Finding Grace #205

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was fun and full! Although, Lydia started off not feeling well and stayed home from school on Monday. Of course, by lunchtime, she was feeling better! We enjoyed a quiet day of rest, and I am grateful for an understanding manager at work.

This week, several friends came over at different times and were able to catch up or hang out. One helped with maintenance, another stayed for dinner. One friend stopped by briefly to pick something up and chat for a few minutes. And, still another friend came for Bible study and awesome discussion. I appreciate each person who God puts in my life!

Lydia’s school had a family dance on Friday evening. She didn’t dance much but mainly wanted to go see all her friends. I really enjoyed catching up with some of her friends’ parents. I’m happy Lydia has a solid group of school friends at this age. I still coach and supervise her, but it is fun to see her interact with these girls and boys. I pray she will continue having a positive experience, but also know it is good to stay involved, even if behind the scenes.

It snowed a little today, and it looked like a snow globe! I also watched a little rabbit outside my window. I was only a foot or so away, with the windowsill in between us. The rabbit seemed to enjoy itself while it was eating snow. 🙂 I was reminded of how God takes care of each of us by providing for and protecting us.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #203

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was rather low-key, but I am glad for that because I was able to focus on a big project. This week, I had some great moments of worshiping the Lord. And, there were plenty of other fun blessings along the way!

I appreciate Lydia’s current interest in cooking and helping around the house. She selected a healthy recipe all on her own, and we made it together. Later, I went to the store, for fun, and I “surprised” her very own cans of kidney beans, raisins, and dried cranberries. Lydia was so excited! She said they are her favorite, so who am I to disappoint?! I’m glad she is learning to be content.

The ladies in my small group Bible study came over this week. Only two ladies could come, but we still had a wonderful time together. We discussed our Bible reading plan and challenged each other to draw near to the Lord. It was such a sweet time of fellowship and prayer, made sweeter by an apple crisp my neighbor gave me! Thank you!

I had fun catching up with my parents and sister this week. My mom sent me a beautiful green Kate Spade purse, which reminds me of spring! I have already received compliments on it. In turn, I sent a box of items to bless my sister. Also, my dad finally received his birthday present from Lydia and me. His birthday is in December, but the socks I ordered for him (with Lydia’s face) took forever to arrive! In fact, he still has something else on the way. Hopefully, it comes soon!

When I was at the store earlier in the week, I was meandering through the floral department looking for anything that caught my eye. I didn’t buy any flowers that day, but I did see a cute little yellow bird! As you can see in the picture above, it is so cheery and bright! I didn’t see any others, but it felt like a personal blessing from God!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #201

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was such a sweet week, full of God’s gentle grace. I celebrated my twelfth wedding anniversary and received some wonderful encouragement. Thank you!

Lydia and I had some funny conversations this week. For example, we had an hour-long conversation about French Impressionists, like Claude Monet. Lydia also decided to make some healthy, kid-friendly recipes but needed supervision. Later, she shared about how she helped her classmates and handled a couple of sticky situations at school. It is fun to see her be creative and take on more responsibility. She’s such a cool kid!

On Friday, I had coffee with a friend. We don’t know each other super well, but I was grateful we could meet and spend time together. I appreciate how God uses each of us to encourage each other. It is helpful to listen, make decisions, and process life’s challenges. Thank You, Jesus!

I had several other great conversations with people this week. I was able to catch up with various people and challenge a good friend with God’s truth. Sometimes, we misunderstand people’s intentions, so it’s good to pray first and then communicate clearly. Life is so short. A good friendship goes both ways and iron sharpens iron! 


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Pillows and Pizza

Can you believe we are already one full week into the new year/decade?! Yes, Christmas was already two weeks ago! Just like clockwork, here we are! 🙂

Yesterday, I celebrated my 12th wedding anniversary, and of all the awesome Christmas gifts we received, one stands out to me. My sister and sister-in-law made me two beautiful pillows (pictured below)!

Receiving the pillows was such a wonderful surprise! Their kindness made me feel so special because I love birds (peacocks are especially pretty). Blue and green are my favorite colors, and the blue satiny material is from my sister’s bridesmaid dress.

Every time I look at the pillows, I not only have fun memories of Dave, but I also imagine all the effort that was put into them. They spent a lot of time traveling to each other’s homes (2+ hours away) and thinking ahead about how to piece the materials together. In fact, that these dear ladies wanted to bless me is a gift in itself!

Yesterday was a good day all around. I saw it on my calendar, of course, but it didn’t faze me like Dave’s recent birthday. For some reason, our anniversary doesn’t hurt as much.

It was about ten degrees outside (felt much colder, below zero), but the lovely blue-skied day made everything feel bright! I felt cheerful and grateful.

My mom left an encouraging voice mail while I was at work, and when I got off, I called her back. We laughed as we reminisced and told ‘Dave stories.’

After that, I ran a few errands before picking up Lydia. As we got in the car, I asked her if she wanted to get pizza from Papa Murphy’s. Then, we invited a friend to join us. We had a fun evening together and shared more memories of Dave.

Pillows and pizza. These are just some of the ways I see God show me His love and grace. I appreciate it when people take the time to encourage me and pray for me… So thank you!

I can feel everyone cheering me on, and it makes all the difference!


God, thanks for showing me your love and grace through the kindness of other people. Help me be a blessing to others and bring them comfort, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you celebrating this week? Something special or something routine?

Tasks: When you have the chance to bless someone, go for it! No gift is too small.

Finding Grace #198

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really fun week, though there were a few tough moments! God came through for me with an extra dose of grace! I also really appreciated everyone’s support for Dave’s birthday.  Thank you!

This week, we had several fun holiday activities at work. We worked hard, but also wore ugly Christmas sweaters, exchanged Secret Santa gifts, took pictures, laughed and told stories, and ate some yummy meals and treats together. I’m grateful for a good job and wonderful coworkers who are becoming friends!

Lydia and I also hosted a white elephant exchange for my Thursday night small group friends. I unwrapped a 2012 giant phone book from Knoxville, Tennessee! I happened to give away an expired container of prunes, so I got even, lol! It was a fun time all around!

Today Lydia and I had fun relaxing around the house! We enjoyed playing new games, watching movies, baking treats, and finding Christmas gifts on the porch from loved ones. Lydia has had fun rearranging the boxes under the tree for Wednesday!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

A Tale of Two Birthdays

Well, here we are in the swing of the holiday season!

Yesterday was Dave’s birthday. Of course, it comes every year, but yesterday felt different. I intentionally put off thinking about it all until later in the day because I was trying to keep it together and get things done. Still, I’ve been thinking of him quite a bit lately.

It’s interesting to think about how things would be different if Dave was here…

This particular week is very busy trying to squeeze in a trillion activities before Christmas. Some of the stress is normal and would be the same even if Dave was here. Work and school, making meals, washing dishes, Christmas parties, shopping lines, etc.

But yesterday, I caught myself being frustrated by all the stressors that result from Dave being gone. Several things are more difficult now. Many things take longer to complete or just don’t get done. As a single mom and homeowner, all the responsibility falls on me.

Most of the time, I just deal with it. But yesterday, it took more effort. Missing Dave was one component, yes. But after work, school and Lydia’s orthodontist appointment, several random chaotic things happened all at once. It didn’t help that we were also sad, cold, overwhelmed, frustrated, tired, and hangry. It was the perfect storm.

Yesterday was a little rough at times. But, I noticed my mindset wasn’t particularly helpful and I didn’t want to linger there for long, though that would have been easier.

Thankfully, God showed up in the many people around us. Several people sent texts or called to chat. Last night, our neighbors dropped off a delicious box of goodies with perfect timing. And for dinner, a dear friend came over with pizza and cupcakes.

Last night, I reminded myself of all I have to be thankful for… Dave was a wonderful man and now I have Lydia! Then, a few Caterpillar guys checked in and sent thoughtful messages. We also received a number of beautiful Christmas cards reminding me of all the people cheering us on from near and far. I’m grateful for your prayers and support.

And, I reminded myself of how far God has brought me. That’s the beauty in all of this. Despite my (sometimes) heartache and frustration, Jesus is here with me.

Yesterday, Dave’s birthday was a little sad because it reminds me of all we have lost, but we look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birthday, too. We rejoice that Jesus’ birth brought us hope and redemption. A solution to the world’s collective heartbreak.

Emmanuel means ‘God with us’ and when Jesus steps into a situation, He will help us get through it. He brings peace and joy, grace and power, as well as hope and healing. But we have to invite Him in. Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

When all is well or when (I feel) nothing is going right… Emmanuel.

When problems arise and nothing gets solved… Emmanuel.

When I don’t measure up despite giving my best effort… Emmanuel.

There is power in the Name of Jesus and peace in His Presence. He is our Emmanuel. So instead of feeling sorry for myself, I’m seeing my pain as a reminder to draw closer to Jesus. I’m trusting in God’s grace and focusing on His goodness. Thank You, Jesus!


Heavenly Father, thanks for sending Your son, Jesus, to be our Emmanuel. Thanks for never leaving us nor forsaking us. You deserve all our praise. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is there someone who needs a little encouragement or support during this season? How can you bring them comfort and point them to Jesus?

Tasks: Ask a grieving friend to come over for the holidays. Or, see if you can help them finish their shopping or baking or other preparations. Sometimes just being present is all they need to remember Jesus is with them, too.

Forever Grateful

Lydia came home yesterday from school and told me about her day. She said one of the best parts of her day was in gym class. She told me about an obstacle course the students completed in the spirit of celebrating Veterans Day.

There was no school on Monday due to the holiday, so her class celebrated later. Each student pretended to be a soldier and had to climb, jump, crawl, swing, etc. through a series of challenges. At home, Lydia happily showed me examples in our basement work out area. She told me I had to use my imagination, of course!

We briefly discussed how difficult it must be to be a real-life soldier… and how we can honor them and be grateful for them. It was interesting to hear Lydia’s perspective.

Now that I work with Veterans (and only Veterans), I am more in tune with the struggles they face. I will never fully understand those issues, but I appreciate their many sacrifices on my behalf. Without Veterans and an active military, who knows how our lives could be?

It is quite humbling when you think about it.

The best way to show our gratitude is to live in such a way as to honor these brave men and women. As we celebrate our many freedoms, that may look different for each of us.

In short, we can each spend our time, money, and other resources in unique ways.

That’s part of the beauty of being free! We have the ability to choose.

All gave some. Some gave all.

Of course, Jesus Christ also gave His all for us. It cost him everything. He gave us the ultimate freedom from sin and the gift of eternal life with Him.

I’m forever grateful. Our lives are (and can be) changed because Jesus gave His. 

Because of Jesus, we are free from fear. What a relief! We don’t have to be afraid!

Also, we are free to be kind and generous toward others, even if they cannot repay us. We can have daily peace and joy regardless of our circumstances. We can do what is right without worrying about what other people think.

The list goes on and on.

Again, how we use our various freedoms will surely look different depending on many factors. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Just walk in grace and freedom… and be grateful.


Jesus, thanks for dying for us and buying us freedom! Help us walk freely in Your grace and love. Help us take nothing You’ve given us for granted. Help us be wise! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What American freedoms are you most thankful for? How do you show your gratitude to all those who have fought for our freedom?

Tasks: Write a thank you note to a Veteran or active soldier and listen to his or her experiences (if they are willing to share). Visit a National Cemetery to honor sacrifices made on your behalf. In Fargo, check out the newly dedicated Fargo National Cemetery!


Finding Grace #190

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a really fun week full of God’s grace!

On Sunday, a friend came to do her laundry at my house. We had a great time. We even got to say hello to our moms…I chatted with her mom in Africa, and she chatted with my mom in Florida. She stayed for lunch and dinner and a wild game of Crazy Eights!

On Tuesday, Lydia and I went out to eat with some of my new coworkers. We went to a popular restaurant and stayed to play BINGO! Lydia was really into it, helping me monitor my card and dab the numbers. We stayed for a couple of hours and had so much fun! If I would have insisted on Lydia’s normal bedtime, we would have missed out.

Work is still going well! It is busy and can be fast-paced at times. But, I am really grateful to be there and have meaningful conversations. It is truly a blessing and an honor to work with Veterans. Thank You, Jesus!

On Wednesday, I gave away the last of my apples to two different ladies. I hate to see good foods wasted, so I used what I could and blessed others with the rest.

On Thursday, most of the ladies in my small group canceled for various reasons. One friend still came and we made cookies and caught up on all sorts of topics. She is pregnant, so it was fun to talk about her new family adventures!

Yesterday, a friend came over for Chinese food and Hallmark movies! It’s always fun to hang out, and Hallmark kicked off their Chrismas season of movies! If you need me for the next two months, you’ll know where to find me! Just kidding… sort of.  😉

I signed up for snow removal services this week. I will likely still be out doing a little of the work, but I’m grateful not to have to do all of this upcoming season. Thanks so much for your prayers on my decision.

Today has been a beautiful autumn day. Lydia played most of the day with friends, which is great because the weather is supposed to be chilly going forward!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The First Step

If you ask any parent, having an obedient child is a blessing. Training kids to listen and follow-through is an ideal goal, but so hard to do consistently. Obviously, life definitely goes more smoothly when children do what they are asked. Yes, I’m speaking from experience. 😉

As Christ-followers, God expects us to be obedient, too. In fact, Jesus said being obedient (doing what He says) is a mark of our love for Him. It seems obvious, yet, like dearly loved children, we often struggle, too.

Elisabeth Elliot wrote, “A whole lot of what we call ‘struggling’ is simply delayed obedience.” How true!

Thankfully, even one small step of obedience can pave the way for growth. The first step, taken in faith, can create even more opportunities to trust God.

Recently, I took a small step of obedience which really felt like a long shot. I had been praying for some answers regarding a friend who had been ignoring me. I wondered if I should ask this person over for dinner, but was feeling hurt and fearing rejection.

I had several other tasks to do that night, and dinner with this friend wasn’t the most ‘convenient’ option. But, I put aside my feelings and to-do list. I extended the invitation anyway, leaving the outcome in God’s hands.

I made one of my friend’s favorite meals, hoping that would entice her to come. It worked!

God honored my simple act of obedience, and the tasty food made way for meaningful conversation. As a result, our lines of communication were restored and we grew closer. 🙂

I love that God used my obedience to mend our friendship and teach us both valuable lessons. My first step in the right direction helped my friend take her own steps of obedience. Then, we each gained more opportunities to serve others and trust God.

I don’t know where you are in your relationship with God, but I know He is calling you to be obedient today. If you aren’t sure what that means, go back to the last time you remember a specific direction from God. It may be a specific Bible verse that spoke to you, a gut feeling, or simply seeing someone in need.

It may not be convenient, but it’s always the best idea. God rewards obedience and will honor your efforts. He will help you follow-through! 

Simple examples may include: Putting aside your own feelings to serve someone else. Or, taking a big step forward even if you’re afraid. Or, letting someone else take the lead on a project, even if you don’t fully agree.

Needless to say, always look for ways to be kind, gracious, and forgiving toward others. You don’t have to figure it all out. Just take the first step!


God, thanks for being so patient with us. Thanks for Your grace, kindness, and forgiveness. Help us listen to you and obey Your word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God asking you to do? Are you doing it? Why or why not?

Tasks: Read this throwback post, one of my first posts from 2015:  Put on Your Pants!


In Every Moment

Yesterday, after work, I was thinking about my blog and what I should write for today’s post. Nothing, in particular, came to mind for my blog. So, I let my mind wander and thought about different topics. Mostly, I thought about how good God is.

On my way to pick up Lydia, I decided on a whim to take a detour and enjoy the gorgeous autumn day. Instead of driving on the highway, I found a different road that led through town and made a couple of stops on my way. It was a nice change of pace.

As I drove and sang with the radio, I praised God for all He has been doing in my life lately. In between songs, I considered more ideas for my blog.

Sometimes, I get lots of blog ideas all at once or sometimes they come over several days, but yesterday was one of those times where I didn’t have any outstanding ideas that would be good for an entire post (most were just snapshots I can build on later).

The more I thought about not having a big idea, the more thankful I was that I didn’t have any ‘major’ issues to discuss or document on my blog. That doesn’t happen often!

And you know what? I was totally okay with not having a bright idea! I just kept praising God for the peace and joy I felt in His presence. I felt so blessed as I thanked Him.

Then, it hit me.

We don’t need a specific time or reason to praise God. He deserves ALL our praise! When times are good, and times are bad… He is always worthy.

When we have a lot on our mind, or nothing at all… we can praise God!

Of course, my care-free attitude yesterday doesn’t mean my life is perfect. To start, the dishes from last night will most certainly sit in the sink a little longer. And, the two stacks of papers and mail on my dining room table will be shuffled elsewhere when my friends come tomorrow. I haven’t vacuumed all week, and I still have laundry in the dryer. 🙂

Nonetheless, I am choosing to worship in the here and now, not worrying about the dishes or bills or dust or what to wear. In fact, at every moment of every day, we have every reason to praise God!

All creatures great and small… everything that has breath, praise the Lord!


God, I love You! You are so good to me. I’m in awe of Who You are. Let me never take You for granted. May I praise you in every moment and in every circumstance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What can you praise God for today?! What are you thankful for?

Task: Instead of just asking God for help today, spend some time thanking Him and praising Him for all He is and has done.