Finding Grace #470

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Trail Winter photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was full of family and friends, which was joyful as we celebrated my mom’s life. But, of course, there was also sadness and grief. 

We spent Sunday and Monday working around my parents’ house and hanging out with loved ones in Florida. We helped my dad by going through my mom’s clothing and accessories. We chose some of my mom’s personal items to keep or share with loved ones. We also made decisions about what to donate. Mom always loved blessing others, so I think she would be pleased.

On Tuesday afternoon, we flew back to Fargo. It was difficult to leave my dad, but his brother, John, stayed behind with him for a few days. Lydia and I had three flights and arrived home around 11:30 p.m. Everything went smoothly, praise God. We went straight to bed so that we could get up early for work and school.

Work went well, though, to be honest, my heart wasn’t really in it. I think it will be a struggle for a little while since convincing people to change food habits pales in comparison to grief and thoughts of eternity. My coworkers have all been so kind to check in and let me talk, as needed. I know from previous experiences with grief that it just takes time to process and move forward. But I also appreciate your prayers!

Often on Friday afternoons, I would call my mom to check in. So, it is sad not to be able to do that anymore. On top of that, yesterday, I went to the grocery store and saw random items Mom would typically buy. I was sad, but when I got home, a card was in the mail and reminded me that God comforts us like a mother does her child. Perfect timing, Lord! A little bit later, I called my aunt. We reminisced together and it was exactly what I needed. God is so good.

Today, I caught up around the house. I made some sourdough bread and some sourdough pancakes. Lydia hung out with a friend, and one of my friends visited me. She listened to me talk about Mom and encouraged me. It was so kind of her!

Don’t forget to turn your clocks one hour forward! Spring is around the corner!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Family Time in Florida

This past week, Lydia and I enjoyed a great vacation in Florida! We visited my parents in Jacksonville for a couple of days and then stayed in condos with Dave’s family in St. Augustine Beach.

We were in Florida from Wednesday through Tuesday. Originally, we planned it around the Juneteenth holiday, and later I realized it was also Father’s Day weekend. What a blessing!

We stayed at a nice hotel in Jax with an amazing view. We also tried some local restaurants with my parents. On Thursday, my dad and I took a walk along the St. Johns River. We walked under five of the city’s seven bridges in about seventy-five minutes. I even found public exercise equipment outside under a bridge with cow murals… kettlebells, medicine balls, battle ropes, weights, etc. I had to try them all out!

Then, we hung out at the hotel during a big storm. Before it rolled in, we visited the nineteenth-floor skydeck, which boasted a rooftop pool and exercise room. Later, we enjoyed watching the dark clouds, torrential rain, and lightning strikes from our tenth-floor room. I’m glad we were safe, and I can only imagine how it looks during a hurricane!!

On Friday, we drove to our condos. We see Dave’s mom often but have not seen his brother, Kevin, much lately. We also saw Dave’s sister, Brooke, her husband, Dale, and their family for the first time in nine years. We’d wanted to see them sooner, but they live in a different part of the state than my parents. So we typically can’t see everyone on one trip. Plus, the pandemic didn’t help!

I had so much fun getting to know my four nephews and two nieces again! The kids were as sweet and easygoing as ever. Lydia was really excited to get to know her cousins since she was only two-and-a-half when we last saw them. We periodically video chat, but it’s not the same. Within minutes we set up a family group chat for texting pictures, jokes, and pertinent information. Technology at its finest!

We were right on the beach, so there was easy access for our daily jaunts to the ocean. We swam, made resorts for little fish, played spike ball, and also played with a giant beach ball. We also played card games, played BeanBoozled (the jelly bean game!), and told jokes.

One morning we had homemade lemon-blueberry scones and watched a slideshow of memories as we celebrated my mother-in-law’s recent June birthday. We reminisced about Dave a little, too.

Then, my parents joined us at the beach on Father’s Day. They are well-versed in Florida life now and fit right in. Actually, our families have always mixed well, so in some ways, it was just like old times. Dale and Dad caught up, and my nephews chimed in about the waves, current, and weather conditions.

On Juneteenth, I got to try surfing the Atlantic! One of the girls and Dale gave me some tips on land. Then, Brooke guided me on the water. We paddled out together and had a good conversation in between the waves. She was full of encouragement, mentioning she started two years ago when she was forty, so I am a perfect age to try something new!

We had a blast, and I stayed out for an hour and a half. I was able to catch a few waves body boarding and on my knees. I tried to stand but fell off, as expected. But I’m proud of how I did and even got compliments on my strength and perseverance!

Yesterday, we packed up for our two flights back to Fargo. We were able to spend a few wonderful hours with my mom again before heading to the airport. (Dad was at work.)

Our flights (four total) were uneventful, an answer to prayer. Our entire trip went well, despite some seasonal rain. Thankfully, we made the best of it, and in most cases, the weather shifted very quickly for the better.

In short, this trip felt like a celebration but also a renewal of family relationships. It was just the reset and salve I needed. I look forward to reaching out to everyone with a little more regularity and hopefully seeing them a little more often!


God, thanks so much for blessing our trip and keeping us safe. Thanks for the gift of family. Help us continue to grow together in grace and love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What’s your favorite family vacation? What makes it stand out to you?

Task: Reach out to family (and even friends) regularly. Try once a week or at least a couple of times a month! Make sure to tell others how much you love them!

Finding Grace #180

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a really full, but fun week.

My birthday was on Monday. It was rainy but Lydia and I enjoyed the day anyway. I appreciated all the love from family and friends!

On Wednesday, I had my last day at work before moving on to my new job next week. It was a busy day and a little bittersweet. I’m grateful for the stability of that job, but I’m really excited to keep moving forward.

On Thursday, Lydia and I flew to Florida to see my parents! We wanted to make the most of the opportunity before work and school begin again. Our fun has included going to an adventure park and the Museum of Science and History (MOSH). It was cool seeing different exhibits, including the history of Jacksonville (Spanish, French, British, and Civil War influences). It has been fun trying new things and eating yummy food!

I’m extra thankful for the neighbors and friends watching our house while we are gone. Thank you!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Florida Fun

Last night, Lydia and I returned from Jacksonville, Florida, where we visited my parents over Thanksgiving break. Additionally, my sister and brother-in-law flew in from Chicago to be with us. We all had a great time together!

Lydia didn’t mind missing two days of school (one day of traveling each way). We celebrated her birthday, and made lots of new memories!

(My little fashionista had a fabulous birthday!)

This past week, we fit in many fun activities. One evening, we went to ‘Catty Shack’ (a wildlife sanctuary) and saw lions, tigers, panthers and more. These animals were rescued or ‘retired’ from other places. They’re still considered wild though they all were born in captivity. We attended a ‘night feeding’ and saw massive tigers only a few feet away!

After lunch on Thanksgiving, we went to the beach at St. Augustine. We also saw The Castillo de San Marcos, which is the oldest masonry fort in the continental United States. The Spanish started building it in 1672. My dad and Lydia also rode on a little carousel. Later, we toured the downtown area. It was fun to see Christmas lights covering palm trees!

(@ Ponce Inlet Jetty off Daytona Beach)

During our stay, we went to three different beaches! We saw the Atlantic Ocean in St. Augustine, Jacksonville, and Daytona. Lydia, especially, had so much fun. She shrieked with delight as we waded in the waves. Each day, the weather and waves were unique.

It was amazing to see God’s handiwork. Whether the waves were calm or roaring, they were mesmerizing and reminded me of His creative power, beauty, and love! What an awesome God He is! Sometimes His love is soothing and sometimes it is wildly fierce.

(This decorated sail boat on the boat parade goes well with the skyline!)

On Saturday, we went downtown to the annual holiday light boat parade. We sat right next to the water, across from Jacksonville Landing and the blue Main Street Bridge. We saw approximately sixty boats decorated with everything from nativity sets, Santa Claus, hula girls, snowmen, and alligators. It was unlike anything I’d ever seen!

The boat parade took place on the St. Johns River, which happens to be Florida’s longest river at 310 miles long. To top it off, we watched fireworks from two barges, and also fireworks that cascaded off two bridges like a waterfall!

(This blue heron flew in right in front of us for a photo op during the boat parade!)

On Monday, we drove an hour and a half down to Daytona. My mom showed us around and we even drove past the birthplace of NASCAR and the Daytona 500! Then, we met up with a dear friend, Jody, for a fun afternoon. We ate lunch on the shore of the Halifax River (a part of the intercoastal waterway) and fed some birds. Next, we went to Daytona beach and walked on some large rocks jutting out into the ocean. Then we enjoyed ice cream at a specialty store, Zeno’s, which is a local favorite. Yum!

(Halifax River and a shrimp boat)

Sometimes I get nervous about the travel details, especially when flying. I pray my luggage doesn’t get lost and that our flights go smoothly. Well, once again, I felt God’s grace because on Sunday, the blizzard that hit much of the Midwest avoided Fargo and Minneapolis. Even yesterday, some flights to other areas were not running. But thankfully, we had perfect weather and no issues. Praise God!

When I booked our flights months ago, I prayerfully chose what worked best for us. I would not have guessed a blizzard would hit during our trip, yet God graciously protected us from the brunt of it. Yesterday’s three flights arrived early each time!

(nighttime view over Minneapolis)

I always enjoy seeing God at work around me. On our first flight yesterday, I was able to encourage an older lady who had just lost her husband. She spent her first Thanksgiving as a widow, after 60 years of marriage, and was now returning to Atlanta. I told her I understood how difficult the holidays can be and was able to share a little of my story with her. She said she had been feeling sorry for herself, but was grateful for my perspective.

This trip was just what we needed. I’m sure we’ll have to plan another one soon because there is still so much we didn’t do! Special thanks to our friends who drove us to and from the airport… and watched over our house while we were gone.

Now, it’s back to our normal routine…

God, thanks for the gift of family! Thanks for keeping us safe and for refreshing us. You are so good! May we refresh others with Your grace. All glory to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How was your Thanksgiving? Do you have any trips planned to see family?

Trusting God in Transition

Happy Spring!! I hope you are enjoying sunshine and warmth!!

Here in Fargo…it still looks like winter. In fact, we just got another dusting of snow again this week. However, the snow won’t last long. Change is on its way!

I’m thankful that I chose last week to travel to my hometown in Illinois rather than this week. Because the Lord directed our path and timing, we didn’t have to travel on wet or icy roads. Thank You, Jesus!

Soon, my mom and dad won’t have to deal with snow in Florida!

As my parents finish packing and head south, I have been thinking about life in our small community. Local friends are rallying around my mom and dad to show support, share a meal, and send them off.

Clearly, I’m not the only one grateful for their influence and impact. They have quite a legacy of servant leadership, faithfulness, kindness, and generosity!

I’ve also been recalling all of our memories in the home they built. Since I have been in Fargo for several years, distance has created ’emotional space’ regarding the actual house.

But still, it does seem odd not to be able to call it HOME for much longer… 

Nonetheless, I’m proud of my parents for making the transition. They have been talking about it for a long time. And, I’ve also happily acquired some treasured items from their 43 years of marriage (so far). Bonus!

Moving can be difficult as familiarity is left behind….but I know from personal experience how rewarding it can be to jump into the unknown.

Besides, it’s normal to have new challenges now and then. They remind us this world is not our home… Let’s keep moving forward. God has so much more in store!

God promises to be faithful to those who love and follow Him… Jesus is not bound by zipcodes, timezones, weather, the postal service, or any airline. I know He will take care of my parents just as well in Florida! It is a new adventure!

Transitions can be both scary and exciting. The best part is that times of transition can draw us closer to Jesus. But it’s our choice whether to draw near…

We all have times in our lives where our faith is challenged and doubts creep in. But, if we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, we will remain steady. He is our Rock and our sure foundation. Our hope is in Him.

With Jesus, nothing of value is really lost. Most of us prefer safety and comfort over uncertainty, but everything that truly matters is secure in Christ. We find true peace and rest in Jesus. He will never let us down!

So… I take comfort in those wonderful memories of growing up in the country. I appreciate all the time we spent outdoors and as a family. But, I also look forward to creating new memories… at the beach!

God is good and His plans for us are also good!


Heavenly Father, thanks for Your love and grace. Thanks for protecting and providing so well for us. In times of transition, help us to rest and trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you in a time of transition? How can you trust Jesus to help you thrive?

Tasks: Ultimately, this world is not our home… Listen to the song, ‘Home‘ by Chris Tomlin.