You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!
This was a fun week that flew by! Work was very busy, but good. There were times my coworkers and I were all over the building to educate Veterans. It kept us on our toes!
Lydia had yet another exciting week!! She went to Bible camp with some kids from church. I wasn’t sure if sending her two hours away for three days was a good idea, but I am glad I listened to God’s leading. She had an awesome time, made deeper friendships, and learned more about God’s love. I’m sure I will be hearing about her experiences for days!
With Lydia at camp, I also had a busy week. On Wednesday, I had dinner and a meeting with friends. We had yummy food and great conversation, while making plans for this fall!
Thursday night was a women’s game night at church. I saw several ladies I knew and met many more! It was a lot of fun. I even met three new nutrition grad students!
Last night, I did a few things around the house while Lydia was gone. I didn’t mow since it was so hot, but I did trim some of the areas that are still green and growing! I also did the dishes, cooked some food, paid some bills, and signed up Lydia for the next school year! We’ll have to go shopping for school supplies soon!
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!
Have you ever felt like you are just spinning your wheels and getting nowhere fast? Perhaps you are not making progress on your goals due to always being on-the-go, running from one activity to the next. Or, maybe you don’t know which path to take next. Life is full of tough decisions, and sometimes we have to quit what we are doing to regroup.
This week, I had an interesting conversation with a friend about such decisions. Nothing unusual… just choices that carry weight and impact.
These include decisions regarding finances, education, volunteering, and relationships. Unfortunately, she’s been so ‘busy’ she can’t think straight, and people keep asking her to be involved in activities that are draining her of time, energy, and peace.
Of course, since I am older, I have faced similar circumstances in the past. Each time, I learned invaluable lessons which prompted a new level of growth and maturity.
Examples: Boundaries and the word ‘No’ are powerful!
My friend will have to make her own decisions, of course. I simply mentioned how important solitude had been for me, especially in college when I was trying to make so many of the same decisions.
Being alone is scary for a lot of people, but solitude is different than being lonely.
For me, solitude is taking time away, so I can quit spinning my wheels. Then, I can figure out how I really think and feel. Solitude brings clarity when I am confused because it eliminates the extra noise and distractions. Then, I can weigh the pros and cons.
It took me awhile to be okay with solitude, but it has served me well over the years. Spending time alone has helped me know who I am and who I am not. I have gained insight on my priorities and what I enjoy doing (versus what I happen to do when others are around). Pausing every now and then has helped set the trajectory for my life.
In some ways, solitude primed me for dealing with grief when Dave died because I understood how to pay attention to my feelings and not run away from them. In part, solitude taught me that uncomfortable moments do not last forever. Sometimes, we wish they would hurry on by, but we can grow to appreciate those awkward times, too!
In my case, I am never truly alone because solitude also involves connecting with God through prayer. It may include making lists or taking walks in nature, too. Or, perhaps it is an act of solitude to leave work an hour early to sit in the daycare parking lot and journal while listening to music. Yes, solitude is a part of self-care.
Solitude does not mean isolation…. or being alone forever, avoiding other people or their input. It just means hitting the brakes and checking the map to see if you are heading where you intended, or if you need to redirect.
There is no badge for busyness or skimping on sleep. Don’t let other people dictate what you do in life… you are responsible for your own happiness.
Jesus Himself was known for taking time away to spend with His Father. He relied on that quiet time to listen and gather His thoughts. I wonder what happened in those intimate moments between Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit!
Perhaps getting away helped Jesus to refocus on His mission and renew His strength. Either way, He relied on God’s help to accomplish all He did!
These days, I don’t have many opportunities to “get away,” but I am reminded just how vital solitude can be. These skills take time and space and effort, but thankfully, God is always with us! He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He can bring solace in solitude, if only we quit spinning our wheels long enough to listen!
God, thanks for being our Friend and Guide! May we pause in solitude and gratitude, inviting You to show us what to do next. May we receive Your best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you enjoy being alone, or do you merely tolerate it when needed? How can you apply the idea of solitude for making decisions?
Tasks: If you have some big decisions ahead of you, take some time to clear your head and pray. Tune your heart to what the Holy Spirit may be telling you. For further reading, check out this article.
Food and nutrition is something every human on the planet needs. That’s why I love my profession! As a Registered Dietitian, I don’t always talk about food on my blog… but when I do, I try to combine facts with practical application! 🙂
So, let’s talk green peas. I have some peas as food models at work, and they really cheer up my office! As they caught my eye yesterday, I started thinking of the number of patients who always comment on them. Most people say the serving size (half a cup) is so small!
But, when it comes to peas, you either love them or hate them. Perhaps your parents forced you to eat them before leaving the dinner table as a kid. Perhaps you secretly fed them to the dog. (I won’t tell!)
Peas come fresh or frozen or in cans. You may even grow them in pods in your garden. They are both starchy vegetables and legumes. Peas are high in fiber and protein. They have are high in micronutrients and antioxidants, too! Check out other nutrition facts here!
Peas can be eaten alone or in a dish. Snap peas (pea pods) are kind of fun, either with dip or in stir fries. I add peas to pasta, soups, eggs, or anywhere I need a little color. I really enjoy them on top of salads, especially when they pop in my mouth!
If you’re a fan of the Veggie Tales series, you may recall the cute little French peas: Jean-Claude and Phillipe. Apparently, they are not related… and speak with Swedish accents! 🙂
You may have seen a few catchy sayings, like ‘give peas a chance’ or ‘visualize whirled peas’ or ‘make peas, not war.’ Of course, these are plays on the word ‘peace.’
As I was thinking of all-things-peas, I thought of how steaming is perhaps the easiest way to make peas quickly. Then, I thought how frozen peas are changed for the better through cooking. But, it’s probably not a ‘fun’ process for those little peas!
Basically, peas alone are nice, but the nutrition is inaccessible unless you eat them. So, really, all the healthy benefits of peas only occur after great pressure and heat. Isn’t that an interesting parallel to life?!
Trials can make or break us. When the pressures of life come, when the heat is on, let’s ask God to transform us and make something good. We ourselves are changed, but He can even use us to bless others!
Lord, thanks for turning all our trials into something useful (and potentially sweet). Help us trust You with our potential, especially when the pressure and heat turn up. May we honor You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you enjoy peas? If so, what is your favorite way to eat them?
Tasks: If you love peas, eat some today! If you are not a fan, try one new way to enjoy peas. Check out these recipe ideas. Yes, give peas a chance! Peas and thank you! 😉
You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!
This was an interesting week! We had fun watching fireworks with our neighbors on the 4th of July. There’s always quite a show a couple houses down from us, and also several other directions around us! I let Lydia stay up for awhile, but thankfully, she was able to still sleep while the fireworks wrapped up.
Work went well and was , once again, quite busy. We were off on Monday, but then for rest of the week, I felt behind. A double-edged sword, perhaps! Yesterday, I was able to get a little caught up. It’s good to be productive, but it’s also good to have it all be manageable!
Lydia had an exciting week. First, she lost another tooth! Then, she went to Camp Cormorant with the Y for a field trip. They ate a picnic lunch and swam in the lake! She had a ton of fun, though it pulled my mama heart strings a little to let her go without me (good practice!). We prayed that morning, which is good because the bus had a flat tire as they neared the end of the trip. Lydia said it was handled very well, and they made it back safely. I’m glad they were only a few blocks away and in town. Thank You, Jesus!
Today, Lydia had a friend over to play, while I worked on a project. In other news, my Facebook account was hacked! It made me a little sick to my stomach, but I had it all fixed within a couple of hours. I also contacted my financial institutions and notified them, just in case! Anyway, I am praying no other issues occur, but let me know if you see anything odd. Thanks for your continued support! 🙂
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!
You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!
This was a great week! We had fun with our weekly family Zoom meeting. Not only is it a good time to catch up and encourage each other, it’s also helpful to have a sounding board for problem solving. I’m grateful for the wisdom each person brings!
Work went well and was quite busy. But, I had fun conversations with coworkers and patients alike, so it was worth it! We had a yummy department potluck and planned another fun activity for later in the month!
I had a couple really great conversations with family this week. Even though we see each other on Zoom, I really appreciate the one-on-one conversations, too. I happily talked with my mom, my sister, and one of my brothers!
This morning, Lydia and I went for a morning walk before the heat set in. We found a new path on the other side of our neighborhood. It ended up being almost two miles, and we found some beautiful houses and new businesses! We had fun!
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!
Life gets so busy and it seems my brain is always on the go. I’m sure you understand! Sometimes, I take a break and let my mind wander in silence, listening and waiting on the Lord. This week, while I was sitting still, I was reminded of my ThinkUp app, which is a running list of personal affirmations.
I have written about it before, though it’s been awhile since I have used it. Still, listening to my own voice and recordings was moving. Over the course of a few minutes, I was struck by statements of faith and hard won victories. Rather than just a bunch of feel-good messages, each affirmation was really a declaration of God’s faithfulness. I could see how much I have grown and how far the Lord has brought me.
It was like years of random sticky notes and ideas were in one place, and I was able to review the memories attached to them. I teared up as I heard myself speak of trust, hope, and perseverance. Instead of affirming how strong I am or want to be, I was declaring God’s power and plan over my life. He has awesome things in store for me!
Later that same day, Lydia told me about a song she had heard from one of her friends. She thought it was a lighthearted and fun summer song, and she wanted to share it with me.
Based on the title, I was guessing what the first few lyrics confirmed. It was a modern tune by a popular artist, but it was a much different song than Lydia anticipated. Nonetheless, I turned this into a learning experience!
Lydia was horrified when I interpreted the song in mostly kid-friendly terms. She was horrified, and thanked me for catching it before she embarrassed herself. (Side note: I love that she can receive gentle correction with gratitude!)
I simply explained the World has different standards than we do. This is one reason we often listen to Christian radio, but I cannot control what happens when we’re not together.
We talked for a long time about popular culture compared to God’s loving expectations for us. Or, as Lydia put it, “Following God is like having GPS in your heart. If we ask Him for help and direction, He will never lead us astray.”
I confirmed my job as a parent is to protect her, teach her, and help her navigate these situations. We reviewed critical thinking skills and the importance of searching for God’s wisdom in daily life.
We discussed guarding our heart and minds, so only good things come in and go out. We role played how to speak up or walk away from ungodly influences. I also planted a seed so the future Lydia remembers she can come to me with all her questions and concerns. It’s never too early!
Our words matter, and we cannot take them back once spoken. We also can’t forget mean or vulgar things that we hear. So, we need to be wise!
We can bring life through speaking with Truth, grace, and encouragement. Conversely, we can also tear down and discourage others. We can plant seeds of hope or seeds of doubt.
God’s words are still having impact today. What He set in motion at Creation is still happening! His Word will endure forever, so it make sense to put more value on, or magnify, what He says than what the World tells us. Yes, we better… Word up!
God, thanks for the power of Your Word. Help me be responsible with the words I say. Keep me accountable with what I put into my mind so that what pours out of my mouth is honoring to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Question: If you don’t know all the lyrics to a particular song, do you make up your own words?
Tasks: Tune your heart to God’s Word. Memorize Scripture and meditate on it. Be wise with your words (in person and online) today!
As a single parent and homeowner, I have had to be resourceful over the years. Sure, I can call someone to help me with random issues, and sometimes I do. But often, it is a matter of timing. I don’t want to inconvenience someone, or I don’t want to wait for them to show up.
Occasionally, a friend will volunteer to help me, but I don’t always run into these handy types of friends! I have a few bigger projects that I might pay someone to do, but even then, I’ll have to organize the logistics of calling and being available.
I know I am not the only one with these issues or house projects, but sometimes, I just decide to do it myself! Sometimes, I research it online and other times, I have ‘jerry-rigged’ a solution. So far I have figured out how to “unstick” my garbage disposal with a crowbar, fix my coffee machine with a dremel, change toilet seats, fix a dent in my car, and more. I have used safety pins, glue, and tape to attach buttons and shore up pant hems, too!
These are in addition to other routine tasks, like changing a plethora of light bulbs and adding air to my car tires.
On Monday evening, I (once again) attempted to fix one of Lydia’s drawers. The drawer has a track for wheels that periodically comes loose. I have had to tighten the screws from time to time. But, on Monday, I couldn’t find all four screws!
I found a couple of the screws, which had fallen down into the drawer beneath. I did what I could to replace them, but the two screws were different sizes, and I needed two more.
I searched the garage for more matching screws, but alas, I didn’t find what I was looking for. No worries! I thought of a solution. Just call me MacGyver!
Lydia learned a new word that day: INGENUITY. I told her what it meant and then showed her a practical example. Yes, I used one screw on each side of the drawer railing, but then I also superglued the remaining edges!
It worked so well (or at least until next time) that I also superglued part of my gutter outside! It has been coming loose, and I will still have to go to the hardware store at some point. But, it should hold until the next storm, at least!
I’m really thankful God gives us bursts of creativity and helps us when we need it. The slightly sticky, gluey fingers are worth the feelings of accomplishment. But, I am also glad He doesn’t rely on superglue, duct tape, paper clips, safety pins, or zip ties to hold us together or fix our problems!
Colossians 1:16-17 (NLT) says, “for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see—such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world. Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together.”
God holds the whole world together through Jesus. And that includes us. Whatever problems you are facing today, bring them to the Lord. If you find yourself in a sticky situation (sorry, I had to!), remember nothing is too difficult for Him.
He cares for you and knows exactly what you need!
God, thanks for giving us creative solutions to our problems. There is nothing You can’t do, and You extend that grace to us! Help us come to You first, and not as a last resort. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you enjoy DIY projects? Do you consider yourself pretty hand-on (as in building, repairing, gardening), or would you rather hire someone to do the dirty work?
Tasks: Meditate on Colossians 1:16-17 today. Here you can compare several versions. Consider what it means for Jesus to hold all things together and what that means for your life. Trust Him!
You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.
I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!
Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!
This was an awesome week full of surprises! On Sunday afternoon, we went to see the new movie, Peter Rabbit 2. It was really cute and full of good lessons.
Lydia and I went for a handful of walks this week to enjoy the beautiful weather. I’m hoping to make it more of a habit to walk around our neighborhood! I used to do it twice a day when we had a dog, so it is doable. Though, I don’t plan on getting a dog anytime soon.
One evening, we walked toward Lydia’s school, and then stopped at the Holiday gas station on the way back. She wanted to buy “something” and even offered to buy me a donut. Of course, I said yes and saved it for breakfast! I love my generous girl!
The next night, we helped a young neighbor track down her dog that had gotten loose (again). Then, she invited herself and her dog on our walk, and that was approved by the little girl’s dad. We had fun hearing all sorts of funny stories. The little girl is so sweet and never stopped talking! Lydia had fun and wanted to walk other dogs in the neighborhood!
On Thursday, President Biden signed a law making Juneteenth a federal holiday. This is today (Saturday), which means that it was “observed” on Friday. It was unexpected, but I’m always grateful for extra time with Lydia. We discussed the meaning of the holiday, played some games, and enjoyed walking along Forest River Park!
Also on Thursday, I gained a new little niece! My brother and sister-in-law had their baby a couple of weeks early. Lily’s a cutie and we can’t wait to meet her!
Today, we hung out at home, and I finally finished some chores I had been putting off. Lydia helped too. Since we had a three day weekend, I was able to both relax and get some stuff done! We also enjoyed a morning and evening walk together!
These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!
There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!
The summer days go so fast! I always enjoy listening to the birds sing, especially early in the morning or later at night. Some days, however, I have to slow down and remind myself to stop and take it all in.
One evening last week, Lydia had a friend over to play. We noticed a strange bird with a speckled breast sitting on the deck, and we had to figure out what it was!
I quickly (and quietly) grabbed my bird book and binoculars. I had an idea of what the bird was, but I wanted to make sure. The girls thought it was fun, and so I dragged it out while I tried to remember where I’d seen a similar bird. It had been a few years!
I asked the girls about the color, the beak, the size of the bird, etc. Soon, we determined… yes, it was a baby robin! This makes sense because we have a robin’s nest under our deck.
Soon, this was confirmed by an adult robin coming to stand guard next to the juvenile. A few moments later, we got distracted and then noticed the birds were gone.
No worries! A little while later, the girls were looking out the window and called me over!
The young bird was back! It was on the bottom step of the deck, and we were not sure if it fell or flew down the ten-or-so steps. We watched it slowly hop it’s way up the stairs, flapping its wings along the way.
The deck railing prevented us from seeing some of its progress, until suddenly, it fluttered from the top step to the opposite railing. (That’s when I realized it was a mere fledgling, as I saw its wingspan was so small and unsteady.)
Lydia and I enjoy watching birds together. We enjoy seeing finches and swallows and other common birds. I even play bird songs sometimes and see if the birds respond!
So, today, I am reminded that Lydia herself is like a little fledgling. She’s been spreading her wings a lot lately, and it is bittersweet. I am proud of her progress, as she learns to navigate certain age-appropriate issues.
These include big and small big decisions, role playing through various friendship issues, and discussing morals (right, wrong, and gray areas). She’s understanding the value of money and has been making small, reasonable purchases for herself when I let her.
Lydia is a great kid, but even while I do my best to raise her, I can’t take all the credit. Instead, I actively keep relying on the Lord since He gave her to me on loan. I show her what it means to turn to Him for guidance!
My goal is not to solve all of Lydia’s problems, but show her Jesus is the solution. As much as He cares for the cute little birds, He loves and cares for us even more!
God, thanks for all You do for us. Thanks for leading us as we learn and grow. Help us to trust You and be brave as we try new things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you like bird watching? Do you have a favorite song bird?
Tasks: Turn to the Lord for wisdom and guidance today. Check this out: All About Birds.