This past Sunday, Lydia took a big step in obedience to Christ. She got water baptized!
She first accepted Jesus into her heart on July 29th, 2017 (by asking for forgiveness for her sins and inviting Him in). Thankfully, we remember because I wrote a note in her Jesus Storybook Bible! I love how this little kid’s Bible explains God’s heart and the Gospel.
Back then, she felt close to Jesus because we talked about Him often, as we do now. But, she had not yet made a decision to live for Him. That day, we were reading in her Bible about Pharoah and the Egyptian plagues. Her sense of justice made her feel the Egyptians deserved all of God’s wrath! This led to a conversation about Heaven and Hell.
Lydia was confident she was going to Heaven, but when I explained that we all deserve the full punishment for our sins (death, Hell), she was surprised. I asked her if she had ever asked Jesus for forgiveness and gave her the opportunity. We prayed right then and there!
Because Lydia was only five years old, I waited to have her baptized. I wanted her to be able to make the decision on her own. Older believers may get baptized right away, but it was important to wait until she understood the commitment more.
At any rate, it’s been a topic we’ve discussed more over the last two years. We hoped to have family come to celebrate with us, but that’s difficult to coordinate all the variables and line it up with a baptism date. So, in the end, we just did what worked best for us.
Over the course of a couple of weeks, our pastor spoke about baptisms, one with water and one with the Holy Spirit. He talked about obedience to Christ and following His precedent, among other points. It was just the boost Lydia needed. We both agreed the timing was right! So, I filled out the paperwork, and she picked out her clothes and towel.
Leading up to Sunday, however, Lydia said she was nervous. She had made a poor decision (for her), which made her feel unworthy. I explained how none of us are worthy; that’s why we need Jesus!
Then, the night before, Lydia said she thought she would be more excited. I reminded her that we don’t need to ‘feel’ anything to be obedient. Each of us may exhibit excitement in different ways. Some people bounce off the walls with giddiness, and some calmly move forward with less energy and a smile. At least, this is more in line with Lydia’s (and my) personality. We can get excited, but we are pretty stable overall.
Sunday itself was awesome. Lydia and about forty other people decided to take the plunge! And it just so happened to be Pentecost! This is when Jesus’ disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit; they began speaking in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. In the Old Testament, God’s Spirit rested on certain people, but now He lives within us! So, it was an extra special blessing to be baptized on this day!
Afterward, Lydia and I went to Panera for lunch and then to Scheels for a new pair of shoes. That evening, we talked with family on Zoom, and my parents told her how proud of her they were. At bedtime, Lydia said she was really glad that she was brave and had a good experience! What a turning point for her!
Heavenly Father, thanks for washing us clean and making us whole. Thank You for sharing Jesus and the Holy Spirit with us! Help us live for You every day. In Jesus’ Name Amen
Question: What is one step you can take to follow Jesus more closely today?
Task: Check out this sermon on baptism from my church. It starts at 39:33 and is called “A Fresh Look at Water Baptism.”