Finding Grace #254

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a great week, though pretty low key.

At the VA, it felt like a party atmosphere as Veterans were able to receive the COVID vaccine! They had to sit for about fifteen minutes outside my office afterward (to monitor for any negative reactions), and all the Veterans were so happy. They were chatting and laughing with each other as they shared various stories. One man was showing off his “Call to Arms” shirt, highlighting the fact he had to take his other shirt off to get the vaccine.

I met with my students on Friday, so that was fun. We had a good discussion about the new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, as well as the impact obesity can have on various illnesses. It is easy to take our health for granted sometimes!

Today, a dear friend came to visit. We caught up over several hours this afternoon, since March was the last time we have seen each other. We both laughed when we gave each other essentially the same gift (different colors, etc.)! A small journal! 

Tonight, I am meeting with some more friends. It’s been a few months since we have seen each other. So, I am looking forward to that, too!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


How are you doing this week? There is a lot of heavy stuff going on.

With all the drama and anger and angst in recent days (amid real, practical concerns), I can’t help but think we might be missing the point. Are we playing into the Enemy’s hand, helping him reach his goal of distracting everyone from what’s really important?

May we be wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16).

We are called to stand for justice and freedom, among other things. But we need to do it the right way, with love, respect, kindness, mercy, grace, and “salt.” If we’re not careful, we will only be a resounding gong and drag the Name of Jesus through the mud.

Now, I am not telling you to be silent if God Himself is telling you to speak up. But we are still only messengers, instruments of grace. Our goal should be to bring people to Jesus and let Him sort it all out.

Also, I am not telling you to disengage or ignore what is going on. The Spirit of Antichrist is on the move. But this is nothing new. It has been foretold for thousands of years. Yes, current events play into it, but this is only the beginning of the end.

It will get worse, and I am simply asking you to be wise. Each of us was born into the modern era for such a time as this. Ask God what His purpose and plan is for YOU.

You don’t have to think like me or do what I do. I am just asking you to truly look at all sides of each issue and understand what is at stake. Be willing to have difficult conversations, without losing control of your emotions. Don’t be cocky or insincere.

Boldness looks different for each of us, but compassion is always in style. Instead of telling someone how they should react, ask, “What is God telling you…?”

Perhaps that will be the most productive conversation you have today!

Soooo… Are we living with a spirit of GRRR (yes, just like it sounds), or are we living by God’s GRACE?! As you can probably imagine, GRRR is based on our physical and emotional reactions, our preferences. GRACE as you may recall, is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

A spirit of GRRR is just that. Walking around grumbling and complaining, not really adding anything of value but detracting from the main issues. Getting stuck on petty arguments (having to be right) and getting upset when things turn for the worse. Feeling stress and anxiety for things that are outside your control.

A spirit of GRACE means relying on God to get you through. Trusting that He is with you and for you. Acknowledging His presence and provision. Praising Him, God even when things get tough. Keeping your focus on Jesus, not all the noise. Knowing you don’t have to have all the answers because He is all you really need.

Jesus is the source of all grace and truth. We were bought at a price. We are dead to our own desires and alive in Christ. His agenda is what matters, not ours. That is, loving people sacrificially and drawing them to Himself.

Before you click share on that hot-topic article, THINK through these questions:

Are we making the most of our time, becoming like Jesus?

Are we extending the benefit of the doubt toward those who disagree?

Are we accepting responsibility for being the change we want to see?

Our Sovereign Father cares for us. He has not abandoned His children or left us to fend for ourselves. He will enable us to endure. Let’s show His lovingkindness to a hurting world.

Life is short. Live it well.


God, thanks for Your love and grace. Lord, have mercy on our nation. We need You! May we live to bring glory to You. May we spread your joy and peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What about today’s post spoke to you? Are you living with GRRR or GRACE?

Tasks: Next time you read something that sets you off, ask yourself why. Notice your emotional response and what it does to you physically. Take 15 deep breaths and see if your heart rate goes down again. Pray before responding, if you respond at all.

Finding Grace #253

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a great week, starting with our family Zoom call on Sunday! Lydia had a blast asking everyone for nouns, verbs, and adjectives for her new Peanuts Mad Libs book she received in celebration of Dave’s Heavenly birthday a few weeks ago. (I always give her a gift to make it a positive day, not a sad day of focusing on our loss.) We were all cracking up!

Work at the VA was busy, but straightforward. I got to talk with several grateful Veterans and had some good conversations with my coworkers. I really enjoy working there!

This week, I diligently worked on my syllabus for the next semester at Concordia. I had fun coordinating some assignments with the other professors (collaboration between graduate and undergraduate students). I have a feeling this semester will fly by!

On Thursday,  I celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary. Even though Dave and I were only married 5+ years, it is still special to commemorate our fun cruise ship wedding. Thanks for all your continued support and encouragement!

On Friday, I met with my students over Zoom (due to current COVID protocols). We will meet in-person in a couple weeks, but we had a good discussion anyway. Thankfully, they are all on-top of things when it comes to technology. They make my job easy…well, easier! 😉

This week, my proof copy of my book came in the mail! I have a few smallish changes to make and then it will be available. It has been a labor of love and perseverance. I am excited to share it with you all!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

A Path Forward

While last year, 2020, was a bust for many reasons, it was not all bad. For some people it was their worst year in recent memory, but that does not mean nothing good happened.

Each person deserves to feel and grieve however works best for them. The important thing is to actually deal with those emotions in healthy ways. If you’ve lost a loved one or a job or an important opportunity or event, it’s 100% normal to be sad or upset.

But, don’t toss aside what remains.

Whatever happens, God is holding you. Draw closer to Him, so He can help you get through it. Where there seems to be no way, He will make a path for you.

I did not make any resolutions for the new year. There are so many potential opportunities to make changes, but it seems most people try to do too much all at once and then quit. Instead, I have found making small, sustainable decisions can lead to long-term habits and success. Being consistent helps!

This year, I am reading through the Chronological NLT Bible again with friends. I really enjoy the materials from Aaron at, but this year, I am adding another resource, too. A journal and videos from Read thru the Word by Word Up Ministries.

Reading the Bible is a daily habit worth cultivating. In His wisdom, God’s Word has something new for us each time we read it. There’s always something to learn! The Bible was not meant for us to keep it on the shelf!

This week, I was reminded we don’t read the Bible just to learn nice lessons or learn about self-improvement. We read to learn Who God is and understand His character. This helps us understand His love and goodness.

When we know the heart of God, we can accept that His ways are higher than ours. We don’t have to get bent out of shape when our circumstances change, or are about to change. Trust in the Lord!

Each journey around the sun carries new opportunities. We only have so much time on this Earth, but each day is a new chance to cling to the Lord and all of His promises.

What are you bringing into this new day, or new year?

You could take fear, anxiety, and worry. You could also pack in some anger, bitterness, and resentment. Those are a little heavy, but somewhat understandable.

Or, you could bring faith, joy, peace, and gratitude with you! These are a much lighter load, and by God’s grace, they will give you the boost you need to keep moving forward.

The stakes are higher than ever, but we can trust God is in control. Let Him show you how to make lemonade on His terms. He’s got this.


God, thanks for bringing us through many trials and troubles. You are so faithful and good! Help us trust You for greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Question: Do your goals, plans, and dreams fill you with faith, joy, peace, and gratitude? Or, are you stuck because of fear, anxiety, worry, anger, bitterness, or resentment? What are you going to do with this knowledge?

Tasks: As you are setting up goals for the year, remember to run your plans by God first! Trust Him to take care of you regardless of ever-changing circumstances.

Finding Grace #252

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was another short work week, followed by another long weekend! I took off New Year’s Eve to spend time with Lydia. We had a fun, relaxing day together. We played games,  had a dance party, ate appetizers, and stayed up until midnight. It was fun!

This week, I am grateful for neighborly help. On Wednesday, my neighbor and a friend came to help me start my snow blower! It was recently fixed, but I still was having trouble. So, they showed me a “trick” to ensure it starts more regularly. I must’ve done it in the past, but never realized it!

The last few weeks have been busy, of course, with work, holidays, and more. But, I am grateful for a little rest sprinkled in, too. It was just what I needed!

Teaching Lydia gratitude is important to me. So, this week we worked on several thank you notes for all our Christmas gifts. She did most of them on her own and didn’t stall too much. I think all the practice is paying off!

Today, Lydia and I did a little housework and ran some errands. Then, we made some black bean and corn salsa (Lydia’s favorite) and some cherry-peach crisp with a topping of  pureed rehydrated figs, oatmeal, cinnamon, and pecans! It was so good, and we didn’t even miss the sugar and butter!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #250

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a busy, but good week. We had a fun family Zoom meeting on Sunday!

Then, on Monday, I took the day off from the VA because I was holding a final exam for Concordia. That went well, and I was able to grade most of the finals on the same day.

Then, I went to my yearly eye doctor appointment. It has been two years since my Lasik eye surgery, and my vision is very good! In fact, my left eye has no prescription at all, and my right eye is nearly perfect, too! I never thought I would hear those words!

Also on Monday, a lady I used to work with dropped off some books for Lydia and some Christmas treats. We were so thankful she thought of us!

This week, I finished up some of the last details on my book. There were a lot of small decisions to make throughout the week, but I am excited to see it all come together!

On Friday, I posted final grades and ended the semester strong. Next, I have to put together my syllabus for next semester. January is just around the corner!

Today, Lydia and I finished a puzzle about landmarks around the world (see pic). We also joined an online Zoom call to celebrate a couple’s 50th wedding anniversary. We enjoyed catching up with these friends!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Don’t Just Settle for Snacks

Ahh, the holidays! A wonderful time of the year, full of snacks and treats! I have already received some delicious Christmas treats, both at my door and through the mail!

As a Registered Dietitian, I always recommend eating regular meals to my clients and patients. Yet, many people eat only one or two meals per day. Or, they eat in front of the television or while distracted. Then, they snack late into the night. Their whole day can be thrown off by poor habits and not eating well.

No judgment here… this happens to all of us from time to time. It is so common! As it is, many people need to rely snacks to reach their unique health goals.

Some people want to manage chronic diseases, like diabetes or kidney failure. Others want to lose weight or have more energy. Snacks can help some people achieve their goals. Even so, if they are not careful, too many snacks can hinder their progress!

If someone fills up on snacks all day, they may not be hungry for a meal. Or, if they do eat regular meals, too many snacks can still add up in calories.

Keeping a food journal could be helpful to track the trends, eating on real plates with real forks or spoons, or maybe just paying attention to natural hunger cues will help.

Some people mistake treats for snacks. I love treats, too, but the difference is snacks are ideally foods to fill in the nutritional gaps between meals. For instance, fresh vegetables and hummus, or yogurt with berries, or a few small pieces of cheese and crackers, or an apple with peanut butter.

Treats, on the other hand, are just that… treats. Not meant for every day, but rather a special occasion. Treats are “sometimes foods.” If one’s daily food intake allows for extra calories, perhaps they can squeeze in a couple of treats. Yum! But most of the time, we should be choosing snacks over treats.

If it’s your birthday, go for it! Celebrate your birthday. But, if your birthday happens five days a week, that’s becoming a habit. The things we do everyday have the most impact.

At the end of the day, it is important to have balance.

Spiritually, we can also load up on too many snacks instead of a meal. We can settle for little tidbits of Scripture or songs on the radio, without really chewing on God’s word. This is especially true when we are stressed or running around with too much activity.

Some days, I’m just as guilty as the next person. In our fast paced world, we need to be intentional with our time. Otherwise, we might miss Jesus altogether!

Let’s take time to ‘set the table,’ be still and focus on God. Then, and only then, will we have the strength to do all else that’s needed. But we can’t skip first things first. Jesus!

This season, take time to really feast on all of God’s goodness and grace. Read the Bible with a fresh perspective. Sit awhile with Jesus or take a walk with just Him.

Don’t settle for just snacks!


Lord, may we hunger and thirst for Righteousness. You are the Giver of all good things. Everything we need is in You! Fill our lives with more of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you like snacks in addition to your meals? What’s your favorite snack and/or holiday treat?

Tasks: Set aside fifteen minutes (to start) to read God’s Word each day. Lay aside your electronics and sit in peace. For the Christmas story, read Luke Chapter 2.

Finding Grace #249

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a fun week, and I was reminded many times of God’s grace, presence and provision. On Sunday, we sang Happy Birthday to my sister over Zoom. We couldn’t all be together, but we did make a list of all the things we love about her!

Work went well all around, at the VA and Concordia. I realized an old coworker also is now at the VA, so I hope to run into her soon! I also held my last class of the semester, which happened to be over Zoom. I also finished grading some papers and made a final exam for next week!

This week, I nearly wrapped up final details on my forthcoming book! It is really an exciting feeling to be…. sooo close. It has turned out so well. I will keep you posted with the details, but I hope to make it official very soon! 😉

Today, Lydia and I went with a friend to look for an apartment. We enjoyed seeing various options, though I am thankful I am not the one moving! It made me appreciate my house all the more!

Today, we also stopped by our church for a drive thru Christmas gift of hot cocoa and ingredients to make sugar cookies. It will be fun to bake the cookies, hopefully tomorrow. I’m grateful for my church family!

Tonight, I am making a vegetable soup, helping Lydia with some math homework, and planning for the next semester of teaching! It’s been a wonderful week!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Get A Grip!!

Last week, my coworkers and I received training on a device that measures grip strength. The tool is called a dynamometer (say that three times fast!). There are other types that measure torque for engines, but, in healthcare, they are much more simple.

Dietitians use dynamometers to measure changes in grip strength over the course of time. We had fun figuring out the devices and practicing our skills on each other.

Through assessing grip strength, we can see changes in overall functional status and assess a patient’s risk for malnutrition. If you have lost a lot of strength in your hands, you have most likely lost strength elsewhere. Not to mention balance and coordination of major muscle groups. Think… stairs and fall risks.

Plus, if you are having difficulty opening jars and cans, or spreading peanut butter, or carrying heavy pots and pans, you may not be getting much variety in your diet. So, this could lead to other nutrition concerns, as well. Needless to say, building and keeping our strength is important!

While we were learning, the phrase “get a grip” came to mind. This translated to thoughts about how it might pertain to both God and life!

“Get a grip!” is often said in regards to someone losing it. In this context, it is most likely said in reference to a mental or emotional battle. However, that’s not really a fair assessment, as our individual struggles can’t really be measured from the outside.

We each face life with different coping skills, too. If two people are facing the same challenge, one person may fly through it and the other person may crawl. Especially during the holidays, in pandemics, and in times of grief.

Fear, anxiety, or worry all can build up and make us lose our focus. Or, we can feel out of control when we let obstacles overwhelm us. If this cycle continues, it can keep us from making progress in life.

Thankfully, our weaknesses are no match for God’s strength!

The Bible is full of verses about the strength of God’s hand. He is quite formidable toward those who are against Him. But even amid conflict and trials, He never stops thinking about and protecting His loved ones.

Psalm 138:7 (NIV), says, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.”

When God gets a grip, He never lets go! From my limited human point of view, I imagine this looking like a REALLY BIG bear hug.

To anyone who messes with us: “Don’t you dare mess with her!! Get out of here!! She’s mine!!”

And to those He loves: “Come here, dear child. Rest easy. I’ve got you right here, protected. You are mine.”

Whatever you are dealing with today, or this season, or this year, you don’t have to handle it on your own. Give it to God. He will sort through the mess and give you rest and peace. He will hold you close and give you His strength.


God, thanks for taking such good care of us! You go before us and fight our battles. Please give us wisdom and courage as we rest in your grace and peace. Surround us with Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever used a dynamometer? For engines or hand grip?! What comes to mind when you hear “get a grip?” How can you bring your worries to God today?

Tasks: Remember the impact our words can have on others. “Get a grip” comes in many other flavors, such as “get over it” and “move on already.” Be gentle and gracious.

Finding Grace #248

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was a great week, filled with a good balance of work and rest.

Work was pretty normal, but I took part of the day off on Wednesday. I went home because I needed to sign for a package. I decided to take the time to grade papers, too. Exciting! The added benefit was that I didn’t have to rush. I enjoyed the peaceful afternoon and even ran some errands. It was perfect!

We had chilly, but beautiful, weather this week. The temperatures were in the 30s and 40s, but it was bright and sunny most days. Just how I like it!

Last March, I bought two airline tickets for us to visit family. We soon canceled them once we realized how severe COVID could get. It was for the best, and I thought we had a year to use the credits we received (instead of a refund). Now, the next few months will probably fly by and it’s still not a great idea to fly. So, I called the company to ask for an extension and was pleasantly surprised our credits will last another year! Whew! Also, I noticed the worker on the other end must have been working from home when I his little baby started crying. It was a nice human connection point that we are all in this together and trying to make the best out of a less than ideal situation.

Tonight, I am looking forward to hosting a Zoom call for my high school classmates. It’s been twenty years since I have seen many of them, and while I don’t know who will show up virtually, it will be fun to catch up!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!