Unsolicited Gratitude

“Thanks, Mom!” Lydia yelled down the hall, recently.

“For what?!” I replied back. I couldn’t think of anything I had done for her in the previous moments leading up to this.

“For just being a great mom!” She came over and gave me a big hug.

There are plenty of times as a parent when I prompt Lydia to say thanks. But, in this instance it made my day to receive such unsolicited gratitude.

Lately, Lydia has been extra loving and kind. I have seen her grown in character, and I have given her some extra responsibilities and freedom at home. She has responded well and risen to the occasion. 

She also surprised me when she freely offered a Reese’s peanut butter egg (someone gave her two). As you can imagine, these days, we’re having a lot of fun laughing and spending time together. I’m grateful for my girl!

My inherent pride in Lydia reminds me of how God must feel about us when we praise Him out of the blue, or when we thank Him out of an abundance of gratitude.

He loves us as His dearly loved children. After all, if we have accepted Jesus’ loving sacrifice and forgiveness for our sins, we are joint heirs with Him!

As we grow in Godly character, we are given extra responsibilities and freedom.

I’m sure it makes Him so proud as we rise to the occasion!

Sometimes we can make life and our relationship with God complicated. But, at other times it seems so simple. He draws near to us as we draw near to Him, and in His presence if fullness of joy!

We bless God when we shout our thanks and sing His praises. It’s kind of like a bunch of flowers in full bloom. The aroma is as powerful as the flowers are pretty. What grace!


God, thanks for Your great love and kindness! Thank You for your many blessings. May I rest in this new level of understanding Your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you see God’s love through the people in your life?

Tasks: As you go about your day, spontaneously sing praises to God and shout out thanks for all He has done for you. As soon as you think of something praiseworthy, go for it! This could be in the shower, in your car, on the stairs, in an elevator, while taking a walk…

Persistence in Prayer

Jesus often woke up early, while it was still dark, to go pray. It surely was the key to His success and gave Him increased fortitude to do His work. Afterall, He came to die.

In Luke 11:1-13, Jesus then teaches His disciples how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is followed by an example of persistence in prayer. This is a well-known passage of Scripture, but sometimes it is difficult to keep praying for something you still don’t see.

For example, sometimes I pray for awhile about something and then move on to other things. It’s not that I forget about them or that I don’t think God will provide for me. Sometimes, I just get distracted by life. Or, on occasion, I can be more focused on the prayer and outcome than I am letting God do the work on my behalf.

Whenever that happens, I lay off praying and just give it to God.  I can trust Him to do all He has planned for me. While I wait, I am patient and obedient.

Then again... what if I am avoiding the issue altogether due to fear? Is fear holding me back from God’s best? Even though what I pray for is good, it will still bring change.

This came to a head last week when I was at the dentist. The hygienist mentioned something I have been praying for off-and-on (trying not too be obsessive!). With her hands in my mouth, I could only listen to her perspective and murmur feedback. 🙂 She’s in a different spot than I am, so it was interesting that we would have similar prayer requests.

Regarding that particular prayer, lately I have been taking a ‘laissez-faire’ approach. I am open minded to receiving a blessing, but I have decided to wait and see what happens.

Then, a few days later, I had a great conversation with someone who reminded me we can’t just sit back and wait for the UPS man to show up with our answer to prayer!

I had to laugh and wholeheartedly agreed. We have to fight for the Promised Land!

But then, I wondered, am I being patient… or complacent? 

On Sunday, the pastor gave some very practical tips on prayer. He mentioned the story of when Jesus cursed the fig tree in Matthew 21:18-22 and soon turned this into a discourse on prayer. Jesus was a master at getting people’s attention!

The pastor reminded us we all have mountains in our lives. He said we are like “mountain movers” when we pray boldly and actively work to get rid of the problem. This kind of prayer does not limit God, but expects He can do anything!

The other option is more comfortable, that is, “mountain maintenance,” where we simply landscape around our issues and make them look prettier, but the problem remains.

Generally, I don’t consider my prayer requests to be mountains, but as I listened, I was inspired and slightly convicted. Acts of faith and obedience honor God.

So, I asked myself:  Which of these options requires a leap of faith?

Furthermore, when God blesses us with answers to prayer, He expects us to bless others, as well. Suddenly, I saw how my prayers could be a statement of faith for future blessing instead of merely staying comfortable due to fear. Wow!

As a result of these recent experiences, I am going to start praying for a vision of all God will do when He answers my prayers. I am not giving Him an ultimatum; I’ll aim to be content and at peace either way.

Still, I can rest in the fact God loves to say YES, and even His NO is an ultimate YES.

Jesus is truly all I need.

Finally, we don’t need all the answers to walk by faith. Thus, my faith is not dependent on the outcome, but I can pray with hope and expect God’s goodness everywhere I go!


God, thanks for letting me join in Your work through prayer and action. Help me pray boldly and with persistence. Give me more of a vision for all You want to do in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How would you describe your prayer life? Is it peppered with doubt or is it persistent with faith?

Tasks: Pray boldly and with persistence! Listen to the song, “Believer,” by Rhett Walker.

Finding Grace #264

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a great week. It had many highs and a few lows. I heard of several prayer requests, some regarding relationships and many for health issues. I’m grateful God’s grace is constant. He knows exactly what we need even before we ask!

Work went well, and I had fun participating in various meetings and helping my coworkers. I had friendly patients and feel like I made a difference!

I caught up with a couple of dear friends this week. One is a widow, like me, and we typically work through our similar experiences and cheer each other on. We met today for bowling and frozen yogurt with our girls. It was a fun few hours…just what I needed!

The other friend is a Caterpillar wife and we enjoyed catching up as well! We haven’t seen each other in a long time, but we talked for an hour on the phone. God is so good, and I loved hearing how He is taking care of everyone!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

When Compromise Becomes Catastrophe

Give and take in relationships is important. Compromise can be a good way to solve problems. Hopefully, everyone gets what they want… and no one has to give up too much.

Still, compromise often requires good communication, sacrifice, and possibly discomfort. An example may be fostering a child in need or staying up late to help a friend. In those cases, we hope to share our values through influence.

But sometimes in life, we can compromise our values and that can get us into trouble. If we rely on our own (limited) wisdom and strength instead of God’s, we too easily forget what He called us to do.

We start skimping on details, which may mean skipping out altogether when difficult circumstances arise. If we’re not careful, we can bring catastrophe on ourselves and/or others.

I’m reading the (NLT Chronological) Bible in a Year with friends, and we’re starting the book of Joshua this week. In short, Joshua was Moses’ personal assistant and mentee.

After Moses died, Joshua was appointed to lead the nation of Israel to claim the Promised Land. He sought to do exactly what Moses directed. He was faithful to do all God called him to do.

It wasn’t easy, but he had God’s presence and His Word. (Moses wrote the Pentateuch, the first five books, which tell the story of God’s people and laws to this point).

Joshua was one of twelve spies sent to scout out the Promised Land many years before. He and Caleb brought back a good report, but the ten other spies incited fear in people.

This lack of faith caused the whole nation to wander in the desert for forty years! They ate quail and manna morning, noon, and night all that time. You think Israel would have learned her lesson!

Yet, as we go through the book of Joshua (and the next book, called Judges), we see that although Joshua did right, the entire nation eventually started to do things their own way. 

Sadly, Israel never fully conquered the land promised to Abraham (from near Egypt to the Euphrates River). Instead, they settled for a much smaller portion than God intended.

What happened?!

Well, somewhere along the way, they compromised. They grew comfortable and stopped challenging themselves. According to Deuteronomy 32:15, they grew spiritually fat and lazy. How Israel missed out!

This is a word of caution for us, too! The Promised Land was often called, ‘a land flowing with milk and honey.’ But that doesn’t mean it came easy. They were to fight for the land and then cultivate it. God was with them and for them, but still they stopped short.

Maybe you are waiting on God to move on your behalf. I understand, but maybe He’s waiting for you to be obedient! Yes, each of us has different goals and dreams, but our modern-day ‘Land of Promise’ is also going to take some effort to obtain and maintain!

Don’t get lazy or give up territory. Gird yourself with faith and perseverance. Be bold and courageous! Put in the work and see the results! It will take some time, but anything worth doing is worth doing well.

Don’t get to the point of shoulda-coulda-woulda. There’s no need for regret. Just ask God for wisdom and seek His input first! He will help us navigate our path and bring peace.

If we ask Him, the Lord will help us avoid major catastrophes and chaos. He does not want us to confused. Instead, He has good things in store for those who are obedient.


God, thanks for generously giving us Your wisdom when we ask for it. Help us come to You when we face compromise. May we not settle for less than Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Can you think of situations in which compromise is a good thing? Conversely, when does it lead to catastrophe?

Tasks: Read these verses Genesis 15:15-21; Numbers 34; and Joshua 1:3-9  about the boundaries promised to Abraham and reinforced later to Moses and Joshua. Then, compare those boundaries to King David’s conquests, in addition to modern day Israel.

It’s Gonna Be Okay

The week after the Spring time change (DST) is always a little rough. I didn’t feel it was off to too bad of a start, until I stayed up late two nights in a row working on a project and completely lost track of time! Thankfully, I felt fine, but I was moving slooow. Whoops!

Then, yesterday morning, Lydia slept in through her alarm! We each have our morning rhythms, which is more apparent when the timing gets off. Thankfully, I have built in extra time in Lydia’s schedule, so she wasn’t really too far behind like I was.

When our morning routine gets off, I have learned to roll with it. These are the days where I don’t do the extras. That means I skip the lathering shower pouf, use the lotion that takes less time to soak in, and don’t try anything new (think makeup and hair products)!

On those days, I don’t skip breakfast, but I may grab something portable or forgo the milk in my coffee. One reason I have trained myself to drink it black… sometimes, it’s necessary!

Yes, there are days when it seems everything is just “off” or something dramatic happens. This song, Into the Sea, by Tasha Layton, references Psalm 46:1-3, which says:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

I have been singing and humming about mountains falling into the sea all week, but yesterday, it made me think. What does it mean by ‘mountains falling into the sea?’

We don’t have mountains in Fargo, which is pretty flat. But, I have seen avalanches and glaciers calving online! And, practically speaking, this is a great picture of everything literally falling apart.

When the ground starts giving way beneath us, God is there to catch us!

Another line that stands out in that song is, “Only good things come from You.” I am reminded that chaos is not directly from God, but He will turn it into something good.

Because He is good… that is, goodness is a part of His nature… He can’t help but use my circumstances for His glory and my good. Of course, this isn’t just to make sure I get to work on time. But, rather that I stay in tune to His timing and follow His lead.

With Jesus on our side, it will always turn out well for us. That doesn’t mean we won’t have challenges, but He is with us and for us! With confidence, we can trust Him and say, “It’s gonna be okay!”


God, You are good! You sustain me when life is uncertain. Thanks for being my safe place. Thanks for staying close. Be my strength and hold me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions:  On those crazy-busy mornings, would you rather be late and do everything well? Or, do you have a back-up plan to save time?

Tasks: Crank up the sound and listen to the song, Into the Sea, linked above in pink. Then, listen to this song, “Safe Here,” by the same artist! Sooo good!

Finding Grace #262

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was an awesome week!! On Sunday, we Zoomed with family. It’s been so fun to check in every week! It has become one of my favorite things to do every week!

On Monday, I dropped of my tax documents to my accountant. I have various things to keep track of, and it’s good to have help! As a single mom, it’s one less thing for me to have to do. It’s always nice to get a refund, but this year, it was split. I owe some and get some back! No matter what I am so grateful for God’s provision!

I had many friendly patients this week. It’s so fun to talk with Veterans who are eager to learn about nutrition. It’s more than that though. It’s good to make the ‘human connection,’ and that was a highlight of my week!

We got a little snow this week, after it was mostly melted away. This snow won’t stick around for long, but it triggered my snow removal service to come. I was very happy about that, as I got to sleep until my normal alarm went off.

On Wednesday, I called Fitbit customer service for help. I happened to talk to someone who was working from home… in Jamaica! We had a good conversation while he answered my questions. Turns out, Lydia’s device is out of warranty, but he gave us a 35% off coupon so we could order a new one! She was so grateful and excited!

Today has been beautiful, with warmer weather and little wind. Lydia went to a friend’s house to play, while I visited with a couple friends, ran errands, and tackled some chores around the house. When Lydia returned, we took a walk to other ‘little free libraries’ and delivered some books we were done with. I also updated some of the books in ours!

Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward one hour tonight!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Mind the Gap

Many years ago, my sister and I joined several other high school students on a two-week adventure to Europe. We flew across the Pond to visit England, France, Italy, and Switzerland. It was a wonderful trip, and we made many memories together!

As we visited London, we took the subway system (a.k.a. the Underground, or Tube). We got a kick out of the various signs, in particular one that said “Mind the Gap.” This referred to the space between the railcars and the platform. Of course, one could be killed if they fell down there.

Then, this week, a pastor at church reminded us there’s never a time in our lives when we have it all figured out. Even when most things are going well, there’s still random things that may pop up.

There’s going to be a gap between our reality and what we desire. It can be frustrating at times, but if all of our problems were so easily solved, we wouldn’t need Jesus!

So, what do we do about it all? First, we stay close to Jesus. Then, we mind the gap!

When riding the Tube, or any other subway or train, we can make sure we are ready first. We can:

Be prepared. Plan ahead for various possibilities or issues we might face. We can’t prevent all problems, but we aren’t without options! For a trip, I’d bring various articles. Purse. (Check.) Passport (Check.) Proper currency. (Check.) Snacks. (Check.) In life, this might be a savings account or not taking on excessive debt.

Make sure your stuff doesn’t weigh you down or trip you up! If you forget something, you can always get it when you arrive at your destination. Life is like that, too. Take what you need and leave the rest. Don’t overthink it!

Be aware of your surroundings and circumstances. Notice the atmosphere and read each situation correctly. Then, adapt or change as needed. Flexibility is key!

Wait your turn. Don’t rush ahead and leave anyone or anything behind! You will get where you need to go. God’s timing is perfect.

Be willing to stand and let someone else sit. Kindness matters.

Stay focused. Pay attention to each stop and don’t miss yours! Even small distractions could sidetrack us, if we’re not careful. Put down your phone and talk with a stranger, once in a while!

Live joyfully, looking forward to adventures. Focus on what is going well, instead of shortcomings. With a good attitude, we can make the best of uncertain circumstances.

Ultimately, only Jesus can fill the gaps in our lives. With His help, we can do all He made us to do. We can trust Him and join Him for the ride of our lives!


Lord, thanks for filling in the gaps in our lives with You. Forgive us when we try to fill those gaps with other things. May we not forget You are more than enough for us! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever been to England? Have you been on the London Underground system? What is your favorite touristy spot to visit?

Tasks: Life is more about the journey than the destination. For fun, consider how life is like a public transit system!

Finding Grace #261

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This was a good week! On Monday, I woke up not feeling the best. Mostly some back pain and GI issues. These tend to come and go, but Monday, I decided to stay home from work. Normally, I would just push through (like I usually do). I am proud that I rested and took care of myself instead. That set me up well for the remainder of the week.

Lydia ordered something online this week, an inexpensive toy she really wanted. She paid for it herself. She kept asking if I had received delivery notifications and excitedly opened it when it came. I order so many “boring” household items online, mostly to save me time later, so her anticipation was fun to see!

On Friday, I picked Lydia up after work and we went shopping. She requested some new pants, pajamas, and other items since she continues to grow. Imagine that! We had fun looking around at three stores, though she had to take everything home to try on. We will need to make some returns, but I’m glad we got to spend time together. After that, we went to Panera and used a gift card for dinner. We also ran into some friends!

Today, Lydia and I had a heart healthy discussion about fats, after she saw some of my props for teaching my students yesterday. This included a timely topic about body image and the importance of making good choices. Later, she played with a neighbor, while I worked on collecting and organizing my tax information!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Quality Time With My Girl

“Lydia, what should I blog about for this week?”

“Well, we’re spending time together. You could write about that.”

It’s interesting that spending time together was at the forefront of Lydia’s mind. 

Recently, she took a quiz about the five love languages at school. It was a modified version the school counselor gave them around Valentine’s day. It was so insightful!

I am familiar with the idea, but I hadn’t thought of it for Lydia. Apparently, quality time is her highest-ranked love language, followed by words of affirmation. (Mine too!)

So, perhaps that’s why she has asked to play games together, watch movies together, read together, and so on lately. Somewhat par for the course, but I’ll take it!

Sometimes, Lydia is my little shadow, but I don’t mind. These moments will not last forever, so I am soaking up the quality time with my girl. 

So, last night, Lydia requested we have a movie night together. Truthfully, I didn’t want to watch another movie, our second this week.

I was focused on this blog, though I hadn’t started writing it yet. I had several other things to do, too. But, Lydia requested “Mom’s Night Out” which was downstairs in our basement.

I stalled as I was making dinner, and I couldn’t recall if it was kid-friendly or not (rated PG). I didn’t really want to take time to figure it all out, but Lydia went ahead and set it up anyway.

In the end, we had fun laughing about the movie, which essentially is a massive misunderstanding. Hilarious! I paused it now and then to explain things, but I didn’t feel it was inappropriate. In fact, I had forgotten how painfully funny it is.

The laughter and messages were just what I needed.

At one point, Lydia sat on my lap (causing me to take a break from writing). Her hug turned into compliments and tickles. It was perfect.

Sometimes, it feels like I have a million things to do. It’s easy to rush and forget about what’s most important. That might change from day to day, but I am grateful for simple moments with Lydia. God is so good to me!


God, thanks for all you do for me and have given me. Thanks for leading me and reminding me of what’s important, to take time with those I love. May I soak up Your love and be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you know your love language(s)? Do you know the love languages of those around you?

Tasks: When unexpected situations arise, trust God and just roll with them. You don’t have to do it all perfectly. You might be surprised to discover it’s just what you needed!

Finding Grace #260

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?

This week was full of God’s grace. I felt Him directing my path and filling in the gaps along the way. I’m so grateful He leads me through parenting issues, especially when it comes to dealing with Lydia’s subtle but ongoing grief about her dad, my late-husband, Dave! She’s doing fine today but had a few emotional moments this week.

On Wednesday, Lydia had a check-up at the orthodontist. She had braces a couple of years ago, but currently she is only wearing a retainer. We’ll see what the future x-rays show, but for now, everything looks good. Ironically, the next day, Lydia lost another tooth!

It was a good work-week, too. I felt productive and accomplished a lot. I had good conversations and collaborations with my coworkers. I also had fun leading a student meeting for around 60 students, plus meeting with my own students later on.

Today, I enjoyed catching up with my parents on the phone. My mom and I compared parenting notes, and my dad helped me fix my kitchen garbage disposal. It felt good to troubleshoot and get the motor running again. It feels good to solve the problem on my own!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!