Finding Grace #192

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full of ups and downs, along with the fullness of God’s grace!

On Monday morning, I received a disappointing ‘confirmation’ that something I had hoped for wasn’t going in my favor. It will be alright and, though it may be difficult currently, it is actually a good thing in the long run. I prayed about it and am trusting God. Ironically, as soon as this happened, a friend texted me and asked if we could have dinner together. It was a well-timed visit and I was glad for the company. We briefly discussed my issue while we caught up and encouraged each other! It was refreshing.

On Tuesday evening, I received some more discouraging news. It is unrelated to the other issue, but again, I was praying for a different outcome. Once again, I was upset and God provided another friend to encourage me. We had dinner and caught up, too. I really appreciate friends who help me see God’s goodness and grace! Encountering resistance helps us lean on God and remember we don’t have to worry because He is in control!

On Thursday, more friends came over for Bible study. We had a good conversation and I shared my updates with them. One friend made a good point, that it was good to know this information sooner rather than later so I can readjust my plans. I agreed that God’s timing is perfect. And, I am no worse off than before… I just have a clearer path to follow now.

Work went well this week! I transitioned to my part-time schedule (my actual job). I previously was working full-time while someone was on maternity leave. I am grateful for both opportunities (working more or less), and it feels good to have work-life balance. I even picked Lydia up early from daycare early!

Today, we are celebrating Lydia’s November birthday early! Because she was born close to Thanksgiving, getting friends together for a party can be tricky. So, we decided to do it this weekend instead. Lydia decided to take a friend to paint pottery at a local shop. Then, we had pizza and brownies. So far, the girls are having a fun sleepover and have painted fingernails, watched a show, and are singing while playing several games. 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Encountering Resistance

Recently, Lydia and I were in the bathroom combing through her hair before school. I gently worked through a few tangles so I wouldn’t hurt my sweet girl. We were trying to be patient with one another.

I asked Lydia to hold her head still and essentially counter my tug on her hair. It was a little painful to get through the tangles, so we talked about the concept of resistance.

If Lydia were to give in and let her head follow the direction I pulled, the overall effect would meaningless. Her tangles would not be resolved.

But with a little resistance, we made progress and made it out the door on time.

On the other hand, there are times when we need to work together in a different way. If I am making a side ponytail, I have Lydia turn her head and hold still. She needs to lean into my request and not pull away, not be resistant.

This week, Lydia and I brainstormed practical examples of resistance that were positive and negative. She pointed out good forms of resistance in terms of standing up for what is right or avoiding peer pressure at school.

We discussed other times when interruptions come and we need to go with the flow in order to help others. For instance, if a friend is hurt or someone is in pain, we need to be willing to stop what we are doing and lend a hand.

I love how practical some of these ‘lessons with Lydia’ can be. God doesn’t want us to overthink how we live for Him. We don’t have to fight our way through life. Instead, we can embrace God’s plan for us.

It’s pretty basic, after all: Be sensitive to the needs around us, learning when to stand up for something or when to sit back and let it be.

Resistance comes in many forms. We all face many roadblocks and setbacks daily. They can stem from internal or external issues. They hit us and attempt to hinder us mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually.

Resistance can keep us from reaching goals, living our best life, and serving God. It can stir up fear and sidetrack us from what really matters.

But sometimes, resistance can be a good thing. Not all roadblocks are meant to stop us. Some are meant to protect us. Resistance can build resilience, redirect us, and help us consider other perspectives.

It is tempting to run away from obstacles and resist making changes. But, working through resistance can bring big breakthroughs and blessings we would have missed otherwise!

Thus, it is important to know the difference between when we should stand firm and when we should go with the flow.

We can only get through some challenges by facing them head-on. Sometimes resistance requires us to confront our fears or have a difficult conversation. Then again, sometimes we need to lay aside our plans and expectations. Procrastination never helps.

For me, all this takes time with God and quiet dependence on Him. I need His input to know what to do in these situations. But, if I have too much ‘noise’ in the background or if I am too ‘busy,’ then I have difficulty discerning His voice.

Ironically, this week I have already been faced with two different encounters with resistance. On the surface, these setbacks feel like major blows. However, they will be small issues in the long run and are prompting me to consider other options for meeting my goals. While I didn’t want these setbacks, I knew they could happen and was emotionally prepared (more or less, haha).

I know God’s got this, and I am not going to worry. I am trusting Him and expecting good things from this redirection. He has a good plan for me and I will persevere!

We learn how to handle resistance by leaning into it and drawing close to Jesus. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He is our shield and defender, and He knows exactly what we need! Trust Him!


Heavenly Father, thanks for walking with us through all of life’s challenges. Thanks for empowering us and giving us courage. Please build resiliency within us, Lord. Help us be brave. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What forms of resistance are you facing right now? Are you handling the challenges head-on or avoiding the issues at hand?

Task: Ask God to help you break through your resistance. He has the power to help you with whatever is holding you back!

Finding Grace #190

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a really fun week full of God’s grace!

On Sunday, a friend came to do her laundry at my house. We had a great time. We even got to say hello to our moms…I chatted with her mom in Africa, and she chatted with my mom in Florida. She stayed for lunch and dinner and a wild game of Crazy Eights!

On Tuesday, Lydia and I went out to eat with some of my new coworkers. We went to a popular restaurant and stayed to play BINGO! Lydia was really into it, helping me monitor my card and dab the numbers. We stayed for a couple of hours and had so much fun! If I would have insisted on Lydia’s normal bedtime, we would have missed out.

Work is still going well! It is busy and can be fast-paced at times. But, I am really grateful to be there and have meaningful conversations. It is truly a blessing and an honor to work with Veterans. Thank You, Jesus!

On Wednesday, I gave away the last of my apples to two different ladies. I hate to see good foods wasted, so I used what I could and blessed others with the rest.

On Thursday, most of the ladies in my small group canceled for various reasons. One friend still came and we made cookies and caught up on all sorts of topics. She is pregnant, so it was fun to talk about her new family adventures!

Yesterday, a friend came over for Chinese food and Hallmark movies! It’s always fun to hang out, and Hallmark kicked off their Chrismas season of movies! If you need me for the next two months, you’ll know where to find me! Just kidding… sort of.  😉

I signed up for snow removal services this week. I will likely still be out doing a little of the work, but I’m grateful not to have to do all of this upcoming season. Thanks so much for your prayers on my decision.

Today has been a beautiful autumn day. Lydia played most of the day with friends, which is great because the weather is supposed to be chilly going forward!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Nothing Random

Sometimes life is full of random interruptions. I am learning to go with the flow.

“Mom! I just made this up and it’s funny: There was a dinosaur chicken nugget. His tail was kale. He threw a pail and rode a whale. And then it hailed.”

Yes, Lydia just came up to me and told me that. I quickly wrote it down because it fits this theme. 🙂 She also asked me about her Halloween costume. See what I mean?!

The last few days have been full spending time with people and less time on my personal to-do list. As I have previously mentioned, that used to stress me out.

But now, I know God can use every moment for His purposes and His glory. Even the most random things don’t surprise God or put off His plans. So, we can just take them in stride.

I’m grateful for all God is doing in me and through me and with me and for me.

These last few months have been nothing short of amazing. Yes, I have been stretched, but I’ve also had some great opportunities and met some wonderful people. Same with Lydia.

When we let God lead, we give Him control. We also give Him full reign to bless us! If I am too focused on ‘getting things done,’ I miss seeing God move on my behalf!

For instance, on Sunday, a friend came to do her laundry at my house. We had a great time. We even got to say hello to our moms…I chatted with her mom in Africa, and she chatted with my mom in Florida. She stayed for lunch and dinner and a wild game of Crazy Eights. If I had been focused on my chores, I would have missed out.

Then yesterday, Lydia and I went out to eat with some of my new coworkers. We went to a popular restaurant and stayed to play BINGO! Lydia was really into it, helping me monitor my card and dab the numbers. We stayed for a couple of hours and had so much fun! If I would have insisted on Lydia’s normal bedtime, we would have missed out.

And recently, my entire day was upended by phone calls, helping someone with a car problem, and other random events. It was so strange. Not one part of my day was normal!

But, I still had a good day, kept my peace, and let God use me.

Thankfully, with God, nothing is random! His plans for us are good and His promises are sure. His love never fails! This week, I am reminded to rest in Him and not stress about the details. God’s got this…and so much more!

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” –Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Jesus prayed for His disciples (and us), just before He was arrested and sent to die on the Cross. He prayed on our behalf, “‘My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.'” –John 17:15 (NIV)

That verse reminds me God is not done with me yet. Another verse says mentions if God started something good in my life, He will be faithful to complete it (see Philippians 1:6).

We can relax and enjoy life knowing God will take care of us and provide all we need!


God, thanks for taking such good care of me. Thanks for keeping everything under control so I don’t have to manage it all. Help me stay in step with You and see Your purpose and plan. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Does your life seem random or can you see God at work? Is giving up control easy for you or does it take concerted effort?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “God’s Not Done,” by Tauren Wells.

Finding Grace #189

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full and felt long, but it was also somewhat unusual!

Last weekend, we received snow, which is not unheard of, but still unusual. I used my snowblower and shovel to clear the snow. I woke up the next morning feeling a little sick and sore from head-to-toe. I spent most of the day wondering why. Later, my neighbor pointed out I was probably sore from all that work! After still being sore three days later and feeling tired most of the week, I decided to (finally!) look into hiring a company to help me this season. I’d appreciate prayers for wisdom to choose the right company!

On Sunday, two dear friends brought over two different apple crisps! Then, we went with one of these friends to pick up several fresh boxes of apples from her coworker. I was able to take a good-sized box of fresh apples to work to share with at least eight people. It was fun to see how many people were blessed by one person’s generosity!

I still have a lot of apples of my own, so I made some applesauce in my Instant Pot. I may make some other goodies as well. I’m really enjoying this fall!

On Thursday and Friday, Lydia had two planned days off from school. Lydia was able to go to the Y program which was still open. Once again, she had a really fun time. I’m so glad she has adjusted so well! I’m grateful for how God is leading us, stretching us, and providing for us! He is so good!

Today has been a beautiful autumn day. Lydia played outside with friends. I worked inside a bit, but also took advantage of the slightly warmer weather and mowed my lawn one final time (in shorts!). It was the first time I have done it since late July!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The First Step

If you ask any parent, having an obedient child is a blessing. Training kids to listen and follow-through is an ideal goal, but so hard to do consistently. Obviously, life definitely goes more smoothly when children do what they are asked. Yes, I’m speaking from experience. 😉

As Christ-followers, God expects us to be obedient, too. In fact, Jesus said being obedient (doing what He says) is a mark of our love for Him. It seems obvious, yet, like dearly loved children, we often struggle, too.

Elisabeth Elliot wrote, “A whole lot of what we call ‘struggling’ is simply delayed obedience.” How true!

Thankfully, even one small step of obedience can pave the way for growth. The first step, taken in faith, can create even more opportunities to trust God.

Recently, I took a small step of obedience which really felt like a long shot. I had been praying for some answers regarding a friend who had been ignoring me. I wondered if I should ask this person over for dinner, but was feeling hurt and fearing rejection.

I had several other tasks to do that night, and dinner with this friend wasn’t the most ‘convenient’ option. But, I put aside my feelings and to-do list. I extended the invitation anyway, leaving the outcome in God’s hands.

I made one of my friend’s favorite meals, hoping that would entice her to come. It worked!

God honored my simple act of obedience, and the tasty food made way for meaningful conversation. As a result, our lines of communication were restored and we grew closer. 🙂

I love that God used my obedience to mend our friendship and teach us both valuable lessons. My first step in the right direction helped my friend take her own steps of obedience. Then, we each gained more opportunities to serve others and trust God.

I don’t know where you are in your relationship with God, but I know He is calling you to be obedient today. If you aren’t sure what that means, go back to the last time you remember a specific direction from God. It may be a specific Bible verse that spoke to you, a gut feeling, or simply seeing someone in need.

It may not be convenient, but it’s always the best idea. God rewards obedience and will honor your efforts. He will help you follow-through! 

Simple examples may include: Putting aside your own feelings to serve someone else. Or, taking a big step forward even if you’re afraid. Or, letting someone else take the lead on a project, even if you don’t fully agree.

Needless to say, always look for ways to be kind, gracious, and forgiving toward others. You don’t have to figure it all out. Just take the first step!


God, thanks for being so patient with us. Thanks for Your grace, kindness, and forgiveness. Help us listen to you and obey Your word. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is God asking you to do? Are you doing it? Why or why not?

Tasks: Read this throwback post, one of my first posts from 2015:  Put on Your Pants!


Finding Grace #188

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

I found myself extra grateful this week!

On Tuesday, I enjoyed some extra special moments with the Lord. I’m so glad we can have a personal relationship with Jesus. He is our refuge and strength!

I also bought a new transitional coat for the fall; it is longer than my other ones. I already put it to good use for our first ‘winter’ storm! I’ll save my heavy-duty coat for later!

On Friday, Lydia had a snow day from school. Thankfully, the Y program was still open, though I needed to drop Lydia off at an alternate site. She had a really fun time playing games, making art, and making new friends. I had a fun and productive day at work!

I received some beautiful flowers and chocolates from three girlfriends for completing part of a big project recently. I’m grateful they have been cheering me on. Thank you!

Today, Lydia attended a birthday party for a classmate. The party was at an art studio downtown Fargo so it was a cool opportunity for Lydia. I cleared the snow earlier in the day, so I could drop her off… No winter storm was going to keep her home! 😉


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

In Every Moment

Yesterday, after work, I was thinking about my blog and what I should write for today’s post. Nothing, in particular, came to mind for my blog. So, I let my mind wander and thought about different topics. Mostly, I thought about how good God is.

On my way to pick up Lydia, I decided on a whim to take a detour and enjoy the gorgeous autumn day. Instead of driving on the highway, I found a different road that led through town and made a couple of stops on my way. It was a nice change of pace.

As I drove and sang with the radio, I praised God for all He has been doing in my life lately. In between songs, I considered more ideas for my blog.

Sometimes, I get lots of blog ideas all at once or sometimes they come over several days, but yesterday was one of those times where I didn’t have any outstanding ideas that would be good for an entire post (most were just snapshots I can build on later).

The more I thought about not having a big idea, the more thankful I was that I didn’t have any ‘major’ issues to discuss or document on my blog. That doesn’t happen often!

And you know what? I was totally okay with not having a bright idea! I just kept praising God for the peace and joy I felt in His presence. I felt so blessed as I thanked Him.

Then, it hit me.

We don’t need a specific time or reason to praise God. He deserves ALL our praise! When times are good, and times are bad… He is always worthy.

When we have a lot on our mind, or nothing at all… we can praise God!

Of course, my care-free attitude yesterday doesn’t mean my life is perfect. To start, the dishes from last night will most certainly sit in the sink a little longer. And, the two stacks of papers and mail on my dining room table will be shuffled elsewhere when my friends come tomorrow. I haven’t vacuumed all week, and I still have laundry in the dryer. 🙂

Nonetheless, I am choosing to worship in the here and now, not worrying about the dishes or bills or dust or what to wear. In fact, at every moment of every day, we have every reason to praise God!

All creatures great and small… everything that has breath, praise the Lord!


God, I love You! You are so good to me. I’m in awe of Who You are. Let me never take You for granted. May I praise you in every moment and in every circumstance. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What can you praise God for today?! What are you thankful for?

Task: Instead of just asking God for help today, spend some time thanking Him and praising Him for all He is and has done.


Finding Grace #187

I love giving God a shout out for what He has done. We don’t do that nearly enough!

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week flew by!

The weather was chilly, cloudy, and sometimes rainy. I’m glad I did my outdoor chores last weekend! It’s definitely been a good week to dress in fun layers!

On Monday, Lydia did not have school due to a district-wide meeting or training. However, I still needed to work, so she went to the Y program all day anyway. At first, Lydia thought she’d be “the only one” there. But she came home and said it was her favorite day so far! She “can’t wait” for the next couple of days off later this month! Praise God!

On Tuesday, a dear friend came over for Taco Tuesday. I really appreciated catching up with her. We always have a good time!

On Thursday evening, I threw together a quick apple crisp for my ladies’ small group. It was tasty and I enjoyed hearing each person’s updates and answers to prayer!

Work went well this week, and I received several compliments. It can be quite busy at times, but I know I am in the right place and I am taking it all in stride.  I feel pretty confident and yet am still learning new parts of my job. I also had several meaningful conversations with my coworkers. I’m soooo grateful!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Rest in His Love

Recently, I have been reading and scribing in John 17 as part of my time with God. In this chapter, among other things, Jesus prays for His disciples.

Then, He prays for us who came after.

As I read and re-read His prayer, I’ve been so touched by His words. I can see the strong relationship Jesus has with His Father.

And, I can see we were on Jesus’ heart just before He is arrested and condemned to the Cross. Of all things, He tells His Father about us.

Wow! Jesus poured out His heart on our behalf.

In John 17:11, Jesus prayed, “I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.”

What love!

Jesus is concerned for us and doesn’t want us to be alone, so He prays for our protection (and later, sends the Holy Spirit). This shows me how good, gracious, and forgiving He is.

He knew all about our sins even before we were born. Yet, He chose to die for us because He loved us so much. Being separated from us for eternity was unthinkable to Him!

When life gets crazy, we can trust that Jesus cares about what is happening. He is seated at the right hand of God, still advocating and praying for us! He already died on our behalf; there are no limits on what He can do for us. Indeed, we can’t earn His favor… we already have it!

So bring all your anxieties, doubts, failures, fears, problems, and questions. He cares for you and has a good plan for your life! Trust Him.

Also, bring all your joys, successes, and victories! He wants to celebrate with you!

Because of Jesus, we have peace with God and can rest in His love!


Father God, thanks so much for Jesus! Help us bring everything…good and bad… to You. Help us rest in Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you read John 17, can you sense Jesus’ heart and love for us? Have you accepted His love and forgiveness yet?

Tasks: Regardless of how you are feeling or what you are doing today, bring it all to Jesus. Rest in His love!