Well, we are a couple of weeks into Lydia’s school year! She’s starting well and seems to be enjoying it. She has been tackling homework, and I am helping her stay on track and set some boundaries with her time. There are natural consequences if she “forgets” to complete an assignment, and we are both learning as we go!
Sometime last year, I felt God prompt me to stay available for Lydia. It’s just the two of us at home, and I am her main support. So, I have needed to say ‘no’ to many requests for my time to have flexibility. I won’t say I have cleared my schedule completely, but by and large, that’s exactly what I’ve done!
When Lydia was younger, I was much more active with friends, church, and moms groups. She was well-behaved, and I could trust her to attend events with me. As a single mom, I didn’t have many other options! I quickly learned that if I wanted to be involved in something, it had to work for Lydia, too. Often, that meant hosting events at our house so she could go to bed at a reasonable hour.
I volunteered last fall at church for a Wednesday night class. It worked well since Lydia was there at youth group. I loved meeting some new friends! But the class has changed to a different evening, and I chose not to be involved so I can be home in the evenings. Perhaps it will work out in the future, but I am confident I made the right choice for now.
Time is flying, and I know I won’t always have this opportunity with Lydia. I am grateful for God leading me to step back a little. Anyone can serve in their free time, but only I can be Lydia’s mom!
All of this has been good for me, too! I have enjoyed a slower pace, which is probably my natural preference. Slow and steady wins the race… I have loved having time to pray and listen to God because my mind is focused, not frazzled. I am also enjoying getting up early to exercise before work. As a result, I have more energy, less pain, and a better attitude. All because I said yes to God and no to other things.
That doesn’t mean I am doing nothing with or for other people. I talk with people all day at work, serving them to the best of my ability. If anything, because I am well-rested, I am more present and patient with my patients!
Outside of work, I sometimes meet with people God Himself puts in my path – often on a last-minute basis. I will encourage another single mom when she calls. I may write a note to a friend in need. I can go meet the new neighbors because I am not rushing out the door.
I know this season won’t last forever, so I will trust God and His timing. We are still plenty ‘busy’ with mowing, house chores, work, school, etc., but I appreciate having less stress and more peace. All advantages of listening to God and doing what He says!
His thoughts are higher, and His ways are greater. He knows exactly what we need!
Lord, thanks for helping me find peace in this season. Give me the strength and wisdom to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to the right things. May I have a humble heart and be quick to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: What do you perceive God is prompting you to do? If it is the same old message, try obedience. If you are having trouble hearing Him, start with the last thing you know for sure! After you’ve tackled that, He will probably say something new!
Task: Take a little time out this week to listen to God. Pause and seek solitude. Turn off social media and any other distractions. Check in with Him and see if you need to make any changes.