Shopping Our Shelves

Here we are a week into the new year. How are you doing?!

This year, I am trying something a little different. Well, I have been meaning to do it for awhile, but just decided to go for it now, thanks to a little godly conviction. 😉

“Godliness with contentment is great gain.” — 1 Timothy 6:6

I will probably never be a minimalist, as I have many interests and like to have options! Yet, the reality is that I have plenty of stuff, possibly bordering on too much. Ahem.

Over time, I have realized it is much easier to organize my stuff if there is less of it. I don’t need more hangers or baskets; I need to use what I have and be content. Having stuff is not bad, but I want to use my resources, not just collect them. Trying to maintain “all the stuff” takes time and mental effort, so in this case, less is more.

Last week, Lydia and I spent a little time organizing around the house. Here’s the problem: I like trying new things but don’t always go through them quickly enough. I might buy a few extras to save money (buy one, get one!) and then don’t have room to store them. So, things tend to accumulate or get wasted. On top of that, sometimes I forget what’s in my pantry… so I may buy things again. (Now you know why this blog is about grace, not homemaking!)

So, this year, we are challenging ourselves to “SOS” or “shop our shelves” (or stockpiles?!) before buying more. That applies to our food, toiletries, and, yes, even my books! If there is something we don’t truly need or won’t use, we will donate it to others. The main goal is to check our storage first and see if we can make do.

Hopefully, we’ll save a little money since I have already paid for the items on my shelves. I have already paid some bills and bought gas for my car, though it feels good to save time not going to the store or shopping online. I’m running low on milk and Q-tips, and they don’t have great substitutes. Still, I’ll likely hold off a little longer and start a list.

While my budgeting has been more manageable, it’s not about the money but the principle. I’m seeing God’s provision in a new way and creating space for Him to move in my life. We cannot experience His goodness without putting our faith in Him!

We’ll have to be creative as our experiment progresses and we run out of our favorites. However, I probably already have a perfectly good swap in storage. That said, we don’t want to leave ALL the beans for the end! So far, we have been using them for dips, salads, burritos, and chili.

Ultimately, God doesn’t want our stuff; He wants our hearts. I don’t know how long the experiment will last, but I am excited to see God move in our hearts. I feel grateful for His provision. It has been freeing not to be focused on “getting” and just relaxing and using what we already have. I’ll keep you posted!


God, thanks for all You do to provide for me! All I have is from You and belongs to You. Help me be a good and wise steward. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any big plans for the new year?

Task: Watch Madame Blueberry by VeggieTales and pray about your next steps.

Looking Back: Lessons Learned

Today is the last Wednesday post of 2023! I have the whole week off, the first time in at least five years. Having time to relax and reflect on the year has been wonderful. I have been catching up on a few things, reading, and planning for January.

Here are some changes we’ve made and lessons learned over the last year. 

In March, I worked with a personal trainer for a short time to regain strength after a few minor health issues made me feel weak (all is well, or at least manageable, now). With a clean bill of health, I decided to make some changes! The trainer reminded me of my goals and the importance of compound movements and progressive overload (lifting heavier weights over time). I also brushed up on some basic muscle anatomy. Our bodies and muscles adapt and need to be challenged in order to grow!

The increased strength and confidence paid off when we went to the beach in June. We spent a week with Dave’s family in Florida, and I went surfing for the first time! It felt good to try something new. I was told most people give up after the first few falls, but I stayed out in the water for several hours.

Free Pine Cone Tree photo and picture

Feeling better physically was good for my mental health, too. This year, I learned to cope with stress and perceived stress better. I worked on praying, breathing, stretching, and taking breaks (not quitting). I’m sure my stressors are still similar, but I am just handling them better. Because of this, I had enough mental space and emotional energy to tackle some organization projects around the house. I had put them off for too long, but finally made progress!

Lydia had a big year of growth. She made the decision to be baptized and followed through in May. It was a special blessing that it happened on Pentecost Sunday! Later, when she went to Bible camp in July, she felt a closer connection to God. Since then, she has been spending more time with Him praying and reading her Bible. It has blessed us both, and I am so proud of her!

Lydia finished elementary school in May and entered middle school in August. The difference is like moving from checkers to Monopoly! She enjoys playing the viola and is learning to navigate friendship drama, but also trying to fit in and be her own person. This has led to many conversations about values. Otherwise, Lydia is building her study routine and has realized she can’t rely on the laurels of her past successes. It has been fun to watch her grow; it is worth the occasional struggle.

We have continued to meet over Zoom most weeks with my family. It is something we look forward to on Sundays! We share jokes, updates, and prayer requests. It makes our in-person visits easier since we don’t have to spend as much time catching up. A family that builds each other up is such a gift.

In that vein, another highlight was when my parents came to visit in October! We had such a fun time hanging out. Lydia and I were grateful to have them all to ourselves! My mom built into Lydia with some words of wisdom. My dad fixed several things around the house, some of which I hadn’t even realized were issues. I will try to do a better job of staying on top of things now that I have more energy.

Free Tree Evergreen photo and picture

Work has been steadily busy but also good. I took on some extra responsibilities to cover for others. I was a little nervous, but God has been blessing my efforts. In some ways, I have been mentoring my younger coworkers, too. It’s not an official role, but it is nice that they trust my experience and knowledge. That said, I continue to learn from them as well!

One notable win this year was when the fence belonging to the rental property adjacent to mine was replaced. This is a large corporation with several locations, and I spent several months trying to communicate with them when their fence fell into my yard. They did not respond appropriately, so I spent all summer and fall pushing the city to intervene. They were quick to respond, but it took a while for the legal protocol to play out. I didn’t back down, and finally, the fence was replaced!

Looking back, it seems the common factors are perseverance and growth. We cannot have one without the other. Difficulties are not always bad, and God can use any challenge for our good. With this, I am challenged to keep close to Jesus. He is the only thing that really matters, and everything I need is in Him!

As this new year comes, I am sure there will be more lessons to learn. But I don’t have to be afraid; God never said it would be easy but that He would be with us. He is faithful. We can persevere and grow as we keep moving forward!


God, thanks for faithfully bringing us through another year. May we reflect Your goodness and grace in every circumstance. May we shine your light on all we meet. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is your top highlight of the year? How did God help you through your challenges?

Tasks: Take a few minutes to reflect on the highlights, challenges, and wins of your year. Praise God and commit to trusting Him in the new year. As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”

Fully Equipped

Do you feel fully equipped to accomplish everything today? Make sure you check in with the Lord. He has a good Word for you!

The Bible is God’s word, and it is such a blessing. After all, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

We can learn about God’s love, Jesus’s sacrifice, and Holy Spirit’s guidance. It corrects us and trains us in the way we should go. As Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

I took some notes while listening to a Bible lesson the other day. The teacher explained something to the effect that the Bible clarifies our ‘yes or no and our stop or go.’ It is comprehensive and covers all we need to live a full life on God’s terms.

I like rhyming and opposites, comparing and contrasting, so in terms of the Bible, I started thinking about all sorts of ways it is useful. Of course, some verses popped into my mind at the same time!

Up or Down: Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” The Bible helps us determine between what has eternal, heavenly value and what is only of the earth (temporary).

Good and Bad: Romans 12:1-2 says, “…do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” The Bible helps us discern between right and wrong. God’s word can convict or correct us and get us back on track!

Yes or No: Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.” We can use the Bible to help us decide if we should be involved in something and at what level. Usually, it’s not a decision between right and wrong (that should be obvious!), but rather a choice between what’s good, better, and God’s best.

Stop or Go: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 starts off with, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven…” To me, this one is all about timing. We have to wait on the Lord and understand that His plan is best.

Right or Left: Psalm 23:3 says, “He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.” We can trust God will direct our path and lead us where He wants us to be.

There are more ways to think about the Bible, but I will keep mulling on the points above. They remind me that God leaves nothing to chance. The Bible is all-encompassing. We are surrounded with opportunities to learn and grow in Christ! And He wants us fully equipped for every good work!


God, thanks for the Bible and all we can learn from it! Help us to apply Your principles to our lives every day. May we step into all You have for us, fully equipped. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Which of the points above do you identify with the most? Would you say you are fully equipped or at least working toward that?

Tasks: Think about all the different points above and then apply them to your own learning time in the Bible! Keep growing!

This Is The Day

Well, it’s back-to-school season for many of us! I love seeing all the first-day-of-school pictures posted by all my friends and family online.

Lydia is starting middle school tomorrow and will be in a new building this year! I’m glad she can walk to school, just down the street.

We went to her school last night (Tuesday) to find her classes, meet her teachers, and try out her locker. Lydia has classes all over the building, but overall, it should be a good experience. We saw some of her friends, too!

The evening was a blessing because Lydia was a little nervous at dinner, and I encouraged her to make the best of it. But, later when we returned home, we both felt at peace. Her teachers were so friendly! She is right where she needs to be.

Lydia has been looking forward to this day for years. Middle school is an exciting new step, but there will also be new challenges, boundaries, and consequences. I pray she continues drawing close to the Lord and relies on Him for wisdom, courage, and grace!

As you may guess, my heart is also being stretched as Lydia becomes more independent. She has taken on more responsibility around the house but also is becoming her own person outside our home. Thankfully, it’s a normal transition for both of us!

Free Lockers School photo and picture

Considering all the above, I was reminded of an article I read a couple of years ago during the peak COVID years. You can read it here.

Essentially, it is a reminder that each of us was born for “such a time as this” (see Esther 4:14). We can trust God even in uncertainty because none of it surprises Him.

God has a specific plan and purpose for Lydia, but also for you and me. Of course, each generation faces its own trials, but from the beginning of time, each day is already covered with an overwhelming abundance of grace. Life can be difficult, but He equips us to fulfill our calling.

It is natural to want to shield our loved ones from pain and make it easy on them. However, I am reminded that pain is not inevitable. I can’t protect Lydia every moment, but I can trust God. Pain can become a pathway to growth in Him, and His mercies are new every morning.

So whether you are facing middle school or even middle age, rejoice. Today is a day of blessing. God sees you and is for you. He has your back and knows your heart. Let Him direct your path!


God, thanks for carrying us to this point in time and for all Your blessings along the way. Help us to grow in this new day and season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What are you looking forward to in this coming season?

Task: When you feel overwhelmed, remember THIS is the day the Lord has made. This is the year, the season, the month, the week He designed for You. Rejoice and trust in Him!

On Trimming Trees

Yesterday, two of my trees got a haircut, and it really spruced up the place! #punalert

When Dave and I moved into our house in 2010, we planted two trees on the boulevard right away. One was a linden, and one was a maple.

Well, the trees have grown quite well in the last twelve years! I have done some pruning over several seasons, but I don’t know all the ins and outs of tree trimming. So, this year, I decided to get some professional help! It was time.

The trees are big enough that it was getting difficult to see around them when on the sidewalk and pulling out of my driveway. And even just walking on the sidewalk meant you’d have to move over to the far side to avoid getting poked. Some of the branches hang low but actually start much higher. I didn’t know if it was good to cut those ones, or if it risked ruining the shape of the tree. I’m glad I called in the pros!

Safety is one concern, but there are also city requirements for those trees since technically, they own them. (Homeowners do all the work, but we do get a credit for planting them originally.)

Yesterday, the three workers came to trim my trees. I was able to take a couple of hours off work since they require the homeowner to be present. Thankfully, it was a beautiful morning!

They cut several branches, which might sound extreme, but they will continue to grow several more feet! The trees are better off because they can use that energy to move upward rather than maintain the weightier branches below.

Growth is difficult sometimes, but it’s even more challenging if we hold on to what no longer serves us. It’s good to let go of some things in order to keep moving forward (or upward, if you are a tree!).

A few takeaways for if you are trimming trees or just want to keep growing:

  1. Take baby steps.  You can learn a ton, but sometimes you just need to get it done. Started slowly, and the rest will become clear.
  2. Timing is important. Things happen in seasons… for a reason. Sometimes it matters if you are too early or too late.
  3. Know when to call in the professionals. These are the specialists who can answer questions, help with the tough stuff, and set you up for success. In life, that might also look like a counselor, a teacher, or even a mentor (who has experience with what you are facing). Be willing to ask for help.
  4. Dress for the work ahead. In most professions, clothing is functional. Would you really trust a maintenance worker dressed like they didn’t like to get dirty? On the other hand, would you want to eat food prepared by a chef with dirty clothes?!
  5. The right tools are key. Chainsaws, knives with jagged teeth, long poles, and pulleys, were all used yesterday. Each job requires its own gear. Speaking of tools, don’t forget to put on your spiritual armor (read Ephesians 6:10-17)!
  6. Don’t be afraid of difficult work; it’s worth the effort to get results. Pruning hurts, but it is necessary.
  7. Don’t beat yourself up for what you didn’t know. Trust God has it all under control. He can take care of any mistakes and use them for your good!
  8. God does the ultimate pruning. Stay close to Him, so you are on the right side of the cutting (read John 15:1-5)!

Well, I am so happy with the results and noticed an immediate improvement! The trees should be good for a couple of years before some maintenance pruning. That gives them plenty of time to keep growing!


God, thanks for pruning me. Help me stay close to You, the True Vine and Source of Life! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: What is your favorite type of tree?

Tasks: Read John 15:1-5 and contemplate how God may be pruning you!

Finding Grace #261

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a good week! On Monday, I woke up not feeling the best. Mostly some back pain and GI issues. These tend to come and go, but Monday, I decided to stay home from work. Normally, I would just push through (like I usually do). I am proud that I rested and took care of myself instead. That set me up well for the remainder of the week.

Lydia ordered something online this week, an inexpensive toy she really wanted. She paid for it herself. She kept asking if I had received delivery notifications and excitedly opened it when it came. I order so many “boring” household items online, mostly to save me time later, so her anticipation was fun to see!

On Friday, I picked Lydia up after work and we went shopping. She requested some new pants, pajamas, and other items since she continues to grow. Imagine that! We had fun looking around at three stores, though she had to take everything home to try on. We will need to make some returns, but I’m glad we got to spend time together. After that, we went to Panera and used a gift card for dinner. We also ran into some friends!

Today, Lydia and I had a heart healthy discussion about fats, after she saw some of my props for teaching my students yesterday. This included a timely topic about body image and the importance of making good choices. Later, she played with a neighbor, while I worked on collecting and organizing my tax information!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Filled with Joy

This week, in addition to Thanksgiving, we are celebrating Lydia’s birthday! Regarding gifts, Lydia only requested one thing: a little toy bird. Of course, I bought it and kept it as a surprise. Actually, I bought her two because I couldn’t decide between them…

Then, a couple weeks ago, we were discussing her birthday. On a whim, I jokingly asked, “Well, what if I don’t get you a gift? Would that be okay?”

To my surprise, Lydia didn’t even blink. Immediately, she cheerfully replied, “That’s okay, Mom! You could just draw me a picture instead.” She went on to explain, “That’s what I do for you since I can’t go and buy you gifts when it’s your birthday or Christmas.”

While I was touched by her response, Lydia probably figured she would get gifts from other people… So perhaps she wasn’t concerned with missing out on a gift from me.

In the past, Lydia has gotten cards or presents from friends and family in several states. A good Father, God always makes sure she is taken care of. She is well-loved!

On her birthday, Lydia took popcorn for a snack at school. Then, at lunchtime, I joined her class for their meal. I also saw most of our little neighborhood friends. It was a fun experience! The kids were so excited to have a visitor.

 Overjoyed, the kids wiggled as they stood in the lunch line. They each wanted to sit next to me, show me a trick, or tell me an interesting story. The principal read a special Thanksgiving story, and I enjoyed talking with Lydia and her classmates.

After school, we went to Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt. Then, we came home to open presents. Lydia was happy with my gifts—a puzzle and two little birds that sing and can repeat what you say. (I may be regretting that soon!) She also received gifts from friends and family. Thank you!

Over the years, I have learned so much while watching Lydia learn and grow. She loves to read and do math! It is amazing to see her become who God intended. Indeed, she has many of Dave’s best qualities. I know he would also be so proud of her.

This season (and birthday) is our fifth time celebrating without Dave. Sometimes it can still be a little bittersweet. Each year has been so different, yet the Lord has been so kind and generous to us. The joy of the Lord is my strength!

Nothing can replace Dave, yet while we miss him, we keep moving forward. God loves watching His children grow through trials and walk in Victory. We can always celebrate His goodness and grace because God’s love never fails.

These days, I don’t often cry because of grief. Instead, if I am teary-eyed, it is usually because I am so thankful for all the Lord has done for us!

This week—and through this season—we will celebrate our many gifts, new milestones, and our dear friends and family… This year, our hearts are filled with joy.

Thanks to all who continue to encourage us and check in on us from time to time. Thanks for all your prayers and support! It means so much to us. We are truly blessed.


Father God, You are so good and gracious. Thanks for taking such great care of us. Help us remember just how much You love us. Let us share Your love with those around us, especially during this holiday season. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are you thankful for? How have you grown this year?

Tasks: Call a friend who needs some encouragement during this season. Take them a meal or invite them over to visit. Be a blessing to them!

A Friend Loves at All Times

We have some really cute and funny kids in our neighborhood. For the most part, they all play really well together. And since many of them come over to my house to play, I have a prime opportunity to observe their social interactions.


In general, Lydia appears to be an extrovert and thrives on being around others. She loves knocking on doors (with permission) to ask if friends can come out to play. Lydia talks about and misses her friends when they are unavailable. Even so, when several of these kids get together, it’s possible someone could feel left out.

Although most parents try to teach their kids to share, use their manners, and be kind, most of us understand how it feels on the other side. We’ve all had those moments.

I like to look out for underdogs and wallflowers and want Lydia to do the same. To help her understand what I mean, she’s had to apologize on occasion for hurting someone’s feelings. I make her ‘take a break’ from playing with friends when tensions arise…because I don’t want her to take them for granted.

I wish it was always that simple!

We also role play different scenarios, where Lydia is ‘left out’ or where she stands up for someone who is. I regularly challenge Lydia to be on the lookout for someone who needs a friend. It doesn’t always work out as I hope. But when someone is left out, everyone else also misses out… on what that person has to offer.

As I talk with the other parents, we compare notes. It’s good to be on the same page!


I suppose the concept of ‘being a friend’ hits home for me because I have relied so much on my friends these last few years. Lydia does not realize this just yet…but we would’ve never made it without God’s grace and all the loving support we received, from people near and far.

When Dave was sick, friends and family around the world—in England, Greece, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, not to mention all over the United States—prayed for us and helped us. Almost every week, we received something encouraging in the mail: Cards, gifts, handmade items, food deliveries, books, and more.

Many of the Fargo friends who played such an important role in our cancer journey have moved away for various reasons. But from my limited perspective, I like to think that perhaps God had them in Fargo because they had a special part to play in our story.

It is fascinating to think of how God orchestrated all these peoples’ lives to intersect them with ours when we needed it most. Only He could set up such perfect timing!

They stood with us during our roughest moments. And when our faith faltered, these friends pointed us to Jesus. When we had no strength of our own, they carried us to Him.

Friends mowed our lawn each week, watched Lydia at a moment’s notice (and kept her overnight), or took our dog, Britain, for weeks at a time. Yes, these friends were the hands and feet of Jesus in ways we had never seen before!


Thank you. I am still in awe.

Of course, this does not diminish the significant role our own families played… but indeed, many of those friends and neighbors became like family! Without a doubt, Lydia and I are doing well because of ALL the loving sacrifices made on our behalf!

I hope Lydia understands: When you’re at your worst, a true friend is still loyal.

Like a golden retriever! 🙂

It has come full circle for me lately. In many cases, I am now praying for and encouraging dear friends all over the world in their own trials. It is such an honor to return the favor!

Sooo…This week Lydia and I are reviewing Proverbs 17:17 (above) and parts of 1 Corinthians 13. These verses have been good reminders for me too! And though some friends have moved away, God has also given me many new friendships. He is so, so good to me!


Gracious God, thanks for dear friends and family. Thanks for the encouragement You provide through them. Help us love one another! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What does friendship mean to you? When was the last time you told your friends and family that you love and appreciate them?

Growing Strong Roots

Over the last two weeks, I have been diligently watering my three new maple trees! They are beautiful and I want to give them a good start on building a solid root system.

new maple

While the trees should grow tall and straight long-term, right now they look a little off-kilter. It has been fairly windy and lately, they are getting blown in every direction! Each tree has lost small areas of branches and leaves, due to the wind breaking them.

Over time, the weathering process will make them resilient. Though, it’s been a harsh recovery process after being transplanted! Every day, as I faithfully water and monitor them, I pray that God will protect the trees and make them strong.

From time to time, we can all feel wind-blown by life circumstances. Maybe it’s been it is a stressful week, month, or year. Maybe the current political drama or latest tragedy in the news has you worried or frightened. Maybe a storm is coming that is out of your control.

maple tree 2

Distress. Discouragement. Discontent.

It can be tempting to give up hope when these trials come. “This isn’t fair. This isn’t what I expected!” Challenges are inevitable. Life isn’t always easy or comfortable. While we cannot control the wind (or outside circumstances), we are not left helpless!

Usually, what we see above ground does not provide a complete picture. Often, we don’t know how well we are growing until gale-force winds come. Then, we find out how strong our roots really are!

Jeremiah 17_7-8

So how do we respond when fierce winds blow?

At times, I can focus on the wind (circumstances) or my own reaction (tossing to and fro). But complaining does no good. When I notice my insecurity rising, I take it as a reminder to quickly switch my attention off my problems and back to the Lord.

Jesus is well-versed in calming the wind! Peace! Be still!

Or, maybe you feel abandoned or neglected, never having solid roots to begin with. Well, Jesus is referred to as the Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10). He knows how to grow strong roots!

tree drawing

Whatever we are struggling with, we cannot defeat it on our own. But we can rest with confidence in the Lord’s ability to provide exactly what we need in His timing. He is trustworthy and makes us secure.

When the wind starts to howl, stand firm. If God is for us, who can be against us?

We can thrive even in tumultuous moments. Go deep with God. Seek Him. Learn from His word, the Bible. Ask Him to show you what to do. He’ll help you develop those roots!

big tree roots

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6-7).

Rooted. Built up. Strengthened. Overflowing with thankfulness.

Winds will change and bring new trials. New seasons also bring new opportunities. But God remains the same. Stay close to Him and He will see you through with grace!


God, thank You for the hope and peace we have in You. Help us draw near to You in the midst of uncertainty. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What do you do when the winds of change pick up? Do you have a strong support system? (God, friends, family, etc.?)

Gardens: Growing in Grace

Do you have a garden? I was considering the pros and cons of a garden this year. Though, after buying trees last week, routine car maintenance, and a few other expenses coming up, I decided to re-evaluate next spring. I could probably still do a small container garden, but the planting season is nearly over now.

But if I had a garden, I would plant leafy greens (such as kale, spinach, or lettuce), peppers, onions, and green beans, for sure! I could also grow zucchini and use it in my spiralizer. I love fresh garden tomatoes, but I haven’t had the best of luck in recent years!


There are many different kinds of gardens (vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers). Besides several flower gardens, my parents re-purposed some old tractor tires to make a raised garden for tomatoes. They also have large pots of basil, rosemary, and oregano. Like a colorful oasis, it always feels like a retreat to go back and visit!

Perhaps it’s good for me to wait a year and see what size garden is practical to maintain! In the past, I had a CSA membership… and I always enjoy visiting our local farmers’ markets. Last year, the grass in my yard needed help. This year, I’ll focus on my new trees. Maybe I just enjoy playing in the dirt, but I love how gardening connects us back to the earth!


From Eden to Gethsemane, it seems God has a special way with gardens.

He plants us in just the right “soil” environment so that we can grow. For each of us, those circumstances are different. You may be going through an exciting time of growth, or a personal trial to refine you. Whether in a lush garden or a desolate desert, stay rooted in the Lord. Don’t give up hope! Drink in the water of His Word. He is faithful.

Jesus promises if we abide in Him, we will bear much fruit. Having fruitful lives is inevitable—if we remain close to Jesus (see John 15:1-17). We cannot bear fruit on our own.

Pruning isn’t fun, but take heart. It’s a good indicator that God is indeed working! In the process, the dead is removed and new life begins. Let Him do the work He needs to do in your life. He is the Master Gardener.

Galatians 5_22-23 with peaches

As evident in the verses above, the Holy Spirit plants seeds in our lives. Though if you look again, GRACE is not listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Why is that?

Could it be grace is like His warm sunshine? Like sunshine, His grace is always present. Even when we cannot see it or understand it. Spiritual fruit grows in the midst of God’s grace. Growth is not easy, but is always for our good. So, rest in Him with quiet trust.

By yielding to the Holy Spirit’s process and receiving God’s grace, we are changed from the inside out!


If you think about it, we also plant seeds in the lives of those around us. As we work together, we help each other grow and cultivate good fruit. What a blessing!

 If we are growing in grace, people around us should notice. “I can see the joy on your face!” or “I appreciated your patience with me.” or “That was so kind of you to help me.”

Life is difficult at times—but God’s grace empowers us to live victoriously. Let’s offer His support to one another. And, hold on tight for some “miracle growth!”


Father God, thanks for Your grace that brings growth in our lives. Holy Spirit, work in us with Your power that we may bear fruit. Help us when the growth process is challenging. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Questions: What are your favorite items to plant? Do you see increasing amounts of spiritual fruit in your life (Galatians 5:22-23)?

Let me know in the comments below!