Mood Meter

Hello! How are you feeling today? Today, I want to tell you about a tool called an emotion wheel that can help you understand how you feel so you can decide what to do about it!

I first encountered it while writing my book, though it has existed for many years. It helped me describe my feelings about Dave’s sickness and death, not to mention my struggle with fear, faith, and moving forward.

The act of writing was rewarding but challenging, so I appreciated being able to point to an adjective and analyze my feelings, process my grief, and stick with my project. In short, this tool takes abstract concepts and makes them more concrete.

I recently came across the emotion wheel again, and it felt like God’s perfect timing, as next Monday is the tenth anniversary of Dave’s death.

Most emotion wheels will highlight the basic feelings of happiness/joy, sadness/grief, fear, anger, disgust, and surprise. As Lysa TerKeurst says, “Emotions are indicators, not dictators.” So, we can use them for insight, but they don’t run the show and should not predict how we act.

We must identify emotions to validate and resolve them before they spill over on others. Unchecked emotions can lead to assumptions and wreak havoc. If not now, later. Unresolved anger can lead to passive aggressiveness, jealousy, and revenge. Fear can yield playing it safe and missed opportunities. Grief, without an outlet, can stop someone from living fully.

There are several ways to use the emotion wheel. You can start in the middle and work your way out, or vice versa. Find words that resonate with you and see how they are related. Then, you can come up with the next steps to address them.

Not surprisingly, it is common to feel several emotions at any moment. We may be confused or conflicted, like we are literally all over the place internally. Many of us feel physical sensations, like headaches, gut issues, pain, etc. We also tend to misunderstand others’ emotions, taking things personally when we shouldn’t.

Here are a couple of examples that have stood out to me when I’ve used the wheel:

“Oh, I am feeling isolated, which is similar to being lonely and related to sadness. Hmmm… could it be another layer of grief?” I could take a walk, but maybe I need to call someone for support.


“I am feeling overwhelmed, which is next to anxiety, which is rooted in fear. Why am I feeling afraid?” I should read some Bible verses about fear and turn my worries over to God.

Another example is this: I had a fun day recently, laughing and receiving good news. As you can imagine, I was mostly feeling happy emotions. In some ways, reading the adjectives later helped me relish the joy all the more.

Interestingly, I rarely feel angry – I deal more with fear… while Lydia more easily identifies with anger – yet it comes and goes quickly! We both relate to happiness and sadness, but less often, disgust. It has been fun to see and hear her perspective, and I hope it is a way for us to continue communicating as she moves into middle school.

Another tool is a chart I found on Etsy. It came as a download or in the form of a pillowcase! It ranks feelings according to a spectrum of energy and positivity. Anger is an adverse reaction, and it uses a lot of emotional energy. The sad emotions are typically less positive and drain energy. Joy is positive and high energy, while calmness is positive and low energy.

This was insightful because I tend to feel lower energy levels, but now I wonder if it’s just my personality. As an introvert, I get excited sometimes, but overall, I enjoy calmness and a slower pace. In fact, this is a great strength, but the world moves more quickly. Thankfully, I am learning to interpret what’s going on a little better so I can plan ahead. If I have a big event ahead, I can pare down my schedule to conserve energy and implement some strategies for coping and recovery.

Of course, there is no right way or wrong way to feel. These are simply tools. Nonetheless, you can combine them with Scripture to tap into all God has for you!

While Satan wants us to stay stuck in our emotions, distracted and offended, Jesus wants us to live fully! (See John 10:10.) Instead of being ruled by our feelings, let’s use them to turn to God! Instead of running away from our emotions, let’s use them to run to God.

God, thanks for giving us emotions to help us feel and understand Your goodness. Help us to honor You and manage them well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
Questions: Do you notice how your emotions change throughout the day? How does that affect your energy? What is your natural response to your feelings?
Tasks: For a fun challenge, use an emotion wheel to track how you feel during the day. Note any themes, pray about resolving any negativity, and keep moving forward!

Easing Into the New Year

Ahh! Don’t you love the beginning of a new year?! 

We often see the ‘new year, new you’ types of posts, but this year, I have been pleasantly surprised to read more posts about starting small and just showing up. Small changes add up over time! It’s refreshing in a way because most New Year’s resolutions don’t stick.

Perhaps our goals aren’t well thought out, or we try to change too much. Setting small goals and re-evaluating them each week can be helpful to make sure you stay on track. You may have heard of ‘SMART goals’ which are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

SMART goals are a practical way to keep moving forward. Here’s an example: At least four days this week, I will add 1 cup of vegetables to my lunch. Then, you can look back and know for sure if you have been successful. It’s low pressure, but you can adjust the goals as needed and have built-in accountability.

An excellent way to ease into the new year! Who knows… maybe you will be surprised!

Free photos of Winter

It’s only a few days into January, and Lydia and I have already had several weighty conversations! It’s normal to become more self-conscious in the pre-teen years, and Lydia has been asking great questions. It’s not easy, and I appreciate your prayers!

This week, we discussed the difference between being passive and proactive in what we watch, say, think, do, and feel. Being passive means we just let things happen, and being proactive means we look ahead and plan when possible; we direct our responses and position ourselves for success.

For example, it’s not our fault if someone swears in a movie we are watching, but we are responsible for whether or not we keep watching. And, we are accountable if we choose to use the bad language. 😉

Also, feeling upset sometimes is normal, but choosing to stay upset is our choice. If we react in anger or spread gossip, then we have to face the consequences of our actions.

Negative thoughts come and go, just like positive ones. We should acknowledge our emotions, but they don’t run the show! And if we don’t get ahold of them, they can become a stronghold. We need to uproot lies, fear, anger, and resentment!

Lydia and I have discussed how we can reject unhelpful thoughts or emotions by applying God’s Word and Truth. Lydia has been looking up Bible verses in context and summarizing them. Then, we discuss them and think of ways to apply them to her life and mine! Slowly, I see her becoming more confident and comfortable with her identity in Christ!

Free photos of Mountains

Like Lydia, it’s good to keep learning new things and changing. That’s called growth! 

Although, I’m grateful God doesn’t usually ask us to change everything all at once. The Holy Spirit does prompt us to change so we can be more like Jesus, but He is a gentleman. In my experience, however, He is persistent!

God might keep bringing up a topic on the radio, online, or in conversations with others. Or, He might prick your heart at inconvenient or uncomfortable times. It’s good to check in with Him daily and make sure we are listening.

This year, I don’t have any big goals or resolutions. I just want to be godly! I am making it a priority to tune my ears to the Holy Spirit. I want to make sure I am staying close to the Lord, as He helps me lead and guide Lydia through these next stages. There is a lot at stake, and we are relying on Him!


God, thanks that we don’t have to prove ourselves or earn Your love. You accept us just as we are, yet love us to much to let us stay that way. Change us little by little, and help us stay close to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Do you have any goals to start off this new year? How can you stay close to Jesus this week… and year?

Tasks: Remember to keep close to God, so He can direct your path! Write down one SMART goal for the week. Be ready to pivot, as needed. Don’t overthink it, and feel free to change it next week! 🙂

Weary Traveler

Ah, the last few weeks have been a little trying for me! Yes, I have been repeatedly taking my worries to the Lord, focusing on rest and sleep, and other self-care tasks. Listening to uplifting music and exercising also have helped when I can squeeze them in.

In all, I am grateful God is doing the heavy work. But sometimes, I still have to do the difficult thing and show up and work hard. That’s just life!

Personally, I have been stretched in a variety of ways. As such, I have been more sensitive to people’s thoughtless comments… things better left unsaid. Instead of just letting things roll off my back, I have had to work at not taking them to heart.

I have also been keeping friends and family in prayer when they share their concerns. All normal things, really, but sometimes the ups and downs of life just add up.

The good news is that I have heard some recent (positive) updates in all these areas. That relieves a little of the pressure when we see God at work. I am glad He is so good at being God!

Rockclimbing, Success, Mountain, Mountains, Climber

Earlier this week, a dear friend and I were catching up. We were comparing similar stories and I had a really good laugh when she told me “love is not irritable.” Don’t you love when ‘iron sharpens iron?!’

She was speaking about 1 Corinthians 13:5, which also mentions love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. It was just what I needed to stop being annoyed! 😉

When times get tough, it can be easy to wish things were different or to think the grass is greener somewhere else. If we aren’t careful, we miss all the good things around us…. and there is soooo much good!

In hindsight, we see our out-of-control emotions were part of the problem. Most of the time, just need to hang on, adjust our expectations, and let God do His thing.

Though, I did recently remind Him I can only be one place at one time… so He ‘needed’ to take care of all the other pressing details. Ahem. 😉 But, instead of clearing my schedule for me, He rearranged it and helped me get everything done! I was hoping for an easy out, but He gave me the grace and strength to persevere.

Then, a little while later, I came across Psalm 61 and also the songs, “Fires” and “Weary Traveler,” both by Jordan St. Cyr. These reminded me that we all face trials and we all have a choice in how we handle them. Challenges are part of the refining process, but they don’t last forever. So, don’t give up!

Yes, we can do difficult things with God’s help! He empowers us and helps us do the impossible. He leads us and shows us what to do. He ordains our steps and has perfect timing. He bears the brunt of the burden. He stands with us in the fires of Life and carries us when we are weak and tired.

I’m grateful God’s grace is not a matching program. His goodness and grace are more than enough to meet our needs! And, He helps us extend that grace to others, too.

I’m glad God is God and I am not! He does not change like shifting shadows. He is our constant Rock, a refuge in time of need. He is trustworthy and sure. Thank You, Jesus!


God, thanks for Your kindness and patience!! Thanks for not giving up on me. Help me extend others the grace You have given me. Help me be loving, not irritable!! In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you been calm and peaceful lately, or more easily irritated? How can you let LOVE shine through?

Tasks: Listen to the song, “Fires,” by Jordan St. Cyr and also his song, “Weary Traveler.” So good!!

Emotions Gone Wild!

I don’t get mad often. But, alas, I am human!

Yesterday, my day went pretty smoothly until late afternoon when someone said something kind of rude to me after I made a simple mistake. Had I known it was a mistake, I wouldn’t have done it… obviously!

I tried to shake it off, but it took me a while to get over it since I was trying to do the right thing. I was a little offended! E.V.E.N.T.U.A.L.L.Y., I decided it wasn’t that big of a deal and the apparent problem I created will be resolved fairly easily. The person was just responding out of their own frustration with the problem I inadvertently created.

I apologized and will do what I can to make it right as soon as I can.

It was humbling when I was considered that both my mistake and the anger directed at me for it were included in the SINS piled on Jesus at the Cross. We tend to blame others when situations are out of our control, but Jesus took it all upon Himself.

Frustrated, Annoyed, Person, Woman, People, Angry

Nonetheless, that incident left me a little short-tempered when writing my Wednesday blog post! Okay, so now you know this is real life!

My blog hosting site was having trouble loading my usual dashboard where I create my weekly content. I have had a couple of random issues before, though thankfully, they have been few and far between.

I tried working on my phone and another laptop, but they were slow, too. Frustrated, I finally called customer support and forty-five minutes later, the problem was resolved. Basically, some sort of updates needed to happen behind the scenes.

It’s still not great, but I hope it works well enough until I can spend more time on it!!

Eye Roll, Annoyed Person, Frustrated, Annoyed, Unhappy

In other news, I finished up the book of Job this week! My favorite part of the book is when God speaks in Chapters 38-42, and when Job apologizes for how he assumed God wasn’t there for him or listening to him. Basically, he questioned God’s character and ability because He did not act how Job thought He should.

Can you relate to these moments when God puts you in your place? I can and wrote about my experiences with dramatic emotions in my book. But, occasionally these misguided emotions still occur!

Job’s mea culpa took the humble approach in Job 40:3-5,

“Then Job replied to the Lord,

4 “I am nothing—how could I ever find the answers?
I will cover my mouth with my hand.
5 I have said too much already.
I have nothing more to say.”

And also in Job 42:1-6,

“Then Job replied to the Lord:

2 “I know that you can do anything,
and no one can stop you.
3 You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’
It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about,
things far too wonderful for me.
4 You said, ‘Listen and I will speak!
I have some questions for you,
and you must answer them.’
5 I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
6 I take back everything I said,
and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.”

Young, Woman, Adult, Desktop, Isolated, Pointing, Down

Interestingly, God never answered all of Job’s questions. In His grace and mercy, He didn’t punish Job but turned the questions back to him so Job could see it was a “Job problem” not a “God problem.”

Any error is on my end, not God’s. He doesn’t owe me an explanation.

Well, after these instances, I calmed down and checked my heart. It is ironic how God uses the most simple things sometimes to show me I still have things to work on. I thanked God for not giving up on me. I am grateful He is God and I am not!

Anger, grief, and other heavy emotions can make us second-guess God’s presence and love, and later, His purpose and plan for us. So it is important to stay on top of them and deal with them early on.


God, thanks for forgiving me when I have a bad attitude! Help me see things from Your perspective. Help me extend grace and forgiveness to others, as You have been so generous to do the same for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Questions: Have you dealt with emotions gone wild lately? What are you going to do about them now?

Tasks: Take a few minutes and check your heart. Confess any offenses so they can be dealt with right away!