Hallelujah Anyway!

Monday was the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death. A whole decade without him. Not knowing how I would feel, I took time off to give myself the space to just be.

Sometimes we go away and do something special, but this year, we decided to do a staycation instead. Lydia and I celebrated Dave’s life by doing fun things all weekend. We played games, made brownies, went on a little hike, tried hyperbowling, and went out to eat a fancy dinner! I also went on a bike ride and got a massage while she was in school.

You’d think I’d have it all figured out by now. Been there, done that. But somehow, the last few months felt like I was going back to the beginning. Not necessarily in terms of deep grief but rather second-guessing myself. Like, “Why I am I still dealing with this or that?” I think it stemmed from being overwhelmed with work and other decisions while not having enough time to really rest.

Overwhelm is loosely related to fear, which, historically, has been a stronghold for me. I know when that happens, I need to re-evaluate and deal with it right away. So, as you may recall, I spoke up at work and made some personal changes. I prayerfully focused on quiet time with the Lord and self-care, such as exercise, sleep, simple meals, and restorative activities. I am feeling much better now!
Not too long ago, one of my dear college friends sent me a message that she was praying for me. She said, “The same God who was with you then is with you now. You have grown and changed and will continue to grow and change, but God has and will remain the same… mind-blowing!” She then quoted Psalm 62:5, “Find rest my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.”
Well, I think that’s a pretty good summary of God’s faithfulness! I could not do any of this without Him. He is so gracious and reliable. I feel His presence and wisdom when answering every one of Lydia’s many deep questions about life, death, Dave, and pre-teen worries.
Thanks to all those who continue to support us through prayer, words of encouragement, and the occasional hand around the house. I have an amazing family, neighbors, coworkers, and friends. I appreciate each person who sends a card, a prayer, a well-timed word, or helps around the house on occasion.
So, while Monday was a near-perfect day, honestly, I was a little relieved when it was over. We made it through, but it’s just a lot, you know? Then yesterday, I heard this song, “Hallelujah Anyway,” by Rend Collective. It was a great reminder that our hope is in Jesus. “Even if” or when life goes awry, God is still in control and on His throne, we have the Holy Spirit working in us, and we have eternity with Jesus in Heaven.
Our emotions and circumstances don’t dictate our response to God’s presence in our lives. I hope you can say “hallelujah anyway” through whatever you face today. God is worthy of all our praise and gratitude. He is so good!
God, we praise You, when things go well and even when they don’t… because You are worthy through it all. Thanks for Your grace and goodness. May we be a living example of Your love today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: In what ways might you say, “hallelujah anyway” today?
Task: Life is so short. Make sure to celebrate and appreciate all the goodness in your life. Remember to praise God and thank Him, as He is the source of all good things!

Mood Meter

Hello! How are you feeling today? Today, I want to tell you about a tool called an emotion wheel that can help you understand how you feel so you can decide what to do about it!

I first encountered it while writing my book, though it has existed for many years. It helped me describe my feelings about Dave’s sickness and death, not to mention my struggle with fear, faith, and moving forward.

The act of writing was rewarding but challenging, so I appreciated being able to point to an adjective and analyze my feelings, process my grief, and stick with my project. In short, this tool takes abstract concepts and makes them more concrete.

I recently came across the emotion wheel again, and it felt like God’s perfect timing, as next Monday is the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death.

Most emotion wheels will highlight the basic feelings of happiness/joy, sadness/grief, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” So, we can use them for insight, but they don’t run the show and should not predict how we act.

We must identify emotions to validate and resolve them before they spill over on others. Unchecked emotions can lead to assumptions and wreak havoc. If not now, later. Unresolved anger can lead to passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and revenge. Fear can yield playing it safe and missed opportunities. Grief, without an outlet, can stop someone from living fully.

There are several ways to use the emotion wheel. You can start in the middle and work your way out, or vice versa. Find words that resonate with you and see how they are related. Then, you can come up with the next steps to address them.

Not surprisingly, it is common to feel several emotions at any moment. We may be confused or conflicted, like we are literally all over the place internally. Many of us feel physical sensations, like headaches, gut issues, pain, etc. We also tend to misunderstand others’ emotions, taking things personally when we shouldn’t.

Here are a couple of examples that have stood out to me when I’ve used the wheel:

“Oh, I am feeling isolated, which is similar to being lonely and related to sadness. Hmmm… could it be another layer of grief?” I could take a walk, but maybe I need to call someone for support.


“I am feeling overwhelmed, which is next to anxiety, which is rooted in fear. Why am I feeling afraid?” I should read some Bible verses about fear and turn my worries over to God.

Another example is this: I had a fun day recently, laughing and receiving good news. As you can imagine, I was mostly feeling happy emotions. In some ways, reading the adjectives later helped me relish the joy all the more.

Interestingly, I rarely feel angry – I deal more with fear… while Lydia more easily identifies with anger – yet it comes and goes quickly! We both relate to happiness and sadness, but less often, disgust. It has been fun to see and hear her perspective, and I hope it is a way for us to continue communicating as she moves into middle school.

Another tool is a chart I found on Etsy. It came as a download or in the form of a pillowcase! It ranks feelings according to a spectrum of energy and positivity. Anger is an adverse reaction, and it uses a lot of emotional energy. The sad emotions are typically less positive and drain energy. Joy is positive and high energy, while calmness is positive and low energy.

This was insightful because I tend to feel lower energy levels, but now I wonder if it’s just my personality. As an introvert, I get excited sometimes, but overall, I enjoy calmness and a slower pace. In fact, this is a great strength, but the world moves more quickly. Thankfully, I am learning to interpret what’s going on a little better so I can plan ahead. If I have a big event ahead, I can pare down my schedule to conserve energy and implement some strategies for coping and recovery.

Of course, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. These are simply tools. Nonetheless, you can combine them with Scripture to tap into all God has for you!

While Satan wants us to stay stuck in our emotions, distracted and offended, Jesus wants us to live fully! (See John 10:10.) Instead of being ruled by our feelings, let’s use them to turn to God! Instead of running away from our emotions, let’s use them to run to God.

God, thanks for giving us emotions to help us feel and understand Your goodness. Help us to honor You and manage them well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you notice how your emotions change throughout the day? How does that affect your energy? What is your natural response to your feelings?
Tasks: For a fun challenge, use an emotion wheel to track how you feel during the day. Note any themes, pray about resolving any negativity, and keep moving forward!

Finding Grace #374

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Forest Trees photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun and peaceful week! I had lots of prayer requests, but know God is taking care of all that concerns me and my loved ones.

The weather was sunny and in the 50s to 70s for much of the week! It’s all starting to green up, and I saw my tulips starting to grow a bit. I also forgot how nice it is to drive to work without slippery roads! I am so grateful for God’s faithfulness… He always brings the Spring!

My workload was a little lighter again this week, partially related to some cancellations. So, I was able to work on some projects that will be due soon. We celebrated a couple coworker birthdays and also a had a Cinco de Mayo potluck yesterday. Our coworker who is on maternity leave brought her baby in to visit. He was so cute!

Last night, Lydia and I were invited for an impromptu campfire at our friends’ house. It was fun and so nice to be included! We walked there since they live just a couple streets over. It was a perfect night!

This morning, I got up early for the British monarchy coronation. I’m a quarter British, thanks to my English grandmother, Norah, so it feels relevant to me. I loved all the regalia, pomp, and circumstance, as well as the history, music, and message of serving others. I texted with my sister throughout the service, as we have done for other important events. 🙂

Today, I worked on projects at home while Lydia took a babysitting class with a friend. She’s so gentle and kind to babies, toddlers, and young kids! I love seeing her become more responsible and considerate over time.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Keep Moving Toward

On Sunday morning, Lydia and I were at church. The message was about healing and trusting God. Instead of physical healing, I was writing notes about some habits I am working to change. I know I need God’s help to make real progress and swap in better choices.

At the end of the sermon, our pastor asked people who needed healing to head to the aisle for prayer. Healing can be physical, mental, emotional, etc. I felt content that God met my need, so I didn’t move, but several other people did.

Soon, our pastor asked those people to raise their hands if they needed someone to pray with them. I hadn’t planned on praying for anyone, as many other people had volunteered.

Free Holding Hands Bible photo and picture

Well, then I noticed a woman in front of us raising her hand. She and her husband appeared to be supporting their daughter. I told Lydia to scoot over so I could go pray with this family. At the moment, I just wanted to meet the need in front of me. I have personally felt the impact of people praying for me at just the right time.

So, I don’t think Lydia quite understood what I meant. She just stood there while I was trying to pass by on my way to the aisle. After a little back and forth, I put my hands on her shoulders, somewhat forcefully set her aside, and said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way.”

I don’t usually need to use that tone with Lydia, and I did apologize later for hurting her feelings. She was a little upset at first, but I explained that I wanted to be obedient. I didn’t want to miss an opportunity for God to use me. So I needed to move toward the need and His calling.

Perhaps I was a little fired up because I felt like I had my own mini breakthrough with the Lord during the sermon. I had been kind of ho-hum about my habits, but since I was able to write a basic plan with the Lord’s help, I felt free. So when I said, “MOVE!! Get out of my way,” I was also speaking in spiritual terms. Whether it’s Satan’s craftiness or just my own reserve, I cannot afford to delay God’s plans in my life.

As a Christ follower, I am essentially on mission every day. Jesus is the King, and I serve Him. I should not be self-centered or self-seeking. I can’t let fear stop me. I am called to love others and be available at a moment’s notice to GO.

God constantly calls me to move toward the messy parts of life. Jesus certainly did, and He is my example! If I don’t sense Him at work, then I am likely in a comfort zone, which needs to dealt with ASAP. It’s only then that I can actually fix the problem, change, and grow.

In short, I can’t settle for less than God’s best. That includes healing and eternity, but it also means joining Him in His work now. I don’t want to miss out because I am hung up on worthless habit. Lord, help me!

I did not get a chance to talk with the family after the service, but the mother smiled at me in gratitude. I’m so glad I was able to lay aside my own feelings and plans to serve the Lord. Plus, it became a good teaching moment for Lydia.

Remember, as the Church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. No habit, project, or personal goal compares with following Jesus and impacting others for Him. When life gets difficult, it’s tempting to run away or drag our feet, letting fear or procrastination become the default. But, dare I say: MOVE!! Get out of your own way!

But, RUN to Jesus, FIGHT to stay close to Him. Face the battle in front of you. Give it all you’ve got, knowing it’s really His strength and power working through you. If God is for you, who can be against you?!

We have to keep moving TOWARD to keep moving FORWARD.


God, thanks for calling us to spread Your love and serve others. Renew my mind and transform me, Lord. Fill me with grace and compassion to see the needs around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you running away from or running toward your challenges today? What habit or goal do you need to adjust in order to serve the Lord?

Task: MOVE!! Get out of the way!! Keep moving TOWARD so you can keep moving FORWARD! Read and ponder Romans 12:1-2 and Hebrews 12:1-2.

Finding Grace #373

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Bird Female photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week stood out to me, and I saw God’s grace every day. It was a week of old friends, good conversations, and throwback music. I even saw a cardinal at work, which I rarely see because I still have young trees at home. Just what I needed!

My friend, Krystal, now lives in Colorado with her husband, Owen, their three boys, and a new baby girl. Krystal was in town for a family event and brought two of her kids, including the baby. She and our friend, Sara, who also has a new baby, came over to visit with a third friend. We caught up over a few hours, and it was just like old times. (You may remember them from my book.) It was fun to see how much our lives have changed over the years.

Work was a little more relaxed this week, and it has been a nice change of pace. I appreciate our managers have listened and helped set up some better boundaries as far as our patient load. As it was, I still had several other calls to make, such as patient issues that popped up, as well as some projects to work on. I still needed to cover a few areas, but I’m glad I had a little margin.

On Thursday night, Lydia and I went to see a living legend, Steven Curtis Chapman, in concert at the Fargo Theater! Lydia wasn’t really sure who he was at first, but soon felt an emotional connection to his music. It could be that they have the same birthday, but she related our missing Dave to his own losses and grief. Hearing him discuss faith and perseverance was the best! It encouraged us to keep moving forward!

Last night, Lydia and I played a game and watched the birds outside in the yard. Today, we worked on some projects and organized around the house. Lydia also went on a little bike ride in our neighborhood with a friend. It feels great that Spring is here!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #372

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Bird Long-Tailed Tit photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was good. Seeing all the little songbirds on my deck brings me great joy!

I took a half day off from work on Monday and finally got my front door lock replaced! So, I am grateful that it went well.

 The weather was a little cooler (again) this week! 🙂 We got some flurries and a little accumulation later in the week. Much of the snow has melted, though. The river is high, but I don’t think it’s too bad right now, thankfully.

Work was a little calmer as well. I had plenty to keep me busy, but it all worked out just fine. I changed my tour on Friday to attend a school music program for Lydia. It was fun to see her friends and I was able to run a few errands before heading in to the office. It was a win-win!

Last night, Lydia got invited over for an impromptu sleepover. She had a blast and returned this afternoon, so I had some time to just relax. Actually, I did some cooking and cleaning, along with other “Saturday chores.” But, it was nice to not have anything pertinent to do!

Tonight, Lydia had to do some schoolwork and then tried on some skirts. She usually dresses more casually, but I wanted her to have some fancier items on hand. She helped herself to some of my high heels, and I could not believe how grown up she looked as she was twirling… such a beautiful young lady!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #370

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Easter Lily Flower photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was another good week, but it required a lot of prayers! Nonetheless, God really came through for me! One little highlight was watching little songbirds hopping around on the gigantic piles of snow in my backyard!

It seems like I talk about work almost every week, but as you know, I spend so much time there. I helped with a nursing fair and saw several patients. I also had some important conversations with my coworkers. We had some laughs and also brainstormed our way through some potential problems. It was a good feeling!

The weather was a little crazy this week. Lydia only went to her actual school on Monday; Tuesday through Thursday were remote learning due to the weather. Then, yesterday, she was off for Good Friday already. Thankfully, she handled it all like a champ!

Thankfully, the last couple of days have been above 40 and sunny, just in time to celebrate Easter! We enjoyed our church’s Good Friday service last night. We sat with some friends and worshiped the Lord. I’m grateful for the Cross!

My mother-in-law also came to visit, so she stayed with Lydia while I went to work today (I was on-call). Then, we went to lunch and went shopping! Tonight, we are enjoying a movie together. It was a really nice day after a wild week!

I pray you all have a blessed Easter weekend!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Grace Galore

I hope you are having a wonderful day! Generally, I want my blog to be an encouraging part of your week. Perhaps, it also challenges you, too! I appreciate that it reflects where Lydia and I are in life. It’s been fun to track our successes and work through some of the tough issues we face. 

That’s all good, but as we near the ten-year anniversary of Dave’s death, I have been wondering what all I/we have accomplished in the last decade. It’s a good question to ask sometimes!

Now, before you worry about me, I am okay. I realize a lot is going well for us. I worked very hard to write and publish my book. I have a great job with awesome coworkers, and  Lydia is looking forward to middle school this fall. There’s so much to be thankful for.

It’s just been a stressful few months in many ways, and sometimes I second-guess myself. On those chaotic days, I have wondered how I may have grown or changed when I still see some of the same problems. Have you ever felt that way?

Recently, I had time to talk with some friends and explain how I felt. That helped, especially since they were stressed about the same things! We all have slightly different issues and factors, but stress is stress. 🙂

As a result, I was able to rethink how I perceive some of the stress, and I was able to see God’s grace and provision clearly. He has been so, so good to me.

Free Mountain Path photo and picture

With Easter around the corner, I am again reminded of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross. He died so we could live. He rose in Victory; now we also walk in Victory.

Nothing is impossible for God. We bring Him our weaknesses in exchange for His strength. Praise God, we have His Holy Power in us! 

No matter how hectic life gets, I am grateful that Life has so much more to offer. THIS (whatever your THIS is) isn’t ALL there is. The best is yet to come!

Growth isn’t easy; change may require much effort before seeing results. But, we can take steps toward greatness every day. We can choose a good attitude and rely on the Lord. Knowing God’s grace will cover us, we can work hard and do our best.

Perfection is not the goal. We don’t have to get it all right. That’s God’s responsibility. Jesus gives us His righteousness and we can rest in His grace galore!

Of course, the expectation of an “easy” life is unrealistic. Jesus never promised us that. Suffering is not for nothing, however. Challenges will always come, but blessings are built in if we look for them.

Don’t let a bad day, week, or month keep you from living a full life.

Lord, give us Resurrection eyes of faith!


God, thanks for your grace galore. Thanks that we won’t have to be perfect or have all the answers. Help us walk in the Victory Jesus died to give us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: What is God resurrecting in your life today? How is He making it new, and where can you see His grace at work?

Task: There is stress, and then there is “perceived stress.” Check out this Perceived Stress Scale. To me, it is almost a measure of how much I am worrying (and where I need to trust God or seek help). I hope it is helpful for you – that you can see the silver lining and know where you need to shift your focus.

Finding Grace #369

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Trees Snow photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week and was easier than expected!

As usual, on Sunday we had fun on our family Zoom night. At almost three years old, my nephew is the perfect age to provide all the entertainment. My niece is a year younger, but she’s also adorable to watch!

Work was quite busy, but despite a heavy patient load, I did my best to manage my stress. My coworkers and I put together a three-panel board about our inpatient and outpatient services for a nursing fair next week. We had fun joking about our lack of cutting and art skills, but it actually turned out well!

The weather was pretty status quo this week. Below zero and snowy, which is par for the course lately. You’ll have to pardon my choice of picture tonight – I like to pick something that reflects the week or day. Despite it technically being spring, it will take at least a few more weeks to see any real snow-melting progress. I did notice the storm drain is visible just off my front curb; water is going into it, so that’s a good sign! I talked with my dad yesterday, and he asked if we had any tulips popping up yet. I just had to laugh!

Today was pretty relaxing. Lydia and I each did some cleaning and had a good workout. We also tried out our new Ninja Creami machine. We made some banana ‘nice cream.’ We have made it in the past with a blender, but we turned out a much better product tonight! We’re going to try it again tomorrow. 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #368

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Winter Road photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly calm week! My gut was a little upset this week, so I tried to take it easy. This usually includes eating a little lighter, resting, and stress management. I am feeling mostly better now – still trying to figure out what the issue was!

Work was pretty normal – busy but good. Any downtime was spent catching up or getting ahead. Next week looks like a busy week with patients!

In other news, I unclogged my garbage disposal. It didn’t need reset, but I couldn’t recall how to fix it. So, I looked online for help and tried a few things. Finally, I used an old piece of wood to spin the disc and help it turn again. No issues since Tuesday!

Then, on Friday, I had an older patient with chronic pain following two conflicting diet plans based on nutrition misinformation he found online. He also is food insecure and spends the remainder of his money on solutions that are not helpful for him. He had grown malnourished as a result of eating one meal every other day thinking that was what he needed to do! It was very interesting helping him learn the truth about food and nutrition. I was able to give him a simple, cohesive plan that should meet his goals, save him money, and help his health. I’m grateful he came to see me!!

Last night ended up being solo for me. Lydia went to a friend’s house for a sleepover (different than last week). It was nice to have some alone time. I scouted out some new stores and then went home. I watched some movies while chopping up some veggies and roasting them. I also made a crockpot stew which turned out so well!

I had a relaxing time at home, waiting for Lydia to return. I had a good workout, cleaned, listened to a podcast, read a little, and made some calls. It was great talking with my mom and dad! When Lydia came home, I had fun hearing all about her adventures with the other family!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!