Finding Grace #242

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was really good! Even though it is still autumn, it felt a little like winter! Lydia and I watched the Nutcracker (Four Realms) movie and are feeling festive!

We got a little snow this week, though there are many trees still with leaves! I ended up buying two new shovels, and I was proud of how well Lydia did! I also appreciated her good attitude!

My work week went well, and Lydia enjoyed a planned week off of school! She went to daycare, but had fun doing special art projects. She also had fun playing in the snow with her new boots and wool shirts and socks. I bought her some new clothing items for the season!

This week, I made some progress on a project and even organized some areas in my house. I always feel short on time, so I’m happy to have gotten some things done.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Even More Special

When I was little, we would often get seasonal candy, such as Hershey’s kisses or chocolates with decorative wrappers. Like many families, we enjoyed pastel colors for Easter, orange/brown/red for fall or Halloween, green/red for Christmas, pink/red/silver for Valentine’s day, etc.

My favorite was either Reese’s peanut butter cups or Special Dark Hershey’s miniatures. They still are at the top of my list, along with various types of Hershey kisses!

The miniatures typically came in a bag with other items, like Krackel and Mr. Goodbar. My mom would always save the Special Dark pieces for me since I was the only one who enjoyed them. She still does!

Recently, I bought my own giant bar of Special Dark chocolate. It’s hard to pass up a good sale! 🙂 As I was reviewing the nutrition information on the back of the wrapper, I noticed something I have never seen before.

There was a little note that mentioned the Milton Hershey School (MHS), which was founded in 1909. Apparently, the school has helped educate over 10,000 children in need.

I have never heard of this school before, so I looked it up online. It’s amazing!

It gives lower income children an opportunity to get ahead at no-cost to the families. In essence, it is like a boarding school that provides K-12 education, meals, clothing, non-denominational religious training, sports, healthcare, counseling, and other cares.

Some students are from the local area, and others come from several states away. Each of them receives high quality education and care, as well as structure and tools to succeed in life. Wow!

But, what’s more interesting is that the costs are paid primarily through a trust set up by Milton and Catherine Hershey. I don’t know all the details, but what struck me the most was the vision for the school and the means to keep it running for over one hundred years.

I couldn’t find any sort of evidence of  fundraising or donations, but that may also occur. Plus, it appears buying more chocolate is another way to support the school! 😉

Perhaps MHS is well-known locally in Pennsylvania, and at times, publicity can be a good thing. But, I appreciate that this organization has been quietly doing good and making a difference for all these years without drawing attention to itself.

The Milton Hershey School is a wonderful example of how we can use our gifts, tools, and resources to bless others. With the current cultural and political shifts we are facing, it is refreshing to find an organization who continues to do the right thing, for the right reasons.

I’m grateful for how much God has blessed me, and it doesn’t take much to bless others. Just a little planning ahead can make a big difference for someone in the future.

The holidays are just around the corner. This season, I will be thinking of ways to bless those in need. I hope you will too. It may be as simple as buying some chocolate to share, or perhaps it means setting up something with more longevity.

Let God lead you, and then, whatever you do will be even more special!


God, thanks for all the ways You bless us. Thanks for letting us partner with You to serve others. Open our eyes so we can see more ways to bless others with Your abundant grace and goodness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What holiday treat is your favorite? Have you started to buy holiday candy yet?How can you use your gifts to bless someone else today?

Tasks: As a registered dietitian, I’d remind you to be wise… but also enjoy God’s goodness through celebrating. In other words, buy some chocolate and enjoy it!



Finding Grace #241

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week a little different than usual! It was good, though. On Monday, I had the day off work at the VA. I hosted a Zoom meeting with my college students and also got a massage. The massage was an interesting experience!

On Wednesday, Lydia stayed home, not feeling her best. Of course, I stayed home, too. It was unexpected, but nice to stay home and have a “free” day. Lydia rested and quietly read, while I worked on a project and did some grading. Perhaps it was just what we needed. Thankfully, Lydia felt better and went to school the next day.

Yesterday was a good, productive day! I taught my class in-person and did some “school work” like answering emails and grading. Then, I ran some errands and hung out with Lydia!

This week, I put up my outdoor Christmas lights. We also received some snow yesterday and today, which has already melted. But, it helped put me in the holiday mood!

Today, Lydia and I are doing science experiences and having a spa day. We are learning about the solar system and playing with our hair. I’m so grateful for my girl!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

A Time for Healing

Sometimes God brings things full circle when we least expect it…

To start, the last gift I ever received from Dave was a gift certificate for Mother’s Day to a local massage place. I had been having a lot of neck and shoulder pain, and massage generally seemed to help. Plus, it was nice to be pampered!

Back in 2013, when I finally used the gift certificate, I burst into tears as soon as the massage therapist started. She stopped and asked me if I was okay. I explained that my husband had recently died and this massage was reminding me of him. She was very understanding and spoke comforting words to me.

Honestly, I have had noticeable back, shoulder, and neck pain for many years, noticable even in college around the time Dave and I met (in 2000). This is probably related to walking to campus every day with too many heavy books in my backpack! Perhaps, I did not focus on proper posture or prioritize self-care amid other daily life stresses… I just accepted the pain as normal for so many years.

While my pain may not be as bad as someone else’s pain, it has hindered my choice to be as active as I would like. I have gone “easy” when exercising, in order to not make the pain worse. The pain has been building over time, and I haven’t wanted to push myself.

Flash forward through many massages, yoga, chiropractic care, a new mattress, several new pillows, and various contraptions to “help” my pain in the 7.5 years since Dave died… I have spent a fair amount of money trying to find the missing link in becoming well again!

Well, I recently found ‘one more thing’ that promised to build shoulder strength. It seemed fairly simple and only takes a few minutes. By focusing on several muscles, it helps cover any other weak or torn areas. The tool is called ROTATOReliever (not an affiliate), and I figured the money-back guarantee was worth me trying it.

To my great relief, my pain has been nearly eliminated!

I can now sit up fully straight with no issues, other than if I sleep funny or start to slouch or am at my computer for a long time. I have been amazed to have long periods of no pain at all. I’m pinching myself, and wondering if it will last. I am also doing more exercises and challenging myself more.

I am still being careful, to some degree because I don’t want to blow my success! I will certainly keep up with these new habits to maintain being pain-free, but at this point, I am calling it a win. I have been praying for healing all these years!

Then, to bring it back around, this week, I was off from work on Monday. I decided to use up what remained of another massage gift certificate (from my birthday). My massage therapist is moving to a new location, so I wanted to use it up before she leaves.

I did not expect things to come full circle, but this time, she was the emotional one. She said she was nervous to open her own business, and I did my best to encourage her. I really appreciate this massage therapist’s approach to body work, and I will likely follow her to her new practice.

But, throughout the massage, I kept bracing myself for the usual pain. I kept waiting for the first twinge, but then I noticed something. I had no pain at all! This was a first for me, and it caught me by surprise and made me praise God! What a breakthrough to have little to no pain! Not only that, but I was also able to encourage someone who comforted me when I really needed it before.

Sometimes, God brings immediate, miraculous healing. But, most often, healing takes time. Changing our habits takes effort, as there are many layers to growth! Success is not just from one tool, but from many positive changes all adding up. And still at other times, He takes us to Heaven for a more complete healing. No matter how he does it, He is faithful.

Whatever season you find yourself in, remember to trust God. He is with you and for you; He will make all things right in His time. Nothing surprises God, and nothing is impossible for Him. Perhaps He wants to use you (and your joy or pain) to bless someone else. Either way, He’s got your covered with His grace!


God, thanks for Your healing touch! Thanks for not only restoring my heart and body, but also for letting me encourage others. Help me extend Your grace to others so they may experience Your goodness, too. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What life season do you find yourself in? Are you content or not? Do you have more joy or more pain? Are there any changes you can make? How can you turn the situation over to God?

Tasks: Read Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Time does not heal all wounds, but God can and does. Trust Him!

Finding Grace #240

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a great week! It was just as full, but for whatever reason, it was less stressful. Maybe it was because I went shopping one afternoon and even squeezed in a nap. At any rate, I was grateful for God’s grace and goodness.

On Wednesday, a friend took Lydia to church again. I went to pick her up a little later, but it was helpful to have some extra time at home preparing for the rest of the week.

Friday night was spent with the same friend (and others) at church praying for our nation. There are so many issues we are facing, personally and in our communities and beyond. Prayer is so important and I appreciated meeting together with these wise people as we sought the Lord’s help.

Today, Lydia and I enjoyed time outside at a local park and then went to a local farmer’s market. We bought some veggies and sampled a few treats. We also walked through part of a historical neighborhood enjoying the beautiful houses on this sunny day. Then, she played outside while I worked on a project and made veggie lasagna using the biggest zucchini I have ever seen!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

The Benefits of Looking Back

I am currently reading a book series by Lynn Austin, called Chronicles of the Kings. For me, reading is a fun way to relax. I love being transported to different locations and time periods. I enjoy learning and dreaming along with the characters.

In this series, the author takes the true Biblical account of King Hezekiah and adds fictional details to flesh out the story. The Bible doesn’t tell us each and every detail, so we are left to fill in the gaps. We have to be careful, yes, not to add too much or misinterpret the words… but I think this series was well written, overall.

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres, because I learn about history in an exciting way, as if I was there. I generally remember more of the details, facts, and life lessons. In terms of Biblical fiction, it helps to consider what happened beyond the text.

(The author uses other traditional Jewish resources to make some assumptions, but provides most relevant Scripture references, too.)

Right now, I am in the third book, The Strength of His Hand, and this is where King Hezekiah gets very sick. The Bible doesn’t explain what the sickness was, though other sources say it was related to a boil or inflammation of some sort.

The author writes her theory into the story, of course. I won’t ruin it for you, but I thought it was compelling.Either way, the King is close to death and indeed, Isaiah hears from Yahweh that he will die.

Isaiah goes to tell this to Hezekiah and then mournfully leaves (Isaiah 38). Then, Hezekiah prays to God and weeps. Soon, Isaiah returns with good news. Hezekiah will live.

Hezekiah asks for a sign, and per the Bible, the shadow moved back ten steps. He does recover within three days, just like Isaiah prophesied. He lives another fifteen years.

In the book, when King Hezekiah was sick, I was also thinking of what I already knew about the story. I had forgotten about Isaiah’s prophecy, but I did recall Hezekiah lived.

 I didn’t know how the author was going to reconcile the Biblical account with her fictional narrative, but I knew it would all work out somehow. You see, I had the advantage of seeing King Hezekiah’s story through the lens of Scripture, after the fact.

God’s Word, the Bible, is living and active. Its power is unchanging and its lessons are just as applicable today as they were thousands of years ago.

At the same time, each of us can trust God with today’s challenges, because we know He came through for us yesterday, last week, and last year… There are benefits when we look back and see God’s faithfulness. His love never fails!

When we trust God to write our story, we most certainly will face many unknowns and fearful moments. This is a normal part of life on Earth, but thankfully, we see all throughout the Bible that God shines most when we seek Him in our difficult circumstances!

All our present trials might become more bearable if we could envision what our future self will think, or how others will one day praise God for how He came through for us. There is purpose in our pain, and God will use that for His glory and our good. Trust Him!

Remember He is with you and for you; the best is yet to come!


God, thanks for letting us see You at work in Scripture. Help us have faith today. Help us trust that You will come through for us. You always do! Show us the benefits of looking back, but don’t let us get stuck in the past. You are are hope for today and tomorrow, too. Thank You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: When you look back through Scripture, or even your own life, do you see how He came through for you in the past? What does that mean for you today?

Tasks: Make a list of all the ‘evidence’ of God’s faithfulness. List your most trying times and write down how God helped you through them. Then, fan the flames of faith and trust God today.

Finding Grace #239

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full, but really good! A friend came over on Sunday, and then we had our family Zoom time. My little nephew gets cuter by the day!

On Tuesday, Lydia and I took advantage of an opportunity for free mulch down the block from us. We took five loads/roundtrips with a shovel, loaded wheelbarrow, two 5-gallon buckets, and another small bucket, but we got all our steps in and then some!

Work was a little slower paced and more manageable this week. It seemed quieter with less activities, and I appreciated the chance to catch up! That said, I am grateful for the work God has given me to do! 

Yesterday, I fixed my coffee maker and saved a fair amount of money (by not replacing it). It had recently started leaking water underneath, which was odd. So, I went shopping for a new one, but they didn’t have it in store. Then, I researched similar models, but finally decided to try fixing mine, and as a backup, order one next week. Thankfully, I found a couple videos online. One person had taken their machine completely apart, while another used a dremel. I tried the first way, but it was very tricky. So, I borrowed a dremel from my neighbors and reattached the hose (in back). Success!

Then, in the evening, Lydia and I made some chocolate chip cookies, watched a show, and called my parents (to tell them a couple jokes). We enjoyed the quality time together!

Today, I graded some assignments, worked on a couple projects, cleaned the house, replaced a faulty light switch in the bathroom, and ran some errands with Lydia. She especially enjoyed walking around the arts and crafts store!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Not So Different

On Sunday, one of my African friends came over to hang out. We had a great time sharing a meal, talking about food, clothes, shopping, church, work, and family. Then, we played games with Lydia. Our usual.

My friend complimented me on a new houseplant. I laughed and told her it was fake. These days, I don’t have much time to devote to real houseplants, though I do enjoy them!

She then told me that some of her houseplants found homes with other friends because she always kills them. Apparently, her other friends were quick to tell her she doesn’t have a green thumb. How ironic other cultures have similar nuances!

My friend often gives me updates about her other international friends. For example, one of her Middle Eastern friends had twin boys earlier this year. I have not met the babies since the family moved out of state recently.

So, on Sunday, we watched a video of the mother talking to her seven-month-old boys. They were so cute, and I could really see their personalities coming through.

It was fun listening to the mother’s language, and it made me happy the boys will grow up knowing her language first and English second. It is good they will learn about her culture and their heritage, as well.

To my surprise, I could understand the gist of what the mother was saying. Well more or less! I could not understand her exact words, of course, but I could understand her tone of voice. Every mother I know says the same things to her precious baby!

It seems she was saying how big and how strong and cute they were. One of the twins was moving his arms and legs like a choo-choo train and she mimicked those sounds.

It happens all over the world. You probably know exactly what I am talking about!

Years ago, when I was pregnant with Lydia, some people visiting from Singapore were trying to guess my baby’s gender. They had a whole set of old wives tales they were relying on to make their decision! The same ideas exist in other cultures, too!

Even further back, I once traveled to Sweden to visit some friends and still remember with exact enunciation the phrases, “Kan du klappa? Kan du vinka?” which means “Can you clap? Can you wave?” There was a baby boy and his family kept excitedly asking him to show me.

As I sat and talked with my friend on Sunday, I was reminded that our similarities outweigh our differences. We have very different hair, skin, cultures, backgrounds, and preferences, but we both love Jesus. And, God brought both of us to North Dakota!

Over the years, we have both helped each other problem solve. We have learned a ton from each other and are better off for it. In the end, we are really not so different.

There is so much going on in our world right now. I hope each of us can remember to set aside our preferences and enjoy each person for who they are. We can celebrate our differences and rejoice in our similarities. It really doesn’t matter, just treat each other well.

Each person you see is loved by God. Each person represents a part of His character and creativity. Think about that for a minute. All of that diversity within each of us shows you just how vast God is. We cannot put Him in a box or contain Him!

We need each person’s contribution; none of us is better than the other. If you sit down and share food and conversation, perhaps you’ll learn just how much you have in common! Everyone feels the need to belong. For those of us who know Jesus, we are family.


God, thank You for creating so many different kinds of people. It shows us how wonderful You are, to think up so many special characteristics. Help us love each other well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Which do you typically notice first, someone’s differences or similarities to you?

Tasks: As you go about your week, see if you can notice any similarities across cultures. We all laugh, enjoy selfies, like to celebrate, tell jokes, eat fruit, kiss our babies, value hard work, have bad days, become sad, etc. In the end, we are not so different!

Finding Grace #238

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a little smoother than last! It was still somewhat stressful, but I’m grateful a friend stopped to pray for me. I tried to get more sleep, too.

Lydia had a fun week. She continues to enjoy school and daycare. Also, on Wednesday night, a friend offered to take Lydia to church with her family, so I could have a little extra time at home. I picked her up afterward, but it was very helpful!

Work continues to be busy, but I am enjoying what I do. It was fun to grade some assignments this week, though it can be difficult at times to assess someone else’s learning! Nonetheless, I feel privileged to work both with Veterans and college students.

Yesterday evening, I mowed the lawn, hopefully for the last time this season. I had to run and get gas beforehand, so it was a last minute choice. I mowed as fast as I could and finished just before it got too dark. The street lights came on, so that really helped! 😉

This weekend, I have some more assignments to grade and prepare. I have a couple of projects to continue working on, too. I’m trying to find a good balance!

Tonight, some friends are coming over. It will be the first time we have been together since March! I am looking forward to catching up!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Everyday Encouragers

Last week, I imagined how it would be in Heaven if we one day have to apologize to every person we maligned with our words or actions, even if they were unaware of it at the time. Awkward!

I often think about things like that. I enjoy using my ‘mind’s eye’ to grow and reflect, which helps me appreciate my current experiences and consider other perspectives.

That said, what if the opposite also occurs? What if we get to track down and thank every single person in Heaven for anything kind or helpful they did that benefitted us, even in the tiniest of ways? This could include an unexpected gift, or opening a door, or praying for someone, not to mention all the many ways we bless those we know.

Can you imagine how long that would take us? Good thing we will be there for Eternity!

Or, to take it a step further, think about how it would feel if we one day have to go up to everyone and say, “Sorry I didn’t say this sooner, but I really appreciated it when you…” or “Well, I meant to send you a card, but I didn’t because I was busy…” Ouch.

Again, I don’t have any indication that will actually happen, but it might be worth thinking about. If it makes you squirm a little, now is your chance to do things differently.

I know it brings God great joy when we are grateful and treat each other well.

Either way, we don’t have to wait to apologize or say thank you! Even today, our lives, words, and actions can ooze grace toward others and win them to Jesus Christ.

Our words can bring life to a dying world. What a privilege!

We don’t need a special occasion or reason to be a blessing. As we go about our day, we can encourage others. We can apologize when needed and say thanks, too.

We can compliment each other and shout out any good we see.

Also, don’t wait to tell someone you love them. You may not get another chance.

Finally, don’t wait until life slows down… that may never happen! Just make it a habit to be generous and kind as you go throughout your day!


Father, thanks for all You do for us. Help us grow in grace and gratitude, so we can share Your love with others. Help us be mindful of the impact of our words. May we use them to bring life and glorify You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Does this blog post comfort, convict, or challenge you? What changes will you make as a result?

Tasks: Look for ways to use your words and bless others today. Send a thank you note, praise someone for their efforts, compliment clothing or kindness toward others. Be generous when spreading grace and joy today!