Finding Grace #318

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Bird, Western Meadowlark, Ornithology, Species, Fauna

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was another great week!

The weather was chilly and windy, but ended on a good, sunny note! Lydia made me laugh when she questioned if we should stay home because of the wind! We did receive a little snow, but nothing major… and now, most of it’s gone again!

I had a really great chat with one of my closest friends a couple of nights ago. She lives in a different time zone, so great to catch up over the phone! I am always amazed by God’s timing. We were dealing with similar issues, and we were able to encourage each other!

Today, I was on-call for work, though I did not get called in. It’s always good to be prepared either way! We had also some family visit this weekend, and they took Lydia to do some fun art activities while I waited for my on-call time to end.

Later, we went out to eat, watched a movie, and went shopping for a new bike for Lydia! Now, she has a 26-inch bike with a small-medium frame. She’s so excited and will be able to keep growing into it for a while. I was surprised we bypassed the 24-inch size, which was clearly too small for her. Thankfully, this one should last her a few years of potential growth!

Otherwise, it was a normal, busy week! It was good to find God’s grace along the way, and I am grateful for all the little ways He showed up. Bible study discussion with friends, chocolate ice cream at work, and creating a bulletin board at work highlighting peoples’ pets (a fun team building activity). 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

If You Could Not Fail

A question popped into my mind this week while I walked down a hill to my car after work: What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

While the weather was good and the street was dry, I was thinking about how that particular path gets icy and I usually walk like a penguin in an attempt not to fall. I’m happy to report I haven’t wiped out yet!

By the time I reached the bottom of the hill, which leads into the parking lot, I had to laugh. If I knew I would not fail, or, fall, maybe I would skateboard or roller skate down the hill. Or, ski or sled depending on the weather and season!

Skater, Graffiti, Lifestyle, Athletic, Man, Skateboard

I tend to be rather cautious by nature, which usually serves me well, but occasionally this causes me to make more safe choices rather than bold ones.

I’m not surprised Lydia is like me in that. I have just learned to take it in stride and deal with fear more effectively. Thank God!

She missed out on another opportunity this week because of fear. It was basically a repeat at the gas station, as before. She wanted a treat, and I agreed if she would go in and get it herself. I gave her a few dollars and a deadline. I was pumping gas, so she had a brief few moments to decide. Well, she didn’t budge…

But, after watching the TrueGirl Miriam Bible study about courage, I gave her another chance. This time, she did it with flying colors… and realized it was way easier than she thought.

Then, we thought of the situation from God’s perspective. I had provided the money and resources for Lydia to get what she wanted. I even positioned her for success and drove her up the door! But, she had to make up her mind and get out of the car.

For me, this all was just a good heart check. God provides for us and positions us for His plan. With His presence and power, we cannot truly fail long-term, though we may fall down occasionally. But, we still have to make up our minds and obey.

Ultimately, we have to step out in faith (or skateboard or ski), making it a regular habit. If we don’t, fear will become the default.

Thankfully, God never gives up on us. He is the God of second chances!


God, thanks for second chances and for setting us up for success. Thanks that we don’t have to give in to fear. Help us step out by faith, even when we may fail, knowing You will catch us and redirect us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Are you running on faith or fear?

Task: Stay close to the Lord so you can refill your faith and navigate fearful moments.

Finding Grace #317

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a great week! God answered some prayers, showed me His blessings and reminded me to rest. I also saw the first few robins of the season. Just what I needed!

On Sunday, Lydia started a program called BioGirls with two friends. This is a local program that focuses on friendship, self-esteem, and other life skills in the pre-teen years. This includes some exercises, devotional time, and other fun activities. It will be interesting to see her grow and learn!

After that, we went out to eat at a local Italian restaurant! It was on a whim, but we had a coupon and wanted to try something new. JoJo’s is just off the highway and has been open since September. We had some delicious focaccia bread with herbed ricotta cheese. Lydia ordered chicken fettuccine alfredo and I ordered a small pizza–we each had leftovers for about four meals! We will definitely go back!

Lydia and I each had a good chiropractor appointment. We are starting to space them out now, so we don’t go back for two weeks. The doctor was very pleased with how both of us are making progress. I am feeling really good and can’t believe I waited so long to go!

Work went well, and I had a few meetings but a lighter patient load! That helped me get and stay caught up, so hopefully next week I can work on a few small projects!

At the beginning of the week, I noticed all my snow had finally melted. Then, on Tuesday we got about three more inches! It was a surprise, but not a huge deal. We just took it in stride, and I am happy to report most of it is melted again. I wonder what the poor robins thought about the weather!

This week, Lydia and I spent some quality time together. We did Week 2 of the Miriam study at True Girl ministries. We did the BioGirls exercises together (to practice for her Sunday class), and we also went clothes shopping and bought two items for Lydia. We even wore matching earrings one day and didn’t notice until that evening! I love my girl!

Today, Lydia and I did our “Saturday tasks” and then I took a much-needed nap. When I woke up, Lydia mentioned that she started a load of laundry for me. That was super thoughtful of her, and I was very appreciative. It helped me have a little time to work on other things and eventually relax, too! Thank You, Jesus!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Extending Grace and Peace

Wow, I am grateful for God’s timing and provision this week! I met with some church friends Monday night to catch up and encourage each other.

We usually share what’s on our hearts and what’s going on in our lives. Sometimes, there are themes and patterns, or connections, and sometimes there are not.

Monday was one of the times when we could all relate to each other’s concerns. I am the host of the monthly conversation, but this week, they really encouraged me and made me laugh! I’m grateful for godly friends!

Sisters, Heart, Sunset, Sunrise, Silhouette, Gesture

One theme this week dealt with conflict and extending grace toward people in our lives. One friend reminded us that often there are other issues we don’t know about and people are reacting from a point of pain. It is not our area to judge or take offense, but rather forgive and offer peace.

Sometimes, that’s all we can do. We can apologize, but we don’t have to keep track of wrongs. Similarly, we are not responsible for fixing another person or changing their attitudes toward us or life in general. But, we do need to be obedient to the Lord and pray for that person. 

We don’t have to figure it all out, rather, we can let go and let God handle it in His way. Yes, we can set good boundaries and not get sucked into drama. Though, each of us probably has a different level of tolerance for conflict!

Life is so short. We can believe the best about others, instead of assuming the worst. Make every moment count and keep moving forward!

Ultimately, we have to decide how we interact with each other. How I see an issue may be the complete opposite of your viewpoint. And that’s okay. We can extend each other grace and peace either way… because God does the same for us!

Photomontage, Faces, Photo Album, World, Population

Another topic was dealing with perseverance or stick-with-it-ness. As seasons change, we may need to re-evaluate tasks and priorities. On the one hand, it is important to stay on task and not get distracted. But, it’s also good to be flexible.

Flexibility doesn’t mean wishy-washy. In this case, it means sticking to godly principles and obedience, but listening to God’s voice so you can change directions as needed. I’m grateful we have that freedom to prioritize God’s plan!

Life goes a lot smoother when God is in control of our decisions and behaviors. Let’s save space for Him to move in our lives. He always knows exactly what we need!


God, thanks for godly friends! Thank you that we can encourage each other and discuss more than just the weather. Thanks for taking us deeper with You, too, as we extend grace and peace to those around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you someone who extends grace and peace to others easily? Or is it more difficult to decide if they “deserve” it? Have you thought about your response in light of God’s grace toward you?

Tasks: Be grateful for both peace and conflict because they can both lead us back to Jesus. He is our grace and peace with God and others!

Finding Grace #316

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Trees, Grass, River, Lake, Sky, Clouds, Spring, Wild

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a busy week, but still good! I had some earlier mornings to run time-sensitive errands before work. We also had some later evenings with errands, activities, and even a couple of appointments. All of that translated to less sleep, too!

Lydia and I went back to the chiropractor on Monday evening. Every appointment has been a little better, so that is good. Occasionally, I am still feeling a little random pain, but it is much lighter and less often than I have grown used to! I am catching myself when I start to slouch or get out of alignment. Also, we are stretching out the time between appointments now so that is a great sign everything is going well!

Work went well, and I was quite busy with back-to-back appointments! Specifically, on Wednesday, I didn’t have time for a lunch break until 3:10 p.m. So, I just had a snack then and saved my lunch for dinner. That was somewhat helpful because we also had church in the evening, and I didn’t have to decide what to eat.

On Thursday evening, Lydia and I attended an online Bible study together about courage. The study is about Miriam (Moses’ sister) and is led by the ladies at True Girl ministries. We missed the study on Monday night, so this was the replay. My takeaway for the week: We are not courageous on our own, but it comes from God. Also, courage requires obedience. We have to obey the Lord and do what He asks us to do.

Then, on Friday, instead of my half-day, I ended up working a whole day! I agreed to stay later for an ‘active shooter’ police training. A little scary but important in my federal position. I learned a lot, and also realized how much I don’t know. Bottom line: Run, Hide, Fight is the best approach, and putting space and distance between yourself and the aggressor increases your chance of survival. Then, the training went longer than expected, and I was asked to help with some inpatient charting. It was a good, unexpected day!

The weather was warmer at the beginning of the week and melted most of the snow. I don’t have any more snow in my yard! Yesterday, it was chilly and windy and is the same today. No worries… we still have sure signs of spring!

Today, Lydia and I are doing our “Saturday tasks” as we usually do. This often includes reorganizing, cleaning, catching up, or getting ahead for the next week! Otherwise, we are enjoying the beautiful, sunny day! 🙂


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Finding Grace #315

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week! Lydia and I had fun with our family in the Phoenix area, and we enjoyed being in the warm desert. We saw cactuses, palm trees, and even a pretty type of bush called a great bougainvillea (pictured above). Arizona doesn’t participate in daylight savings time, so we had a jumpstart into the rest of the week!

Lydia and I went to the chiropractor on Monday. She was adjusted for the first time ever and said, “My back feels so fresh!” 🙂 I don’t think we are 100% just yet, but definitely feeling better day by day. Thank You, Jesus!

Work went well, and I had a lot of great patients. I also had someone confirm I am right where I need to be, which feels great! Also, someone in our department volunteered to make us omelets on Friday! So yummy!

I had a fun conversation with some church ladies on Wednesday, totally unexpected but so rewarding. I am grateful for the women God has placed in my life!

On Friday, I got my taxes done and had an interesting conversation with my accountant. She was rather talkative and shared with me more than usual. It made me really thankful for how God has taken care of us, for who Dave was, and how hard he worked.

Then, yesterday evening, Lydia and I went to Scheels as well as the mall to look around. It was so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather! Lydia promised me she didn’t need her coat! We made some purchases, but it was really just fun to spend time together!

Today, Lydia and I updated a couple of our electronic devices, read books, and caught up on chores. I usually have a lot going on at home on Saturday, but I tried to take a relaxed approach to my to-do list.


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Tension and Relief

It’s a little funny how pain and discomfort sometimes inspire someone to move when otherwise they would remain complacent.

Case in point: I recently established care with a local chiropractor. It’s not that I haven’t been to see someone before. I just haven’t gone regularly with a plan to improve some of my aches and pains. I tend to go once a year or so when I can’t stand the tension in my back any longer!

In part, I haven’t wanted to take time off work during the day. Plus, some practitioners require their patients to come more often than I wanted. (To make healthy habits stick, I’m all about convenience!)

Health is not something I take for granted, but often I defer self-care because of so many other things calling for my attention. I’m trying to be better about that!

Back, Pain, Shoulder, Injury, Sun, Burn, Posture

So, a few weeks ago, I received a flyer in the mail about a husband-and-wife team opening their practice a few minutes away. I had never seen a woman chiropractor before, and I was also intrigued because they are basically one street over from where we live (check). Still, I didn’t think I was in that. much. pain. 

Really, I have grown used to my neck hurting for about twenty years! In college, I carried so many heavy books back and forth to campus. Even back then, when Dave and I were dating, I couldn’t turn my head past a certain point to look at him when we were traveling in his truck. I was often stressed and felt too busy to get checked out.

And, if you have read my book, Fear, Faith, and Moving Forward, you will know that we were involved in a fender-bender (hit from behind) when Dave was sick. As a caregiver for him and Lydia, I didn’t take any time to get checked out after my skull had slammed my headrest. It took about two weeks to feel like me again (still tense, but less pain).

Thankfully, I have been working to regain my health and sense of wellbeing for the last few years. Yoga, stretching, massages, and stress management have helped over time, in addition to getting new bedding and pillows, and several other random gadgets all promising relief. But, those don’t help mechanical issues if your back is out of alignment!

Yoga, Beach, Health, Edgewoman, Pose, Landscape

So, I finally called to schedule an appointment. And, happily, they offered evening appointments on certain nights (check). I was eager to go and see what could be done.

Last Monday, I went to my appointment, and I was surprised at how understanding ‘my’ chiropractor is. She has young children, so she knows the stresses moms face. She listened to my story, concerns, and burdens as a single mom and homeowner. She knew what I meant when I mentioned pain from shoveling snow and carrying out household duties, for example.

She was easy to talk with (check) and explained her philosophy of not over-treating (check). She adjusted my hips, lower back, mid/upper back, and neck. All four areas were out of whack. Then, she gave me exercises to stay in alignment (very cool… check).

Immediately, I noticed improved mobility in my hips and less pain in my neck and shoulders. I was able to move in ways I had completely forgotten about, such as doing push-ups without feeling awkward! I also had only a minor headache for a few hours one day, instead of a string of them. I had no idea that was possible. Thank You, Jesus!

Yoga, Asana, Sports, Meditation, Exercise, Relaxation

I went back a week later, and two of the four places still needed help, but my hips and neck were more stable. There has been a little pain, but it is manageable. I think my body has been out of whack for so long, it is getting used to a new normal (the original intent!).

I have one more planned appointment, and then we will see how it goes. I am hopeful I can maintain this level and only go when I really need it. Though, I understand now that regular care is better than once-a-year care! Either way, I am glad to now have someone on board to call when I have a flare-up. 

Of course, chiropractic care cannot fix every source of pain. It takes time to see progress for chronic problems. But, I am grateful for one more tool to use. This whole experience has improved my quality of life! I am even sitting straighter and walking with more fluid motion!

Interestingly, God tends to teach us through physical pain and painful circumstances. I am (still) learning it’s okay to ask for help, and it’s okay to admit weakness. In those moments, God draws us close and gives us His strength. He is my healer, and I’m grateful I don’t have to fight my way through life. Instead, I can relax knowing He’s got my back and will help me through the tension!


God, thanks for the gift of health! You are my healer, Lord, and I appreciate the tools you provide. Help me take good care of myself so I can do all the things You have in store for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: How do you pursue health and wellness? Food and nutrition, yoga, meditation, chiropractic care, or something else?

Tasks: Pray about the next steps on your health journey. Health and wellness do not have to be gimmicky but should be practical and sustainable. Keep an open mind, but be sure to look for conflicts of interest, too.

Finding Grace #314

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Sunset, Spring, Melting, Ice, Nature, Landscape

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a good week! It went quickly because I took a couple of days off to spend time with family! It is always good to be together!

Work was busy but went well. I educated a couple of patients with really interesting and complex issues. I had to pull several different topics together in a creative way. I am so grateful to be able to help people the way I do! On Wednesday, we celebrated Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) Day together over lunch. I have a wonderful team!

My toe is feeling better! Finally! Perhaps not quite 100%, but still way better than it has been. Thank you for your prayers!

We attended Lydia’s school/teacher conference this week. She’s having a wonderful year, and it shows both academically and in friendships. I really appreciate how her teacher promotes a positive, supportive and cohesive environment. It makes all the difference in the class dynamics!

Tonight is when we spring forward for DST. Don’t forget to change your clock!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Hearing God’s Voice

Recently, Lydia asked me a really great question: “How do I know if it is my conscience speaking or God?”

Well, it’s not always an easy answer. Generally, most of us won’t hear an audible voice!

But, I told Lydia God can communicate with us in a variety of ways. He can use circumstances, subtle impressions, our pastors, podcasts, billboards, books, songs, strangers, friends, family, enemies … really, just about anything to get our attention.

In the Bible, God even used a talking donkey (Numbers 22)! It’s so funny how Balaam just answered his donkey… like it was a completely normal occurrence!

Radar, Radar Dish, Earth Station, Fuchsstadt, Reception

So, Lydia and I talked about the art of discernment, which basically means deciding between two or more good options (what is good versus what is best). It does take wisdom to see all the different angles. Often, NOT making a decision is the same as deciding against it.

There are several ways to discern between options, and it is important to seek God’s input. We can review what the Bible says on the topic at hand, and we can check our motives. God won’t ask us to go against His Word, and our conscience is from Him.

Of course, we should pray and seek wise counsel. The Holy Spirit is within us to teach us, lead us, and show us the Truth. We can also learn from people with experience beyond ours. These may include a godly family member, a pastor or counselor, or a trustworthy friend. Is there someone who has a history of making good, wise decisions that turn out well?

We can make a pros-and-cons list, too. Sometimes there are good reasons for and against a certain option. But, seeing the ideas on paper helps us decide what the most important factors are. Is there one that is time-sensitive or weighs more heavily than the others? 

Sound, Wave, Audio, Frequency, Spectrum

I love how we can look back to see the trail of God’s faithfulness over time. He may decide to do something completely new, but there may be a pattern we can learn from as we move forward. Trust God to equip you and put you in the right place at the right time!

Of note, it is easier to hear from God if we are in the habit of listening to Him. Let’s tune our spiritual eyes and ears to Him, so we can see Him at work around us and hear His song (Zephaniah 3:17).

God also speaks to those who make the effort to know Him and seek Him out. Then, we are more likely to honor Him as we listen and obey.

Ultimately, PEACE is the final indicator for whether or not to do something. If you don’t have peace, then that’s your answer… don’t do it. Sometimes, there is peace in the presence of fear (that’s courage). Do it afraid!

When the way seems impossible and we want to give up, we have to choose faith over fear. That’s why good decisions often take time. Rushing means our emotions may still be all over the place.

For me, the sense of desperation is usually a red flag. So, it is good to be calm and clear-headed before making a decision. Especially if there is a lot at stake! 

Finally, we have to accept responsibility for our decisions and live with the consequences. Sometimes, there is an obvious win-win and sometimes we just have to make the best decision we can. Consider disconnecting from all the ‘noise’ of music, television, and social media so you can hear God more clearly.

We may not have all the answers or know all the details, but we can always take the first step, trusting God will redirect us and make our path clear (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we’re open to what He wants in our lives, He will make sure we know what that is!


God, thanks for filling us with the mind of Christ! We don’t have to be confused or concerned. You will tell us what we need to know and when. Help us to listen, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What’s your experience in listening for God’s voice? Is it easy for you to understand what He is saying? How can you get better at this?

Tasks: Read Psalm 29:3-5 and Jeremiah 33:3. Next time you are faced with a big decision, try some of the ideas above to help you discern what to do! Remember to follow the way of peace!

Finding Grace #313

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Finland, Forest, Winter, Birch, Woods, Timber, Woodland

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a restful week for me, though I have been praying for and reading about the war in Ukraine. I am grateful for my calm, peaceful life, but also eager to see a breakthrough overseas. Our world is in a tight spot, but God is still good and in control.

This week, my patient load was lighter, to begin with, but also, several people canceled, no-showed, or were seen by others. It was nice for me because I was able to stay caught up with charting and work on a couple of other projects! March is National Nutrition Month, so to celebrate, we had a multicultural potluck and some treats, too!

I met with two different groups of ladies from church. It is good to hear what God is doing among these friends. On Wednesday night, we had a great book discussion about lost women of the Bible. We don’t know much about Noah’s wife, but the author was able to deduce several things from this obscure woman. It was so interesting to think about how isolated she must have felt after losing all of her extended family and friends due to the Flood. She would have had to decide whether to trust God while caring for her family, cleaning up after animals, and starting over. How tough that must have been!

I finally made an appointment to see a specialist about my toe! I thought it was getting better, but it flared up again. After waiting for a long time, the doctor didn’t know what was wrong. In the end, he did lance the infected spot (unrelated to my toenail) and gave me another antibiotic. I am supposed to let him know if it doesn’t look/feel better early next week. Then, if needed, he could remove my toenail! Prayers appreciated!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!