On Encouraging Ourselves

Recently, Lydia and I have been watching a cute show on Netflix called, “Old Enough.” It’s about young Japanese children (ages two to around six or seven) going on “first errands” to help their families in some way.

The kids are not truly alone, as the camera crew is following them from a distance. But in most cases, the crew is not supposed to interact with the children. It is quite impressive to watch these adorable kids, but I cannot imagine us doing that in America!

On the show, we’ve watched a little boy take fish to the fishmonger; kids going to buy a few grocery items; prepare hot tea and a snack for the family; bring lunch to dad at work on the boat; or take flowers to grandma. Some have special handmade flags to help people see them cross the road and others just raise their hands high. Sometimes they walk and sometimes they run the whole way. They usually look both ways several times!

Boy, Picnic, Ruck Sack, Child, Walk, Japanese, Asian

Of course, there are often challenges with making decisions or trying something on their own. While errands and places are familiar, the little kids (toddlers, even!) don’t always know what to do. They aren’t sure which bus to ride (solo!!) or which brand to buy. Some of the kids ask for help reaching items or choosing between options, and some use old-fashioned ingenuity. Only a couple of little ones have wandered home sadly before going out to try again. Impressive!

As you can imagine, the child may not feel up to the task. After a little coaxing or a pep talk, they are on their way determined to make their family proud. Occasionally, the episode has two little friends working together. They keep each other on task and in line. Some are shy and some are extraverted, but they all figure it out in the end. They are heartwarming and adorable to watch!

What stands out to me is that all the kids encourage themselves along the way. On their way, they tell themselves all sorts of things such as, “I can do it. I am confident and determined. I’m brave. Let’s go! I am capable. This is fun. I’m smart! I did it! I’m tired, but I can rest at home. Mom will be happy with me!” One little girl even held her hand up to her ear like a phone and pretended to tell her mom how well she was doing!

If you haven’t already seen the show, “Old Enough,” I recommend it! Lydia has a fascination with Japan anyway, so the culture, religion, housing, and eating habits have been good talking points!

  I love how the kids on the show encourage themselves when they are afraid, lonely, or unsure. That’s because even as adults, we don’t always get it right! When we are hungry, afraid, lonely, tired, unsure, or under pressure, we tend to get off track. Our thoughts and emotions can lead us astray, so we assume the worst about ourselves or our situation!

Thankfully, we have a good example in the Bible because King David took a different approach. When he faced hardship, loss, and near-mutiny, he encouraged himself in the Lord (1 Samuel 30:6). He strengthened himself, not with his own laurels, but with God’s Word and promises to him.

Ultimately, there’s nothing wrong with encouraging and motivating yourself. (We can’t always rely on others to do that for us!) But in the end, we can’t forget to trust God and seek His truth in our circumstances. Let’s encourage ourselves based on who God says we are!


God, thanks for the people of Japan and the joy of children as they do big things. Bless them and show them who You are. Also, help us to encourage ourselves with Your grace and Truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Have you seen any positive, funny, or heartwarming shows lately?

Tasks: Review this throwback blog post and this one, too for some good resources on the same topic!