive power.

This week, I fielded a crazy trolling comment on social media. The person didn’t really want to discuss or learn anyting. He just wanted to spout off angry sentiments that had nothing to do with my original, encouraging post.

The man kept implying that my life is all ‘hearts and flowers,’ as if I don’t have much depth or the experience to understand all he was talking about. Ironically, he said, “I might hurt your feelings, but…” not even realizing that he was justifying his own hurtful actions.

Yet, instead of becoming offended or escalating the issues, I simply diffused them. I knew it was useless to chat with a complete stranger online. The best thing I could do was pray for him. Plus, I was conscious of the impact of my words, even if he was not!

To be clear, I have not read anything in the Bible that says we will someday have to apologize to one another for our hurtful or careless words. Not that we shouldn’t apologize, rather because of Jesus’ death and blood, we are forgiven and God doesn’t punish us.

However, Proverbs 18:21 does point out that Death and Life are in the power of the tongue. We are accountable to God, and He will reward us for every good deed someday. So, I want my focus to be on doing things that honor Him.

Today, let’s pick our battles. Know when to speak up and when to remain silent. We don’t need to have the last word, but we can always choose to be godly. Let’s tame our tongues!


God, You are so gracious. Thanks for Your forgiveness even before we blow it. Put a guard over our mouths and help us tame our tongues. May all we say and do bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you been building others up or tearing them down with your words?

Tasks: Read James 3:1-12. Pray about your words and repent/apologize if needed.