Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!! Welcome to 2025!!

Did you stay up late and reach midnight? We had a low-key celebration with “The Forge” movie, followed by some Nate Bargatze comedy. We enjoyed appetizers and fireworks. But, we decided to get a good night’s sleep so we can enjoy the holiday and day off!

This is the first time January 1st is on a Wednesday since I started blogging. So while I usually do an end-of year recap, I will keep it simple and jump right in.

Last year was a very interesting year for me. It was good in so many ways. I learned not to pick up what wasn’t for me and let go of what no longer served me well. I’m still a work in progress…

I learned so much about myself and trusted God more deeply. He used physical pain to get me to make some positive changes in sleep, fitness, and nutrition. I was already moving in the right direction, but I took them to a new level.

I look forward to seeing how I learn and grow this year! I have not set any resolutions, but will probably set a few short-term goals and see where it goes. For now, I will be listening to this song by Lauren Daigle on repeat. 🙂

As we reflect on the last year, what went well and what didn’t, it can be easy to feel discouraged about all the things you didn’t accomplish. Or, maybe it was a doozy, and you fought physical or financial hardships. But, you still are standing! By God’s grace, you will have Victory if you don’t give up. One way or another!

On the other hand, you may be sad if you are starting the new year without a loved one. It is tough to feel like you are leaving them behind. It does get easier, but it will take some time. Lean into the pain and draw close to Jesus. He will help you through it!

In Philippians 3:12-14 (NKJV), Paul wrote,Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

Praise God, today is a new day with new mercies. Indeed, a new year full of opportunities and hope! Failure is not final, if we learn from it. 

This year, I pray you will understand just how much God loves you. It isn’t about “doing” since there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you more or less.

So, step into God’s abundant grace and provision. Move forward with purpose. It won’t be easy, but God is with you and for you. Cling to Him. Rest in Him. He is trustworthy and true.


God, thanks for a new day and a new year! You are such a faithful provider and protector. Thanks for bringing us through! Help us stay close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do you have any big plans or goals for this new year?

Tasks: Read this throwback from 2015. Whatever your plans, remember to run them by God first. Trust Him to lead you and obey what He says to do. He will never let you down!

Finding Grace #409

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Forest Trees photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week to jump back into our normal routine. Thankfully, it was relatively smooth sailing, with a four-day week after the beginning of the new year!

Work was quite busy, but I had some really nice patients. They all seemed grateful for my input, which is always gratifying! 

Lydia had an exciting week in that she began wearing contacts. We have talked about it for a while, and she is doing well! I am sure she will still wear her glasses sometimes. But, it is fun to see her take the next step of growing up!

Today, we had a good day of working on a couple of projects. I paid some bills, made a few calls, and put together a veggie tray. We also put away the last of our Christmas decorations. It felt good to be productive!

Tonight, Lydia and I are watching The Hunger Games movie. Lydia has been reading the book series, but I have not. It is dark but interesting… and, more importantly, a good way to spend time with my girl.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #408

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Bird Cardinal photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a delightfully slow week, just what I needed. We have a couple more days before the usual busyness of work and school returns! I am relishing this time together with minimal plans!

On Sunday, we volunteered in the 2-year-old room at church for Christmas Eve. I love that Jesus came as a baby, something even they could understand. Many of these toddlers were walking around caring for baby dolls, and one little boy mentioned his new baby brother. They were all excited about opening gifts, and in their own way, they could grasp that Baby Jesus was special. Jesus is for everyone, regardless of age or any other factors.

Christmas on Monday was a quiet day. We slept in a little, ate a lazy brunch, and opened presents. We played some games, connected with family, and just moseyed around. It was perfect.

The weather this week was a little wonky with rain, ice, snow, and fog! Some people may deal with flooding, and some people lost power! But, we didn’t have any major plans and had no big interruptions. We stayed home for the most part, and so I heard the sump pump going periodically. We eventually ran some errands, but it wasn’t a big deal for us, thankfully.

Today, I did my usual Saturday things, like a few chores and calls. I am thinking ahead to next week, but I am glad it’s not a pressing matter. Lydia is at a friend-sleepover, so I have the evening to myself! 🙂

Well, this is my last post of 2023! I am grateful for God’s grace this year and hope you have also seen God at work in your life. Happy New Year!! I pray 2024 is your best year yet!!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #356

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a unique, celebratory week! We enjoyed having my sister’s family here, Zooming with the rest of the family on Christmas on Sunday. That was really special. 

I worked on Christmas and was off Monday (the federal holiday observed). Then, I worked half days Tuesday through Friday, partly because our family was here and partly because school was out. It was a slower week, with a few cancellations and no-shows. It was nice because I kept up with my paperwork and cleaned my desk!

Lydia had a bad cough and fever on and off, but she is mostly better now.  Even so, it was good to take it easy in this weird week between holidays. It’s actually my favorite week of the year because it’s relatively low-key with minimal obligations and expectations. I can do what I want, for the most part! 🙂

Today, we have just been relaxing and getting ready for the new year ahead. Tonight, we will celebrate with friends who live around the corner from us. We had fun last year with them, and I am sure it will be a fun evening again! I pray this next year is full of God’s wonder and grace… may we know Him more fully each day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Many people choose to make self-improvements at this time of year. Yet, after a few weeks, they stop following through. Perhaps they lost their motivation or maybe they tried to change too many things at once?

For me, I simply want to do my best and continue working toward good habits all year long. I want to set myself up for success and sustainability. Small changes add up over time, and slow progress is still moving forward.

We are not guaranteed a certain number of days, but we can make the best of each moment God gives us. We can honor Him and redeem the time.

Beach, Rocks In The Sea, Sea, Sun, Light, Vacations

Instead of resolutions, I simply set an intention this year. Instead of resolving to change a bunch of things, I’m focusing on good boundaries, resting in God’s grace, and taking good care of myself. That may look different from day to day. It’s less about willpower or wishful thinking and more about a mindset.

I do have to occasionally remind myself that close enough is good enough… no need for perfectionism here! I am giving myself credit as long as I show up and keep practicing healthy habits!

If I keep putting one step in front of the other and don’t give up, eventually, I will get where I need to be. Or, in the meantime, God will redirect me and it will turn out better than I had planned. I don’t have to worry; I just have to listen to Him and be flexible.

Yes, challenges and distractions will inevitably come, but we were made to do difficult things. We are more than conquerors, and if God is for us, who can be against us?

I’m not saying to slack off or don’t try to make positive changes in areas like sleep, nutrition, fitness, finances, or even Bible study. Give ’em all you’ve got!! Just don’t attach your value to whether or not you succeed.

Ultimately, our worth comes from who God is and how He sees us. We are loved and accepted as-is. We don’t have to DO, we already ARE. His grace is more than enough.

So whatever we do, we can find joy every day!


God, thanks for loving us as-is. We don’t have to earn Your grace, we already have it! Help us honor you in our habits, words, and actions today. May You be first in our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you set any resolutions or intentions this year? Or do you just make changes as the year goes on, whenever they are needed?

Tasks: Consider making an UN-resolution. Don’t settle for a quick fix, but be consistent when the going gets tough. Be willing to change habits and put in the effort, but also know you are loved and accepted whether or not you reach your goal!


Looking Back and Moving Forward

Welcome to 2020!! Wow, that has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?!

Recently on social media, people were having a ‘decade challenge’ where they posted a picture of themselves in 2009 and 2019. It was cool to see how many people have stayed the same and/or changed.

I didn’t post any pictures, in part because I couldn’t find any pictures of me from 2009 without a lot of effort. Hey, it’s been ten years! 😉

Nonetheless, I have certainly been thinking about all that has happened in the last decade. After all, hindsight is 20/20. 😉 It is important to remember all the things we’ve been through. Not because we should stay there, but so we can learn and grow past them.

Here is a brief recap of my last decade. I’m looking back while still moving forward. Also, I did find a picture of me with Dave right before we moved to North Dakota in early 2010. Close enough! 🙂

2009: Dave and I celebrated one year of marriage. We also went through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. The wise principles we learned through this course put us on the same page in our marriage by giving us common goals and helping us communicate better. Only God could know what was coming next, and I’m extremely grateful for the impact that course had on both our finances and our marriage.

2010: With my support, Dave decided to apply for a job in West Fargo, North Dakota, with Caterpillar. He was hired almost immediately, and that set the stage for the biggest challenges of our lives. We felt God was calling us to a big adventure, though had we known what that entailed, perhaps we would have stayed put. Still, we moved twelve hours away from our family and friends and soon settled into our brand new home and community. Dave had so much fun using his snowblower to clear several feet of snow that year!

2011: The highlights here include meeting many new neighbors and friends at church. However, it was difficult to be far from family, and we had to miss several fun events. Later that year, Dave and I celebrated Lydia Ruth’s arrival. She was named after my grandmother, who died the year before. I will never forget the pure joy on Dave’s face when Lydia was born. He was so very proud to be her Daddy!

2012: One afternoon in early May 2012, Dave came home from work early and stayed in bed for a week. He felt sick and had no energy. I could hear his stomach making sounds from over ten feet away. On Mother’s Day, I took him to the ER and he was admitted. We soon found out he had Stage IV colon cancer. Lydia was not quite six months old. We spent the rest of the year going through chemo and two major surgeries. Through this, God used cancer to expose my deepest fears and challenge my faith. It was grueling, as you can imagine, but Dave’s positive attitude will always stand out in my mind.

2013: A very difficult year. Dave continued to decline and was in the hospital more than he was at home. He had a third major surgery in April. My faith was in crisis mode. At first, he rebounded, thanks to the amazing support of our loving family and friends. But on May 15th, 2013, Dave died at the age of 34 and my life as a widowed single mom began. I was 30 years old. Even in the midst of shock and immense heartache, I knew I needed to give myself time to properly grieve. By this point, all I could do was cling to Jesus. Whereas cancer rocked my faith, grief is where my faith was remade. I’m grateful God caught me and held me through it all.

2014: Dave and I had previously tried to dedicate Lydia at church, but each time, he had been too sick. So, in May 2014 (around the one-year anniversary of his death), I decided to do it on my own. For me, it was a huge step forward because it was scary to stand in front of everyone as a single mom. But, in terms of faith, it felt like I needed to draw a line in the sand and make a stand. For me, it was a Joshua 24:15 moment: “But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

2015: I continued to work through various aspects of grief. (That could be said about every year since!) In May 2015, I decided to start blogging to mark our path of moving forward and finding God’s grace along the way. For months, I worked behind the scenes to learn the system and prepare. It took me a little while to find the courage to ‘put myself out there,’ but I finally went live in August. I’m so glad I did!

2016: Lydia began preschool in the fall. I wasn’t sure of where to send her, but God lead me to just the right place. Lydia’s teachers really connected well with her, and it was fun to see how she grew that year. Also, Lydia felt comfortable to start talking more about Dave to her teachers and little friends. I was concerned about this at first, but her teachers wisely and graciously helped us through that. They gave Lydia all the time, space, and resources to explain herself and come to terms with the loss in her own little way. I’m forever grateful and we have continued to roll with it as best we can.

2017: A year of transition. The company I worked for was bought out by a larger healthcare organization. My job was merged into the new system. It was scary, but I am glad I stuck it out. During this time, I also had a friend stay with us for six months while she got back on her feet. It was a fun time and our friendship grew stronger. That fall, Lydia started Kindergarten. It felt like a huge milestone!

2018: My parents moved to Florida in the spring. It was a little sad for me, but I am happy they have adjusted so well! We went to visit them during Lydia’s birthday and had a great time. Among other fun adventures, Lydia also started first grade. Our most stable year!

2019: Yet another transitional year. In February, I contacted a dietitian friend and talked with her about something related to Dave. Then, summer came and she contacted me about a new job! I had prayerfully felt something new was coming, and I am so glad I decided to apply. I have been there since August and it has been a huge blessing to me. There have been challenges in terms of daycare and other adjustments, but I am really grateful for the opportunity.

So what’s next? Well, only God knows. 🙂 But as I look back over the years, I see one transition after another. Yes, growth means changing through the ups and downs.

A good attitude always helps as we trust God to turn each problem into something good. I am looking forward to seeing His faithfulness as we continue on this great adventure.

“You’ve been so, so good to me. You’ve been so, so good to me. Oh, to think where I would be, if not for You, if not for You.” —Remembrance by Hillsong Worship

Despite my many challenges over the last ten years, God has never left me on my own. Each step of the way, He has helped me. I didn’t always understand how He was working, but I can see it now. And, I am grateful for His grace and goodness toward me.

I don’t know what your last decade entailed, but I hope you can see how God came through for you. He has not forgotten you. He fights for you and loves you very much!

Our Victory is in Jesus!


God, be praised! We cannot thank You enough for all You have done for us. As we look back and see Your faithfulness, please build our trust. Give us the courage to keep moving forward, knowing You will lead us and catch us when we fall. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What challenges and victories have you faced over the last year…or ten? Can you see God’s hand in your circumstances, working them out for good?

Tasks: Write down the challenges you faced and the coinciding victories. Then, give God praise. If you haven’t seen anything good just yet, hang on! It’s coming!

Finding Grace #43

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was rather low key…just how I like the last week of the year to be! This post will be rather short today, because there wasn’t much ‘new’ to report. However, God’s grace still abounds in the more mundane parts of life! 

I went to work this week, as usual, though some of my coworkers were ‘on vacation’ so it was quiet. Still, I was thankful to focus on my work and make progress on a couple projects as a result! Lydia told me she was proud of all my ‘hard work’!

This week I have been finishing up end-of-year details, budgets, and bills. Not super exciting, yet I was amazed to see God’s grace in my review. He always does a good job of providing for us! It can be challenging for me to make so many decisions on my own, but I am grateful for His help along the way.

In reviewing my budget and setting financial goals for the new year, I am excited to see what 2017 holds in store. God has been so faithful. I always want to be a trustworthy steward and honor Him with my money. I want to be generous to others and pray for wisdom to make good decisions in the new year!

Otherwise, Lydia and I have enjoyed a relaxing week. We’ve played games and watched movies together. We’ve snuggled, danced around the house, and made new recipes! A good week indeed! Happy New Year!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!