Finding Grace #361

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Snow Mountains photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This week was a mix of ups and downs but it ended well! Lydia is still learning to navigate her health issues and spent Sunday trying to rest after a flareup of symptoms. Thankfully, after a few days, she was back to her usual self. It is sometimes trial and error, of course, and she’s only eleven. So, I don’t expect her to get it right every day.

On Monday, we learned more about the world of musical instruments. You can read more about that on Wednesday’s blog post. God was so gracious to answer my prayer!

Work went well overall, and we had some big discussions, with a mix of passion and laughter. It is good to work with people who challenge me to be my best! I am grateful for the work I get to do!

This afternoon, we went to see the Season 3 finale of The Chosen (two episodes) in the theater! All I can say is WOW. There was a big twist in the last few minutes… I would never have thought it was possible to see it on screen. Mindblowing in the best way… Jesus is amazing!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

V is for Viola

After a couple of rough weeks (on and off), this week held a few grace-filled surprises! Last week, I was overwhelmed with decisions, partially because I had very little information. This week, I got a few more details.

Soon, I will have to make decisions for and with Lydia, who will attend middle school in August. There will be general registration, course schedules, and filtering through electives.

This week, we learned more about the music option. Previously, they have offered choir, band, orchestra, and general music, but I had heard they discontinued general music for the next school year.

I was hoping for an easy out (such as general music) because I don’t know how it all works. I was never in band or orchestra for a few reasons, including that I generally have no rhythm! So, on top of everything else, it wasn’t a decision I wanted to make.

Free Violin Viola photo and picture

Well, Monday was the day to try some instruments after school. On my way to pick up Lydia, I said a simple prayer. I asked God to direct our path and make our way clear. I decided to have an open mind, ask good questions, and support Lydia. I went in faith and with expectation!

When we walked into the middle school, we were surprised by how big it was! Lydia was both a little excited and nervous. Thankfully, we ran into a friend, and she pointed us in the right direction. First hurdle down!

Next, we navigated down a long hallway. The first sign we saw was for general music, followed by orchestra, and further down the hall, band. We walked into the first open door: Orchestra. Many people were sampling instruments, and at first, we didn’t know where to go. Then, an eighth grader ran over, introduced herself, and invited us to try her violin. She did a great job explaining all the nuances of her instrument.

Then, a little joking occurred between her and some friends. The friends said Lydia “had” to try the viola because it’s “better” than the violin. “The violin is popular and likes all the attention, but the viola is a team player. It works well with all the instruments!” These girls were very attentive, and one talked for about twenty minutes nonstop, answering all my questions. It was so helpful, and her passion was notable! I was blown away!

I had Lydia try the cello, but she wasn’t that interested in the bass. When I asked her what her favorite was, she said she liked the viola! We went to the band room, and immediately, Lydia said it was too loud for her. I made her walk around and check out the instruments anyway. At my prodding, she tried blowing into the mouthpiece of a flute. But, eventually, we went back to trial the violin and viola again. I wanted her to be sure.

Free String Family Violin photo and picture

We had the violinist play a short song, and I remembered how the beautiful soprano instrument can evoke both happiness and sadness for me. I felt a lump form in my throat and told myself not to cry. 🙂 Then, the three violists offered to play together. Their alto sound was surprisingly rich and soothing! It was a noticeable difference in my emotions, and Lydia said it was better for her tinnitus. Wow.

We thanked everyone and met the music teacher. She confirmed there is no general music option next year; thus Lydia has to choose an instrument or be in the choir. She also explained the basic rental process and gave me a heads-up about a few upcoming dates, so I know what to expect. She said they don’t grade based on how well a child plays, but rather on other in-class assignments. I was very pleased with the whole experience, which gave me peace of mind. Thank you, Lord!

At home, we found a video further explaining the differences between the violin and the viola. The more we learned, the more we thought the viola sounded like a good fit for Lydia. She doesn’t like the spotlight but is warm and supportive. She works well with others and is happy in the background, though she can lead as needed. The next day, I saw her watching more videos about the instrument!

Regardless of the instrument she chooses, Lydia must commit to practicing regularly, at least for sixth grade. Although we still have a little more time before deciding, I am glad God answered my prayers and gave me peace. I love seeing Lydia’s excitement for the next big step, and I know she will rise to the occasion. 


God, thanks for helping us this week. You are so gracious and kind. May our decisions bring you glory as we move forward with grace and joy! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Did you play an instrument in school? Did you keep playing it over the years, or do you wish you did?

Task: If you have any good advice when choosing an instrument, please let me know!

One Day At a Time

You may recall that last week, I was feeling depleted. Well, this week, I have had a sense of being overwhelmed combined with a touch of winter blah. You might know what I am talking about! 😉

Even though I am quick to ask the Lord for help, there’s simply a lot going on. Perhaps I got used to the slower (much appreciated) pace of winter, but usually, we have a few more weeks before it gets busier. A lot of the tasks happen to default to me.

There’s nothing unusual, really, but just a lot happening all around the same time. In the last two weeks, we’ve had various appointments, social events, and company. We have volunteered and completed house projects. Lydia has brought home paperwork for summer activities and for middle school sign-ups. And it’s not even spring!

So, this week, I have been praying about what I should do differently, if anything. Sometimes, it is good to ask if I am making myself run in circles or if it’s all necessary! My attitude has been fairly good, despite being stressed. I have been prioritizing sleep, exercising, drinking plenty of water, eating well, and saying ‘no’ when I can.

Check, check, check, check, check, check. 

Anyway, thus far, God hasn’t shown me anything specific, so I’ll keep moving forward while relying on Him. If He brings me to it, He will help me through it.

Yesterday, God came through for me in small ways. I still had to do everything, but He eased the pressure I was feeling. Someone took the time to ask how I was doing and listened when I explained how I was feeling. It helped to have validation and understanding.

Indeed, I felt myself perk up a bit late in the afternoon yesterday. Perhaps it was because I had a good lunch, or, maybe it was the coffee that my coworker made for me! 😉 I for sure felt better after having some fun conversations (via work meetings) with the ladies on my team! Without knowing I was struggling, they each cheered me up in their own ways!

On my way home, I praised God for the little songbirds in the beautiful trees at work. And, I praised Him for the snow flurries that make everything beautiful again… while not making the drive home too difficult.

As I kept turning my eyes to Jesus, I was reminded of when He said each day has enough trouble of its own. I also recalled that God’s mercies are also new every day… so I don’t need to worry about how it’s all going to work out.

Jesus doesn’t always take away our problems, but instead gives us His strength. Feelings can be unpredictable, but the Lord is always dependable, Our Rock. We can trust Him and let Him will lead us. As long as we seek Him first, one day at a time, our path is secure.


God, thanks for all the ways You love me. Thanks for being with me through the challenges of each day. Help me walk in faith and joy, knowing I have Your grace, strength, and help. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Are you relying on your feelings or God’s immovable character this week? Is there something He is prompting you to change?

Tasks: Read Matthew 6:25-34. What do you think this means? How can you apply these Truths to your life today?

Finding Grace #359

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Mountain Snow photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was an awesome week. It felt like God came through for us in big and small ways!

On both Sunday and Monday, we met with friends and did some art projects. On Monday, my dear friend helped me take down the Christmas tree. For the last few years, I could not get it all apart. My friend and I were finally able to pull it into its three pieces for storage. I was so thankful!

We were off due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, so we used the time to get Lydia’s glasses updated. She kept her frames but needed new lenses. I had shopped around, and found a good deal with same-day service. It felt good to save some money and cross it off my to-do list.

Because of the holiday, it was a short work week. It was made even shorter because Lydia had two appointments. On Tuesday, her orthodontics appointment went well, and we will wait on a second round of braces (to see if she needs them). On Thursday, we had some good news, too. With her permission to share, Lydia has been having frequent, yet unpredictable episodes of dizziness, lightheadedness, fatigue, and so on for many years. Apparently, she needs a lot more water and sodium than the average person. At least that’s what we are going to try for now, though it will likely be long-term. She is already feeling better with no symptoms for the last two days. I’m grateful for answers, and I’m praising God that this is a manageable medical condition!!

The weather gave us some sunny days and some overcast days, but minimal wind. Still below zero but enjoyable! 

Today, we did our usual Saturday tasks, and I listened to a webinar while cooking soup and baking sweet potatoes. I also cleared two shelves in the pantry and reorganized them before taking an official inventory. This helped me group like items together and even carried over to a couple of the kitchen cabinets, too. It feels really good to see everything I have all at once. Then, I don’t accidentally buy something when I already have it in storage!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Depleted and Dependent

Today, I am thinking about how God always comes through for me. I have been feeling a little stressed this week. We have a full schedule this week, and I have a lot of random things to remember for each activity or event. Also, I haven’t had much downtime to rest and recover from the “excitement.”

So yesterday, I had a slight headache and was a little grumpy. Not outwardly, but just inwardly, I was in a slump. Everything just seemed more difficult! I wanted to rest but had several responsibilities. These included work, an appointment for Lydia, errands, and snowblowing. They went well, but I was struggling!

I wasn’t sick, and I wasn’t sleepy (though I could have used a nap!). I think the best word to describe how I felt was ‘depleted’ or running on empty. I ate regular meals, but I didn’t have much appetite. I was cold all afternoon and had oatmeal with a half a banana, a little peanut butter, and cinnamon for dinner to warm me up! Mmmm…

Needless to say, I acknowledged my dependence on the Lord and asked Him to fill me up. I needed His grace and mercy to exhibit patience with my patients and to be emotionally available for Lydia. I had a few things to do around the house, too.

Ironically, snowblowing was the thing that got me out of my funk! I hadn’t planned on clearing snow but decided not to push myself physically (shoveling) when I was already weak and weary. It was a kindness to myself, and I had the time since I left work early to take Lydia to an appointment, which also ended early. Snowblowing reminded me that I am capable and God is a good provider. He gave me His strength!

I relaxed after that. I intentionally kept this blog post shorter and watched a fun show with Lydia. Afterward, I did some gentle stretching instead of a more intense workout. Then, I read Isaiah 40:28-31 and went to bed early!

Well, I’m glad these weird days don’t happen often. But, I can still be grateful for them because they show me my need for Jesus. When we’re feeling depleted, we can depend on our mighty, dependable God!

God, thanks for always being there for me. You are kind, gracious, and dependable! Give me your strength when I am weary. Help me trust in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: What do you do when you feel depleted? Do you turn to the Lord, or do you try to replete yourself solo?

Tasks: Read Isaiah 40:28-31. Bring all your concerns to the Lord, and let Him fill you up!

Finding Grace #358

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free Mount Cook New Zealand photo and picture

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fairly quiet week. That’s perfectly fine by me! I have been having more quiet time anyway as I focus on my Daniel fast. This is so I can tune myself to what the Lord is doing or would have me do. Fasting helps us clear out the ‘noise’ of the world!

Work went well, and it was busier at the end of the week. My coworkers and I worked together to resolve various issues. Nothing new to report there… we do that every week! 😉

This week, I connected with several friends… on the phone, via social media, and in-person. It was great! Last night, I hung out with a dear friend for about two hours. We had fun catching up and discussing kids, church, work, and other pertinent topics. I always enjoy spending time with her!

The weather was warmer for the most part, still below zero but pretty awesome for January! It made running a few errands easier, so I am grateful. We had some fog at times, but also some bright, sunny blue skies. My favorite!

Today, we did our Saturday chores, and then Lydia and I each made a batch of blueberry muffins. She made hers using all the normal ingredients, and I made mine fast-friendly. Lydia tried both and thought they were good!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

On Fog and Fasting

The last few mornings or so have been foggy. Sometimes it clears off to reveal a beautiful sunny day, and at other times, it remains as-is. I don’t mind, especially since that means the temperature is rising!

We had a two-hour late start on Monday since our school district includes many rural families. We enjoyed a little more time together, unexpectedly! I even had time to bake some delicious sweet potatoes, which made me revamp my lunch that day. 🙂

After work yesterday, I could barely see a giant airplane flying in through the clouds. It looked like it came out of nowhere! When I finally saw it, it was about fifty feet in the air, preparing to land. Surreal!

Free Mountain Forest photo and picture

In other news, many of the people at our church are doing a new year’s fast. I decided to join everyone, though I am unsure what kind everyone else is doing. I am doing a twenty-one-day Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast. Think vegan combined with a few more restrictions, such as no sugar and caffeine. (Daniel 10 and Daniel 21)

I have followed the Daniel Fast various times over the years. When Dave was sick, I would fast during his chemo treatments (three days). It worked well to calm my nerves and coincided when he wasn’t eating much. My hunger reminded me to run to Jesus and invite him into our chaos. It was a great help back then when I was running in so many directions, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to do much else.

Over the last couple of years, I held off from fasts because I didn’t feel ready to put in the effort. Not that I discount the importance, my heart just wasn’t where it needed to be. 

This time, the Daniel Fast feels different, joyful even. Perhaps that’s because I signed up for daily encouragement from Susan Gregory, who has authored several books on the subject. I appreciate her level of detail and the way she honors God. It also helps to know other people are fasting with me!

Free Fog Sunset photo and picture

Here are a few key points: First, Jesus talked about fasting as a normal part of a godly life. He did not say “if” but “when you fast.” (If you read the verse, know I am sharing this as an exhortation, not to get attention!) Second, fasting is not to gain God’s approval. He already loves you and wants what’s best for you! Sometimes, though, we get in our own way.

Third, fasting is not about the body or our food… what you eat or don’t eat, or how you look. We already pay enough attention to that! As Lisa Bevere says, “A diet changes the way you look. A fast changes the way you see.” You temporarily lay aside your desires and routine for a higher purpose. Thus, fasting is about saying ‘no’ to the ‘flesh’ and saying ‘yes’ to God. That looks different for each of us, of course. For me, it’s about tuning my spiritual ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

As Lydia grows, I want to make sure I am raising her how God wants. If I need to change something, I want to hear and follow through! I don’t want to drag my feet or miss something altogether. That’s just one example, but I am praying about God’s wisdom in several areas. I am excited to see what He does!

It’s ironic that our foggy weather coincides with our church’s fasting period. Fog is difficult to see through, but fasting opens our spiritual eyes. In both cases, we must slow down, pay attention, and rely on God to guide us. Thank You, Lord, for being our Light!


God, thanks for the opportunity to draw near to You. Open my eyes and ears; help me perceive what You are doing and join you there. Bless me, in Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you ever done a fast? (Again, this differs from fasting or dieting for weight loss or making yourself look or feel better.) What did you learn about God and yourself?

Task: If you are in need of answers or a breakthrough, consider a spiritual fast. There are many types. Remember, God doesn’t require perfection. He offers us His abundant grace!

Finding Grace #357

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a fun, full week! We rang in the new year with friends and had off Monday

Work was a little slower but good. We celebrated a coworker’s birthday, which is always fun. I had a few people not come, but I did still have some good conversations with Veterans. I love seeing them learn how to take better care of themselves with their food choices!

I took a couple of cool tree pictures at home and work. The snow and frost on the trees were so pretty! I park in a local church lot and then walk across the street (and through the healing gardens Spring through Fall). It is one of the best parts of my day, enjoying the beauty around me.

This week, Lydia and I started a 1,000 piece Peanuts puzzle I bought her for Christmas. I don’t know how long it will take, but we will be working on it here and there. I don’t recall if we have done as big of a puzzle or not. We set it up on an extra table in the living room, so hopefully, it is done soon! It was really fun to hear Lydia chat away – she talked my ear off for about an hour about all sorts of things! She really opened up when her hands and mind were busy!

Lydia and I went out to eat for dinner last night to celebrate my 15th wedding anniversary. Dave and I would have done something similar, so she was happy to be my date. We had some good food and good conversation. It was fun to tell her more about Dave and hear what was on her mind.

Today, we have been busy with lots of little chores. I have been cooking some meals for the next week and doing our Saturday things. It’s all fun when I have time to do these tasks in an unhurried manner! It’s also been good to reflect on my time with Dave. Thanks for all your love, prayers, and encouragement!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!

Easing Into the New Year

Ahh! Don’t you love the beginning of a new year?! 

We often see the ‘new year, new you’ types of posts, but this year, I have been pleasantly surprised to read more posts about starting small and just showing up. Small changes add up over time! It’s refreshing in a way because most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick.

Perhaps our goals aren’t well thought out, or we try to change too much. Setting small goals and re-evaluating them each week can be helpful to make sure you stay on track. You may have heard of ‘SMART goals’ which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

SMART goals are a practical way to keep moving forward. Here’s an example: At least four days this week, I will add 1 cup of vegetables to my lunch. Then, you can look back and know for sure if you have been successful. It’s low pressure, but you can adjust the goals as needed and have built-in accountability.

An excellent way to ease into the new year! Who knows… maybe you will be surprised!

Free photos of Winter

It’s only a few days into January, and Lydia and I have already had several weighty conversations! It’s normal to become more self-conscious in the pre-teen years, and Lydia has been asking great questions. It’s not easy, and I appreciate your prayers!

This week, we discussed the difference between being passive and proactive in what we watch, say, think, do, and feel. Being passive means we just let things happen, and being proactive means we look ahead and plan when possible; we direct our responses and position ourselves for success.

For example, it’s not our fault if someone swears in a movie we are watching, but we are responsible for whether or not we keep watching. And, we are accountable if we choose to use the bad language. 😉

Also, feeling upset sometimes is normal, but choosing to stay upset is our choice. If we react in anger or spread gossip, then we have to face the consequences of our actions.

Negative thoughts come and go, just like positive ones. We should acknowledge our emotions, but they don’t run the show! And if we don’t get ahold of them, they can become a stronghold. We need to uproot lies, fear, anger, and resentment!

Lydia and I have discussed how we can reject unhelpful thoughts or emotions by applying God’s Word and Truth. Lydia has been looking up Bible verses in context and summarizing them. Then, we discuss them and think of ways to apply them to her life and mine! Slowly, I see her becoming more confident and comfortable with her identity in Christ!

Free photos of Mountains

Like Lydia, it’s good to keep learning new things and changing. That’s called growth! 

Although, I’m grateful God doesn’t usually ask us to change everything all at once. The Holy Spirit does prompt us to change so we can be more like Jesus, but He is a gentleman. In my experience, however, He is persistent!

God might keep bringing up a topic on the radio, online, or in conversations with others. Or, He might prick your heart at inconvenient or uncomfortable times. It’s good to check in with Him daily and make sure we are listening.

This year, I don’t have any big goals or resolutions. I just want to be godly! I am making it a priority to tune my ears to the Holy Spirit. I want to make sure I am staying close to the Lord, as He helps me lead and guide Lydia through these next stages. There is a lot at stake, and we are relying on Him!


God, thanks that we don’t have to prove ourselves or earn Your love. You accept us just as we are, yet love us to much to let us stay that way. Change us little by little, and help us stay close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any goals to start off this new year? How can you stay close to Jesus this week… and year?

Tasks: Remember to keep close to God, so He can direct your path! Write down one SMART goal for the week. Be ready to pivot, as needed. Don’t overthink it, and feel free to change it next week! 🙂

Finding Grace #356

You may have seen the acronym GRACE as God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Grace is also God’s unmerited favor, or God doing for us what we cannot.

I find grace overflowing with God’s love, joy, peace, blessings, mercy, power, provision, protection, and wisdom. Thank You, Jesus!

Free photos of Winter

Where did I find God’s love and favor—His abundant grace—this week?!

This was a unique, celebratory week! We enjoyed having my sister’s family here, Zooming with the rest of the family on Christmas on Sunday. That was really special. 

I worked on Christmas and was off Monday (the federal holiday observed). Then, I worked half days Tuesday through Friday, partly because our family was here and partly because school was out. It was a slower week, with a few cancellations and no-shows. It was nice because I kept up with my paperwork and cleaned my desk!

Lydia had a bad cough and fever on and off, but she is mostly better now.  Even so, it was good to take it easy in this weird week between holidays. It’s actually my favorite week of the year because it’s relatively low-key with minimal obligations and expectations. I can do what I want, for the most part! 🙂

Today, we have just been relaxing and getting ready for the new year ahead. Tonight, we will celebrate with friends who live around the corner from us. We had fun last year with them, and I am sure it will be a fun evening again! I pray this next year is full of God’s wonder and grace… may we know Him more fully each day!


These are only a few examples, but God’s grace never runs out!

There’s grace in every situation—we just need to look for it. God promises if we seek Him, we will find Him (see Jeremiah 29:13)!