Defiant Joy

My mom loved a good party! With her magnetic personality, she usually became the social director wherever she went, lol. Like her mother, she enjoyed organizing anything from casual events to formal affairs. But mostly, she enjoyed having fun!

Mom spread joy through classy decor, delicious food, and laughter with her sense of humor. She bought colored tablecloths before they were even a thing. Her centerpieces might include candles, colored gems, marbles, balloons, and/or beautiful floral bouquets. She taught us to wrap up silverware and added a little flare with colored curling ribbon. Music typically set the mood, at least for home parties.

Mom knew how to elevate basic, everyday foods. She was known for her spaghetti sauce, beef stew, potato leek soup, barbecue, egg rolls, and chicken salad. Her infamous relish tray with celery, baby carrots, red grapes, sweet pickles, and olives was a standard we still replicate. She would even “doctor up” mundane foods with fresh ingredients, like fruits or vegetables—anything to add color, flavor, and nutrition.

Everyone was welcome at mom’s events. She wanted to include everyone because she saw their inherent God-given value. She had her own opinions and convictions, but she looked past differences to see the individual.

Mom was bold and generous toward others. She loved shopping for good deals, partly, so she could give away what she bought. She had a little stockpile of things at home and was always prepared with a gift. Mom often interacted with total strangers at the grocery store, gas station, airport, bank, etc. She would notice something special about them and mention it. She asked good questions and connected them with resources, if warranted. 

Mom loved a good outfit accessory. She loved jewelry, sunglasses, hats, scarves, and purses. But, she didn’t hold onto anything too tightly. She often gave away personal items as she felt led in the moment. For example, if you told her you liked her necklace or bracelet, chances were she might just give it to you.

For someone who just met her, it would be easy to assume my mom was only surface-level or light-hearted all the time. Nothing could be further from the truth. While Mom attracted people with her bubbly personality, she could go deep.

Free Cookie Cookies photo and picture

Mom’s personal motto was “Never a dull moment.” She faced many personal challenges, losses, and pain, but she learned to trust God’s goodness and provision through the messiness of life. She knew He would continue fighting for her, so she didn’t have to win every battle.

Instead, my mom used her energy and influence to point people to God. Mom knew joy is not based on circumstances, like happiness often is. Joy is based on knowing the contagious, steadfast love of Jesus. Indeed, He was the most joyful person ever!

This week, I came across a funny video of my mom. It was from her last birthday in October, and I loved hearing her joy and laughter. I imagine her experiencing Heaven the same way. Although I am grieving, I don’t want to miss the chance to celebrate God’s goodness. Indeed, I don’t have to have all the answers to trust Jesus and walk in faith.


Heavenly Father, thanks for the beauty and joy You instill into our daily lives. Show us Your glory! Help us take advantage of the opportunities You give us and draw closer to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How can you live with defiant joy today, however trying your circumstances? What are you grateful for?

Tasks: Join me in carrying on my mom’s legacy of defiant joy. There is always a reason to be grateful and celebrate! Nice weather, all green traffic lights, met a goal, received a compliment, ate delicious food? Buy yourself some flowers or dance around while praising God! Read this fun throwback about my mom’s epic 60th birthday party.

A Homecoming

There is something about home that makes you feel safe, like all is right in the world. Amid grief and loss, the familiar environment and the presence of family bring comfort. Shared memories bring healing and laughter, too!

Driving from North Dakota to Illinois always gives me time to reflect. God has used those long country miles to refine my heart over the years! Typically, each landmark I pass reminds me of my college days at NIU or further back to my youth, much of which involved my Aunt Deb. As we mourn for her this week, I can trace a pattern of blessing through her life.

Aunt Deb had a big smile and loved to laugh. She loved bright colors, flowers, music, cooking, and hospitality. She had experienced grief and loss, so she knew how to help bring God’s comfort to others. She loved serving and using her gifts.

Free Flower Tulip photo and picture

I will never forget Aunt Deb’s prayers and support for us after Dave died. She was a diligent reader of my blog, and most weeks, she sent me an encouraging word, like, or comment. It always made my day to hear from her, and I will really miss that.

While no one is perfect, God is always faithful to complete His works in our lives. Aunt Deb and my mom had a complicated relationship for over thirty years. They both have passionate personalities, in addition to having the same first and last names (since they married brothers). You can imagine how that was with small-town gossip!

Well, God graciously did a miracle in both of their hearts. He orchestrated circumstances so that Mom and Aunt Deb were each ready to give up their anger and forgive around the same time. They finally could see each other’s strengths as positive. Then, over the next two decades, they became close friends and prayer partners.

Their relationship shows what God can do when we submit to Him.

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While we are experiencing the shock of loss (all is not right) on this side of Heaven, I do know this: Jesus conquered Death and is making all things right and new. Furthermore, Aunt Deb was ready. She was prepared for eternity, knowing there are no guarantees of tomorrow. Aunt Deb wisely built her life on the Rock, and now she is truly Home.

The funeral was held at the local Catholic church (pictured above). I was not raised Catholic but spent plenty of time there for various events. These included midnight masses with my grandparents at Christmas and many potlucks in the basement (church bazaars and funerals alike). And let me tell you, that old church basement looks exactly the same!

Yes, the last several days have been emotional, but being with family has been a balm. I also loved seeing so many friends, including former classmates and teachers. 

Even though my family lives across many time zones now, we always have each other. We shared pizza, pool time, car rides, stories, laughter and tears. It was good to be home.


Heavenly Father, thanks for the gift of family and doing life together. Thanks for Your Presence when we go through loss and grief. Help us feel Your comfort and perfect peace during this time. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Is your first response to draw near to God or turn away in difficult times? What is He saying to you about this? Have you put your faith in Jesus yet? (Today is the day of salvation! Make sure you are prepared for eternity. Let Jesus give you a new heart.)

Tasks: Reach out to your family and tell them you love them. Spend time together as often as possible. Consider starting a group chat via text or a weekly Zoom meeting to check in!


What a difference a week can make. The news about Ukraine is heartwrenching and horrible. The citizens are experiencing so much devastation and loss, but they are rallying. I am praying for wisdom, discernment, courage, peace, and protection there.

I am grateful for the unprecedented unity shown so far in Europe and pray it makes a difference in the outcome. I am also praying for our American role in all of this. We don’t know the best way forward, nor what the future holds… but God does.

We are collectively holding our breath to see what happens next, yet this present conflict is not a surprise to our Heavenly Father. It surely breaks His heart, but He is still in control. Nothing catches Almighty God off guard, and nothing can separate us from His unfailing love!

Sunflower, Yellow, Flower, Pollen, Petals, Bloom

As we start the season of Lent today, I am reminded of the sacrifice(s) Jesus made for us, and the sacrifice we are called to make, too. Are you ‘giving up’ anything for Lent? I am grateful to have the privilege of time to think about my many options, as I am sitting still, safe and warm, not fleeing for my life.

Being a Christian is a daily commitment and a call to war, at least in the spiritual sense. It’s not about “fire insurance,” comfort, or even finding significance, though in America, sometimes we forget. Nonetheless, we must not run away in difficult times but remain resolute in our faith. That doesn’t mean we don’t struggle, but we rely on God’s strength and power.

Thus, we don’t have to be afraid when the world is in chaos. We should expect tumultuous times, though not pursue them. But, ultimately, everything we do should be centered on Jesus Christ. That includes prayer, giving generously, and seeking the good of others. Yes, we bring the light of Jesus into the darkness of the world.

In areas where there is darkness vs. light conflict, people tend to come to Jesus en masse. Time and again, traumatic experiences and persecution make people crave “more” than what is in front of them. People become desperate, even when following Jesus puts them at greater risk. Do you and I chase after Jesus like that?

In countries where the Gospel (good news!) is forbidden, these followers share Bibles and meet in secret. They bravely choose Jesus. It’s rather convicting to consider that sometimes, I am running out the door on a prayer.

I’m sure you can relate, but the point is we need to be prepared for trials and tribulations because they are coming. We can’t afford to ‘just get by’ when it comes to prayer or other spiritual matters… we need to be in our Bibles and on our knees before God.

Maybe your personal time and comfort is something to sacrifice, for Lent, to start.

You know, we do not fight as the world does; we level up in prayer. Therefore, our hope is not in anything this world has to offer. Jesus is our Rock, our Savior, and our Defender, a strong tower in times of need.  Our Hope and our Victory are in Him alone.

The One who calls us to be holy and humble, righteous and faithful, just and peace-loving is also the One who calls us to stand firm and fight evil, to be strong and not give in to fear. Holy Spirit, empower us.

Ephesians 6:10-13, NIV says,Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

Psalm 27:13 says, Though an army may encamp against me, My heart shall not fear;
Though war may rise against me, In this I will be confident...”

Friends, this world is going to burn someday, but our Hope is unwavering… resolute.


Jesus, Prince of Peace, we need You! Come quickly, Lord! Lead us and guide us. Give us wisdom to know what to do and the courage to do it. Refine us during this time as we bring Your light to the darkness of this world. Help us stand firm and walk in Victory. In Your Name, Amen

Question: Are you prayed up and prepared to stand firm during your next trial?

Task: Set aside time every day for prayer and Bible study. Be willing to do the difficult thing. Get up early, first things first. Turn off music, media, and anything else that threatens to take your focus. This is vital.

Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward Book!!

Surprise!! It’s finally time for my big announcement, and I am so excited!

My book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, is available for purchase! The book captures a two-year period of dealing with (my late husband) Dave’s cancer and my subsequent grief. At times, I didn’t know how I would make it.

During a time filled with chemo and chaos, I nearly walked away from my faith. But, God proved Himself over and over again. Despite my doubts, He came through for us!

Yes, it is a sad story at times, but I wanted to chronicle what happened for Lydia and inspire others. We all go through rough times on this side of Heaven, and it helps knowing someone understands. All hope is not lost!

Currently, your best way to buy Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward is to order through Barnes and Noble. I spent countless hours at our local B&N bookstore writing and editing with my laptop and a cup of coffee. So, it feels incredible to see my book online!

Announcing my book TODAY is significant for several reasons.

First, Lydia’s tenth birthday is coming up, and I wanted to beat that milestone. So much happened in the first two-and-a-half years of her life, and it just seems right to keep this project contained to her first decade. That way, we can officially close that chapter and keep moving forward.

Second, we are in the beginning stages of the holidays, and I want my book to be available before all the craziness starts. For some, it may be just what they need. That said, if a friend of yours is dealing with cancer, grief, or some other trauma, perhaps get your copy first and then consider how it may affect them. The book could certainly be helpful for your friend, but I would never want to add to their emotional turmoil. In that case, maybe filter out a few nuggets of truth for them until the timing is better.

My third reason is a little more personal. Today marks twenty-five years since my dear friend, Seth, died in an accident. (Part of me feels like it was just yesterday; it doesn’t seem I should be old enough to account for twenty-five years!) So, when I saw November 17th is today, a Wednesday, it felt like God’s timing. The book does not entail Seth’s tragedy, yet in my story, I mention how that loss helped me process Dave’s death. So, in my mind, they are somewhat connected.

The fourth reason is simply that there’s no time like the present. This project was complex and took me a while to finish. I had much to learn about writing and publishing a book. Grief and being a single mom were factors, not to mention work, household duties, and various levels of motivation. But, in the end, perfect conditions don’t exist. Something always comes up, and I am just going for it!

Finally, my fifth reason is that I need to continually challenge myself! It’s risky to put myself out there, but I don’t have to be afraid. I am covered with God’s grace. He goes ahead of me and He’s right beside me simultaneously. By faith, I need to release my book and step out of the way, so He can do what He does best.

In honor of my book launch, I created a new blog PAGE! I loaded it with some key details you might want to know before ordering.

Well, that’s it. I appreciate all your ongoing support, encouragement, and prayers!


God, thanks for all the ways You have brought me through. You are so good and faithful. Would You please use my story to help others see You at work in theirs? May this book bring You glory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Any guesses on when I started writing my book?! Will you order the black and white version or the deluxe color version?

Tasks: Grab your copy of Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward today! Read more details here. I’d love for you to tag me on Facebook @GraceandLemonade or on Instagram @natalator with a picture of you and my book. Also, please share this post on social media. Goal: Tell at least 15 of your friends! 😉

From Grace to Grace

Lately, I have been talking to my friends about the significance of our personal stories. It is a theme that keeps coming up for me, partially because I have found it so helpful and encouraging. Plus, I enjoy hearing how God has worked in other peoples’ lives.

It can be healing to share our hearts, though, at the same time, we should be discerning. Some people won’t understand or appreciate all we have been through. Be wise!

As we discuss our failures, we can give God credit and glory for all He has done. He has brought us through each trial We have Victory, in Jesus’ Name!

Sometimes, it is easy to see what we should have done differently. But certain events are more difficult to process until much later. With all we learn through making mistakes, those lessons can be a lifeline or trail for others.

But, maybe you’re still in the middle of a current struggle. Maybe you can’t see how it all ends right now. Don’t give up.

God is putting together something beautiful, but like any masterpiece, it is going to take some time. Hold on…to Him!

God’s favor surrounds us like a shield. He protects His children as we walk close to HIm. As long as we keep moving forward with Him, we will make it.

Someday, your story will all make sense. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though.

Each trial is like a stepping stone. As we leap from one to another, God gives us His grace and strength.

Even if we can’t see the next step, there are a few things we can do.

First, we can trust that there is a stone to step on. God Himself is our Rock. Strong and dependable, He’s more than able to handle anything that comes our way.

Second, we can make the choice to follow God’s leading. He never pressures us to make the leap, but He promises His presence and power. His love never fails!

Third, we can look back with gratitude and see God’s faithfulness thus far. Then, it is easier to see how all the ‘dots’ connect.

Fourth, we cand seek God’s grace and goodness as we go. If we expect challenges, we will find them. But if we look for goodness, we will find that too. So, without gratitude, we will only see the difficulties, not the beauty of God’s plan.

Grace is God’s unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor. It is all around us if we have eyes to see it. Let’s move from one grace to the next!


Heavenly Father, thanks for all You do for us. You are so good! Help us trust you as we move forward. Help us make the leap by faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you comfortable telling the key points of your life story? What lessons can you share with others?

Tasks: Listen to the song, Rebel Heart, by Lauren Daigle.

Book Review: When God Doesn’t Fix It

Recently, I finished another book that I’d highly recommend to anyone dealing with grief or trying to understand how life has turned out so differently than planned…

The book is called, When God Doesn’t Fix It, by Laura Story. Like the other memoir I reviewed, this book also was published two years ago, but I wasn’t ready for it then. I’m so grateful for God’s healing grace—and for how far He has brought me!

The author is an award-winning singer, songwriter, and worship leader. But twelve years ago, her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent a ‘successful’ surgery. However, he now has several deficits including short-term memory problems and loss of peripheral vision. Parts of the story are very funny and other parts are very poignant.

The book has many parallels to my own story, yet both are still unique. Of course, I can relate to the ups and downs of dealing with health issues. When he was sick with cancer, my late-husband, Dave required more care as time went on, but didn’t improve. Life never returned to the way it was.

Ms. Story dispels several myths we believe about God and shows the Truth using Scripture. The Lord always keeps His promises (See 2 Corinthians 1:20)! But often, we place expectations on Him that He never agreed to do for us. Then, we tend to feel betrayed and blame God when He doesn’t come through like we think He should.

Take, for example, the subject of healing. Indeed, Jesus certainly did heal many people. However, as great as that was, physical healing was not His main goal. We see in Luke 19:10 that Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost.” Thus, He had a greater purpose in mind than just physical healing…

(The book gives more details and more examples, but I can trust the Lord for greater things in my life too!)

I appreciated that Ms. Story wrote honestly about her faith journey, one that has more questions than answers. She and her family have repeatedly prayed for healing but have had to learn to move forward without the resolution they desire. Her husband’s condition has not improved, but they have chosen to grow through the experience.

Ms. Story didn’t pretend to understand the “why factor.” Instead of demanding God to fix her family’s problems, they are embracing the present journey. They are choosing to praise Jesus and live for Him, becoming better, not bitter.

This book reminds me that we don’t have to have all the answers to walk by faith.

God is SO good!!


Father God, thanks for all You do for me. Thanks for graciously guiding me and providing for me. Help me to praise You even when I don’t understand my circumstances. Help me to walk in faith! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your God-sized questions that seem to have no answers? How can you trust Jesus and move forward?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Blessings,” by Laura Story. If you read her book, When God Doesn’t Fix It, let me know what you think!

Easter Excitement!

I don’t know about you, but Lydia has been looking forward to Easter for weeks! She’s been learning about Easter at church and school. While she doesn’t understand all the details, Lydia has made some good observations.

A few days ago, I read a kids magazine to her before bed. The magazine, from Compassion International, explained that some kids in other countries don’t have access to clean water, shoes/clothes, or food. The article was thorough, yet simple enough for Lydia to grasp.

“Lydia, what if some kids walked through dirt or garbage, but couldn’t wash their hands or feet?” I explained, “That could bring germs inside their house and they could get sick.”

Ironically, the next magazine article was about humility and being a servant. We read in John 13 about the Last Supper, where Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. He chose to serve.

We talked about pride versus humility. To hit home the point, I asked Lydia if she’d ever wash one of her friend’s feet. Her response? “That would be kind of gross…but I could do it.” I got a good laugh out of that, but was glad for her honesty!

We’ve also had some points of clarification, such as when I said Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. “Mom, I know what ‘trade’ means like if I have a toy that my friend wants, I give it to them and they give me something they have. But, what does buh-trade mean?”

I love hearing Lydia’s thoughts and seeing her excitement. She may not have all the answers, but she does have the faith of a child. She knows Jesus loves her!

Lydia also seems to understand the real meaning of Easter. “Jesus dies on the cross for our sins. And, Easter eggs remind us that we were lost and Jesus found us—kind of like how you hide the eggs and then I find them.”

Then Lydia added, “By the way, Mom, are you going to hide the Easter eggs when I go to bed or in the morning before I wake up?” She’s sure excited!

At Easter, we celebrate the love Jesus showed us on the Cross. With compassion, He laid down His life for ours because we each owed a debt we could not pay. His sacrifice was the only way to restore our relationship with God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (see John 14:6). Jesus paid it all!

With His blood, Jesus washed away our sins. Jesus’ grace covers our faults and failures…past, present, and future. Praise God, His mercies are new every morning!

Because of Jesus’ death, we have forgiveness and freedom. Jesus is our righteousness and our defense. And because of His resurrection, we also have new life!

We have purpose, protection, and provision! We no longer have to live in fear; we can come straight into God’s presence. We are healed in Jesus’ Name!

God’s grace and salvation are for everyone. Have you received them?

If you belong to Jesus, the same power that raised Him from the dead lives in you and me (Romans 8:11)! Because of Jesus, we have Victory! Hallelujah!


Precious Jesus, thank You for the Cross! You alone are worthy of all praise. Victory belongs to You! Thank You for loving me so much, Lord. May my life bring You glory. In Your Name, Amen.

Question: What does Easter mean to you? Have you accepted Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross?

Tasks: Read through Jesus’ Crucifixion and Resurrection story. Praise Jesus for His sacrifice!