Grace Upon Grace

A couple of weeks ago, someone sent me a link to a short message about Mary, the mother of Jesus. It was by an evangelist named Brent Carr.

Interestingly, the little blurb mentioned Mary was “highly favored” and then described all the difficulties she faced. She was nearly divorced, rejected by her community, gave birth in a stable, and so on. The author’s point was that favor may imply blessing, but it doesn’t imply an easy road.

Mr. Carr wrote, “Favor never looks like favor at first. Favor sometimes takes you through frustration, failure, and fear.” I can certainly relate to all three of those!

In the Bible, the word for favor is linked with grace (see the word: chairs). I prefer using the word grace, but favor reminds me of the word ‘favorite.’ I imagine God smiling down at me, not necessarily to give me everything I want, but to make sure I have everything I need.

Like buying a new snowblower… but still having to use it! 😉

God’s grace, or favor, isn’t always obvious. It’s sometimes intangible, like knowing God is with us or trusting Him to protect us or provide for us. Usually, it involves a situation that makes us test, or prove, those truths. Yes, our struggles can show us God’s love and grace.

Lately, resting in God’s grace has meant taking off work a few days to let Lydia recover from an illness. Favor means not worrying about my workload when I get back… I am glad for a good team to cover for me, though I usually like to be the one offering to help!

Grace has meant keeping the house calm and peaceful for Lydia, but also knowing there are benefits for me, too. My to-do list is neverending, so it has been good for me not to push too hard in the last week. Instead, I was able to rest, too. We watched some television, but we also read and napped.

On Monday, Lydia still wasn’t 100%, so I took another day off from work (in addition to Wednesday/Thursday last week). Her doctor was closed because of blizzardy weather, so I took it as a sign to stay home, safe and warm. Indeed, her daycare (the Y) opened late and closed early, so I would’ve missed most of work anyway!

It’s good to know when to rest, but it’s also good to know when to push ourselves forward. If God makes the opportunity clear, we can trust He will provide. Even if we don’t have all the answers or know all the details.

So, yesterday, Lydia felt marginally better, still coughing and a little lethargic but fever-free! I knew that we needed to try and make it to work and daycare. We got all ready and were in the car, only to find out my car battery had died!

I sent Lydia inside to rest and stay warm, while I texted a couple of friends for input. One of them asked if I had a charger. I hadn’t thought about it, but God brought to mind something I had walked by dozens of times. Sure enough, I DID have a car battery charger! By God’s grace, Dave had bought one years ago, and I was able to figure out how to use it.

Of course, I rolled into work late, but even then, there was grace and favor. After dropping off Lydia, I stopped to buy a new car battery since mine was 8+ years old. (The average lifespan of a car battery is two to five years, so that’s another level of grace!) The third store had what I needed, and a sales associate kindly agreed to help me install it. Never mind the temperature was several degrees below zero!

Reflecting on all of this, I am grateful we didn’t have to cancel many plans while Lydia was sick. It was a holiday break but we celebrated in Illinois earlier in the month. I am also thankful I didn’t go out on Monday and have my car die then. God knew it would not be good for us to be stuck on the road with a dead battery, all while Lydia wasn’t feeling well! Plus, I was able to use some Christmas money I received to pay for the battery! Bonus!

John 1:16 says God gives us grace upon grace. Instead of focusing on our problems, let’s focus on Jesus and trust Him to be all we need. Come to Him with a heart full of gratitude!


Father God, thank You for your grace. You take such good care of us.

Questions: Where do you see God’s grace and favor in your life this week? Have you stopped to thank Him or tell someone how gracious He is?

Tasks: Whatever you are doing, pause and praise God! In good times and bad, thank Him for the goodness and grace He brings to your life!


The Wonders of His Love

Recently at church, we were singing “Joy to the World,” the classic Christmas carol. As we sang, these lyrics stood out to me:

He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders, of His love.

With the pandemic these last two years, it’s easy to focus on all that is wrong in the world. But what if we focused on the wonders of God’s love? What does that even mean?

For me, “the wonders of His love” are all about grace and favor. God doing for us what we could never do. Quite basically, whether you know God or not, He gave us Nature and He gave us each other. God is also our Provider, Jehovah Jireh, and so much more.

He gave us Jesus, who brought us His Truth and reconciliation. God makes Himself available to us and adopts us into His family! He gives us grace, love, peace, and hope. (The list never ends!)

Christmas, Gingerbread, Holiday, Sweet, Cookies

And then, this week Lydia and I were listening to a newer version of “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen.” She misheard the lyrics, and said, “Mom, they’re not singing that right.”

I asked her to explain, and Lydia sang, “O tidings of confident joy, confident joy. O tidings confident joy…” Not quite “comfort and joy,” but now I can’t un-hear it!

That made me think. We can indeed have confident joy (every day) because of Jesus!

Thank God, He is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. In some ways, Christmas was a new thing God was doing, but really, God doesn’t leave anything to chance. Jesus’ birth was long-awaited and planned for. Same goes for His death and resurrection. 

The message of Christ eventually upended the whole Roman empire, and it still has the power to rock us, today. Will we let the Holy Spirit change us? Jesus didn’t just come to save us or bring eternal life. He wants us to live in the here and now… make it count!

Gingerbread, Pastries, Cookies, Frosting, Sweets, Treat

Yes, when our confidence is placed in Christ, we can take heart and have the courage to do whatever He has called us to do (Ephesians 2:10). He is the Master Planner and has good things in store for us; we just need to walk them out.

We have reason to celebrate every day because “It is finished!” We can have comfort, and yes, confident joy, knowing that God with us (Emmanuel) is for us and will help us.

Because of Jesus, we have peace with God, and through Him, we have peace with each other (might take some work, grace, and forgiveness though!). 😉

I’m so thankful we are free to follow Jesus, hold onto God’s promises, and let our faith rise up. We don’t have to worry or be anxious. We do not have to be afraid.

Place your confidence in Jesus today… and be joyful!


God, thanks for the peace, comfort, confidence, and joy You bring! Thank You for Jesus!! Help us trust You, Lord. Give us the strength we need today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What are your favorite Christmas carols? Do you get the lyrics right, or do you make up your own version?

Task: Even before the Bible was produced en masse for the public, there were Christmas carols full of Gospel Truth. Listen for God’s heart the next time you sing along.

Finding Grace #302

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Christmas, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Baubles

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was quite memorable! On Sunday and Monday, we were still with family celebrating my dad’s birthday. We flew home Monday afternoon, but we are so grateful for the fun and memories we made together!

Tuesday through Friday went fast. Work went well, though several cancellations meant I could get caught up on some tasks and help others!

Wednesday night was the children’s ministry Christmas party. Lydia really had a lot of fun! But even more important, she has learned more about God’s word!

Friday was Dave’s birthday in Heaven. Congratulations to Jordyn B. who was the winner of the book giveaway in his honor. It was a fun thing to send off the book today!

Today, I finally bought a new snowblower. Every year, I have tried to coax my old one along. It was so finicky and often wasn’t up to the task. I spent a couple of hours yesterday at the store, and even more online comparing prices and features. I reached out to some friends who were able to help me make the final decision. It helped that they have a truck and that I found an online coupon which was honored in-store!

Tonight, Lydia and I are going to finish decorating the Christmas tree. We started it before our trip, but haven’t gotten back to it until now!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!


This past week, Lydia and I took a long weekend to fly to Chicago and visit family. My dad turned seventy, and it was so fun to surprise him!

Dad thought he was flying to see my sister and her family, but Lydia and I wanted to come, too! I had coordinated our tickets with Mom, but the rental car was in my name. Then, Lydia and I had an unexpectedly long delay at the Fargo airport, so Mom and Dad had to wait around. He was a little annoyed, but when Lydia ran up to him, he was completely shocked! He realized the joke was on him!

Lydia really enjoyed being the big cousin, and I rented my first car on a trip! God graciously helped me navigate Chicago traffic, too! We saw a few beloved aunts, uncles, and cousins. And all in all, time with family was just what I needed.

In the days and weeks leading up to our trip, my siblings, mom, and a few others came up with “70 Things We Love About Tom.” Basically, we thought of all our favorite things about my dad, though we have done this for others in my family, too. My mom, my aunt, my sister, etc. It is good to honor each other and make them smile, too!

My parents are alive and well, and I am so grateful. But, life is short, and we’ve already lost several loved ones over the years. Now is the time to show our love!

As I think about our trip and celebrating family birthdays in general, the word ‘ageless’ keeps coming to mind. Not in terms of the absence of wrinkles… those are lines well earned! But, rather for those of us who love Jesus, we will keep building upon those wonderful moments for eternity.

Yes, in Heaven, we will be made new, but I have a feeling that those godly qualities or what makes us special will just be made better! All our negative qualities will be swallowed up along with death; only the good things will survive.

My late husband, Dave, has already experienced all for that first hand. He was already pretty amazing, to begin with, so Dave being even more “Dave” blows my mind!

As Christmas is just around the corner, now is a good time to reflect on how Jesus makes all things possible. One day, all we know will be renewed. The old will pass away, and we will become how God sees us already, all He made us to be.

On December 25th, we celebrate Jesus’ birthday, that is, His coming to Earth. But, He always has been and always will be.  He is the Alpha and Omega, the Ancient of Days.

Yes, Jesus truly is ageless… but His birth (and death) are also timeless. One sacrifice with an impact that will be felt for all eternity.

I love how Jesus welcomes us in like family and holds everything together. He is unmatched and loves you more than life itself. Life is short, so don’t miss the opportunity He brings. Invite Jesus into your life, and prepare Him room this season!


God, thanks for the blessing of birthdays and family. Thanks for Your love and for all You do for us. May we remember to look for the best in others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you made a personal decision to follow Jesus? Can you imagine what the celebration of Christmas must be like in Heaven?

Tasks: Spend as much time as possible with family! Also, check out my Grace and Lemonade page on Facebook for a special giveaway, in honor of Dave’s birthday!

Finding Grace #301

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Barn, Red, Christmas, Wreath, Farm, Rural, Landscape

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was fun and short! On Monday, we had friends from church over. We enjoyed some treats and had shared many laughs. We also shared some struggles and prayer requests, then offered support to each other. It was such a rich time!

I took a couple of days off from work to spend time with family. That meant I had to cram a whole lot of tasks into just a few days. At home, I kept things simple. At work, I got everything finished thanks to a friend/coworker taking one of my patients!

Sometimes cramming a lot into a little space of time is stressful.  I tried to keep things in perspective and invite Jesus into each situation. And, I took lots of deep breaths.

We enjoyed seeing extended family and celebrating some December birthdays! We pulled off a big surprise for my dad. It was so good to see them since we all live so far away!

This week, I sent out more books and enjoyed hearing from several people about what my words and story meant to them. If you ordered from one of the online retailers, I would appreciate it if you could leave a positive review. Thank you very much!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Christmas with The Chosen

This past Sunday afternoon, Lydia and I went to the local movie theater to see “Christmas with The Chosen.”  I told her we were voting with our dollars in support. But, I received so much more. It was so good, and I am still thinking about how much I loved it.

The first hour (of two) was primarily a mix of classic Christmas songs with a few new ones. There was a variety of contemporary singers from several backgrounds. I didn’t expect that much singing, but I enjoyed seeing people worshiping God on the big screen! That was a first!

Nativity Scene, Crib, Barn, Joseph, Maria, Silhouettes

Here are just a few of the highlights for me:

Phil Wickham was the opening singer. I love several of his songs and even had one of them as my morning alarm sound (before I put my old phone in the microwave!). On-screen, he somehow reminded me of my neighbor boys (in the future grown-up), both in appearance and style. When I think of him now, I will remember to pray God’s blessings in their young lives.

Brandon Lake’s song, “Gratitude,” is a new favorite. He sang about praising God when we have nothing else to give. Such a timely message. As he sang, I thought: “There are probably a number of people in my life who have never seen a man worship like that.” It was a powerful song, done in a way that is uncommon.

I loved seeing Matt Maher in the lineup. He is so funny and full of joy, yet his lyrics bring a certain gravity, unlike many other artists. For instance, the lyrics to his song, “Lord I Need You” are hanging up next to the mirror in my bathroom. After Dave died, I didn’t always have the words to convey what I felt, but that song was a reflection of my heart. I loved seeing Matt dance and have fun while singing and playing his guitar. To me, it was a portrayal of Jesus (both man and God) being full of life and love.

It was fun to see For King and Country, Jordan Feliz, the Bonner family, Maverick City Music, Caine, We Are Messengers, and more. In all, I loved seeing many different ages, cultures, and skin colors represented. Young and old, that’s how Heaven is going to be. The Kingdom of God is for everyone.

Christian, Picture, Historical, Bible, Christianity

There were four amazing monologues by actors in the show. I don’t know which I loved more. Each was so well done.

One of the monologues was about Israel’s history and the darkness, oppression, and isolation they felt under Roman rule. God had been silent for four hundred years, so there was little hope left. Then, Jesus came.

Another actor discussed Shalom, God’s peace, which is transcendent of our circumstances. It is a wholeness and a rightness, that only He can bring. Only Jesus makes the Shalom of God available.

The actual portrayal of Mary and Joseph in the nativity story is one I will be thinking about for some time. The show highlighted their love for each other but also was very real. (Example: Joseph had to clear animal poop out of the way so Mary could lie down.) It was scary and awkward at times for these mere humans, but they were willing to let God work His plan in them and through them.

Some of the movie was related to the birth of Christ, and other scenes were set in the future (after Jesus ascended back to Heaven). The cinematography and storyline were just right. It was fun to see some of the regular characters again and meet some new ones!

The show was overwhelming in the best way possible. I enjoyed showing Lydia a new way to experience God and worship Him! In all, I highly recommend “Christmas with The Chosen” in the theater if you can squeeze it in before Friday (December 10th). Otherwise, it will soon be available the free app!


God, thanks for a fresh Christmas perspective; it’s all about Jesus! May we honor all He is to us and for us. In His Name, Amen

Questions: Have you watched The Chosen? (There are two seasons so far, with more to come!) Have you been to the movies lately?

Task: If you haven’t already checked out The Chosen show, download the app today! (Android or iPhone) I hope seeing Jesus in a new way will bring you comfort and peace this season.

Finding Grace #300

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Red, Berries, Chokeberry, Fruit, Ripe, Berry, Food

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an exciting week! We brought up our Christmas tree on Sunday, but we haven’t decorated it yet. I’m not sure when we will decorate it, but for now, we are just enjoying the lights!

Work went well, though I came in early one day and left early another day. That’s because Lydia had an orthodontist appointment on Tuesday morning and got her second COVID vaccine on Thursday afternoon! All went well, and I am grateful!

On Tuesday, I sent off two copies of my book to the US Copyright Office (aka The Library of Congress!! Lydia and I celebrated with sushi, and it feels great to finally be done! I got the certificate in the mail today, so it’s official. 🙂

Yesterday, I met a friend for coffee after work. We live in the same neighborhood (different streets) and don’t see each other often. It was so fun to catch up, and I am glad we each made the effort.

Lydia and I ran a few errands after my coffee date. We went shopping and used up a couple of Lydia’s birthday gift cards. She put money toward new shoes, a Rubik’s cube, and a pop-it toy. I bought a couple of games, a magnet for the fridge, and some greenery for the house.

Today, I was on-call for a few hours for work. I had asked a family if Lydia could go to their house, but thankfully, I did not get called in for any consults. Instead, I did a little organizing and reading. Later, Lydia and I ran a few more quick errands and talked with my parents and sister on the phone!

Today, I sent books to New Mexico and Wisconsin. That makes 19 states where I have sent books personally! (This is in addition to books people have ordered from online retailers.) I also noticed my ebook is ready! It’s fun seeing it all up and running. Thanks for your support!

I hope you enjoyed my three-hundredth “Finding Grace” blog post! Where have you found God’s grace this week? Leave a comment below!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Come What May

The last couple of weeks have been busy with my book, Thanksgiving, and… signing up for health insurance benefits! The deadline to sign up again will soon be upon us, and each year, I weigh the pros and cons of various plans. Even though we are healthy, there are still preventative things we do. And, the costs keep going up!

It is difficult to know how to plan for what we don’t know we will need. There are so many decisions to make! These choices include health insurance, vision insurance, dental insurance, plus FSA and HSA options. Not to mention planning for vacations and appointments and other days off. 

I am grateful to have a job that provides all these benefits, but it can be a little overwhelming and time-consuming to figure it all out. Dave certainly enjoyed this much more than me!

Lantern, Sea, Sky, Beach, Water, Clouds, Tree, Shore

Thankfully, we can trust God! He knows all things, and yet He cares for us deeply as individuals. We can make our plans with Him in mind, and He will protect, and occasionally correct, us as He leads us along.

While we cannot control our future, what will happen to us, there are some factors we can control. We can control our attitudes and make good plans. We can predetermine that we will trust God and keep coming to Him in times of distress.

We can choose joy in the midst of trials. We can choose to cling to Jesus.

Come what may.

I don’t know all you are facing today, but God does, and He loves you so much. He never sleeps nor slumbers! He has you covered with His grace.

The holidays are tough for so many people as the season reminds us of the absence of loved ones, but it also reminds us of other struggles and how we try to fix the pain.

Lantern, Sea, Sky, Beach, Water, Rocks

Just this week, I have had several people contact me to request prayer. A son-in-law died suddenly, leaving a wife and four children. Upcoming surgeries for cancer. Struggles with addiction. Relationship difficulties.

If you are facing unimaginable loss and your first holidays alone, I understand. Or, perhaps you are barely making it financially. Or, maybe you are dealing with a chronic illness or other stressors. It’s gonna be okay.

Come what may, don’t give up. Bring all your emotions and pain to Jesus. He is the Light of the World and will make something bright and beautiful out of your situation.

God has been faithful in the past, and He is here with you now. You can trust Him with your future, and He will never let you down. Thank you, Lord!


Heavenly Father, thanks for being so faithful. We can trust You no matter what. Carry us through the uncertainty of this season, Lord. Be our strength and peace. Fill us with your grace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you ready for the holidays? How can I pray for you this season?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Come What May,” by We Are Messengers. Reflect on all the ways God has come through for you in the past, and then trust Him with your future!

Finding Grace #299

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly relaxing week! On Sunday night, we celebrated Lydia over family Zoom. She was surprised with a new scooter! Everyone pitched in, and she has been riding it in the garage now that it is chilly outside!

Monday through Wednesday was spent working, but I got a lot done in a short amount of time. The holiday mood makes the workday go by faster!

On Thursday, Lydia and I enjoyed a relaxing Thanksgiving. We enjoyed seeing the new movie Encanto! Then, we visited with some friends and made some yummy food.

Then, I was able to take Friday off. Woohoo, a four-day weekend! It’s been good to relax and catch up around the house without rushing. I always have a long to-do list, but many of the tasks are quite simple. I have been able to cross those off my list, so I am glad about that! I also worked on signing some books before sending them out!

Today, we worked on a few things around the house before our afternoon and evening plans. We caught up with a friend at a coffee shop earlier, and tonight, we are going to have dinner with other friends! These friends were a great help to me when Lydia was little, and they are in my book. So, I am happy they will be receiving a copy of it tonight!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which is one of my favorite holidays. Growing up, my family had some fun traditions. I always enjoyed taking a few moments to say what we are thankful for. We often went to the movies, and we almost always had an extra guest or two around the table.

We haven’t had a big family Thanksgiving for a few years because now we live in four different states in three time zones! So, generally, Thanksgiving and other holidays do look a little different for Lydia and me.

If you flip back to some of my 2015 and 2016 blog posts around the holidays, you would see more emotion and grief. I’m grateful to be a little further out from all that now. God has brought us through so much!

Sometimes we get invited to spend the holidays with other families, but this year, they all have different plans. We have invited friends over to our house in the past, but this year, we are on our own. And that’s okay! Traditions are good, but so is flexibility.

Lydia and I are planning to cook our favorite foods and maybe go to the movies. Or, maybe we will play games and stay in our pajamas instead. Either way, I know God’s grace surrounds us, and I am grateful for all He is and all He has done.

I’m also thankful for the gigantic Costco pumpkin pie a friend left on my doorstep! 😉

Cake, Pastry, Sweet, Sugar, Unhealthy, Food, Fat, Diet

This season, I am excited to have my book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, out in the world. This is the first holiday in about seven years that I don’t have to think about writing or editing in my free time! Woohoo!!

I am already amazed to see how God is using it, too. I’ve heard stories of people wanting nothing to do with God now open to reading my book. His love never fails!

I love that people are buying extras to give as gifts. I’m grateful people trust me to speak into the lives of those they love… even before they have read the book! 🙂

I understand the holidays can be sad for many people, as it is a time to miss loved ones. I have dealt with those same complex emotions. If that’s you, know God is holding you close.

Recently, I met with a few lonely Veterans. They were each coming for help nutritionally but had other issues on their minds. I was able to listen to their stories, acknowledging their grief and other dilemmas, and in the end, I encouraged them to try something new.

One lady decided she might volunteer at a nursing home this year, choosing to be the friend she wishes she had. Perhaps you can be brave and step out of your comfort zone, too. Put yourself out there. God loves you so much, and the best is yet to come!


God, You are so good and have good things in store for us. Help us be brave and embrace the difficult moments, knowing it can launch us to greater things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any special holiday plans? What are you thankful for?

Tasks: Be open-minded regarding your holiday plans. Look for all the ways God is at work around you. Perhaps, looking back, you will see this as a turning point in your life.