Finding Grace #49

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week, I am extra thankful for God’s grace. One day, I found myself focusing on various problems…and worrying about some decisions that are not ready to be made. I talked with two dear ladies about this. They listened and helped me discern what is most important. One lady also encouraged me to REST and let God take care of it in His timing. He cares so much about me. It was just what I needed to hear!

This week, I had an all-day work training, which yielded challenges with Lydia’s schedule. Normally, I work part-time hours so it’s not a problem. On Wednesday, two different friends watched Lydia throughout the day, took her to preschool, and picked her up for me. Praise God for my dear friends! Without their help, it’s possible Lydia would have had to skip preschool for all-day daycare. We’re both glad that didn’t have to happen!

I received beautiful flowers from my mom and dad as an early Valentine’s day gift (pictured above). Flowers were a lovely idea, and these roses are especially pretty! I bought Lydia an “I Love You” balloon and it was fun to see her joy as well! This is probably the first year she really understands the concept of giving Valentines. She made one for me at school, and I received it today in the mail. I think it’s the first one she’s every made for me!

Today, Lydia and I met some friends for a fun outing. We planned on bowling, but at the last minute decided to go to SkyZone, a trampoline park, instead. We all jumped on-an-off for about an hour. Then, Lydia and I finished off a gift card at Panera for an early dinner. It was great to see friends and spend some extra time with Lydia, too!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

When Love Doesn’t Make Sense

Kids often have a way of shining light on what is important, through their unique grasp on life. Earlier this week, Lydia and I were driving home late one night after a meeting. We were listening to the radio as we often do.

“Mom, why are they singing about God’s heart being broken…because He loves us?” Lydia sighed, “That doesn’t make sense!”

I hadn’t been paying much attention to the lyrics. Instead, I was thinking about getting Lydia to bed two hours past her normal bedtime. I wish I knew what song she was referring to, but I don’t. I’ll have her tell me next time she hears it.

I wasn’t sure exactly what Lydia meant. Usually, she is so practical…so it was intriguing to think about when love doesn’t make sense. I thought it was quite profound!

“You are right, Lydia. God loved us so much that it broke His heart when sin separated us from Him. That’s why Jesus came!”

I explained that Jesus came to save us and restore our relationship with God. “And for our sins!” Lydia chimed in. I explained that nobody is perfect; we all need Jesus.

You know, sometimes love doesn’t make sense. Sometimes, love hurts. I suppose each person might interpret ‘acts of love’ based on their own needs, love languages, etc.

But God’s love is different. His love is strong and good! 

Indeed, we can only love others to the extent that we have experienced His perfect love. When we experience His love and forgiveness, we are changed forever! What grace!

These verses are always a good gut-check for me.

Do I love people with God’s love? Is it for His glory or my own benefit? Do I always believe the best of the person, giving them the benefit of the doubt?

Am I patient and kind? Or am I thinking of myself first, through envy, boasting, and prideful arrogance?

Do I honor others, including their preferences? Do I value their input or do I just want my own way?

Do I celebrate the truth, even when I need to do some soul-searching or make changes?

Am I protecting the reputation of others? Am I full of trust, goodwill, and perseverance? Or am I in it just for what I can get out of the person or situation?

Am I committed long-term or only as long as it puts me in a good position? Am I willing to stick with someone or something without recognition?

Yes, sometimes LOVE does not make human sense! It can be challenging at times. Sure, it would be a lot easier to love people who are kind and patient with me. It would be a lot easier to only love people who treat me like I think I deserve. (Ahem.) It would be a lot easier to love people when it is convenient.

But, praise God that’s not how Christ Jesus loves! His love for us cost Him everything.

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16, NIV).

Loving others is not about me. I want to share the love of Jesus, so that lives are changed. It doesn’t make “sense” why He would give His life for mine, but I am so thankful He did!


Jesus, thanks for loving me more than Life itself. Thanks for Your merciful sacrifice. Your grace know no bounds. Help me love others the way You do. In Your Name, Amen.

Question: Did anything stand out as you read this post? Have you accepted Jesus’ love into your life?

Task: Using 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (above), put God in place of Love. Example: “God is patient, God is kind…” consider how much He loves you!

A ‘Life Vest’ Kind of Love

Earlier this week, I completed a thirty day early morning challenge. The goal was to rebuild my morning habit, which has been off-track for some time. I find my day really does go better if I get started early. So, I decided to try it once more…relying on the Lord to sustain me. I’ve focused on tracking progress, not perfection.

Each morning of the challenge, a moderator posted a question on social media. Liking it or commenting was our way to check in for accountability. My favorite questions involved our daily verse, Psalm 143:8. One day, the moderator asked us to describe God’s unfailing love.

Participants listed some of these adjectives: inexhaustible, limitless, unending, eternal, always, forever, continual, secure, dependable, reliable, steadfast, sure, complete, active, competent, constant, persistent, solid, never gives up, perfect, trustworthy, sufficient, unchanging, non-judgmental, and unconditional.

Some of these, of course, have similar meaning. But, I was impressed how one word can mean something slightly different to so many people. And that’s just one of God’s many attributes! It’s amazing to think that while God is so big, He cares so personally about each of us.

Another person wrote that, to her, God’s unfailing love is like a life vest. I love the idea of being safely wrapped in His love. To that, I added God’s unfailing love is ‘timely, as in right there with no delay’… when you really need it!

Indeed, I cannot do anything in my own strength. More than once, I have prayed through the verse… God I need your unfailing love so I don’t climb back into bed! 😉

Since that morning, the Lord has showing the pervasiveness of His unfailing love. It’s 24/7! I keep seeing the words ‘unfailing love’ as I read. I’ve also heard stories or songs on the radio with those words, reminding me of just how much He cares.

God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Every morning brings the wonderful news of God’s unfailing love! No matter how bad or good yesterday might have been, today is a new day full of His grace and love. Praise God!

Because of my renewed habit, God’s unfailing love is the first thing on my mind each day. Despite what else may happen, my focus is on the Lord.

In the midst of stressful decisions and transitions, God’s unfailing love is an anchor.

When I receive bad news unexpectedly, His love brings hope and strength.

When I just don’t know what to do, I know He is trustworthy.

When confusion comes, His love is reliable. He brings clarity and keeps me steady.

Jesus is my helper and my sustainer, my rock and my refuge. He protects, comforts, and delivers me. His love knows no bounds.

His love IS inexhaustible, limitless, unending, eternal, always, forever, continual, secure, dependable, reliable, steadfast, sure, complete, active, competent, constant, persistent, solid, never gives up, perfect, trustworthy, sufficient, unchanging, non-judgmental, and unconditional. 🙂

Nothing catches God Almighty off guard. My circumstances are no match in comparison to how much He loves me!! With a heavenly ‘life vest’ kind of love, He hugs me close and carries me to safety. Despite challenges and setbacks, I know with God’s powerful strength, abundant grace, and unfailing love, I have Victory!

And, the more I think about His unfailing love, the more I am changed.


Awesome Father, I love you! Thank You for loving me so much! Help me remember to turn to you all throughout the day. Help me rest in your unfailing love and extend your wonderful grace to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What does ‘unfailing love’ mean to you? Have you put on your ‘life vest’ today?

Tasks: Think about or pray through Psalm 143:8 and see how it impacts your day. Or, join the next HelloMornings challenge!


The Greatest Gift

After Lydia’s birthday in November, we sent out around ten thank you notes. Her job was to decorate each card with stickers. So when she started grumbling, I told her, “Well, if you aren’t grateful, I’ll just tell everyone NOT to send you gifts next year. Then, you won’t have to worry about saying thanks.” That seemed to do the trick!

Then, on Monday night, we read the Nativity story at bedtime. We’ve been reading the Jesus Storybook Bible. I love how each story ends by pointing back to the Lord!

I usually ask Lydia questions to see if she can recall the main points.

Lydia has been interested in the night sky for several months. So the other night, we discussed the special star God placed in the sky at Jesus’ birth. She asked about the gifts Jesus received from the wise men. We chatted about frankincense, gold, and myrrh.

I also asked, “Did you know Jesus is the greatest gift we could ever receive?!”

Naturally, with Lydia’s birthday not too far from Christmas, this intrigued her. “So then, why do we give each other gifts?” She wondered out loud.

“Well, we show God’s love through our gifts.” I replied, in awe that she even asked. “It’s one way to celebrate what Jesus has done for us.”

When it comes to Christmas, I’ve been upfront with Lydia about Santa Claus. I have nothing against Santa, but I prefer to focus on Jesus and teach Lydia about Him.

And yes, Lydia knows not to tell her friends about Santa! Though, it is a little funny when an adult asks her, “So, what’s Santa bringing you for Christmas?”

In those moments, Lydia looks confused and concerned…like she’s thinking… “Wait, they don’t know about him?! …Well, I’m not going to tell them. Hmm…but what should I say?”

Up until last year, Santa wasn’t an issue for us. But then Lydia’s imagination kicked into high gear, and she started asking what was real and what was pretend. It became difficult to explain the nuances of make-believe cartoons versus shows with real actors.

Lydia questioned, “Is the person in that movie real?” I didn’t think much about it at first. “Well, yes. The person really exists, but he’s an actor who is pretending.”

Before long, Bible characters were examined, too. “Mom, was Jonah real?” … “Hey, my Daddy’s name was David! … So was King David real too?”

I answered Lydia’s questions, but was unsure if she understood.

When the holidays came, Lydia quickly applied the same ‘logic’ to Santa. “Why does the Santa on tv look different from this one in the book…and the one at the mall?”

I felt the need to address Lydia’s confusion in a truthful, yet sensitive way.

I decided to tell her the truth about Santa using a familiar example. “You know how Daniel Tiger (a PBS cartoon) is not REALLY real? He’s make-believe. Well, Santa is not REALLY real either. It’s fine that everyone talks about him, but he is just pretend.”

(Yes, St. Nicholas was real, but Santa has become quite different in our culture.)

Lydia took it fairly well. For about ten seconds, she looked a little surprised. “Oh.” And, then she asked about Rudolph, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. “Yep, their pretend too.” Twenty seconds later, with a quick, “Oh, okay,” she was onto the next thing, unfazed!

For me, this all is pertinent because there are bigger concepts at stake. Dave died when Lydia was not quite 18 months old; therefore, she doesn’t really remember him. So, over the years, I’ve done my best to answer questions about Dave and Heaven. Still, she occasionally she gets fuzzy on the details.

But whenever her thoughts drift toward Dave, I don’t want Lydia to ever doubt that Dave—and his love for her—was real! He loved her so very much!

Similarly, I never want Lydia to be confused about Jesus, because He is our only true hope in this chaotic world. Jesus and His love for us are most certainly real!

Last night, as I wrote this post, I asked Lydia, “Does it make you sad that Santa isn’t real?” To my surprise, she shrugged and answered, “No.”

Curious, I asked, “Really? Why not?” Lydia didn’t hesitate in her answer. “I’m not sad, because I still get gifts!” I laughed at how simple it is for her. Lydia isn’t going to sweat Santa; she knows she is loved. And to her, the gifts are evidence of that love.

Clearly, each child and each family is different. Therefore, everyone should handle these topics in their own way. But as Lydia reminded me, when talking about Santa and gifts: “Mom, Jesus loves me MORE than that!” Yes, Jesus truly is the greatest gift ever.


Father God, thank You for the gift of Jesus! In Him, we have everything we need. Help us be generous with others and spread Your love in all we do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How do you handle Santa in your home? What are your favorite Christmas traditions?

Tasks: Consider ways to highlight Jesus this season. Check out Because of Bethlehem by Max Lucado. For kids, check out Star from Afar!

Here in This Moment

Often, when I write these posts, I have a million things on my mind. Right now, I also have a never-ending list of tasks, such as going through mail, reading a mountain of books, and putting away the dishes. Most of the time, I get started…and then get interrupted.

For example, I might process half the mail, read half a book, and/or unload half the dishwasher…and then I’ll remember I still have the other half of the laundry to finish!

But don’t worry! I will get back to these tasks soon enough…

For now, however, I am enjoying this moment.


Currently, it’s so quiet I can hear a clock ticking in the bathroom down the hall. In my home and in my heart, I can feel God’s presence. I’m grateful for His peace.

While I have many things I could do, I am simply sitting still…taking it all in. Everything else can wait. I’m grateful for God’s grace.

As I look all around, I see many blessings. There are blessings in the form of mail from friends and family, and books inviting me to go on a journey. There are dishes from a delicious meal. I see boxes that held Lydia’s birthday gifts. I see bills reminding me of warm water, clean clothes, and electricity. I’m grateful for God’s provision.

Like most people, I have several ongoing decisions to make. Most are routine responsibilities, like monthly budgets, meal planning, and managing our schedule. Sometimes there are bigger decisions, too, that require more prayer. But I won’t worry. Here in this moment, Jesus leads me to Victory! I am grateful for His wisdom and direction.


As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, ‘Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.’”

“But the Lord said to her, ‘My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her’” (Luke 10:38-42, NLT).

Yes, instead of thinking of all that needs to be done, I’m going to stay in THIS moment.

I am not procrastinating. Before long, the ‘busy-ness’ will begin again. Something or someone (Lydia) will beckon me. But, for now, this moment is the best place to be!


As I rest, I relinquish any unreasonable expectations for the day. God knows just what I need to accomplish and He is more than able to help me!

As I relax, I release heavy burdens and place them at Jesus’ feet. I realize I don’t have to do ‘everything’ on my own. There is freedom in His love and mercy!

As I relish the calm, I am restored. Jesus renews my energy. He refreshes me with His everlasting strength. His grace is sufficient!

As I refocus my attention and readjust my thoughts, I reconnect with my Heavenly Father who loves me dearly. His Truth is what I need!

Sometimes we all need a quiet moment (or two) to catch our breath. Even when chaos and noise surrounds us, God is always with us morning, noon, or night. So wherever you find yourself today, you can breathe in God’s grace in each moment!


Father God, in this moment, I turn to You. Draw me close, Lord, and let me feel Your warm embrace. Give me strength as I go about my day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: How long has it been since you were still in the presence of God?

Tasks: Take a short break and reconnect with God! Enjoy solitude if possible…or pray, journal, listen to soft music, or take a walk if you need. If you have difficulty being still, review and reflect on God’s names and attributes.

Work In-Progress

Lately, I have been reading several articles and opinion pieces about the election. Although, it seems everyone has a slant these days. There is much ‘passion’ on every side.

But, I have to remember: There are opinions… and facts. And then, there’s the Truth!

If I were to put too much stock in it all, it could be easy to give in to fear of the unknown. But change does not have to mean doom-and-gloom.

Despite the craziness of the election and its aftermath, God’s power, grace, and love for us are not diminished. Indeed, God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (see 2 Timothy 1:7)!


And while I see the big picture, I am also reminded that our corporate responses do not negate our personal responsibilities. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15).

In other news, Lydia’s birthday is less than a week away. She’s excited for her special day! Of note, I am using this ‘opportunity’ to reevaluate what I am teaching Lydia. I think it’s wise to do this from time to time, anyway! 🙂

After all, I am her ‘first’ teacher!

While Lydia was interested in the election, I felt it was still important to maintain the same boundaries I always do when discussing adult topics. (We’ve already dealt with some pretty heavy topics—such as death and cancer—these last few years.)

I always tell the truth, but I don’t share details that are beyond Lydia’s age and comprehension. I don’t want to confuse her, burden her, or make her needlessly afraid.


Someday Lydia and I will talk about bigger, more complicated concepts. Sure thing. But some issues can be broken down into smaller ones right now. These topics include the power of our words, not gossiping or blaming others, and not taking offense.

It can be overwhelming at times, on top of our other daily tasks. But lessons on character, friendship, and serving others are always appropriate. We read books on a variety of topics, role play certain scenarios, and talk about life together.

As a single mom, I do the best I can each day. We are all a work in-progress, and of course, I don’t have all the answers. But I rely on God’s help through it all.


I pray Lydia will truly understand God’s love for her. I pray she will love God and walk her unique path with Him all the days of her life. I pray Lydia will be compassionate, that she will put God’s love in action as she seeks to help others.

Of course, I want Lydia to know that she is capable of doing many wonderful things, if she is willing to work hard. We each have an advantage area, but success is never guaranteed.

Regardless of what life throws at us (fair or not), we don’t have to have a victim mindset. With Jesus, we are more than conquerors. I encourage Lydia that she can do all things she is called to do, because Jesus will give her His strength.

I’m teaching Lydia to be responsible for her choices. Oh boy, this is a tough one to teach, day in and day out. Currently, this means reinforcing first-time obedience and some daily chores. Little by little, she’ll get there.

Lydia’s also learning what gratitude is, and attempts to write thank you notes. At this point, this typically means a hand-drawn picture with stickers and her name on it. 🙂


Slowly but surely, I am teaching Lydia to master her emotions. A life-long challenge, this goes beyond simple optimism or having a good attitude (though, that always helps). Feelings can change in the matter of a few minutes, but harboring negative emotions won’t resolve anything.

Ultimately, we are blessed to be a blessing. We are called to love others and be respectful, even if we don’t always agree with someone. What I teach Lydia at home, will have lasting impact not only in her life, but also those she connects with.

One by one, we each have the opportunity to serve others and make a difference.


Heavenly Father, thanks for being with us in the daily struggles of life. Please give us wisdom. Help us to love and honor each other, despite our differences. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Have you learned anything ‘new’ lately by watching current events? Are there any changes you will make in your personal life as a result?

Tasks: For the next news article or opinion post you see, look for the original quotes, facts, or figures. Compare the conclusions!

In God I Trust

I stayed up late into the early morning hours, watching the US election results! Whoa.

I’m not quite sure what to say. Regardless of the outcome, the nation remains divided.

I voted early last week, and felt comfortable with my decisions.

Yet, I am still trying to wrap my mind about What. Just. Happened.


I have mixed feelings. I’m glad the election itself is over, because it was a long time coming. At the minimum, it is a big turning point for America.

As a parent, I want to put on a brave face. Lydia was very interested in learning about the election and who I might vote for. I didn’t want to alert her to the craziness, but did explain a few key issues in kid-friendly terms. Of course, I want to protect her innocence.

I’m still not sure how to explain democracy to my preschooler.

As with any election, the economy, environment, judicial system, and many key social issues are at stake, for better or worse. We’ll see what happens, domestically and internationally. This election took a toll on personal relationships, too… I am sad for my friends, family, and so many others who were depending on a different outcome.

But I think we can all agree on this:

Either way, our new leader needs our prayers. Now more than ever. I can’t even imagine the mind-boggling stress, temptations, flack and chaos that comes with being President of the United States.


I wonder what the next few months and years will hold. But I don’t have to worry.

In God I trust.

We will always be disappointed if we place our hope and expectations on people, no matter how ‘qualified’ they might be. Our leaders will rise and fall, but Jesus is still in control. He is trustworthy, faithful and just. He will make all things right, in the end.

Thankfully, no matter who is in the White House, Jesus remains on the eternal throne. He is the soon-returning King, and the only One Who Saves! God, we need you!

My eyes are on Jesus. He loves us, and His plans for us are good.

We can have peace right now, because He’s not surprised or put-off by our current events. Despite all odds, we can stand firm. He will not leave or forsake us. He’s got this!


No matter what happens next, here are some things that will not change…

I will not tolerate hatred, blame, or ill will. Never have, never will. But I will always be gracious to those who look, think, or act differently than me.

I will not give up hope. But I will continue to pray about the future of America.

I will not get weighed down or caught up in the drama. But I will be cheerful, kind, and respectful to everyone I meet.

I will not gripe, groan, or gloat. But I will live at peace with others, as much as it depends on me (Romans 12:18).


And I will be grateful for the opportunities given to me.

Thanks to those who have gone before me, I can vote and use my voice wisely.

I can pray… and use the freedoms I have to make a real difference.

So I will not give in to fear. I will focus on unity, not division. And, I will be loving, encouraging and supporting to those who need it most.

Ultimately, my citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20). In God I trust. He’s got this!


God, You reign over all. Thank You for your continued grace and mercy on our nation. Please help our leaders seek Your wisdom. Bring Your Peace, and help us live peaceably with one another. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you vote in the election? Was it an easy decision or challenge for you?

Tasks: Pray about how you can promote peace and good-will in your relationships.


A Friend Loves at All Times

We have some really cute and funny kids in our neighborhood. For the most part, they all play really well together. And since many of them come over to my house to play, I have a prime opportunity to observe their social interactions.


In general, Lydia appears to be an extrovert and thrives on being around others. She loves knocking on doors (with permission) to ask if friends can come out to play. Lydia talks about and misses her friends when they are unavailable. Even so, when several of these kids get together, it’s possible someone could feel left out.

Although most parents try to teach their kids to share, use their manners, and be kind, most of us understand how it feels on the other side. We’ve all had those moments.

I like to look out for underdogs and wallflowers and want Lydia to do the same. To help her understand what I mean, she’s had to apologize on occasion for hurting someone’s feelings. I make her ‘take a break’ from playing with friends when tensions arise…because I don’t want her to take them for granted.

I wish it was always that simple!

We also role play different scenarios, where Lydia is ‘left out’ or where she stands up for someone who is. I regularly challenge Lydia to be on the lookout for someone who needs a friend. It doesn’t always work out as I hope. But when someone is left out, everyone else also misses out… on what that person has to offer.

As I talk with the other parents, we compare notes. It’s good to be on the same page!


I suppose the concept of ‘being a friend’ hits home for me because I have relied so much on my friends these last few years. Lydia does not realize this just yet…but we would’ve never made it without God’s grace and all the loving support we received, from people near and far.

When Dave was sick, friends and family around the world—in England, Greece, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, not to mention all over the United States—prayed for us and helped us. Almost every week, we received something encouraging in the mail: Cards, gifts, handmade items, food deliveries, books, and more.

Many of the Fargo friends who played such an important role in our cancer journey have moved away for various reasons. But from my limited perspective, I like to think that perhaps God had them in Fargo because they had a special part to play in our story.

It is fascinating to think of how God orchestrated all these peoples’ lives to intersect them with ours when we needed it most. Only He could set up such perfect timing!

They stood with us during our roughest moments. And when our faith faltered, these friends pointed us to Jesus. When we had no strength of our own, they carried us to Him.

Friends mowed our lawn each week, watched Lydia at a moment’s notice (and kept her overnight), or took our dog, Britain, for weeks at a time. Yes, these friends were the hands and feet of Jesus in ways we had never seen before!


Thank you. I am still in awe.

Of course, this does not diminish the significant role our own families played… but indeed, many of those friends and neighbors became like family! Without a doubt, Lydia and I are doing well because of ALL the loving sacrifices made on our behalf!

I hope Lydia understands: When you’re at your worst, a true friend is still loyal.

Like a golden retriever! 🙂

It has come full circle for me lately. In many cases, I am now praying for and encouraging dear friends all over the world in their own trials. It is such an honor to return the favor!

Sooo…This week Lydia and I are reviewing Proverbs 17:17 (above) and parts of 1 Corinthians 13. These verses have been good reminders for me too! And though some friends have moved away, God has also given me many new friendships. He is so, so good to me!


Gracious God, thanks for dear friends and family. Thanks for the encouragement You provide through them. Help us love one another! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What does friendship mean to you? When was the last time you told your friends and family that you love and appreciate them?

Gardens: Growing in Grace

Do you have a garden? I was considering the pros and cons of a garden this year. Though, after buying trees last week, routine car maintenance, and a few other expenses coming up, I decided to re-evaluate next spring. I could probably still do a small container garden, but the planting season is nearly over now.

But if I had a garden, I would plant leafy greens (such as kale, spinach, or lettuce), peppers, onions, and green beans, for sure! I could also grow zucchini and use it in my spiralizer. I love fresh garden tomatoes, but I haven’t had the best of luck in recent years!


There are many different kinds of gardens (vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers). Besides several flower gardens, my parents re-purposed some old tractor tires to make a raised garden for tomatoes. They also have large pots of basil, rosemary, and oregano. Like a colorful oasis, it always feels like a retreat to go back and visit!

Perhaps it’s good for me to wait a year and see what size garden is practical to maintain! In the past, I had a CSA membership… and I always enjoy visiting our local farmers’ markets. Last year, the grass in my yard needed help. This year, I’ll focus on my new trees. Maybe I just enjoy playing in the dirt, but I love how gardening connects us back to the earth!


From Eden to Gethsemane, it seems God has a special way with gardens.

He plants us in just the right “soil” environment so that we can grow. For each of us, those circumstances are different. You may be going through an exciting time of growth, or a personal trial to refine you. Whether in a lush garden or a desolate desert, stay rooted in the Lord. Don’t give up hope! Drink in the water of His Word. He is faithful.

Jesus promises if we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. Having fruitful lives is inevitable—if we remain close to Jesus (see John 15:1-17). We cannot bear fruit on our own.

Pruning isn’t fun, but take heart. It’s a good indicator that God is indeed working! In the process, the dead is removed and new life begins. Let Him do the work He needs to do in your life. He is the Master Gardener.

Galatians 5_22-23 with peaches

As evident in the verses above, the Holy Spirit plants seeds in our lives. Though if you look again, GRACE is not listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Why is that?

Could it be grace is like His warm sunshine? Like sunshine, His grace is always present. Even when we cannot see it or understand it. Spiritual fruit grows in the midst of God’s grace. Growth is not easy, but is always for our good. So, rest in Him with quiet trust.

By yielding to the Holy Spirit’s process and receiving God’s grace, we are changed from the inside out!


If you think about it, we also plant seeds in the lives of those around us. As we work together, we help each other grow and cultivate good fruit. What a blessing!

 If we are growing in grace, people around us should notice. “I can see the joy on your face!” or “I appreciated your patience with me.” or “That was so kind of you to help me.”

Life is difficult at times—but God’s grace empowers us to live victoriously. Let’s offer His support to one another. And, hold on tight for some “miracle growth!”


Father God, thanks for Your grace that brings growth in our lives. Holy Spirit, work in us with Your power that we may bear fruit. Help us when the growth process is challenging. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite items to plant? Do you see increasing amounts of spiritual fruit in your life (Galatians 5:22-23)?

Let me know in the comments below!

With Appreciation (A Police Tribute)

On Monday morning, I drove with Lydia past an arena no more than three minutes from our house. We go this route nearly every day, but this time, something was unusual at the stop light. Hundreds of police vehicles lined up to honor the first North Dakota police officer killed on duty in 134 years.

Two weeks ago, an officer was wounded during a standoff with a domestic violence suspect. He was 33 years old and had previously served as a combat medic in two deployments. The suspect also died that night.

As our traffic light turned green, we talked about what was happening. “Do you see all those police cars, Lydia? They’re honoring a police officer killed on the job recently.” Being little, she couldn’t understand the impact on our normally quiet community.

But, I teared up with thankfulness and sadness at the sight. It was amazing to see such solidarity in honoring a hero’s life. Thousands of police officers came from several states and Canada. Though, I also grieved because of the tragedy and loss.


I am so glad for the care shown to the officer’s widow and family. And, I am equally grateful for the acknowledgement of two widows and families suffering.

I pray for strength and peace for both families as they process how the community rallied around them. I pray the public love and support will bring great comfort and healing to these new widows in the coming days.

These tragedies are unifying for several reasons, including the shared loss we feel.

I identify with the officer because of his age. While I did not know him, we could have been classmates. Also, he was married with children; I can relate. I don’t live in the same area as the standoff, but many of my friends do. These days, it just hits home.

Police, firemen, paramedics, EMTs, those in the military, etc. make huge personal sacrifices on a regular basis. Many of these brave men and women start off as volunteers!

Our personal safety is something we often take for granted. But ‘first responders’ are in danger whenever they go to work. They also typically see us at our worst; as such, I’m sure they don’t get thanked enough.

I do not have a police officer in my extended family, but I have close friends who do. I have not personally experienced domestic violence, nor will I pretend to know how that feels. Yet, there are many emotional parallels in times of grief.

While my journey into widowhood has been different, it does help to know you’re not alone. I’m thankful people are pulling together for mutual support and encouragement.


As we returned home later Monday afternoon, our normal exit off the highway was blocked. Instead, the police were in a 21-mile procession through Fargo and Moorhead, Minnesota. Once again, I pointed them out to Lydia. It felt like history in the making.

We took the next exit and backtracked home. We reached our intersection again and the police vehicles were still passing through. So, we parked at a grocery store to watch across the street. Lots of other people had the same idea.

Several times over the years I’ve been teary-eyed in my car—usually the result of a song on the radio. It doesn’t happen as often these days…but Monday, I was in good company!

These people put their lives at risk for ours. They seek to protect us and I appreciate all they do for us. It is wonderful to see everyone pay respect to someone who deserves it. Thank you for your service, Officer Moszer. Rest in peace.

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

God, thank You for the brave men and women who are called to protect us. Please bless them as they serve. And please provide special comfort and peace to these families and this community. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: Who are the heroes in your life? Have you thanked them lately?