Beyond the Spectrum

Recently, I have come across the words ‘spectrum of light’ in two different settings. When repetition happens, I take note. One instance was the Netflix show, “Brainchild.” The episode was discussing electromagnetic energy, gravity, and other forces. Lydia and I like science shows, and it put some things into perspective for me.

Electromagnetic radiation comes in frequencies or wavelengths. Visible light, or ROYGBIV, is only one part of that spectrum. Light is then absorbed by various objects and we see whatever color bounces off. Other frequencies include various radio waves and microwaves. But they all have to do with energy on the same spectrum.

Humans can only see the rainbow colors, but there are ultraviolet and infrared light waves that are invisible to us. These are just beyond the violet/purple and red wavelengths. Ultraviolet light waves are faster because they are short and close together, while infrared light waves are slow and have less energy.

Ultraviolet rays can be harmful. They can cause sunburns, for example, or damage our eyes. But they can also bring health benefits like increasing Vitamin D production.

Infrared rays are often used in night vision for surveillance or tracking wildlife (think nature shows on PBS or Nat Geo). They are also used in weather satellites. Pretty cool!

As I was watching the show with Lydia, I thought about how God designed our eyes.

Interestingly, He gave many animals greater field of vision and the ability to see more colors. Cats and dogs only see certain muted colors, but some birds and spiders can see UV rays. A chameleon can see 360 degrees (yes, a full circle!) as its eyes are near the top of its head. Its eyes can also operate independently of each other!!

This made me wonder… Why did God ‘limit’ our eyesight compared to the animals? Perhaps it was so we could have less distractions… God knows we often need help keeping our eyes focused on Him.

Or maybe it was so we wouldn’t look funny. I’m glad we don’t have bug eyes! 😉

Either way, the rainbow first appears in the Bible as a symbol of God’s faithfulness. For me, I see it as both a reminder of God’s firm promise and a reminder to trust Him.

We can’t see the future or fathom all that is going on around us. We don’t know what tomorrow holds and can’t see how things work out. We can’t fully understand or control each of those circumstances, either!

Sometimes, our limited vision poses challenges for us. We don’t always have the correct perspective. But it can also be a major blessing in that we don’t bear so much responsibility. We don’t hold the weight of the world on our shoulders.

At the same time, there are invisible spiritual forces of good and evil at war. Like many Bible characters, we would probably freak out if we saw these supernatural beings in real life (think four-faced cherubim or the beast from Revelation!).

Someday, in Heaven, we will see the full spectrum of color. We will see everything as it should be. In the meantime, we can still have peace. We can trust Jesus and thank Him for His protection. He’s got this. 

He is light, and He reigns over the darkness, too.


God, thank you for the beautiful world you have created! Thanks for letting us enjoy all the colors of the rainbow. Thanks for protecting us and providing good things for us. Help us trust You with all we cannot see. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever used night vision? Is it easy or difficult for you to trust God when you can’t see how it all works out? (That’s called faith.) 🙂

Task: Read up about these six animals with incredible vision. God is soo cool!

Finding Grace #226

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

Happy Fourth of July! Lydia and I usually keep this holiday simple, but we are grateful for our American freedom and the heavy price that was paid for it. (I see this often, working at the VA, too.) Typically, we watch our neighborhood fireworks and hang out with friends. Tonight, we are also watching Hamilton on Disney Plus!

On Sunday, Lydia and I went to the local zoo. It was free for healthcare workers, so that was a nice bonus. The weather was warm and windy, but it was fun to walk around. We enjoyed seeing the otters, the prairie dogs, the goats, and the dairy cow, among others. We loved feeding the baby ducks! We social distanced and wore masks, too!

Lydia had a particularly great week at daycare. On Monday, she participated in a ‘Reader’s Theater’ that was based on a bunch of popular video games. On Tuesday, there was a fun water day planned, followed by a birthday celebration on Wednesday! I am grateful she’s having an awesome summer!

Yesterday, Lydia and I joined some friends for strawberry picking in Park Rapids, MN! It was hot in the sun, though we went in the morning. Lydia and I picked a full flat (see picture) of berries. So far, we have made some quick jam, smoothies, and frozen some for later. Yum!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Full of Surprises

A few weeks ago, Lydia’s daycare informed us about a special surprise scheduled for yesterday. We learned she was to bring her swimsuit and towel, so naturally, Lydia packed her bag right away. Yes, she was lugging these items back and forth every day in anticipation!!

Then, yesterday morning we woke up earlier than usual to get ready. Lydia didn’t want to miss any of the fun. She wanted to arrive with enough time to “prepare.” 🙂

As we ate breakfast, I looked outside and noticed it was overcast. I didn’t say anything to Lydia, but I quietly checked the forecast. Thankfully, it was just cloudy, with no rain.

Personally, I was relieved knowing the clouds would hide some of the sun’s heat. It was supposed to be near 100 degrees originally, so I was happy with the mid-80s!

I mentioned to Lydia that her plans would probably be just fine weather-wise. At the same time, I thought about how many times we worry about our plans not working out.

Often, we see clouds and assume all is lost! Woe is us, it might rain!

So what if we occasionally get wet?

Sometimes, clouds are an answer to prayer. God’s protection and provision.

On the way to daycare, I prepped Lydia so she could manage her expectations. She was hoping to go swimming. But, I didn’t want her to be disappointed if they didn’t go to the pool. She decided to embrace the surprise no matter what it was.

I dropped Lydia off thirty-five minutes earlier than normal and about fifteen minutes before her surprise was to start. As such, I was able to enjoy a thirty minute walk along the river before work! I hadn’t planned that, so it was nice surprise!

As I walked, I saw plenty of people walking, running, biking, and roller skiing! I saw a few dogs and  covered ground I hadn’t seen before. After about fifteen minutes, I had to turn around and walk back to my car. I kept wanting to see what was around the next bend! However, I decided to return another day so I could explore more. 

By this time, the sun was peeking out. It was already humid and I worked up a good sweat. I should have brought an extra shirt! Nonetheless, it felt great to get some outside exercise before work. I eventually cooled down once I arrived at my office. 🙂

When I picked her up in the afternoon, Lydia told me about her day. The surprise included various stations with exciting water activities. There were water balloons, a dunk tank, and a foam bubble machine. An ice cream truck even stopped by with treats for all the kids! Lydia had so much fun and was glad she kept an open mind!

You know, God is always full of surprises! He fills our lives with good things. When uncertainty comes, we don’t have to “figure it out” or second-guess His love. Instead, peace and joy come when we let God take care of us. Nothing is impossible!


Heavenly Father, thanks for filling our lives with goodness. Help us walk in Your love as we live by faith. Help us spread your peace and joy everywhere we go! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Has God surprised you lately? Is there something you can do to surprise or bless someone else?

Tasks: Keep your eyes open for all the ways God showers His love on you today. Live with expectation of His goodness. You might just be surprised!

Finding Grace #225

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an exciting week! Lydia and I had some great moments and conversations. We ate some fun meals, watched some movies, and put together a 500 piece puzzle. The puzzle is called “Artsy Cats” and showcases famous artists as cats. My favorite is “Clawed Monet.” We also talked about some deep topics about life and faith.

This week, I am grateful we were able to connect with our neighbors a little more. We have all been social distancing, but the kids have been missing each other. I suppose it is important to find some balance; they can’t stay apart forever! They played over a couple of days, and I handed out snacks, like usual. I have missed having them over!

This week, I had an exciting meeting at a local college, where I am going to teach a class this fall. It is a cool opportunity to teach undergrad dietetics students. I am grateful for the chance to ‘give back’ to my profession and help advance my field. I always enjoyed school and am a bit of a nerd, so academia feels like home! (I am looking forward to doing this in addition to my part-time position at the VA.) I feel so blessed! Now, I need to revise the syllabus and prepare assignments for the next semester. Prayers appreciated! 🙂

Today, Lydia and I enjoyed volunteering at our church again. A couple weeks ago, the church and another local ministry gave out 25,000 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables. Today, we gave out 50,000 pounds of produce!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Wiggle It Out

When I was a kid and had a loose tooth, I wiggled it like crazy until it came out. It was a fun challenge and felt like a rite of passage. For Lydia, not so much.

By now, she has lost a number of teeth and should be used to it. But, whenever she has a loose tooth, she gets upset about the impending loss. She feels lightheaded and is worried about the potential pain. Like her dad, she doesn’t like the sight of blood.

So, this last weekend, it all came to a head when Lydia had yet another loose tooth. I convinced her it would come out faster, and cause less pain overall, if she wiggled it.

Well, of course, Lydia grew a little woozy and wanted to stop. I offered to help and/or pull it out and she waffled. I didn’t want to pressure her, so I let it go.

Eventually, after more encouragement, Lydia let me have a turn. Thankfully, it was mostly ready and came out with a little effort. She ran to look at her mouth in the bathroom mirror. She bravely overlooked the small amount of blood.

Soon, Lydia came back to me with a huge smile on her face. She was relieved. With a sigh, Lydia said, “Wow. I feel like a load is off my shoulders!”

A little while later, she came over again and said, “Mom! My new tooth is already poking through. Gosh…. That was fast!”

The new adult tooth was just waiting on the baby tooth to leave!

That night, Lydia and I talked about how her sense relief was far better than her fear. She had been worried but realized she didn’t need to be…

Baby teeth have purpose for a time, before giving way to adult teeth. Losing them is totally normal and natural. Similarly, God’s plan for us also is perfect and purposeful. It doesn’t need to be scary or odd!

Interestingly, on Monday, Lydia was excited to watch me get my teeth cleaned at the dentist! Going to the dentist is kind of uncomfortable, but of course important.

As we drove to daycare and work after the dentist, we talked about teeth and also how fear plays out in other areas of life.

Often, we stop short of what God is calling us to do because we are afraid. We may fear missing out or what is required. We may want to play it safe and stay comfortable.

Still, we cannot have Victory when we give in to fear and doubts. Instead, when we have questions, we can take them to Jesus. In His presence, our worries fade and we grow stronger in faith.

When we let Jesus write our stories, He brings a better outcome than we could have imagined. It may look different than expected, but He always gives us something good.

Sometimes transitions are tough. They might make us wiggle and squirm! But change and growth are always worth it. We don’t have to be afraid.

God is trustworthy and faithful. He has a special purpose for each of us and will never let us down! Now that’s something to smile about!


Heavenly Father, thanks that Your burden is easy and Your yoke is light. Thanks for doing the most difficult work on our behalf. Help us trust You more and follow Your lead. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What is something that you need to let go? Do you need to change your mindset or adopt a better attitude? What about changing your schedule or trying something new?

Tasks: Don’t be afraid of change. Let go of anything that is holding you back. God’s grace is more than enough.

Finding Grace #224

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a relatively calm week. Lydia and I enjoyed our family Zoom video chat and loved ‘meeting’ my new nephew, Alexander David. He’s so cute! 

During this pandemic, I signed up to take some free online classes on various topics. This week, I finished a couple of them. I learned a lot about photography and a couple of phone apps. I still need to finish my (paid) online cooking class though!

Yesterday, I noticed some great messages left in my little free library. I also mowed the lawn. It wasn’t very long, but I knew I would be crunched for time (or weather) later. Plus, it was a beautiful day! Lydia went to play with our neighbors and jumped on their trampoline. That was a huge help to me!

Today, we have really enjoyed relaxing. Lydia and I slept in, made pancakes, exercised, and made a few calls. I worked on a couple projects and did some laundry. Then, we played some games and watched Netflix. 🙂 I’m grateful for a slower day without a full agenda!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Victory in Volunteering

Raise your hand if you like to volunteer! It has been said many hands make light work.

Recently, Lydia and I had a couple of opportunities to serve our local communities. While it is always my goal to set a good example for Lydia, I also hope she can feel more connected to Dave this way. He loved to serve others and was always so good at it!

Last week, I helped a friend deliver Meals on Wheels. Several of my patients over the years have received meals through this program, and I wanted to see more of it behind the scenes.

On Friday, we drove to our friends’ house in a nearby community. Leading up to this, Lydia had been excited to help. That is, until she realized we were “just” delivering the meals to everyone’s door. She mistakenly thought we were going to make the meals, and she was eager to cook and put them all together.

Sensing a teachable moment, we started talking about serving others and volunteering. I mentioned how I didn’t really know what to expect, since I hadn’t done it before, but that we would just show up and do whatever was needed. When we are volunteering, we really don’t get to call the shots!

Lydia thought about this and we role-played how it would feel for someone to “volunteer,” yet tell everyone exactly how they were going to “help.” We talked about how that could make some people feel, to be told what to do when they didn’t ask for any input.

In the end, there was not much room for the food and Lydia and her little friend, so they stayed to play while the other mom and I went into town.

As a side note, later, I did explain how sometimes partnerships occur when one party offers services or something specific to the other party, and together, they agree on how to best use the resources. That kind of helping is a little different than straight-up volunteering, though!

Then, on Saturday, Lydia and I volunteered with a program at our church. The goal was to distribute huge boxes of fruits and vegetables FREE to anyone who stopped by. No strings attached.

Once again, Lydia was so excited to help! She wondered if we would be working hands-on with the food. Of course, I worked to managed her expectations for this event, too.

We ended up inside, helping check people in and out. Even though we had a small part, I explained that each job is important. If we didn’t do our part, it might prevent someone else from doing theirs. She was so proud to help!

We had a lot of fun and even met some new faces. We look forward to the next opportunity to serve at church in a couple weeks!

This week, Lydia and I have continued to talk about what it means to serve. For example, I asked her what would make a good volunteer.

We brainstormed ideas and came up with these: Show up on time and be ready to work. Be willing to do whatever is asked of you. It’s okay to be out of your comfort zone. Have a good attitude and don’t complain. Always give your best to God. Don’t be showy or expect a reward for helping, but be grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.

Honestly, I used to second-guess my ability to help others. My skills didn’t always match up with what I thought was needed. But, I have realized (usually) just doing something is better than doing nothing. There is room to grow, but no time to waste.

For me, this is Victory: To stretch myself on behalf of someone else. To let God use me in new ways. To keep showing up without getting credit or always seeing the final outcome. Perhaps, by serving others, I can even help someone else find freedom, too!

There are many ways to love and serve others, even if it looks different than you expected. Really, you can be kind and generous any day of the week, even if it is not at an official event. Smile. Carry groceries. Bake a pie. Show up. Speak out. Hold the door. Create space for others, too. Either way, it is important for us to “do,” not just talk about what to do!


God, thanks for giving us the heart and capacity to serve. Help us have right motives and glorify You in all we do. Help us be difference makers and draw people to You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you volunteer regularly? Where do you like to serve? Are there any challenges around you that could be remedied with a little help?

Tasks: Next time an opportunity to help someone presents itself, jump on it! Don’t be afraid or overthink it. Just do something! Be wise with your resources and pray how to best use them. Don’t be foolish or selfish; let God work through you to love others!

Finding Grace #223

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a full and busy week! Work flew by and was jam-packed with things to do. I saw a few patients face-to-face and also led a journal club for the other dietitians. It was a lot of fun, and I was happy to share about plant-based diets. Eat your veggies!

This week, I had a lot of random tasks to complete. I didn’t have as much energy and didn’t get much rest. I’m glad I could lean on the Lord for strength!

Yesterday, Lydia and I went to hang out with some friends. I helped deliver Meals on Wheels, too. Then, Lydia stayed to play, while I came home to get some task done. Later, I mowed the lawn before we went to visit our neighbors.

Today, Lydia and I volunteered at our church. The goal was to provide a truckload of fresh fruits and vegetables to people in our community. It was fun, and we had a good conversation about volunteering and serving others!

We had a new baby born in the family this morning. I won’t share too many details here, since I haven’t asked permission, but we are very happy! Also, Lydia and I were both so honored that the baby’s middle name is David. 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Discussion, Not Division

Well, here we are about halfway through 2020. I don’t think any of us expected it to be like this! So many wildcards… though, I am grateful God can take everything bad and work it for good in His time and in His way. He is faithful!

Lately, I have seen a few posts about how we need to ‘get angry’ and if we don’t speak up, we are part of the problem. On the one hand, I agree. Much of what has happened this year is upsetting and should absolutely be discussed.

But, I don’t make great decisions when I am angry or emotional. “Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires” (James 1:20). Besides, we don’t just need words, we need action. We have to make changes that will last.

Sadly, I have seen a number of my Christian friends flat-out argue with each other online about what needs to happen. Some of those are heavy topics, sure, but I hate seeing such division. I’m sure it breaks God’s heart, too.

It’s alright if we disagree! None of us is perfect is or has it all figured out. But we need to take better care of each other… be kind, be patient, listen. A house divided will never stand.

In many ways, it seems we are playing right into our Enemy’s hand, stirring up strife and hatred. Yet, Jesus said the world will know us by our love, not by our arguing.

Ironically, I have also seen several people tell others exactly how they should think or feel, march or protest, vote or use their voice. They have strongly stated it is unChristian or unAmerican to do this or that. This assumes the person agrees and shares their perspective.

This happened to me recently. I was rebuked online for pointing out facts in a news article that was clearly biased. The person said they “just did a quick Google search” to learn about the topic but then posted the article anyway. The topic had nothing to do with this person or where they live, and there is much more to the story than the one article suggested. I gently suggested looking at all the sides before making conclusions, but I received an eyeroll emoji and a strong rebuke.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this is one reason why people stay silent and don’t speak up in public. Yes, that needs to change to some degree. But, it seems we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t!

There are a variety of ways to tackle injustice or use your influence for good. Based on your personality and life experiences, perhaps you are comfortable leading the charge and voicing your opinions. You might have a quick ‘reaction time’ while others have a much slower fuse. That’s great! Just give others time to catch up.

Or, perhaps you prefer to have face-to-face conversations over coffee, volunteer locally, or write to Congress. If you like to work behind the scenes, thank you! We may never see the contribution you are making. I challenge you to speak up in your own way, and don’t let anyone tell you it’s not good enough!

Either way, there are many ways to serve, and each person can make a difference.

It’s okay if you don’t know how to think or feel on a topic. But do your own research.

Consider all angles before making decisions. It is wise to have as many details, pros/cons, and facts as possible. Don’t ask advice from random people on the internet, but do ask people who have experienced what you need to know.

The method may vary depending on the topic. Read your Bible and pray. Research key points through trusted resources, and/or study the science behind whatever you are thinking about. Have a good understanding of the issues at hand. Challenge your own opinions with facts!

Unfortunately, the public tendency to second-guess experts combined with the noise of social media doesn’t help. We can’t rely on easy answers for complex topics.

I have seen differences arise when one person is holding fast to principle while the other person is touting a different perspective. It is quite possible both people are right… Still, we can be compassionate as we seek to learn from each other. Discuss, but don’t divide!

For me, the bottom line is this: We represent Jesus to a world in desperate need of healing. Don’t stand in the way of anyone coming to Him!

Don’t let your behavior (online or in person) prevent anyone from meeting the One who died for them, the One who makes all things right. Find common ground. Use your gifts, talents, and platform wisely. Be an example, don’t turn people off!

Thankfully, in any situation, there is a right way that honors God. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and Life (see John 14:6). Therefore, our goal as Christians is to always find the best path forward (the one that pleases God) knowing He will help us!

This includes a path of humility and open-mindedness. We may have to admit we were wrong, but growth means change is coming! Therefore, let’s embrace the discomfort knowing God is with us and for us.

The path forward ALWAYS promotes peace, justice, love, grace, and mercy.

Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Each of us has different goals and plans, but we can support one another and move forward together.


Heavenly Father, thanks for holding us all together. You are sovereign, and we praise You! Please help us use our words to build each other up and not tear each other down. May we stand firm in what You have called each of us to do. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: As you speak with other people, are you letting your emotions get ahead of you? After you leave, are you still telling yourself you are in the right? Or are you able to let it go and praise God?

Tasks: Meditate on these verses: James 1:20; Ephesians 4:29; and Romans 14:1. Consider what you post on social media. Is it to gently inform or encourage? Is it truthful and helpful? Have you fact-checked your sources?

Finding Grace #222

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a wonderful week filled with God’s grace! We went to church for the first time in several months. It was great to worship God with other believers. I even met a new friend. She was of a different ethnicity and we briefly introduced ourselves and found out we had many things in common. God is soo good!

I appreciate the feedback I received about this week’s blog post. As Christians, we must speak up for injustice. If not, nothing will change! It took me awhile to form my thoughts (and will continue to do so), but I hope to make it an ongoing conversation with those around me. For instance, Lydia went a friend’s house to play, and I had coffee with the little girl’s mom who is also a dear friend to me. We discussed injustice and other topics, as well.

Early in the week, a friend from work asked to switch on-call weekends with me. She had to attend a funeral unexpectedly today. I asked my mother-in-law to also switch her plans around, so she could come watch Lydia in case I get called in. I was grateful she was flexible, as today, I did need to go in to work!

Today after work, we went shopping for Lydia and bought her some shorts. Next, we went to eat frozen yogurt and then attended the annual Parade of Homes. It is always fun to walk around the fancy houses, but I am also thankful for the house God has given me. I even ran into the realtor who helped us go through the building process ten years ago! She was happy to meet Lydia, of course!

Tonight, we are watching the movie Doolittle (out in 2020). We might also eat some strawberry rhubarb crisp I made earlier in the week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!