Insult and Injury

Have you ever felt like just when something got good, it all went bad?

Have you ever felt like just when God started moving, Satan came to steal it all away?

Our enemy wants nothing more to do than to get us off God’s path. He stirs up trouble using fear and uncertainty to make us second-guess what is going on. He lies to us and does anything he can to derail us. In the chaos, he steals, kills, and destroys. 

But don’t throw away what is good, all you have worked for and what remains. There is so much at stake, far beyond what we can see. If we don’t seek God’s Truth and perspective, we risk losing it all. Yet nothing is impossible with God. There is always hope!

He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it (Philippians 1:6).

Just about everything in life has the potential to turn sour. A job, a relationship, a home, a vehicle, your health, your plans, or your finances… It’s even worse when these things are all connected. It can feel like the enemy is winning.

Clearly, having healthy boundaries and making wise decisions is important. We have to take responsibility for our choices. We have ‘free will’ to make decisions, but we are not free from the consequences. Occasionally, the circumstances are out of our hands.

For many of us, the temptation is to live by our emotions—to worry about what went wrong or to blame someone else. We want the pain to go away, so we tend to either run away or retaliate. Don’t give in.

In some cases, we choose to move on and hope something better comes along. Yet avoidance can be confusing and depressing if we don’t deal with the problem in healthy ways. It can fester and often becomes worse.

When someone doesn’t meet our expectations, we take offense and want to get even. When we don’t get what we wanted or thought we needed or deserved, we understandably grow mad. Yet, we can choose to offer the grace of forgiveness.

Dear Friend, I don’t know what happened, but I know it hurts. Whatever went wrong, I wish I could take away your pain. I know it may feel unfair, but please don’t give up. Forgiveness is just as important for you as it is for the other person (or people). You can never grow past this if you do not release it and learn from it.

Life is full of challenges. When we get passed over for a promotion, we focus on our failures. When we take a financial hit, we try to figure out how to make ends meet. When our health is affected, we wish things were different. The more we think about the injustices, the more power they have over us. Still, we can choose to think differently.

Many times, we did everything right. What happened as a result is not our fault. But even if we do have legitimate reasons to be upset, we weren’t meant to live under the duress of insult and injury. We were made for freedom!

Our emotions are volatile. There are days when our feelings can change every five minutes! Take some space if needed, but don’t rush a decision. Wait it out.

Imagine what could happen if you stay still and don’t overreact. Your situation might be different than expected, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be turned around for good. Especially if God is in it.

Perhaps you’re going through something that is testing everything you thought was sure. The pain and sorrow are more than you can bear. It’s going to take a lot of patience and effort, but you are not in this alone—bring it to Jesus and let Him handle it. He sees the big picture; our victory is in Him alone!

By faith, do what you can to make things right and leave the rest with Jesus. He knows all about unfairness and can help you work through it. He provides for you, loves you dearly, and always has your best in mind. Forever faithful, He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Trust Him!

Heavenly Father, thanks for Your constant love and grace. Help us to make wise decisions in the midst of trials. Give us peace and help us trust You more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What if all you’ve been going through will be used to strengthen you and even help someone else? Would that change your perspective and help you endure it? Would that change how you are dealing with it?

Tasks: When trials come, we want to take matters in our own hands, but don’t do anything you’ll regret. Life is short; don’t spend your days in anger or bitterness. Find a trusted friend and/or seek wise counsel. Take it to Jesus and let Him fight for you. God’s got this!

Deep Cleaning and Deep Questions

Last Friday night, I hosted some dear friends for dinner. I wanted to honor them and enjoy one last visit before they moved out-of-state on Sunday. It had been awhile since they last came over, so in addition to making dinner… I cleaned the house!

In truth, the house needed cleaned anyway. The kitchen island usually gathers mail and other random things that seem important, but probably aren’t. I also dusted, which doesn’t happen often! It felt good to accomplish so much!

I spent much of the day deep cleaning. I also did laundry, ran the dishwasher, and cleaned the toilets. I went all out! 😉

Around 4 o’clock, I started vacuuming before my guests arrived. By that time, I had already put a new tablecloth on the dining table, hung clean towels in the bathroom, and cleared some clutter. Of course, I finished preparing dinner, too.

As I vacuumed the living room rug, a question popped into my mind. It made me stop in my tracks: How often do I go to this much effort for the Lord?

I paused to consider the question, which led to even more questions. Do I go all out in my personal time with the Lord? Is He my ‘everything’ or do I try to do everything on my own? When was the last time I invited Him to join me in my activities?

It was a really good gut check.

A lot of what we do seems important at the time, but does it have eternal significance? Indeed, it is amazing how much can happen internally in just a few moments. It’s clear God never settles just for surface cleaning. He always goes deep!

When God shows up, all our excuses go away. None of them stand a chance, when compared to His grace and glory. He renews our hearts and resets our priorities.

As I finished cleaning, I also prayed. I apologized for rushing through my day and invited the Lord’s presence into that moment. Lord, you are welcome here.

We tend to call on the Lord in times of trouble—as if He is just there to bail us out. But let’s not forget to seek Him when things are going well!

God cares so much about every detail of our lives. He longs to be our closest friend. He desires to be a part of our day, even if we are “just” vacuuming. Invite Him in!

No matter what we do—even really good things—our relationship with Jesus Christ is what matters most. He must always come first, and then the rest will fall into place.

That evening, I really enjoyed the time with my friends. Yet, it was made even sweeter knowing the Lord was present in our conversation. I know He will be with them in their new adventure, just like He is with me. Praise God!


Dear Jesus, thank You for your sweet presence, unfailing love, and gracious convictions. Thanks for forgiving us and for deep cleaning our hearts. How we need You! Help us recognize You in each moment and keep You first, Lord. In Your Name, Amen.

Questions: Did any of the questions (above) resonate with you? How do you put Jesus first each day?

Tasks: Invite the presence of God into each of your daily activities. Notice how that affects your day!

Like A Beast

Yesterday, I enjoyed a movie date with my sister and two close friends. We went to see Beauty and the Beast during Lydia’s school hours. My neighbor’s little boy attends there, too, so her husband picked up the kids while we enjoyed the movie. We had a great time!

It’s always fun to think about how I am like the beautiful heroine. But over the weekend, sadly, I was more like an ugly BEAST! In a rash moment, I made a huge mistake.

In short, I blindsided a dear friend by pointing out some (perceived) faults. I didn’t plan to say anything negative or disrespectful, but I really hurt my friend. I totally blew it. To make matters worse, I kept talking. I tried to backtrack and smooth over what I had already said. But the damage was done.

This friend has many wonderful and admirable qualities, but I didn’t get a chance to mention those. This friend is bold and courageous, yet gentle and caring. My friend has strong character and always seeks to do the right thing. This friend encourages me and challenges me to be my best. My friend is faithful to pray for me and Lydia and checks in with us from time to time. We so appreciate our friend.

Yet, in a few short minutes, I nearly ruined our friendship. At least that’s what it felt like.

So, I apologized and went home. On my own, I tearfully considered all that had gone wrong in such a short time. I had wanted to build up my friend, not tear them down. I try to encourage others, but in this case, I did the exact opposite. I was clearly in the wrong. I offered another apology, but knew my friend needed some time (and space).

The next day, my friend was much more gracious to me than I deserved—honest, but not condemning. Just like Jesus. There’s no excusing my poor behavior that day, and I hope to make it up to my friend soon. But trust is earned.

I’d like to say this is an isolated event. This type of thing doesn’t happen often. Even so, there are lots of other times I have messed up! That’s why I need Jesus!

Jesus is kind and considerate, firm yet caring. He does not jump to conclusions and is always willing to give me a second chance. The Lord is slow to anger and rich in love.

Indeed, Jesus offered mercy and forgiveness before I ever knew I needed it. He saved me according to His grace, not because of anything I have done or ever could do. I could never make things right on my own. (See Ephesians 2:4-5)

Clearly, I’m not perfect… but whether I act as Beauty or the Beast, I am grateful for forgiveness, second chances, good friends and God’s grace!


Heavenly Father, you are gracious and compassionate. Thank You for being merciful when I don’t deserve it. Thank You, Jesus, for taking my punishment on the cross. Thank You for loving me so much and not letting sin separate us! Help me love like You do. In Your Name, Amen

Questions: Have you seen the new Beauty and the Beast movie? In what ways are you like Belle? In what ways are you like the Beast? (Hopefully, I am not the only one!) 🙂

Tasks: Praise God for His forgiveness! Do a quick heart check to determine whether you need to offer someone an apology or offer forgiveness. Then do it!

Finding Grace #37

I love the concept of giving God a shout out for what He has done.

We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as “God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.” Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot. I find grace overflowing in God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!


Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

  • This has been a fun week! A friend from Illinois stopped by to visit on Tuesday. She was in town for a few days, and we were so glad she made the effort to see us.
  • On Wednesday, we discussed the power of forgiveness at church. Per brain researcher, Caroline Leaf, when we forgive, endorphins and other chemicals are released in our brains. The effects of forgiveness are then carried all throughout our bodies. “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you” (Colossians 3:13). Science shows what we already knew from the Bible…forgiveness is healing!
  • Lydia and I had a great day on Thursday. We took some treats and a handmade thank you card to our favorite drop-in daycare, since they are closing next week. We’ll miss those ladies, who have been a big part of our lives these last few years! Then, we had about an hour before preschool, so went to read books at the bookstore. As we were leaving, a man sitting nearby said thanks for the story time. We reminded him of several missed opportunities over the years with his kids, when he traveled long distances for work. Now that he has a little grandson, he’s happy to have another chance. (As a result, Lydia and I promptly decided we should do that more often!) 🙂
  • We had our first snowfall of the season early Friday morning. We only got a couple inches, perhaps, but it was a wet, heavy snow. Our temperatures should be in the 30s for a few days, so it is likely to stay. Thankfully, my driveway and the local roads weren’t too bad! I think Fargo was on the edge of a big snow storm in Minnesota!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Where did YOU see or experience God’s grace this week?

Put on Your Pants!

Over the last year or so, Lydia has been doing more things for herself. You’d think I would have more time. Though in reality, I spend about as much time coaching her and suggesting ideas. Here is an example of a typical morning:

Lydia, procrastinating and playing: “I don’t know what to wear!”

Me, checking the clock: “Well, you could start with your pants.”

Lydia, starting to whine: “But, but, I want to wear a dress….and I don’t know which shoes to wear!”

Me, quickly building up steam: “I said, put on your PANTS!”

(Can you relate?!)

Lydia plays, jumps on the bed and wastes time, preferring her own agenda. I know it is par for the course—no one said parenting would be easy. But, it drives me nuts!

“I don’t know what pajamas I want to wear…”

This also happens at bedtime, so I’ve had many “opportunities” to ponder the situation.


And truthfully, there are times when I act the same way. (Gasp!) Yep. I can delay in obeying God in the most simple things—like adjusting my schedule, or calling to encourage a friend, or offering to help someone. I wrongly think whatever I happen to be doing is more important.

Often, God will ask me to do something that doesn’t quite make sense. Sometimes it feels uncomfortable or inconvenient. Occasionally, it even seems inconsequential—a tiny task that won’t make a difference. “It won’t matter if I don’t…

Yes, it does matter! Delayed obedience is still disobedience.

Like an exasperated parent, I bet sometimes we drive God a little crazy, too. Thank the Lord for His abundant mercy and grace!

I want all the answers, the whole picture. I want to know the purpose, plan, and the procedures. I want a guarantee, don’t you?!

Well, like my child (ahem), I just have to take the first step. I pray for wisdom and courage. I seek wise counsel. Yes.

But I can’t delay if it still seems unclear. God will provide the next step when needed. If I make a mistake, I don’t have to worry. His grace gives me a do-over.

(No. Grace is not a free license to do whatever we want. Sorry!)

Lots of Pants Hanging

By faith, do the uncomfortable, inconvenient thing. Even if it doesn’t seem important.
Soon, there’s momentum—moving in the right direction and seeing results. Praise God!

Is there a next step you need to take? Please stop resisting, and do it cheerfully!

Not sure what that is? Try one of these from Colossians 3, my emphasis added.

v. 12: “…clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”

v.13: “Bear with each other and forgive one another… Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”

v.14: “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

v.15: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

**And whatever you do, PLEASE, don’t forget to put on your pants!!**